Lambchop   Showtunes
Release Date: 2021

 Full ReviewRatings (20) Give your Rating

4.0 excellenttheBonerKing | May 23rd 21

For two listens I was skeptical but it clicked. This band can do no wrong.

2 Bumps | Bump

3.0 goodGene Gol CONTRIBUTOR | December 23rd 21

Though largely unfamiliar with Lambchop's core discography, this seemed to me like an album of maturity and growth, both musically and lyrically. The style mostly remains low-key and pleasantly quiet, which can often serve to the flow's detriment, as there are numerous baffling interludes even quieter and more quaint than the rest of the record. Unfortunately, these only serve to slow and corrode the already stagnating pace even further.


4.5 superbdoofy | January 7th 24
3.5 greatpitchforkrates | February 26th 23
4.0 excellentDylan620 | December 27th 21
3.0 goodbornthetravestyofman | December 13th 21
4.0 excellentgilly | August 10th 21
2.5 averageCrisStyles | July 21st 21
3.0 goodFrank - the rater of 3.5 | June 21st 21
2.0 poorPikazilla | June 17th 21
3.0 goodeureka | June 17th 21
3.0 goodleon486 | June 2nd 21
3.5 greatNorthernSkylark | June 1st 21
4.0 excellentbreadisdead | June 1st 21
2.5 averageTigermilk | May 31st 21
3.5 greatCEO of Mathcore | May 28th 21
3.0 goodoxidizedform | May 25th 21
4.0 excellentanat CONTRIBUTOR | May 23rd 21
4.5 superbanobsoletevernacular | May 22nd 21
4.5 superbLucman | May 21st 21

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