Deadmau5   4x4=12
Release Date: 2010

 Full ReviewRatings (598) Give your Rating

4.0 excellentqwe3 | December 1st 10

guys lets just be realistic for a second here: deadmau5 fucking rules

5 Bumps | Bump

2.5 averagejday | March 8th 12

Raise your weapon is a perfect 5, but sadly not the rest of the album.

1 Bumps | Bump

2.5 averagePbag | December 12th 10

It's unoriginal. I hear songs that he's produced before, just this time its in a different
key/sound (like playing the same thing bass vs guitar). He needs to stay away from
dubstep forever

1 Bumps | Bump

1.0 awfulTheStefan | December 4th 10

I hate my friend for basically forcing me to listen to this. Garbage

1 Bumps | Bump

2.9 goodErwann S. STAFF | July 14th 21

The mouse goes mainstream EDM, and it kinda rules but not that much. The "experimentations" with dubstep work quite well - as in, it's not grating - and the slow-burning prog house bits are all well constructed, but they all work within the "hyper" spectrum, leaving virtually no place for the more minimal aspect of his music.


1.5 very poorTheDeysion | February 11th 14

I'm pretty sure deadmau5 himself doesn't like this album anymore, and it's pretty evident why he wouldn't. On this album deadmau5 pretty much made music to make money rather than for any artistic purpose, and boy does it show. This album is rife with poorly implemented dubstep and lazy writing. The only song here that seems like care was put into it is "Right This Second", which is the only song here I'd say has any real sense of progression. Outside of that this album is pretty uninspired.


3.5 greatRangDang | May 5th 13

Now that I think about it, this album wasn't that bad, in fact it was quite good and catchy. Apart from song songs dragging on for too long (with nothing to revive it with), this is a snazzy album from the man. Can't say this is his best though, but it's definitely good


3.5 greatjkk45 | April 8th 13

Much better than "For The Lack Of A Better name. The tracks feel a lot more interesting, more tight and better produced. Although I would have preferred it if he went back to his original progressive house based soundrHighlights:rSofi Needs A Ladder, Animal Rights, Raise Your Weapon, Cthulu Sleeps


0.0 chris0987 | April 12th 12

this album gives me goosebumps. some chords is actually amazing. i removed one trick pony from my itunes, that would warrant a 5 star rating, but it still doesn't change the fact that it's on the album for some reason.


0.0 Julianna Reed EMERITUS | January 15th 12

On the surface, Deadmau5's latest release and its appeal both seem to make about as much sense as the equation in the title; the cuts released, while catchy, don't seem to be anything revolutionary. However, through the night-time the true nature of this album is revealed, an exceptionally fun and imaginative balance between keeping the dancefloor's antics deceptively simple and throwing some refreshing complexities into the mix.


0.0 iamDIBBS | August 13th 11

fantastic dance album, plus im impressed with deadmau5 trying something different


3.5 greatTanMan | March 28th 11


3.0 goodTheAlmightyBungler | March 10th 11

this album makes me feel like i could DJ for money.


4.0 excellentAids | March 10th 11

This is my first experience listening to house music not in a live setting. I saw Deadmau5 live and had a great time but the whole time I was thinking "I bet this shit sucks on the studio album." Yah well I was wrong, this album owns.


4.0 excellentOutOfMyself | November 29th 10

4x4=12 is a highly enjoyable follow up to "For Lack of a Better Name", as it shows off each and every aspect of deadmau5's talents, which even includes a successful venture into the land of dubstep.


2.5 averagelayersmeng | November 10th 10

I didn't think he could do it, but Deadmau5 topped himself again. He already killed House music with For Lack of A Better Name, and now he's killed dubstep. Soon, the entire world of electronic music will lay in his wake.


