Zeal and Ardor   Greif
Release Date: 2024

 Full ReviewRatings (81) Give your Rating

3.0 goodKrillBoi | August 23rd 24

Someone's been listening to Queens of the Stone Age

1 Bumps | Bump

3.0 goodGene Gol CONTRIBUTOR | August 26th 24

Have you been listening to 00s alt-metal nonstop with no quality filter?


0.0 Brabiz | July 18th 24

Clawing Out absolutely destroys.


3.5 greatDustx85 | January 19th 25
2.0 poorengleprunt | January 16th 25
3.5 greatdiscompalas | December 24th 24
2.5 averageSacredSerenity | December 22nd 24
4.0 excellentbeachdude | December 20th 24
4.0 excellentIthinkimjesus28 | December 14th 24
1.5 very poorfathergascoigne | November 14th 24
3.5 greatLani | November 5th 24
3.0 goodghostpatrol | October 30th 24
5.0 classicodiporis | October 21st 24
3.5 greatCoast | October 13th 24
2.0 poorLichtmensch | October 12th 24
2.5 averagethestrangeduck | October 12th 24
3.5 greatalsid | October 11th 24
4.0 excellentRisodo | October 8th 24
3.0 goodMattallica | October 4th 24
2.0 poorElynna | October 3rd 24
3.5 greatgreg84 EMERITUS | September 30th 24
3.0 goodgenericlistener | September 21st 24
4.5 superbMatyMasaryk | September 17th 24
3.5 greatmikep87 | September 17th 24
3.0 goodJeejee | September 16th 24
3.5 greatPacky91 | September 13th 24
3.5 greatXXMurdaBeatzXX | September 12th 24
2.0 poorFrank - the rater of 3.5 | September 11th 24
4.0 excellentLedZep94 | September 8th 24
1.5 very poorOlegsandr | September 7th 24
2.0 poorWalrusTusk | September 4th 24
3.0 goodATTA | September 3rd 24
4.0 excellentLalka | September 3rd 24
3.0 goodMathMetal09 | September 1st 24
2.5 averageFerretmusic | August 31st 24
2.0 poorStakis83 | August 29th 24
3.5 greatMarci | August 29th 24
4.0 excellentFenix | August 28th 24
3.5 greatGorey13 | August 28th 24
1.5 very poorDarkNoctus | August 28th 24
3.0 goodShapeOfJizzToCum | August 28th 24
3.0 goodSpicyPikachu1 | August 28th 24
3.0 goodnomistim9000 | August 27th 24
3.0 goodAlex C. | August 27th 24
2.5 averagecendor | August 27th 24
2.0 poorIppocalyptica | August 27th 24
2.5 averageJaxer | August 27th 24
2.5 averageblazesboylan | August 27th 24
3.5 greatgilly | August 26th 24
2.0 poorGameofmetal EMERITUS | August 26th 24
3.0 goodtur1smo64 | August 26th 24
1.0 awfulYea, my final legacy to this piece-of-shit site. | August 26th 24
4.0 excellentRustCohle | August 26th 24
2.5 averageTheNoodle | August 26th 24
4.0 excellentVolKaroth | August 26th 24
3.0 goodKManoc1 | August 25th 24
2.0 poorxmarcelx1405 | August 25th 24
1.5 very poorVasilis S. CONTRIBUTOR | August 25th 24
1.0 awfulWizard | August 25th 24
4.0 excellentStormy Smiley Face | August 25th 24
3.0 goodJoneHK | August 25th 24
4.5 superbInveigh | August 25th 24
2.5 averageVeldin | August 25th 24
3.0 goodDave S. M. | August 24th 24
2.5 averageMatty CONTRIBUTOR | August 24th 24
4.0 excellentdjentist8 | August 24th 24
3.0 goodwillyumz11 | August 24th 24
2.0 poorPaleLord | August 24th 24
2.5 averagebluefinder | August 24th 24
2.5 averagehotsoap | August 23rd 24
3.0 goodhesperus | August 23rd 24
4.0 excellentkevnb | August 23rd 24
2.5 averageBlindsided | August 23rd 24
3.0 goodZombieParty | August 23rd 24
2.5 averagePTRKoulou | August 23rd 24
2.5 averageSam292929 | August 23rd 24
3.0 goodRobert Davis | August 23rd 24
1.5 very poorjtswope | August 23rd 24
2.5 averagedachstheangry | August 23rd 24
2.5 averageiGuter | August 23rd 24
3.5 greatelephantREVOLUTION | August 23rd 24
3.0 goodSlothy Seconds | August 23rd 24

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