Genesis   Calling All Stations
Release Date: 1997

 Full ReviewRatings (430) Give your Rating

1.5 very poorKILL | July 11th 11

Calling all stations
Can anybody tell me, tell me exactly where I am
I've lost all sense of direction
Watching the darkness closing around me
Feeling the cold all through my body
That's why I'm calling all stations
In the hope that someone hears me
A single lonely voice

I feel the sensation disappearing
There's a tingling in my arms
And there's a numbness in my hands

All the broken promises
All my good intentions don't add up to very much
And I realise whatever happened, whatever happened
I remember all the moments that I've wasted in my life
All the things I was always gonna do
Why is it now when it's too late
That I've finally realised it's important to me
To think that everything that's dear to me
And is always in my heart
Could so easily be taken
And it's tearing me apart
Going over and over in my mind
I relive it one second at a time

Calling all stations
Can anybody tell me, tell me exactly where I am
How different things look when you're all on your own
Watching the darkness closing all around me
All around me
And I long for the feeling
Of your arms to remind me
Of everything that's dear to me
And is always in my heart
Could so easily be taken
And it's tearing me apart
Going over and over in my mind
I relieve it one second at a time
Don't you know that's never been a moment
When I haven't had the thought
Of everything that's dear to me
And is always in my heart
Could so easily be taken
And it's tearing me apart
Going over and over in my mind
I relieve it one second at a time
As I sit here in the darkness
Feeling so alone
And everything that's dear to me
And is always in my heart...

8 Bumps | Bump

0.0 hitman | September 29th 12

epic album

2 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentBudJones | March 21st 19

My taste in music must suck because I think this is an amazing album. Then again, I wasn't expecting it to be classic Genesis. I think it's very good progressive rock along the lines of Asia. No one's ever going to replace Peter (except Phil) and no one is going to replace Phil. It was a new thing.

1 Bumps | Bump

3.0 goodmandan | April 25th 13

I don't find this as bad as many people do, but the musicianship is definitely lacking. All the same, Wilson does a good job on the vocals.

1 Bumps | Bump

2.0 poorNightmareCinema16 | November 21st 12

Right singer, wrong time, and Genesis was already fading during We Can't Dnace anyways.

1 Bumps | Bump

1.0 awfulSWORD | September 3rd 11

This is quite a disappointing comeback for Genesis. I felt that they thought they could slop together anything and get away with it, being Genesis, a famous band. But they were wrong. Because this is considered the worst Genesis album ever, and to some one of the worst album ever. It is not completely terrible though, for "Calling all Stations," and "The Dividing Line" pose some form of entertainment.

1 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentBigwill2k | December 4th 23

"One man's joy makes another man weep, nothing you can do will ever change it"

I will admit I am no prog connoisseur but Im gonna stick up for this album. I unashamedly like
easy listening, power ballads and
understated, mature pop music. This has all that within the scaffolding of well crafted, yet
simple and
accessible prog musicianship. I don't think letting rip would suit these songs. I really enjoy
Wilson's smooth tone, but he also has range as
seen on 'There must be Some Other Way' where he adds some bite. I think the songs are
consistent, even Small Talk and Congo which sound dated, even for the time. Sometimes I get David
Gilmour song
writing vibes with the
keyboard emphasis and crying blues guitar. Then theres the fact both bands recorded in an era of
tasteless engineering techniques. Furthermore the lyrics about relationships and communication.
It's all very competent, beautiful but lacking edge or a leader with a truly incisive, Water's
wit which would have raised it to another level. Luckily we are spared the Gilmour styleoveruse of
backing soul singers. However I could have done without the cold
and loud sound gated drums though, which are an occasional headache on the pop tunes. Sometimes
its ugly
spectre makes an unwelcome appearance on the ballads. Id have liked to hear more of this iteration
of the band but for foolhardy business decisions by the band. Maybe the backlash was
too severe to carry on without damaging the legacy further.


1.5 very poorsugarcubes | December 9th 17

I have no idea how anyone would have thought Ray Wilson could have worked with Genesis but ok


1.0 awfulbbgames | August 23rd 17

This album is the perfect soundtrack to a party scene in the TV show Everybody Loves Raymond.


2.0 poorderoeckj | December 2nd 09

It's actually not a bad album, just not really inspired.
The title track is very descent, both in composition and execution.


0.0 ConorMichaelJoseph | March 14th 09

With their later, more pop-oriented releases, Genesis really fell off the wagon.