3.5 greatDylan | July 25th 24
4.0 excellentJdub435 | June 6th 24
3.5 greatariich | April 19th 24
3.5 greatPizzaBear | April 6th 24
2.5 averagevult | January 21st 23
3.5 greatxHaunted | December 1st 22
3.0 goodOobaloo | May 3rd 22
3.0 goodNaomi Lores | February 27th 22
3.5 greatWorst music taste on SputnikPeople could be easily fooled into thinking you are a troll but the grim | January 31st 22
3.0 goodiGuter | January 3rd 22
4.5 superbWinyleOnline | October 4th 21
4.0 excellentMarshall Clifton | September 29th 21
3.5 greatOriginsOfSymmetry | August 21st 21
2.5 averagea plain figure with eight straight sides and eight angles. CONTRIBUTOR | June 22nd 21
3.0 goodBrock619 | June 14th 21
3.0 goodChrimzonCanine | April 1st 21
3.5 greatTimmyWeed | March 15th 21
3.5 greatJunkKoala | January 20th 21
4.5 superbjoeyb1107 | December 20th 20
3.5 greatgrizzlybongo | December 2nd 20
3.0 goodAuroraBeam | November 22nd 20
4.0 excellentDecadentGuy | October 19th 20
3.0 goodoltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick | September 28th 20
2.5 averagepure22 | August 25th 20
4.0 excellentTooey | June 11th 20
3.5 greatSuperMatt | May 20th 20
3.0 goodgreenbeans | April 15th 20
1.5 very poorDead Bitch Alexis | March 22nd 20
3.5 greatSTEA | February 22nd 20
2.5 averageVertecks | February 18th 20
2.5 averagefight the misfortune | January 13th 20
3.5 greatPatricklauer12 | January 5th 20
2.5 averagedonjon122412 | December 2nd 19
4.0 excellenthexler333 | November 27th 19
2.5 averageUnitron | September 3rd 19
3.5 greatFlomink | August 3rd 19
3.0 goodchuckwaggondandy | July 18th 19
2.5 averageloves uplifting twinkly bs | July 9th 19
2.5 averagePunchforPunch | June 28th 19
2.5 averageLegendaryOrangeBear | May 17th 19
3.0 goodSupercoolguy64 | May 17th 19
2.5 averagejkoh | May 3rd 19
2.5 averagenbats | April 15th 19
3.5 greatUzumaki | April 15th 19
3.5 greataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | April 4th 19
2.5 averageSlothy Seconds | March 15th 19
3.0 goodGoldenGuy444 | February 3rd 19
3.5 greatRoidv | January 2nd 19
3.5 great0w0 | October 19th 18
3.0 goodtmthycnnlly | September 24th 18
3.0 gooddukeofbedford | July 25th 18
3.0 goodR4zor3dge | July 13th 18
3.5 greatCoffeeByNight | June 30th 18
2.5 averageTrifolium | June 19th 18
3.0 goodKantala | April 3rd 18
4.0 excellentSarah | March 29th 18
3.5 greatNat S. | February 25th 18
4.0 excellentWhyks2 | January 18th 18
3.0 goodWolfe | December 27th 17
4.0 excellentJokurr | November 3rd 17
2.5 averageFunkymunk | October 23rd 17
3.0 goodthesoullpunx | October 10th 17
3.0 goodRicecracker | July 29th 17
4.5 superbPanuda | July 27th 17
2.0 pooryanquiuxo | July 20th 17
4.0 excellentMeridiu5 | July 14th 17
2.0 poorComeToDaddy | June 26th 17
1.0 awfulhal qaeda | June 26th 17
2.5 averageradiomau5head | May 22nd 17
3.0 goodVlahka | May 8th 17
2.5 averageFrozenInTime | April 12th 17
1.5 very poorEl Olam | March 29th 17
3.0 goodyas666eer | March 16th 17
3.0 goodn3xus6 | March 11th 17
2.0 poorCaliggyJack | March 6th 17
2.0 poorI Am Saruman, The Multicoloured | March 3rd 17
3.0 goodPaperAirships | February 18th 17
2.5 averageBeneaththeDarkOcean | February 7th 17
4.0 excellentCerealKillz | January 12th 17
