A Wilhelm Scream   Lose Your Delusion
Release Date: 2022

 Ratings (63) Give your Rating

2.0 poorimperviousmike | April 18th 22

All Wilhelm, no Scream. Its listenable but very safe and boring.

5 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicBestFriend | April 15th 22

Absolutely incredible. If you've been listening to A Wilhelm Scream for the past 2 decades, you know that each album brings something new, and for some songs it might take a couple of listens before you feel what they are really doing. I knew it was going to be good, but I did not expect such a fresh sound from them after the 9 year gap. I need to stop "expecting" anything from them. Love the experimenting they are doing with vocal styles, IN LOVE with the group harmonies and hooks, and everything you've ever loved from them is still there. All of the shredding, all of the technicality is still there. If people are saying that there's less of that on this album, it is only because it's now totally in service of the song as a full composition and flows incredibly well, plus the mixing does bring it down a bit when the orchestration is full. Every listen-through will expose something new and clever going on (which has always been the case with this band). I have to admit I am also surprised at the comments of album flow, I think where they choose to continue a certain energy and where to contrast it is well chosen. Going to listen through this thing 100 times before the end of April.

5 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbjoshuainsole93 | April 14th 22

Less shreddy and screamy, more mature and heartfelt. I've had it on repeat nonstop.

5 Bumps | Bump

3.0 goodShogun | April 14th 22

Mild disappointment. More emphasis on fun than shred. Some great tracks sprinkled in amongst a lot of duds. I dont think the track placement helps the album either.

5 Bumps | Bump

2.5 averagePikazilla | April 14th 22

Disappointment of the year. The wait wasn't worth it :'(

4 Bumps | Bump

3.5 greatxlev | April 14th 22

The mix on this thing ain't great but the songs are.

2 Bumps | Bump

0.0 deathofasalesman | March 18th 22

This is shaping up to be something special. Just wish we could see the album art.

2 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbfromrows | April 21st 22

I didnt love it at first listen, expected a lot more heavy tracks, but I keep on listening
and now I much admit I enjoy it as much as all their previous albums, but I understand why
fans expected something more fast and heavy.

1 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicLulzwagon | April 17th 22

I've always been a huge AWS fan but I would never consider calling one of their albums "beautiful" until now. There is truly no other way to describe it. Not a bad song on here and absolutely worth the wait.

1 Bumps | Bump

3.0 goodBlackTaxi2d | April 16th 22

What a weird album. There are some great moments on here and you can tell the boys are having a lot of fun. But so many parts of songs are ideas that didn't get fully fleshed out. Some transitions are melodically awkward. Some parts are cheesy. They definitely still bring the energy though. Album ending is definitely not a strong point either. Agreed that Be One to No One is the top track here, it really has a bit of everything, with great lyrics to boot. Some of the vocal choices leave me scratching my head though.

1 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentMonstar1790 | April 15th 22

I never expected the perennially cynical Scream to write something uplifting, but here we
are! The only weak tune is "I'm Gonna Work It Out". Meanwhile, "Be One to No One" is the
song to beat this year.

1 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbTheNoodle | April 15th 22

It makes a lot of sense why they chose Be One To No One as the lead single. That's the best entry point based on what AWS has done before. But be prepared for this album to surprise you consistently, and try out totally new things!rThis sounds like an album made by a group of guys who love each other, and love making music together. And hearing that in every single song is really wonderful!rBig Nasty is an immediate stand out. It's 2:15 and manages to transition through like 8 distinct sounds to create a WILD listening experience

1 Bumps | Bump

2.5 averageGene Gol CONTRIBUTOR | April 26th 24

AWS return to little buzz with a seldom buzzing album that only occasionally bursts into their trademark heavy thrashy instrumentation and biting lyrics. Instead, most of the time the band spends mistaking meandering pop-punk for mature writing.


3.5 greatScoot | April 17th 22

a step down from an otherwise brilliant career, but a fun listen nonetheless. if this is the end, it's been a fun run


3.0 goodIf being sexy is a crime, Im under arrest for selling ketamine to 5th graders | April 18th 24
3.5 greatsebchando | January 16th 24
3.0 goodkroglor | September 21st 23
3.0 goodGhostWithTheMost | August 22nd 23
2.5 averageHalez | June 16th 23
3.0 goodFanCrazedPanda | June 6th 23
3.0 goodAndy H. B. | May 22nd 23
2.0 poorTalking power metal in the ulcerate thread should be punishable by getting your nutsack slammed in a dresser drawer | May 18th 23
4.0 excellentgschwen | April 3rd 23
2.5 averagedgrona4411 | March 31st 23
3.5 greateloimayano | February 23rd 23
2.5 averageMatyMasaryk | January 12th 23
3.5 greatMinushuman24 | December 18th 22
2.5 averagepepster50 | September 5th 22
3.5 greatFnTom | August 29th 22
2.5 averagehadriel | August 14th 22
4.0 excellentTomcat13 | August 13th 22
4.0 excellentRisodo | August 10th 22
3.0 goodWalrusTusk | July 5th 22
3.5 greatXSebbyMcMuffinX | July 3rd 22
3.5 greatChanning Freeman STAFF | June 29th 22
4.5 superbGuitar Mans Hip | May 7th 22
3.0 goodTrey STAFF | May 6th 22
4.0 excellentSurette | May 6th 22
3.5 greatnash1311 | April 29th 22
4.0 excellentJerseyJimmy | April 29th 22
3.5 greatAtari STAFF | April 26th 22
3.5 greatAnanasins | April 26th 22
2.5 averagehangth3dj | April 26th 22
3.5 greatXXMurdaBeatzXX | April 23rd 22
3.0 goodRadioSuicide | April 22nd 22
4.0 excellenttruekebabpower | April 22nd 22
3.5 greatjmh886 | April 21st 22
4.0 excellentcheapcrayon | April 20th 22
3.5 greatZack Lorenzen CONTRIBUTOR | April 20th 22
3.0 goodPanzerchrist | April 19th 22
4.0 excellentEcnalzen | April 19th 22
3.5 greatTommaso | April 18th 22
2.5 averagebrosephmcbrah | April 18th 22
3.5 greatEarlgrey79 | April 17th 22
3.5 greatmallen- | April 15th 22
3.5 greatAxeToFall93 | April 15th 22
3.5 greatIleftyspankedU | April 14th 22
4.5 superbRickey Henderson | April 14th 22
3.5 greatBlackFugazi | April 14th 22
3.5 greatSatellite | April 14th 22
3.0 goodEldave93 | April 14th 22
3.0 goodKingdok | April 14th 22
3.0 goodcounterparts | April 14th 22
3.5 greatSlothy Seconds | April 13th 22

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