1.5 very poorThe fact of the matter is we should drop everything and listen to State Faults right now | July 1st 24
2.0 poorVerdr | March 30th 24
1.5 very poorLani | February 6th 24
3.0 goodT2071 | October 7th 23
2.0 poortur1smo64 | September 25th 23
1.0 awfulbattleinthenorth | September 7th 23
1.5 very poortheDanger | August 23rd 23
1.5 very poorJalapeno CONTRIBUTOR | July 8th 23
1.5 very poortroyofyort | June 28th 23
1.5 very poorFrankz777 | March 24th 23
1.0 awfulBobMularkey | February 25th 23
1.0 awfulTimmy | January 11th 23
2.5 averageromanlst | January 8th 23
1.5 very poormanosg EMERITUS | November 28th 22
1.0 awfulsvinariezas | November 8th 22
1.5 very poorDjokoll | September 14th 22
1.5 very poormrManxxx | August 11th 22
1.0 awfuldakotadsmith | July 6th 22
2.5 averagehel9000 | June 21st 22
2.5 averageZakusz | March 29th 22
3.0 goodYesMaMan11 | December 23rd 21
1.0 awfulOobaloo | November 21st 21
1.0 awfulbonpietrot | November 14th 21
1.0 awfulREANIMATED | November 8th 21
1.5 very poorBeyond555 | October 7th 21
1.0 awfulGuanlong | September 28th 21
1.5 very poorTokyochuchu | September 27th 21
1.0 awfulReverse Perpendiculars | September 22nd 21
1.0 awfulReviewsAndSuch1221 | September 10th 21
1.5 very poorBeware NO TWINKCORE here, real metal only goddamnit! (they/she) | August 10th 21
1.0 awfulbeatlefan20 | July 6th 21
1.0 awfulbigguytoo9 | May 22nd 21
4.0 excellentGrandpaSeth3000 | May 11th 21
1.0 awfulChaoticVortex | May 10th 21
3.5 greatCRX | April 30th 21
2.0 poorDjibura | April 21st 21
1.0 awfulTheFuriousTypist | April 1st 21
1.5 very poorChrimzonCanine | March 31st 21
4.0 excellentElevator | January 31st 21
2.5 averageBrendan Schroer STAFF | December 16th 20
3.0 goodIlNotta | November 9th 20
3.5 greatCaptainKronosVampire | September 27th 20
2.0 poorTitan | September 13th 20
2.0 poorAmdusias | August 20th 20
3.5 greatCrazywill | July 31st 20
1.5 very poorSyzygy23 | July 30th 20
2.5 averageBarry000 | July 30th 20
1.5 very poorDjang0 | July 15th 20
2.0 poorcourthouse69 | July 12th 20
1.5 very poorTh3Gr3N4D13R | July 6th 20
1.0 awfulSource | July 4th 20
3.0 goodFrancescoScarselli99 | May 23rd 20
3.5 greatMattia | May 5th 20
1.5 very poorPatricklauer12 | January 5th 20
2.0 poorDiscosRevolver | December 17th 19
2.5 averageDrbebop | December 2nd 19
1.0 awfulElynna | November 24th 19
2.0 poortyler1311 | November 21st 19
2.0 poorStormwatcher | November 12th 19
2.0 poorLePsych | November 2nd 19
1.0 awfulBossie | October 12th 19
2.0 poorZlatoust | August 30th 19
2.0 poordlbk03 | August 27th 19
1.0 awfulKeeponrockin404 | August 16th 19
2.5 averageCurroSkywalker | August 5th 19
1.5 very poorAndrey | July 21st 19
1.0 awfulJ.C. van Beekum | July 20th 19
4.0 excellentMikeAkerfeldt89 | July 8th 19
1.0 awfulShroomZilla | July 3rd 19
1.5 very poorHorfeepee01 | May 16th 19
1.5 very poorMacck | May 12th 19
2.5 averageTheTalkingDude | April 27th 19
2.0 poorwhiskysoakedleather | April 1st 19
2.0 poorBoiBoi | March 11th 19
3.0 goodwrax | March 10th 19
1.0 awfulStonedManatee | January 26th 19
2.5 averageNorthwind | December 18th 18
2.0 poorinthox | November 25th 18
2.5 averagenhanna45 | September 29th 18
2.0 poorRelinquish | September 8th 18
2.0 poorJeanclaude | August 15th 18
