Unprocessed   Gold
Release Date: 2022

 Ratings (47) Give your Rating

1.5 very poorMitch Worden EMERITUS | August 25th 22

Unprocessed Dragons

1 Bumps | Bump

3.0 goodBroonist996 | August 24th 22

You can smell the sweat on the Boyz as they try to create something that is their own. They don't succeed, but the effort is still worth applauding. Right?

1 Bumps | Bump

2.0 poorKars Landman | February 17th 24

Lots of cool ideas here, but on the one record they fixed their production they ruin their songs
by either really strange song writing choices, ripping of Polyphia, awkward choruses, or just bad
vocals. Band has potential but never fully utilized it. Especially Berlin and The Game really have
potential to be cool songs.


4.5 superbTundra | August 24th 23

While the bands older material thrived with fantastic riffs and progginess, this album thrives in it's incredibly infectious melodies and grooves. Every song on this album is simplistic and very poppy, which is of course by design. Manuel is a convincing frontman all throughout, theres something about his vocals I always find compelling. The intricacies of the bands previous work is once again present here, but higher use of electronic beats is on display. It's a polarizing album for sure, diverting so hard from their prior releases, but it has only grown on me more and more throughout the years.


3.0 goodCEO of Mathcore | August 13th 22

Nice vibes but drones on waaaayyyy too long.


3.0 goodjustsomelad | December 22nd 24
3.0 goodxgoldenreaper15x | October 24th 24
3.0 goodDarkInfernal | May 5th 24
3.0 goodtcarafi | January 22nd 24
2.5 averageSam292929 | January 4th 24
2.5 averagekarlulol | December 28th 23
2.0 poorzzf1918 | December 16th 23
3.5 greatiasookia | December 7th 23
2.5 averageKrillBoi | December 6th 23
3.0 goodTwelvetribes230 | December 4th 23
2.5 averagerevenantpilot | December 4th 23
3.0 goodUnsaidxpl | December 4th 23
3.0 goodEarlgrey79 | December 3rd 23
3.5 greatmisho87233 | December 3rd 23
4.0 excellentJeanfreddy Gutierrez | December 1st 23
2.0 poorbellovddd | September 19th 23
2.0 poorEl Olam | August 20th 23
4.0 excellentGeorgeOkja68 | August 12th 23
2.5 averageBenJones | April 22nd 23
1.5 very poorpiratejokern | January 25th 23
3.0 goodjpturk21 | January 12th 23
4.0 excellentxmarcelx1405 | September 30th 22
3.0 goodEldave93 | September 16th 22
2.5 averages0nicx | September 13th 22
4.5 superbAmerica's Favorite Hemophobe! ♦ | September 3rd 22
3.5 greatUrukHai | August 27th 22
2.5 averageDodedodo | August 25th 22
2.5 averageSteakByrnes | August 24th 22
5.0 classicMattia | August 23rd 22
2.5 averageMichichachi | August 23rd 22
3.0 goodDave S. M. | August 22nd 22
1.5 very poorAdoreSwancore | August 21st 22
2.5 averageTyler White STAFF | August 16th 22
2.5 averagesebasthebarbar | August 15th 22
3.5 greatariich | August 15th 22
3.0 goodianjulian | August 14th 22
3.0 goodOlegsandr | August 14th 22
2.5 averagepeartnoy | August 14th 22
2.0 poorGet Low | August 13th 22
2.0 poorDmax28 | August 13th 22
2.0 poorCygnusX1 | August 12th 22
3.0 goodjustajammin | August 12th 22

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