2.0 poorBrandon | December 10th 16
3.0 gooddihstyle69 | December 9th 16
3.5 greatRobLikesMusic | December 7th 16
2.5 averageTim Hurst | December 6th 16
3.5 greatcanfieldxxmafia | December 6th 16
4.0 excellentpostmetalhipster | December 5th 16
2.5 averageClaystation | December 3rd 16
3.5 greatjpjpablo | December 2nd 16
4.0 excellentpolomusic42 | December 2nd 16
3.0 goodTheSleepys | December 1st 16
3.5 greatFlomTheGuy | October 30th 16
3.5 greatPowderedHammer | October 24th 16
4.0 excellentShMaLeB1196 | October 19th 16
2.0 poorBobbyBologna | October 15th 16
3.5 greatjackled | October 12th 16
2.5 averageelemunt | September 28th 16
3.0 goodLebsbian | September 26th 16
3.5 greatcmills | September 22nd 16
4.0 excellentsoulxstlr | August 25th 16
2.5 averageBlazinBlitzer | August 23rd 16
3.5 greatYakNips | August 7th 16
4.0 excellentWearingyourmomsface | July 22nd 16
3.0 goodFlashmobba | July 12th 16
3.0 goodDistributor of 4s, Consoomer of Riffs | June 29th 16
2.0 poorJade | June 18th 16
3.5 greatSnide | May 12th 16
3.0 goodSpaghettiAlfredo | April 24th 16
2.0 poorleviathanbehemothxul | April 21st 16
2.5 averageCerradozero | April 4th 16
3.0 goodEnzx | April 1st 16
2.0 poorBen STAFF | March 10th 16
3.0 goodWilhelmBlack | January 7th 16
4.0 excellentProteusX | January 6th 16
3.5 greathanniballer | January 4th 16
3.5 greatStreetsofSimCity | December 18th 15
3.5 greatcorzeske | November 24th 15
2.0 poorredtoaster99 | November 19th 15
3.5 greatKyleAndrews12 | October 27th 15
3.0 goodmagicuba | October 6th 15
4.0 excellentMrThumbtacks | October 5th 15
3.5 greatStereochrome1 | October 3rd 15
3.0 goodswipenet | September 22nd 15
3.0 goodHewitt | August 8th 15
3.5 greatstuffedninja | June 29th 15
3.0 goodSnacktimeguy | June 25th 15
3.0 goodSchmal | June 18th 15
3.0 good19Imi95 | June 17th 15
4.0 excellentFrozenFirebug | June 14th 15
4.0 excellentMercuryToHell | June 12th 15
3.5 greatOSEL | June 1st 15
3.5 greatGroundking | May 19th 15
4.0 excellentPetwoip | May 5th 15
3.5 greatwozman101 | April 27th 15
3.5 greatOcean of Noise | April 24th 15
3.0 goodType2Diabeetus | April 17th 15
4.0 excellentTimbalandLake | March 11th 15
4.0 excellentAdamPurvis | March 7th 15
4.0 excellentbladee runner 20xx | February 13th 15
4.0 excellentiluvbvb | February 1st 15
4.0 excellentK Bowman STAFF | January 29th 15
4.0 excellentJoeWedgee | January 22nd 15
3.0 goodMikeBG | January 14th 15
3.0 goodMar19981 | January 13th 15
3.5 greatHipPop | January 5th 15
4.0 excellentNickMinaj | December 31st 14
4.0 excellentKrimea | December 24th 14
3.5 greatslaps | December 16th 14
3.0 goodSturgis | December 10th 14
4.0 excellenthowdidwegethigh | November 30th 14
4.0 excellentmorbidgarbage | November 27th 14
3.0 goodAtroposDatura | November 26th 14
3.5 greatMTLNLTLOFDTH1289 | November 26th 14
3.5 greatKOSTER | November 23rd 14
3.0 goodWollfyStarrk | November 15th 14
3.5 greatGringoSuave89 | November 9th 14
3.0 goodbeststroker | October 27th 14
4.0 excellentCoronaLite | October 9th 14
4.0 excellentCoreyTrailer | October 8th 14
4.0 excellentCuomoRivers | October 2nd 14
4.5 superbRichardHead69 | September 27th 14
3.5 greatRevastran | September 23rd 14
2.5 averageLinx | September 2nd 14
4.0 excellentmikejulian222 | August 28th 14