1.5 very poorChristopher Y. | August 15th 18
1.5 very poorCasavir | July 10th 18
2.5 averageMolasar88 | July 9th 18
2.0 poorZombiejoejoe | July 4th 18
1.0 awfulGalumpa | June 17th 18
2.5 averageZeddSquared | June 10th 18
2.0 poorthe1Jugg | June 7th 18
1.5 very poorleonardotardino | May 27th 18
1.5 very poorzork1222 | May 15th 18
1.0 awfulbankstatement | April 17th 18
1.0 awfulRocknMetal | April 16th 18
1.5 very poorMetalMarcJK | April 15th 18
2.0 poorredbullandsleep | April 4th 18
1.0 awfulWilliamJ | March 25th 18
2.5 averageelch21 | March 22nd 18
3.5 greatfrancisc0 | March 2nd 18
1.0 awfulAshTreeLane | March 2nd 18
1.0 awfulBenman | February 24th 18
1.0 awfulDiurnalDemon | February 23rd 18
1.5 very poorTheSlipperman | February 10th 18
1.5 very poorThePotnoodleBoy | February 1st 18
1.5 very poorSquonk81 | January 11th 18
1.5 very poortuxedomoon | January 7th 18
1.5 very poorAlex Stephenson | January 7th 18
1.5 very poorElSomni | December 19th 17
1.5 very poorwg98 | November 30th 17
2.0 poorAlphaZoey2008 | October 16th 17
1.5 very poorJeanclaudevandamme | September 24th 17
4.0 excellentThomas Soto | September 3rd 17
3.5 greatSinkTrap | August 22nd 17
1.0 awfulEternalSchism | August 22nd 17
4.5 superbAndreasTanis | July 24th 17
1.0 awfulGazAldo | July 23rd 17
1.5 very pooralvadaniel480 | June 19th 17
3.0 goodorielias5 | June 16th 17
2.5 averagethefloydios | May 25th 17
4.0 excellentigi78 | April 17th 17
1.0 awfulCharolastria | April 5th 17
1.5 very poorLucaspalvarez | February 8th 17
1.0 awfulbecomesmusical | January 16th 17
1.0 awfulGalumpa22 | January 15th 17
1.5 very poorJeffrulesyou | January 2nd 17
1.5 very poorjpjpablo | December 18th 16
1.0 awfulScoob | December 14th 16
1.5 very poorKrazyKris | December 10th 16
1.0 awfulsolrage | December 9th 16
1.0 awfulClairebear39 | December 5th 16
2.0 poorKyleW | December 2nd 16
1.5 very poorevilmangoes | November 30th 16
1.5 very poorDuckKing | November 21st 16
2.5 averagevalis61 | November 14th 16
1.5 very poorJakequaza | November 13th 16
2.0 poorux66 (they/he) | November 13th 16
2.0 poorleopm | November 9th 16
1.5 very poorDisdainfulChemist | October 2nd 16
2.0 poorResident Metalhead Piranha | September 19th 16
1.0 awfulOprisOvidiu | September 18th 16
2.0 poorImGonnaDJ | September 12th 16
1.0 awfulDayB4UCame | August 22nd 16
3.0 goodIceMole | August 19th 16
2.0 poorDaveD | August 18th 16
1.0 awfulJP Patino Izquierdo | August 11th 16
2.0 poorRotov | July 26th 16
3.0 goodXinlo | July 21st 16
2.0 poorwildinferno2010 | July 11th 16
2.0 poorCheekeemunkee | July 4th 16
2.0 poorglorybox94 | June 27th 16
1.0 awfulijy10152 | June 12th 16
4.5 superbArkadin | June 5th 16
1.5 very poorpraise jimmy EMERITUS | June 3rd 16
1.5 very poorLorenzoDeAngeli | May 30th 16
5.0 classicIre | May 12th 16
1.5 very poorRobbit | May 7th 16
2.0 poorarf | May 5th 16
2.0 poormawacaca | May 2nd 16
1.5 very poorphilbobo34 | April 11th 16
1.5 very poorEBM | April 9th 16
1.5 very poorSatelliteYears | April 5th 16
1.0 awfulSandwichBubble | April 1st 16
3.0 goodgumolit | April 1st 16
4.5 superbDaledebil | March 30th 16
3.5 greatjelzel23 | March 9th 16
1.0 awfultheidiotbastardson | March 8th 16
1.0 awfulgreymatter68 | January 30th 16
