Dvne   Etemen Ænka
Release Date: 2021

 Full ReviewRatings (418) Give your Rating

0.0 Dewinged STAFF | March 23rd 21

All other bands: Here some riffs...rDvne: Hold my scrotum

5 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentXenophanes EMERITUS | March 24th 21

I really get off shitting on prog metal albums y?all love but this is actually great

4 Bumps | Bump

3.9 excellentErwann S. STAFF | March 23rd 21

The case of a really good album that still doesn't manage to attain its predecessor's greatness. The production is top notch, the musicianship is top notch, the vocals are - not that - top notch - but they aight - and the overall dynamics displaying is engaging. Still, it's a step down from Asheran, one of the best 2010s progsludge records out there. This is just ever so slightly dragging, and the highlights do not invoke as many Moebius-like paysages, but the Scottish bois nevertheless crafted an epic record.

3 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbGene Gol CONTRIBUTOR | April 22nd 21

i haven't been this entertained by metal since the time a metal rod went up my ass. thanks to dvne for reigniting those memories in me

1 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicloveforeverchanges | March 21st 21

In my opinion, Chino has smoked it up too
much! This album sounds absolutely incredible
from start to finish, and the sound, from the
singing with an organ in the background to
the crunching of the electric guitars and
growling, is some of the most impressive
I've heard from this genre since Isis retired!
Cult of Luna is, of course, up there too

1 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbcloakanddagger | March 19th 21

Easy sludge AOTY contender, the kind of album Mastodon and Baroness wish they could write.

1 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentBedex | May 29th 24

It's been years since I heard the previous album, so I am mostly working off my soundoff here. As with the debut LP, Dvne offer an extremely competent and fun proggers album, ripe with utter riffage and proggy sounds with synths and esoteric vocals eg on 9. The clean vocals remain the least strong point, but are far less of a problem than I seem to have said about the first album. They're competent and fine, it's just that the rest is so good. It is a bit of a long album but the quality is really solid, although the truly outstanding moment are a touch too far between (but not too few dare I say) to warrant more than this tier. 4.1


3.5 greatREANIMATED | June 22nd 22

This would be a modern classic if it was just a little more condensed. Also, the best live performance from a metal band I've ever seen. If they're in your area, see them, you will not be disappointed!


4.0 excellentLoz2103 | April 1st 21

Really enjoying this. Hearing bits of Alcest and Isis in there. Maybe that's just my brain.


3.0 goodGary STAFF | March 26th 21

It's alright, I guess.


5.0 classicVoszz | March 22nd 21

This album overwhelms me, pulls me in and takes me on an adventure. Epic. Massive riffs form a ship with which I try to conquer the ocean. With every wave I drown more in the world of DVNE. And sometimes the sea is calm and I float, dreaming, with my head in the sun. But just when I think I can close my eyes, I am pulled back into reality. The siren becomes a scream, the silence becomes a storm. And I surrender to it. Etemen Aenka is powerful.


4.5 superbChino smoking it up! | March 20th 21

Big album and very well done. A bit long, considering it repeats the dynamic structures too much. Title track is legit stuff and all tracks are practically as good, throwing a lot of influenes in one homogenous sound. Asheran was killer tho and gave more the sense of adventour. Edit - @loveforeverchanges listen to CoL.