4.5 superbGrandpaSeth3000 | August 13th 14
3.0 goodtybo25 | August 9th 14
4.0 excellentckypro3 | August 7th 14
3.0 goodRumsiac | August 5th 14
3.5 greattydelial | July 31st 14
2.5 averageHughesyur | July 29th 14
2.5 averageSanic69 | July 27th 14
2.5 averagew675 | July 15th 14
3.5 greatVengeanceCactus | July 14th 14
4.5 superbsgtadderall | July 2nd 14
4.0 excellentJSJC | July 2nd 14
4.0 excellentbetray | July 1st 14
3.0 goodkushmemesstrikesback | June 29th 14
3.5 greatrandomusername | June 25th 14
3.5 greattimothybateman | June 24th 14
2.5 averageGavwah | June 22nd 14
3.5 greatMuisc4Life26 | June 22nd 14
4.0 excellentsamstephensonn | June 21st 14
4.0 excellentthetonesofdef | June 21st 14
3.5 greatBeefcurtains | June 21st 14
3.0 goodinsanedrexl1 | June 19th 14
3.0 goodshostakoverture | June 16th 14
3.5 greatdharqness | June 13th 14
3.5 greatPassive Madman | June 11th 14
3.0 goodwowyouresohxc | May 22nd 14
3.5 greatmodulor | May 19th 14
2.5 averagejmh886 | May 13th 14
3.5 greatMentalityOfA | May 10th 14
2.0 poorsebelius | May 5th 14
4.0 excellentM1CH03L | May 2nd 14
3.5 greatDisruptor | April 27th 14
3.5 greatangryab | April 26th 14
4.5 superbhamartia | April 14th 14
3.0 goodJvsonyoung | March 15th 14
3.5 greatLapouet | March 15th 14
3.0 goodZdendaOzzy | March 15th 14
3.5 greatcomputerman | March 9th 14
5.0 classicsteveaoki | March 3rd 14
2.0 poorBrandon Taylor | February 8th 14
3.0 goodAffableMartyr | February 7th 14
4.0 excellentSebybwoi | January 25th 14
3.0 goodCemb | January 24th 14
4.5 superbabysmaldepression1 | January 19th 14
3.5 greatChiefSmackahoe | January 9th 14
3.0 goodKaiiser | January 8th 14
3.0 goodcwk675 | December 25th 13
3.0 goodLivecat6 | December 19th 13
3.5 greatEmptySkies | December 13th 13
2.5 averagebatuhan altinbas | December 11th 13
3.0 goodJonthebookie | December 4th 13
2.5 averagegagnonov | November 15th 13
2.5 averageItsEric | November 4th 13
3.0 goodChristianStubs | October 24th 13
2.0 poorFrozenBum | October 24th 13
2.5 averageLoss1010 | October 23rd 13
4.0 excellentaceylone777 | October 18th 13
4.5 superbhermanjohannes | October 17th 13
2.0 poorThirtySixChambers | October 17th 13
2.5 averageTronaldDump | October 9th 13
3.5 greatdeadrisingx1 | October 1st 13
2.5 averageSynthpop | September 30th 13
4.0 excellentdcalderon | September 28th 13
3.0 goodbreadstick | September 13th 13
3.0 goodSoakedInTorment | August 26th 13
3.5 greatLigands | August 22nd 13
2.0 poorI was living in constant fear of someone neg bombing all my reviews cause I know how many detest me | August 7th 13
3.0 goodjoomisy | August 1st 13
3.0 goodDannyST1 | July 30th 13
4.5 superbMarkarthKing | July 23rd 13
4.0 excellentjohnthefreeman1 | July 16th 13
3.5 greatZar | July 9th 13
3.5 greatdavidqvist | July 7th 13
3.0 goodStaticEccentricity | July 4th 13
2.5 averageMalcontent | June 28th 13
3.5 greatTheSethinator | June 28th 13
3.5 greatdjbytes | June 23rd 13
4.0 excellentLiveSh1t | June 12th 13
3.5 greatBab | June 9th 13
3.0 goodFruitbread | May 29th 13
3.5 greatScaboodle | May 20th 13
3.0 goodSuperstitionFantasy | May 14th 13
3.5 greatDarinRG | May 13th 13
3.5 greatcoocoocachoo | May 11th 13
1.0 awfulmiaow | May 9th 13
3.0 goodSonofSnow | April 30th 13