1.0 awfulWilhelmBlack | January 25th 16
2.0 poorProtoGhost | January 21st 16
2.5 averageBlackMonolith | January 16th 16
1.0 awfulPeterCologne | January 14th 16
1.0 awfulGhandhiLion | January 13th 16
1.5 very poorTurboOutrun | December 22nd 15
3.0 goodDarthGL | December 22nd 15
4.0 excellentdecosvaldo | December 16th 15
1.5 very poorzoquihuehue | November 25th 15
2.0 poorbtati | November 12th 15
1.5 very poorleothelion | October 15th 15
1.0 awfulMrThumbtacks | October 5th 15
2.0 poore210013 | September 28th 15
1.0 awfulPotesin | September 12th 15
1.0 awfulEcoChocolatacchi | August 26th 15
3.0 goodrogerfax | August 23rd 15
2.0 poormiketunneyiscool123 | August 14th 15
1.0 awfulStereochrome1 | August 7th 15
3.0 goodOnett | August 5th 15
1.5 very poorblakeguitarist2 | August 1st 15
5.0 classicHeartcheatpop | July 19th 15
1.5 very poorRobert Davis | July 16th 15
2.0 poorClairebear531 | June 28th 15
2.5 averagedanperezsputnik | June 26th 15
1.0 awfulDayOfLavos | June 13th 15
2.5 averageEdwins88 | May 28th 15
2.0 poorFancio | May 13th 15
2.5 averageLeaveThatThingAlone | April 10th 15
1.0 awfuleaglefan1998 | April 9th 15
2.0 poorHappyTheMan12 | April 5th 15
1.0 awfulKesselschmied | March 31st 15
1.0 awfulchestercard | March 30th 15
2.0 poordecemberhotel | March 26th 15
1.0 awfulbrosephmcbrah | March 25th 15
2.0 poorLachdanann | March 21st 15
1.5 very poorSuperb | March 11th 15
1.0 awfulWilliamBlack | February 12th 15
1.5 very poorGbhill | February 4th 15
1.5 very poorBlakethemusicman123 | February 1st 15
2.0 poorAbraxas | January 20th 15
2.0 poorFlappadoink | January 16th 15
1.5 very poorDaRealSquishy | January 14th 15
1.0 awfulfuzzbutt | December 30th 14
1.0 awfulSuperreallycool | December 24th 14
2.5 averageInfiniteCake | December 16th 14
1.0 awfulwindmill | December 8th 14
1.5 very poorTooManyRiffs | November 11th 14
1.0 awfulBeats59 | November 1st 14
3.0 goodSeeker110182 | October 29th 14
1.5 very poorjoaofjsantos | October 28th 14
1.0 awfulTotengott | October 14th 14
2.5 averageLeNostalgique | September 20th 14
3.0 goodLightbulbSun70 | September 19th 14
3.0 goodTenebraeInvictus | September 19th 14
2.5 averagecoolray | August 23rd 14
1.0 awfulCardRoom | July 30th 14
3.5 greatmicah68 | July 30th 14
1.0 awfulHarold343 | July 9th 14
4.0 excellenteboph | June 23rd 14
1.0 awfuljtswope | June 23rd 14
1.5 very poorVermTheOpressor | June 23rd 14
1.0 awfulGraveyard | June 22nd 14
2.0 poorNecrotica | June 19th 14
3.0 goodsmackiepipe | June 18th 14
1.0 awfulFragileRelayer | May 30th 14
3.5 greatNineCats | May 30th 14
2.0 poorjoaoSA | May 24th 14
1.5 very poorSuicideVeil90 | May 14th 14
1.5 very poorLilt98 | April 20th 14
5.0 classicBigBoi11 | April 5th 14
1.0 awfulpopking | March 28th 14
1.0 awfulReduced93 | March 9th 14
2.5 averagepowrnap | February 6th 14
3.0 goodLouis04 | February 5th 14
1.0 awfulBornlivedie | February 3rd 14
3.5 greatbogdanbele | January 27th 14
1.0 awfulZenSpiderland | January 22nd 14
2.5 averageDazBones | January 22nd 14
4.5 superbDiddlerfiddler | January 21st 14
1.0 awfulrotsman19 | January 20th 14
3.5 greatMoonshake | January 16th 14
3.5 greatTizzle1938 | January 14th 14
3.0 goodBushmonk | January 11th 14
4.0 excellentdeantresell | January 10th 14