4.5 superbmeatwadsprite | July 18th 24
3.0 goodHarff7 | June 11th 24
4.5 superbIppocalyptica | June 9th 24
3.5 greatkabster | May 31st 24
4.0 excellentrudy4u51 | May 29th 24
4.0 excellentFlipjack | May 15th 24
4.0 excellentbc013 | May 2nd 24
4.5 superbstapedius66 | April 29th 24
4.0 excellentcompromisedreality | April 25th 24
4.0 excellentwildinferno2010 | April 25th 24
4.0 excellentSteefJan1970 | April 23rd 24
4.0 excellentTANNHAUSER | April 20th 24
4.5 superbdjentist8 | April 20th 24
4.0 excellentJake E. | April 20th 24
4.0 excellentrazedtotheground | April 20th 24
4.0 excellentKantala | April 19th 24
4.5 superbsnakesc | March 16th 24
3.0 goodrevenantpilot | March 15th 24
4.0 excellentderkaderka | March 14th 24
4.0 excellentWorst music taste on SputnikPeople could be easily fooled into thinking you are a troll but the grim | March 12th 24
3.5 greatNexCeleris | March 4th 24
3.5 greatgioacqua | February 27th 24
5.0 classicDocBass | December 15th 23
4.0 excellentjustsomelad | November 2nd 23
3.5 greatConfucius | October 22nd 23
4.5 superbAvet | October 21st 23
4.0 excellentnylonhair | October 2nd 23
4.5 superbpercyforward | September 17th 23
5.0 classicmigueldemolina | September 4th 23
2.5 averageNo joke names, please, or you will have a temporary ban. | August 30th 23
4.5 superbS78 | July 18th 23
4.0 excellentLookinglasself | July 15th 23
4.5 superbbluefinder | June 24th 23
2.5 averagesneakers | June 14th 23
4.5 superbMTObsidian | May 18th 23
5.0 classicbloodspencer | April 15th 23
5.0 classicLilPlump | April 1st 23
4.0 excellentDustx85 | February 21st 23
4.0 excellentcb123 | February 21st 23
5.0 classicBlastStorm | February 15th 23
4.0 excellentAstaroth666 | December 19th 22
4.0 excellentAnusNballs | December 5th 22
4.0 excellentGunny87 | October 25th 22
5.0 classicbraddison | September 21st 22
4.0 excellentsolrage | September 12th 22
3.0 goodHiyabootchie2 | August 21st 22
4.0 excellentISeeDarkly | August 20th 22
3.5 greatkosmonavt | August 19th 22
4.5 superbChapo | July 24th 22
4.0 excellentToolock | July 20th 22
3.5 greatDodedodo | July 11th 22
3.5 greatsungodmotel | June 23rd 22
3.5 greatGanoncannon | June 23rd 22
4.0 excellent0demigod0 | June 6th 22
3.0 goodafrogorton | April 26th 22
4.0 excellentTheGoni | April 25th 22
3.5 greatrenegadestrings | April 5th 22
4.5 superbBucsiKrisztian | April 1st 22
3.5 greatEbola | March 28th 22
3.5 greatAztreonam | March 8th 22
3.5 greatXSebbyMcMuffinX | March 7th 22
4.0 excellentJ1zzlobber | February 28th 22
4.5 superbWastelandOasis | February 25th 22
3.5 greatfigurehead of "built different" EMERITUS | February 17th 22
3.0 goodEoinCofa | February 7th 22
3.0 goodDaveTrane | January 31st 22
4.0 excellentPocketQuasar | January 30th 22
4.0 excellentSkapalPes | January 25th 22
4.0 excellentI have an awful memory of a high school ex sitting on my baby blue vinyl of The Dusk In Us lmao | January 19th 22
4.0 excellentjpturk21 | January 19th 22
4.0 excellentIgnimbrite | January 19th 22
4.0 excellentBenjamin Jack STAFF | January 18th 22
4.0 excellentbananatossing | January 18th 22
3.5 greatPrancer | January 14th 22
3.5 greatqt | January 14th 22
4.5 superbaroubies | January 11th 22
5.0 classicoedipusrex | January 10th 22
4.5 superbCygnusX1 | January 9th 22
4.0 excellentwarlordfun | January 8th 22
4.0 excellentvkristi | January 7th 22
4.5 superbkonsmake | January 5th 22
3.0 goodalkostach | January 4th 22