2.5 averageNoHardFeelings | April 26th 13
3.0 goodVolcanoDay | April 25th 13
4.5 superbOceania | April 23rd 13
4.0 excellentroscob23 | April 23rd 13
3.5 greatRyanHoffman | April 15th 13
4.0 excellentruskomau5 | April 12th 13
2.5 averageimjustthatcool | April 9th 13
3.0 goodGassman3268 | April 6th 13
2.5 averagetristan720 | April 1st 13
3.5 greatCallBear88 | March 23rd 13
2.0 poorgnash | March 23rd 13
3.5 greatMustyRunner | March 21st 13
4.0 excellentdupuisj8 | March 13th 13
1.0 awfuljimbo1138 | March 7th 13
3.5 greattruekebabpower | March 4th 13
2.5 averageZantera | March 1st 13
4.0 excellentliekmothstoflames | February 18th 13
4.5 superbShortFuse | February 17th 13
3.5 greatSatiricalPhlegm | February 16th 13
3.5 greatNokterne | February 9th 13
3.5 greatDomJXLVI | February 5th 13
3.5 greatnononsense | February 2nd 13
3.0 goodFlyinToucan11 | February 2nd 13
3.0 goodGhoztking | February 1st 13
4.0 excellentdigimental101 | January 25th 13
2.0 poorTheAverageJC | January 21st 13
2.5 averageEscain | January 20th 13
4.5 superbPetarV | January 20th 13
3.0 goodMandroxa | January 14th 13
3.0 goodHyding | January 11th 13
2.5 averageSodaPopWhore | January 4th 13
1.5 very poornwhitmore | December 23rd 12
3.0 goodManqaness24 | December 21st 12
2.5 averageLordMaartmans | December 15th 12
2.5 averageLowStandards | December 15th 12
3.5 greatDask | December 10th 12
3.5 greatScagsTheHobo | December 10th 12
2.5 averageDadKungFu STAFF | December 9th 12
3.0 goodtmagistrelli | December 8th 12
4.0 excellentsteady5047 | December 7th 12
3.5 great420blazeitfaggot | December 7th 12
3.0 goodshablaman54 | November 26th 12
4.0 excellentryallba | November 26th 12
1.0 awfuldjtypist | November 19th 12
3.0 goodapokolypz | November 18th 12
3.0 goodButteryBiscuitBass | November 16th 12
3.5 greatInsurrection | November 16th 12
2.5 averageDoctorBrule | November 13th 12
3.5 greatrien333 | November 12th 12
4.0 excellentSkillzthtkillz | November 11th 12
3.0 goodwolfbeater | November 6th 12
2.0 poorYou Are My Everlovin' | October 29th 12
2.0 poormilkwizard | October 28th 12
4.0 excellenthousegeek23 | October 27th 12
2.5 averageflyinlulz | October 27th 12
3.0 goodVespiion | October 21st 12
2.0 poorSmurkinGherkin | October 21st 12
3.0 goodTimmah99 | October 19th 12
4.0 excellentPalehorse | October 16th 12
2.5 averageChaosInACan | October 13th 12
4.5 superbvioletgirl | October 13th 12
3.0 gooddespiseddominic | October 12th 12
4.5 superbDrummer1992 | October 8th 12
3.5 greatJaxdrew | October 5th 12
2.5 averagejangopro | October 4th 12
2.5 averageOneOverCosine | October 3rd 12
3.0 goodHipFish | October 3rd 12
3.0 goodmoderndaydrool | October 3rd 12
3.0 goodala | September 26th 12
3.0 goodFloodzzzz | September 25th 12
3.5 greatbaa | September 24th 12
3.0 goodJobForAKemple | September 20th 12
3.5 greatJigglyJames | September 16th 12
3.5 greatkevinboyles | September 7th 12
3.5 greatQuaid | September 5th 12
3.0 goodafoolonahill | August 28th 12
5.0 classictotalmayhem666 | August 25th 12
3.5 greatrkerr97 | August 23rd 12
3.0 goodBassclef | August 20th 12
4.5 superbharddrughartman | August 15th 12
3.5 greatnedical | July 28th 12
2.5 averageKbusch123 | July 28th 12
1.5 very poorPolymath | July 25th 12