3.0 goodSeedsofNone | January 7th 14
1.0 awfullovelybloodflow | January 6th 14
3.5 greatDeeDee3 | January 4th 14
1.0 awfulPsychoTomato | January 4th 14
4.0 excellentRewriters | January 4th 14
3.5 greatmuhshek | January 3rd 14
3.0 goodbunglemeister | January 3rd 14
1.5 very poorTheGiantHogweed | January 2nd 14
3.0 goodelwirusia | January 2nd 14
3.0 goodUnkleFeel | January 2nd 14
3.0 goodMootgut | December 28th 13
2.5 averagefvcksovtrvth | December 27th 13
1.5 very poorRael | December 25th 13
1.5 very poorLepreCon | December 19th 13
1.5 very poorVermicideTheGreat | December 18th 13
1.5 very poorJudsonTrenholm | December 18th 13
3.0 goodHolyMoney | December 17th 13
1.5 very poorSnowdog808 | December 8th 13
1.0 awfulNadin3 | November 30th 13
2.5 averageKingsLeadHat | November 22nd 13
3.0 gooddreamer1978 | November 15th 13
1.0 awfulwhatsernam | November 14th 13
1.5 very poorgagnonov | November 14th 13
1.0 awfulcounterparts | November 12th 13
1.0 awfulangrytigers | October 21st 13
3.5 greatAlexGingras | October 17th 13
1.0 awfulHPFartcraft | October 5th 13
1.5 very poorInThatQuietEarth76 | September 28th 13
1.5 very poordenislg | September 25th 13
1.0 awfulMeanDeviation | September 21st 13
3.0 goodGrimsby | September 16th 13
1.5 very poorAllmusic1994 | September 5th 13
1.5 very poorLerxstbutt | August 17th 13
1.0 awfulKalhur | August 12th 13
4.5 superbYaelPol | August 11th 13
2.0 poorPokermask | August 6th 13
1.5 very poorObjectivity 69% | August 5th 13
1.5 very poorEpitaph | July 30th 13
3.0 goodotoninho | July 28th 13
1.5 very poorSiberianKhatru | July 22nd 13
2.5 average123Person456 | June 24th 13
2.0 poorSanicstaph | June 23rd 13
1.5 very poorAnesthetize86 | June 20th 13
2.0 poorGreeny86 | June 16th 13
1.5 very poorKinch | June 15th 13
2.0 poorscottbuster2000 | June 4th 13
2.0 poorHsur | May 31st 13
2.5 averageJJKeys | May 18th 13
2.0 poorGlobelus | May 15th 13
1.5 very poorramon | May 15th 13
2.5 averagegenesisis | May 15th 13
1.0 awfulDarinRG | May 12th 13
1.0 awfulBrady Hayes | May 9th 13
3.0 goodRickyLooser | April 22nd 13
1.0 awfulCK | April 22nd 13
1.0 awfulgoguey | April 18th 13
1.0 awfulcrystalwater | April 5th 13
2.5 averagekual21 | March 30th 13
1.5 very poorJakoffnow | March 28th 13
1.5 very poorVanSchuldiner | March 19th 13
1.5 very pooraggelosm | March 17th 13
1.0 awfulSmersH | March 5th 13
1.0 awfulStallionMang | February 14th 13
1.0 awfulDirtBagDan | February 12th 13
3.5 greatSrglvrz | February 5th 13
1.5 very poorJS19 | February 3rd 13
1.5 very poorSirArthur6 | February 1st 13
2.0 poorpaulonumberone | February 1st 13
1.5 very poorZiggyZeppelin | January 29th 13
3.0 goodsjeleliv | January 19th 13
1.5 very poorsideburndude | January 17th 13
1.5 very poorfacupm | December 12th 12
1.5 very poorGnFnRs87 | November 29th 12
2.5 averageMiniatureHorse | November 28th 12
1.0 awfulVelvetclown | November 20th 12
1.0 awfulrush474 | November 16th 12
1.5 very poorInsurrection | November 11th 12
1.0 awfulDoctorBrule | November 10th 12
1.5 very poorProg4Prime | October 29th 12
1.0 awfulNoakesy | October 15th 12
1.0 awfulsuppersready | October 9th 12
1.0 awfulBozo39 | October 8th 12
1.5 very poormenawati | October 7th 12
1.0 awfultharikleo | October 3rd 12