3.5 greatgreg84 EMERITUS | January 4th 22
4.5 superbquintenzee | December 31st 21
2.0 poorLvxfra | December 29th 21
4.0 excellentMalConstant | December 29th 21
3.5 greatepmxcx | December 29th 21
3.0 goodyungxkangaroo | December 29th 21
4.0 excellentCloudwalker | December 28th 21
3.0 goodBen STAFF | December 26th 21
4.5 superbHaemoptysis | December 26th 21
4.5 superbTheWatchman71 | December 24th 21
4.5 superbChildOfHate | December 23rd 21
3.0 goodSantet | December 23rd 21
4.0 excellentBrad | December 23rd 21
3.5 greatVamos | December 22nd 21
4.5 superbAluktodolo | December 22nd 21
4.0 excellentBeneMaja | December 19th 21
4.5 superbGhostShelter | December 19th 21
4.0 excellentJohnny Maccaroni | December 19th 21
4.0 excellentgbongzilla | December 19th 21
4.0 excellentScheumke | December 16th 21
4.5 superbfantalas | December 14th 21
4.5 superbChamberbelain | December 12th 21
4.5 superbsoulxstlr | December 12th 21
3.5 greatMattallica | December 9th 21
4.5 superbNecRobert | December 9th 21
4.0 excellentLuna | December 8th 21
4.0 excellentLordPH | December 3rd 21
4.0 excellentEldave93 | December 2nd 21
2.0 poorrojachnek | December 1st 21
4.0 excellentTheBigMiz | November 30th 21
4.5 superbUzumaki | November 28th 21
4.0 excellentSacredSerenity | November 27th 21
4.5 superbdolmos | November 26th 21
4.0 excellentPhilbopeth | November 3rd 21
5.0 classicSnidelyWhiplash | November 3rd 21
4.0 excellentohhhcomely | November 3rd 21
4.5 superbmrfixit | November 1st 21
3.5 greatwildman69 | October 29th 21
3.5 greatSquiggly | October 27th 21
4.0 excellentdegustibus | October 26th 21
4.5 superbTsarNick96 | October 23rd 21
4.5 superbmadtwoo | October 22nd 21
3.0 goodMerchanstile | October 19th 21
2.5 averageundertherock | October 18th 21
3.0 goodcowleast | October 18th 21
2.5 averagedissenter08 | October 18th 21
2.5 averagebrokenmechanic | October 18th 21
3.0 goodFlashGun2 | October 18th 21
4.5 superbRichRamp | October 13th 21
4.5 superbMRDi | October 7th 21
5.0 classicBrains | October 7th 21
3.5 greatPiglet | October 6th 21
5.0 classicRadex | October 3rd 21
4.0 excellentptrstr | October 2nd 21
3.5 greateatingTheVisionOfRod | October 2nd 21
3.5 greatMegabomberman | September 30th 21
3.5 greatMitch Worden EMERITUS | September 26th 21
5.0 classicSally J. | September 20th 21
4.0 excellentkolektivpigeon | September 14th 21
4.0 excellentprogsun | September 13th 21
3.0 goodMrGrieves | September 11th 21
3.5 greatArctick | September 9th 21
4.5 superbnamsaap | September 6th 21
2.5 averageFabiusPictor202 | August 29th 21
3.5 greatJ.C. van Beekum | August 16th 21
4.0 excellentKingdomOfTyrant | August 13th 21
4.5 superbChanning Freeman STAFF | August 12th 21
4.0 excellentBulgaro | August 12th 21
4.5 superbMyColdShoulder | August 10th 21
3.0 goodPangea | August 8th 21
4.0 excellentkx8 | August 6th 21
4.5 superbLalka | August 6th 21
3.5 greatDavidUncover | August 6th 21
3.0 goodhaesslichermensch | August 4th 21
4.0 excellentchasehoffman99 | July 30th 21
3.5 greatJalapeno CONTRIBUTOR | July 25th 21
4.5 superb0GuyMan0 | July 22nd 21
4.0 excellentParkmeyer | July 18th 21
4.5 superbGeehowey | July 16th 21
4.5 superbRodstar | July 11th 21
3.0 goodNonApplicable | July 9th 21
2.5 averagetoastrock | July 7th 21
4.0 excellentspiralOut31 | July 5th 21
3.5 greatvliopasnyk8 | July 4th 21
3.5 greatmadcowdisease | July 4th 21
4.5 superblalchimiste | June 29th 21
3.5 greatZakusz | June 28th 21
