Charli XCX   Brat and It’s Completely Different but Also...
Release Date: 2024

 Ratings (63) Give your Rating

4.5 superbLewis EMERITUS | October 13th 24

Gotta be one of the most interesting and genuinely fun mainstream album cycles of recent memory. Remix album hits a similar sweet spot as HIFN where it might have existed in as many forms months/years before it took final shape (esp. those initial singles during the Brat campaign), but its concerns are up-to-the-minute. Works, as Brat does, on multiple levels: homage to house music tradition, contemporary pop cycle expectations, and a continuation of that album's diaristic approach to blurring the line between the creator and her character, a reaction to a career shift long in the making and perhaps still truly unexpected. How fitting that an album about sublimating one's neuroses/anxieties/bad habits into art meant to also reinforce notions of control/autonomy/success should treat its reprisals as opportunities to reconsider its themes from completely new vantages, spiritually and melodically and culturally, while, smartly and with commercial stratagem, keeping some baser impulses fully intact (looking at you, Billie and Lorde, both of whom flip the gravity of their tracks regardless). Is it deep? I think so; the original album has a raw, unfettered quality that feels genuinely self-conscious and aspirational, a creative self-reckoning that is effective as pop music (phew) and genre experiment (yikes). So forth goes the remix to shrewdly capitalize on the momentum of its summer and do something altogether more surprising: stack artist after artist into the churning content machine, and still remain as smart/funny/sexy/revealing as its predecessor, and yet, completely different.

5 Bumps | Bump

3.5 greatBillyBrill | October 30th 24

Its still fine but like without exception, every song is worse than its original version, so on that basis this might be the most generous 3.5 I will ever give. I love that the new mean girls leans into the piano bit (the best bit of the whole original album) but then Julian fucking casablancas has the weirdest performance ever. Anyway still worth listening to? But NOT EVER over the original.

1 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbgryndstone | October 14th 24

Joins the ranks of 're-imagined remix album' and sits squarely at the top. The power of collaboration on display is not only incredible from a social standpoint, but hey - it all sounds really good too!


4.0 excellentbrandaao | October 11th 24

360, I Might Say Something Stupid, Mean Girls & I Think About It All the Time are the highlights for me. Fun reimagining of the album, but not as consistent


3.0 goodkngo67890 | January 3rd 25
1.5 very poorBilbodabag | December 29th 24
3.5 greatGassman3268 | December 26th 24
4.0 excellentgothixcc | November 29th 24
3.0 goodkarlulol | November 21st 24
3.0 goodgiannis713 | November 15th 24
3.0 goodjudasgoat | October 30th 24
4.0 excellentTom R. CONTRIBUTOR | October 30th 24
4.0 excellenttheoceanfloor | October 30th 24
4.0 excellentluizprigol | October 25th 24
4.0 excellentpitchforkrates | October 25th 24
3.5 greatRowdy | October 25th 24
5.0 classicleohasse | October 24th 24
3.5 greattheneedledrop | October 23rd 24
4.0 excellentrelibee2 | October 23rd 24
2.0 poorNishe | October 22nd 24
4.0 excellentautopilotoff | October 22nd 24
4.0 excellentguamman64 | October 18th 24
3.5 greatI have an awful memory of a high school ex sitting on my baby blue vinyl of The Dusk In Us lmao | October 18th 24
3.5 greatOrangentorte | October 17th 24
4.0 excellentshoeslavandula | October 17th 24
2.0 poorDaleCooper2 | October 17th 24
2.5 averageMaverick821 | October 16th 24
3.5 greatsebasthebarbar | October 16th 24
3.5 greatAxeToFall93 | October 16th 24
5.0 classicBrandonMZ | October 16th 24
3.0 goodRight-clicker mentality | October 15th 24
3.0 goodatokad432 | October 15th 24
3.0 goodItsTheSquirrel | October 15th 24
4.0 excellentWillFromAmerica | October 15th 24
4.0 excellentalexrupert | October 15th 24
4.0 excellentBrandon Taylor | October 15th 24
4.0 excellentFaraudo | October 14th 24
3.5 greathamid95 | October 14th 24
4.0 excellentbluejasmine | October 14th 24
3.5 greatMatty CONTRIBUTOR | October 14th 24
4.0 excellentDavidPrincipe29 | October 13th 24
3.5 greatB1gNumpty | October 13th 24
3.0 goodGrande challenges, with an almost Swiftian level of defiance and hostility. | October 13th 24
3.5 greatMateo Ottie CONTRIBUTOR | October 13th 24
3.5 greatWav0fmutilation | October 12th 24
4.0 excellentMutantsnowstorm | October 12th 24
4.5 superbdeadblessing | October 11th 24
4.0 excellentwinterworm | October 11th 24
3.0 goodjtswope | October 11th 24
3.0 goodTrebor. EMERITUS | October 11th 24
2.0 poormassively arsey over definitions and technicalities CONTRIBUTOR | October 11th 24
3.0 goodSnuron | October 11th 24
4.0 excellentalamo | October 11th 24
3.5 greatgrandfather | October 11th 24
4.0 excellentSagacious13 | October 11th 24
3.0 goodelephantREVOLUTION | October 11th 24
4.0 excellentdarkbunny | October 11th 24
4.0 excellentTara | October 11th 24
4.0 excellentK3nsei69 | October 11th 24
3.5 greatTenebraeInvictus | October 11th 24
4.0 excellentchwe | October 11th 24
4.0 excellentavery14th | October 11th 24
3.5 greatiGuter | October 11th 24

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