1.0 awfulfireandblood | September 19th 12
3.0 goodBookofGenesis | September 9th 12
1.5 very poorTheLast7thVermicide | August 28th 12
2.5 averagethuur1996 | July 26th 12
5.0 classiccashnugz421 | July 12th 12
1.5 very poorCru | July 7th 12
5.0 classicOneZeroZero | June 24th 12
1.0 awfulSledgehammah | June 20th 12
2.0 poorPanicBeach | May 30th 12
1.0 awfulG13Guy | May 9th 12
1.0 awfuljalan8579 | May 8th 12
5.0 classicYouGotLucky | May 7th 12
2.0 poormrguidogenio | May 6th 12
2.5 averageJlo2010 | April 25th 12
2.5 averageagent502 | April 20th 12
2.0 poor666IMPF2112 | April 17th 12
1.5 very poorArchelaos | April 8th 12
3.5 greatdarthktulu | April 3rd 12
1.5 very poorNagrarok | April 1st 12
2.0 poorpinkeagle25 | March 27th 12
2.0 poordante1991 | February 28th 12
1.5 very poorcmclay | February 22nd 12
1.0 awfulMayYouRise | February 18th 12
2.5 averageHoppoman | February 15th 12
1.5 very poorNeutralThunder12 | February 13th 12
1.5 very poorloppakslusk | February 6th 12
5.0 classicGregLake | January 11th 12
1.0 awfulColigula | January 4th 12
2.0 poorGodL1ke | December 20th 11
1.5 very poorlifeson60 | November 21st 11
3.0 goodthewitcher | November 21st 11
1.0 awfulsonictheplumber | November 7th 11
1.0 awfulbloodsorcery | October 20th 11
1.5 very poorvanderb0b | October 9th 11
2.5 averageGROK | October 4th 11
1.5 very pooremptyblackbox | October 3rd 11
1.0 awfulPorcupineJam | October 2nd 11
1.0 awfulmiamiscot | September 30th 11
5.0 classicnacho220 | September 27th 11
2.5 averagedostert1975 | September 18th 11
1.0 awfulrabbitonthemoon | September 17th 11
4.0 excellenteldave74 | August 7th 11
2.5 averageTotes | July 20th 11
2.0 poorAttyTude | July 20th 11
1.0 awfultrue | July 13th 11
1.0 awfulWar | June 27th 11
1.0 awfulMopHeadOvMetal | June 5th 11
1.0 awfulPimpernal | May 2nd 11
2.0 poorTheCompilationMan768 | April 27th 11
1.0 awfulTheTruthPig | March 30th 11
1.5 very poorJasonStatham | February 23rd 11
1.5 very poorchrisianburton | February 21st 11
2.5 averageRicpru | February 19th 11
3.0 gooddarky68 | February 3rd 11
2.0 poorAdrianAran | January 27th 11
1.0 awfulBrainPie | October 11th 10
2.5 averageAvarangha | October 10th 10
1.5 very poorKirrVlad | September 30th 10
2.5 averageanimusnocens | September 27th 10
2.0 poormppwns | September 20th 10
2.5 averagesymphonic500 | August 22nd 10
1.0 awfulCryptRaider | August 21st 10
3.5 greatphilalca28 | August 20th 10
1.0 awfulVaporman | August 6th 10
3.0 goodKP23 | May 18th 10
1.5 very poorMindtraveller | February 6th 10
1.0 awfulProgmaster85 | January 29th 10
1.0 awfulwilde | November 20th 09
1.0 awfulthrowdown5 | October 23rd 09
2.0 poorJethro42 | May 6th 09
1.0 awfulLuchoman | February 24th 09
2.5 averageprosoloist | February 17th 09
1.5 very poorMColeman | December 1st 08
2.0 poor72haha72 | November 9th 08
1.0 awfulzylo2246 | October 15th 08
1.0 awfulEStreetFan | June 17th 08
3.5 greatDayvan Cowboy | May 28th 08
3.5 greatWhatHappensNow | March 26th 08
3.0 goodMaz | November 29th 07
2.0 poorrotsman | November 20th 07
2.0 poorstellarvector | October 25th 07
4.0 excellentannieT
3.5 greatWrenfr
1.0 awfulVanwarp
2.0 poorpinelake26
2.5 averagedexternico
3.0 goodTangento
1.0 awfulclairvoyant

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