4.5 superbNoHellsNoHeavens | June 25th 21
3.5 greatoutburst | June 25th 21
4.5 superbChrysoar | June 23rd 21
3.5 greatkleggi | June 16th 21
3.5 greatalsid | June 14th 21
4.0 excellenthsb | June 12th 21
2.5 averageDreamwarriors | June 10th 21
3.5 greatZack Lorenzen CONTRIBUTOR | June 10th 21
4.0 excellentWattPheasant | June 9th 21
3.5 greatMuppelope | June 8th 21
3.5 greatGodL1ke | June 6th 21
5.0 classicBiohazardboy | June 5th 21
3.0 gooddabisco | May 31st 21
4.0 excellentLastRites442 | May 29th 21
3.5 greatWolfe | May 25th 21
3.5 greatjesper STAFF | May 24th 21
4.5 superbbarbalidio | May 22nd 21
4.5 superbShartHarder | May 20th 21
2.0 poorjhop | May 20th 21
4.5 superbmeditant | May 17th 21
4.0 excellentHarlequinRolodex | May 16th 21
3.5 greatRobert Davis | May 14th 21
4.0 excellentdaiguit91Kider | May 13th 21
4.5 superbDJmeowmixer | May 13th 21
4.5 superbIsolatedSymmetry | May 10th 21
3.5 greatBlindsided | May 10th 21
4.0 excellentthejoelsder | May 10th 21
4.5 superbYea, my final legacy to this piece-of-shit site. | May 6th 21
4.0 excellentphilbert08 | May 5th 21
4.5 superbInFlamesWeThrash666 | May 3rd 21
4.0 excellentcendor | May 3rd 21
2.5 averageCookieFactory79 | May 2nd 21
3.5 greatdawnstarling | May 1st 21
4.0 excellentShMaLeB1196 | April 30th 21
3.5 greatMathyNoodles | April 30th 21
2.5 averagelucazade22 | April 30th 21
4.0 excellentXenoflux | April 28th 21
3.5 greatRaylanCrowder | April 27th 21
4.0 excellentDisconnected | April 25th 21
4.0 excellentwasteofpaint31 | April 23rd 21
4.5 superbcozzy | April 23rd 21
3.5 greatThibs | April 22nd 21
4.0 excellentMiloslaw Archibald Rugallini STAFF | April 20th 21
4.5 superbRustCohle | April 20th 21
4.5 superbLeland | April 19th 21
4.0 excellentandrewsk | April 19th 21
4.0 excellentTheSupernatural | April 19th 21
4.0 excellentHybridF | April 19th 21
4.0 excellentchwe | April 18th 21
4.0 excellentarf | April 17th 21
3.5 greatIndomitable | April 17th 21
3.5 greatem17ah | April 17th 21
4.0 excellentAlex C. | April 17th 21
3.5 greatmikep87 | April 16th 21
3.5 greatMeatSalad | April 15th 21
3.5 greatianjulian | April 15th 21
3.5 greatMythodea | April 14th 21
4.0 excellentNoSons | April 14th 21
4.5 superbSIMBOLIC | April 14th 21
4.0 excellentjmh886 | April 13th 21
4.0 excellentratcatbaby | April 13th 21
3.0 goodvacantPlanet | April 12th 21
3.0 goodNot being able to imagine myself as the subject of a love song spoils my enjoyment | April 12th 21
3.3 greatTrey STAFF | April 12th 21
2.0 poorMAB | April 11th 21
4.0 excellentFeels | April 10th 21
4.0 excellentSputniks #1 Cacti Hunter | April 10th 21
4.5 superbCYCO27 | April 10th 21
4.0 excellenthadriel | April 10th 21
4.0 excellentOldMystic | April 10th 21
4.0 excellentteamster | April 9th 21
4.5 superbhangth3dj | April 9th 21
4.0 excellentMathias STAFF | April 8th 21
3.5 greatWaiting around to die | April 8th 21
4.5 superbaudiosmurf | April 8th 21
4.5 superbleonardotardino | April 8th 21
4.0 excellentgreyofthedawn | April 7th 21
2.0 poortectactoe | April 7th 21
3.5 greattruekebabpower | April 7th 21
3.5 greatStop calling Intronaut post-metal | April 7th 21
3.0 goodInternalRain | April 6th 21
3.5 greatAffableMartyr | April 6th 21
5.0 classicQuietview | April 6th 21
4.5 superbSIIMBOLIC | April 6th 21
4.0 excellentYoni91 | April 5th 21
4.0 excellentDavidPrincipe29 | April 5th 21
4.0 excellentT5Cx | April 5th 21
4.0 excellentLassie | April 5th 21