2.5 averageDonFarofa | July 17th 12
3.0 goodkenr888 | July 10th 12
3.0 goodRyaneh69 | July 8th 12
3.5 greatMetal6is6art6v2 | July 3rd 12
3.5 greatLucs99 | June 20th 12
4.5 superbCCSara12 | June 6th 12
3.5 greatkingsfan222 | June 2nd 12
2.5 averagehmunkey | May 26th 12
4.0 excellentmrkolas | May 25th 12
3.5 greatchickasawcaleb | May 24th 12
5.0 classicdepressionbusiness69 | May 22nd 12
4.0 excellentSamJPassion | May 19th 12
3.0 goodCalicula | May 17th 12
4.5 superbkoruptid | May 8th 12
4.0 excellentKiaraJayy | May 7th 12
4.0 excellentOMGitsBRIEN | May 6th 12
2.5 averageIrrationalAnimal | May 5th 12
3.5 greatPeriL | May 4th 12
2.5 averagekevinweeks | May 2nd 12
3.5 greatsomewhatradioactive | May 2nd 12
4.0 excellentillfirejersey | May 1st 12
3.5 greatTheGirInsanity | April 30th 12
3.5 greatLought | April 28th 12
3.5 greatfuturezombiecop | April 27th 12
3.5 greatdathvada321 | April 26th 12
3.5 greatSpec | April 25th 12
5.0 classicshmowzow | April 25th 12
4.5 superbbastardballer | April 22nd 12
3.0 goodArlan89 | April 20th 12
2.0 poordemjunz | April 16th 12
3.5 greatPhillDS172 | April 9th 12
3.0 goodRagtimeDandies | April 4th 12
3.5 greatmatrix | March 29th 12
4.0 excellentCasablanca | March 23rd 12
3.0 goodconderfish | March 16th 12
2.0 poorLuigiPichardo | March 14th 12
2.0 poorBLUEOmni | March 5th 12
4.5 superbTheGDizzltyDizzle | February 28th 12
3.5 greatBAGofCDS | February 28th 12
3.0 goodCounterfeit | February 25th 12
3.5 greatBeachcoma | February 18th 12
3.0 goodBloodhail | February 16th 12
5.0 classicAdamP | February 15th 12
3.5 greatWhiteOwl | February 13th 12
3.0 goodSiliconFields | February 10th 12
3.5 greatWashingtonMews | February 10th 12
3.0 goodJaySeanFenris | February 10th 12
3.0 goodFranman92 | February 9th 12
3.5 greatCleftPalate | February 8th 12
3.5 greatRootKey | February 7th 12
3.0 goodcyalily | February 5th 12
4.5 superbmshptbomber | February 2nd 12
3.0 goodfouryearstrong | January 28th 12
3.0 goodTooLateToGoBack | January 28th 12
3.0 goodMetal6Is6Art6 | January 22nd 12
2.0 poorhominglasers | January 8th 12
4.0 excellentGuitarfreak8810 | December 31st 11
3.5 greatMKGaruda | December 28th 11
4.5 superbscrambledmind | December 28th 11
4.5 superbreadaryan | December 26th 11
2.5 averageIgnored | December 26th 11
3.0 goodchicagowillbeours | December 22nd 11
4.0 excellentsouthofgrace | December 21st 11
4.0 excellentAeksis8745 | December 15th 11
3.5 greatBlastRadius | December 15th 11
3.5 greatkaz179 | December 11th 11
3.0 goodBallsToTheWall | December 6th 11
3.0 goodRev | December 5th 11
3.0 goodaok | December 4th 11
3.5 greatsteventon | December 1st 11
3.0 goodSixtysixsixsh6t | November 19th 11
2.0 poorX3ni92 | November 14th 11
5.0 classic5teven5mith | November 14th 11
3.5 greatDissolvingAtom | November 10th 11
3.5 greatElDev | November 9th 11
2.5 averageNineteen4eleven | November 7th 11
3.5 greatthechodewarrior | November 6th 11
3.0 goodGrendels | November 5th 11
1.5 very poorawal16 | November 3rd 11
3.5 greatAltPunkMetal101 | October 31st 11
3.0 goodZebralingus | October 26th 11
3.5 greatSingForTheDead | October 24th 11
3.5 greatmattylarge | October 21st 11
3.5 greatHiLion | October 20th 11
4.0 excellentmastamonkeynutz | October 18th 11
