The Arrogant Sons of Bitches   All The Little Ones Are Rotting
Release Date: 2009

 Ratings (30) Give your Rating

0.0 rzrbicks | January 17th 22

the ep alone is pretty sick, including the first release of probably asobs biggest hit, So Let's Go! Nowhere however the addition of the bonus tracks from the rerelease are the icing on the cake. in addition to the ska punk/pop punk feel of all the little ones are rotting, a couple songs feature electronic beats that differentiate the songs from eachother and keeps you coming back to it, present on RSTLNE and No! No! No! No! No! also reminiscent of pornocracy's Melon Country. overall a 4, all the little ones are rotting is pretty rad and was my second introduction to asob that really got me hooked, next to three cheers.


3.5 greathoipolloi | April 23rd 10

jeff rosenstock is my hero, love ASOB, love BTMI!. this album is solid and its an enjoyable listen in the typical, fuck the world style of rosenstock.


3.5 greatTRMshadow | February 7th 10

A nice, catchy album from the kings of ska, but it lacks a bit of the intensity and overall completeness found in Three Cheers for Disappointment


5.0 classicAudi | February 8th 21
3.5 greatMisterFabulous | February 16th 20
3.0 goodAskala | September 27th 18
3.0 goodMidjicka | August 22nd 17
4.0 excellentTheCharmingMan | August 12th 16
3.0 gooduser user | December 6th 15
4.0 excellentSithese | January 1st 15
5.0 classicStevven | October 27th 14
4.0 excellentTheScariestFish | January 12th 14
3.5 greatportraitsofdecay | December 8th 13
3.0 goodyungcocobuttah | June 20th 13
4.0 excellentLakes. | June 16th 13
4.5 superbKman418 | April 27th 13
4.5 superbTechnicolorKeegan | February 6th 13
4.0 excellentBreakfastCat | January 23rd 13
3.5 greatZGP1992 | December 3rd 12
4.5 superbSpare | June 25th 12
3.5 greatswallowtales | September 21st 11
3.5 greatCorvus | April 16th 11
4.0 excellentTheGreatFedora | February 4th 11
3.5 greatiFghtffyrdmns | January 13th 11
4.0 excellentkabukigrrl | September 9th 10
3.5 greatdart200 | August 31st 10
4.0 excellentYay | June 13th 10
3.5 greatBlackbelt54 | June 5th 10
3.0 goodmeenamiller | March 23rd 10
5.0 classicWhinesilencer | February 14th 10
4.5 superbndspitt914 | February 3rd 10

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