3.5 greatninjatoaster | October 16th 11
2.5 averageStrangerofSorts EMERITUS | October 16th 11
3.5 greatAcrosstheshield13 | October 9th 11
4.0 excellentTheBaronofBadNews | October 7th 11
3.5 greatApoc | October 3rd 11
3.0 goodRandomDuck | October 3rd 11
4.0 excellentTyrannic | October 2nd 11
2.5 averageCasinoColumbus | October 1st 11
3.5 greatPhragmine | October 1st 11
4.0 excellentSteev0h | September 30th 11
3.0 goodJustinKing | September 24th 11
3.0 goodbadsocks | September 20th 11
4.0 excellentOnomatopoeia | September 16th 11
3.0 goodDestructerator | September 16th 11
2.5 averagePacM4n | September 14th 11
4.5 superbwannabelectronica | September 12th 11
3.0 goodRainbowDash | September 8th 11
3.5 greatEraseroflove | August 31st 11
3.0 goodaCloudConnected | August 31st 11
3.5 greatmaxBlaze101 | August 28th 11
2.5 averageAdabelle | August 28th 11
4.0 excellentsaucy | August 28th 11
3.5 greatUnderDaIce | August 27th 11
3.5 greatPhantom | August 27th 11
1.0 awfulKnave | August 27th 11
3.5 greatsuppatime | August 26th 11
3.5 greattelebyrd | August 24th 11
4.0 excellentStinkfists | August 14th 11
4.0 excellentAttyTude | August 11th 11
1.5 very poorsharmz | August 10th 11
1.0 awfulterroriss | August 10th 11
3.0 goodMonstersInsideMe | August 9th 11
2.5 averagemoetheG | August 8th 11
3.5 greatZeneren | August 5th 11
3.0 goodkayu | July 26th 11
4.5 superbSteeeveee | July 23rd 11
3.5 greatabaiardi7 | July 22nd 11
3.0 goodJanBlackford | July 19th 11
3.5 greatraoul95 | July 11th 11
4.0 excellentlensman319 | July 9th 11
3.0 goodItsOnlySkinDeep | July 7th 11
3.0 goodridingchillwaves | July 5th 11
4.0 excellentdancigrang | July 2nd 11
4.0 excellenttidalsmash | July 1st 11
3.5 greatSleaper | June 29th 11
5.0 classicUrbanVitamin | June 29th 11
3.5 greatHandBanana | June 27th 11
3.5 greatBDx94 | June 24th 11
4.0 excellentIntheayer | June 24th 11
3.5 greatkojpl | June 23rd 11
3.5 greatalextheantichrist | June 23rd 11
3.0 goodAnetherbinge1 | June 21st 11
3.0 goodTheIronDrew | June 17th 11
3.5 greatPigwise41 | June 10th 11
4.0 excellentDendris | June 8th 11
3.5 greatMopHeadOvMetal | June 4th 11
3.5 greatjack1oo | June 3rd 11
3.5 greatrumpus | May 26th 11
3.0 goodpanagiotis | May 25th 11
3.5 greatHomeslice | May 25th 11
3.0 goodkanker | May 25th 11
3.5 greatAlSweatshirt | May 25th 11
4.0 excellentpedroia55 | May 23rd 11
4.0 excellent4giveand4get | May 23rd 11
3.5 greatFuff24 | May 22nd 11
3.0 goodcalvin331 | May 21st 11
3.0 goodRaust | May 19th 11
3.5 greatTeto | May 19th 11
4.0 excellentmechatanner | May 19th 11
4.0 excellentMRxT | May 19th 11
4.0 excellenttentaclesworth | May 16th 11
3.0 goodlou1000 | May 13th 11
3.0 goodKlichty | May 13th 11
3.5 greatLordpanch | May 13th 11
3.0 goodclercqie | May 13th 11
5.0 classicawilder27 | May 10th 11
1.5 very poorkfresha | May 9th 11
3.0 goodMagicalNarwhal | May 7th 11
3.5 greatAdAstra | May 5th 11
3.5 greatHarreus | May 1st 11
2.5 averageIre | April 27th 11
3.0 goodoctothegreat | April 27th 11
3.5 greatMacheteMirage420 | April 22nd 11
1.0 awfulMedicinelover | April 19th 11
1.5 very poorrazzle | April 18th 11
3.5 greatTheDanSandwich | April 18th 11
3.5 greatCutMan | April 17th 11
2.5 averageChumley | April 14th 11
3.5 greatTheEnigmaPrognosis | April 9th 11
3.0 gooddub sean | April 3rd 11
2.0 poorPuddlesPuddles | March 24th 11
3.0 goodaduudoesexist | March 12th 11
4.0 excellentegadude | March 11th 11
2.5 averageshervindante | March 7th 11
4.0 excellentDashGLORY182 | March 6th 11
4.0 excellenttehaj1 | March 2nd 11
3.5 greatSamshine | February 25th 11
3.0 goodClash | February 19th 11
3.0 goodColeTrain | February 17th 11
4.0 excellentDystopic | February 9th 11
4.5 superbmlefevre323 | February 9th 11
3.5 greatDarthBlubber | February 6th 11
3.5 greatFattyKnee | February 6th 11
3.5 greatvikars | February 5th 11
3.5 greatBassDemon333 | February 3rd 11
3.0 goodDwyerOnTheDrums | February 2nd 11
3.5 greatinertiasc | February 1st 11
3.0 goodBigPoppaDiesel | January 29th 11
3.0 goodlauriej | January 27th 11
4.0 excellentshizm | January 26th 11
3.5 greatasaf | January 22nd 11
3.0 goodAggravatedYeti | January 19th 11
3.0 goodnatey | January 17th 11
3.5 greatFatChickIrl | January 15th 11
3.5 greatUrinetrouble | January 14th 11
2.5 averageBrontosaurus | January 12th 11
3.5 greatnomasmuerte | January 11th 11
4.0 excellentSchnob93 | January 9th 11
3.5 greatdart200 | January 9th 11
3.0 goodDays of Future Passed | January 8th 11
3.5 greatSamiK951 | January 8th 11
3.5 greatsudonym | January 7th 11
3.5 greatBlindsided | January 6th 11
3.5 greatBreethindeathcore | January 5th 11
3.5 greatRowdy | January 2nd 11
3.0 goodaKidNamedConnor41 | January 1st 11
2.0 poorManicDemise | December 31st 10
4.0 excellentSonnyMoore | December 29th 10
3.0 goodjrowa001 | December 27th 10
3.0 goodbazonkerz | December 26th 10
3.5 greattannnnertots | December 24th 10
4.0 excellentanonymau5 | December 23rd 10
3.0 goodTMobotron | December 22nd 10
5.0 classicr3dpunk | December 19th 10
3.0 goodDeathcar | December 18th 10
3.5 greatkingcutie | December 16th 10
1.5 very poorosteporosis | December 16th 10
2.0 poorFromDaHood | December 13th 10
3.5 greatpizzamachine | December 12th 10
4.0 excellentgoss19 | December 12th 10
3.0 goodcaherna9 | December 11th 10
1.5 very poorWaltThizzney | December 10th 10
3.5 greatMarv18 | December 9th 10
4.0 excellentPinkBlackberry | December 9th 10
2.0 poor0ctahedronzz | December 9th 10
4.0 excellentcaprio4us | December 8th 10
3.5 greatIAmHollywood | December 8th 10
5.0 classictmonsta | December 6th 10
3.0 goodpsykonaut | December 5th 10
2.5 averageSblang | December 5th 10
3.5 greatmmfarva | December 5th 10
3.5 greatScoot | December 4th 10
3.5 greatZorakJones | December 4th 10
2.5 averageMonsterpoptart | December 4th 10
3.0 goodMatte | December 4th 10
3.0 goodCalculate | December 4th 10
4.0 excellentHippieT | December 4th 10
3.0 goodRudy K. EMERITUS | December 4th 10
1.5 very poorSkyler | December 4th 10
3.0 goodpoweroftheweez | December 4th 10
3.5 greatGulliKyro | December 3rd 10
4.0 excellentLeRequiem | December 2nd 10
4.0 excellentkenti123 | November 30th 10
4.0 excellentJWT155 | November 30th 10
3.5 greatkrazytom | November 29th 10
3.5 greatIsItLuck? EMERITUS | November 28th 10
3.5 greatBaphomet | November 28th 10
3.0 goodovrot rocks; he's the man | November 20th 10
4.0 excellentSmevin | November 16th 10
3.5 greatHep Kat | November 10th 10

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