4.0 excellentaydross121 | April 5th 21
4.0 excellentSrpskiCekic | April 4th 21
4.0 excellentSpicyPikachu1 | April 4th 21
3.0 goodThuckabe | April 3rd 21
3.5 greatCoast | April 3rd 21
4.0 excellentGggarethAll | April 3rd 21
3.0 goodelephantREVOLUTION | April 3rd 21
5.0 classicpengui | April 3rd 21
4.0 excellentJimbly | April 2nd 21
5.0 classicRandomR | April 2nd 21
4.5 superbSYL | April 2nd 21
4.0 excellentHyndez | April 2nd 21
4.0 excellentbbm | April 1st 21
3.5 greatleon486 | April 1st 21
3.5 greatElynna | April 1st 21
3.0 goodMonsterpoptart | April 1st 21
3.5 greatreportingbird | April 1st 21
4.0 excellentdeadstory | April 1st 21
4.5 superbHockeytown | April 1st 21
4.5 superbmisho87233 | March 31st 21
4.5 superbJohnDillinger | March 31st 21
3.0 goodFurtherDown | March 31st 21
3.0 goodBeware NO TWINKCORE here, real metal only goddamnit! (they/she) | March 30th 21
4.0 excellentYoYoMancuso STAFF | March 30th 21
3.5 greatWalrusTusk | March 30th 21
4.0 excellentReviewc0re | March 30th 21
4.5 superbdanman777 | March 30th 21
3.0 goodpo0ty | March 29th 21
4.5 superbMetalstyles | March 29th 21
3.5 greatHaelaeif | March 29th 21
3.5 greatvermillionZ | March 29th 21
5.0 classicstesta | March 29th 21
4.0 excellentShiranui | March 29th 21
4.0 excellentComeToDaddy | March 29th 21
3.5 greatjohn | March 29th 21
4.5 superbgilly | March 29th 21
4.0 excellentMoltivarsal | March 28th 21
4.0 excellentShroomZilla | March 28th 21
4.0 excellentkarlulol | March 28th 21
4.5 superbdachstheangry | March 28th 21
3.5 greatbotb | March 27th 21
3.5 greatfurkhanayd | March 27th 21
4.0 excellentKingrico | March 27th 21
4.0 excellentApathya | March 27th 21
2.5 averagei guess i'll just do it all again differently the next time. | March 27th 21
4.0 excellentBilco | March 27th 21
3.0 goodJasonCarne | March 27th 21
3.0 goodi agree with harris' policy of exterminating all yellowcard fans | March 27th 21
4.0 excellentEclecticism | March 26th 21
3.0 goodCerradozero | March 26th 21
3.0 gooddoofy | March 26th 21
3.5 greatMorningrise767 | March 26th 21
4.0 excellentalburrito | March 26th 21
3.0 goodJohnyBlood | March 26th 21
3.5 greatZaydoune | March 26th 21
2.5 averageRuneii | March 26th 21
4.0 excellentmushroomcult | March 26th 21
4.0 excellentYankeeDudel | March 25th 21
4.5 superbthemanic20 | March 25th 21
3.5 greatneikos | March 25th 21
4.0 excellentMetaxu | March 25th 21
3.0 goodhiyabootchie | March 25th 21
3.5 greatZombieParty | March 25th 21
5.0 classicRausku | March 25th 21
5.0 classicXXMurdaBeatzXX | March 25th 21
3.5 greata plain figure with eight straight sides and eight angles. CONTRIBUTOR | March 25th 21
4.0 excellentGPooch21 | March 25th 21
4.0 excellentMarci | March 25th 21
5.0 classicThrobbing Orbussy | March 25th 21
4.5 superbKars Landman | March 25th 21
4.5 superbMateo Ottie CONTRIBUTOR | March 25th 21
4.0 excellent8genre | March 25th 21
4.5 superbOobaloo | March 24th 21
4.5 superbBrendan Schroer STAFF | March 24th 21
5.0 classicrodschi | March 24th 21
3.0 goodRivalSkoomaDealer | March 24th 21
3.5 greatcandycoated | March 24th 21
4.0 excellentDmax28 | March 24th 21
4.5 superbJosh | March 24th 21
4.0 excellentnash1311 | March 24th 21
4.5 superbsicrvat | March 24th 21
4.5 superbjacobman7 | March 24th 21
4.5 superbProject | March 24th 21
3.5 greatthe dubstep genre has become somewhat generic, leading to the mind numbing homogenisation of the subgenre for the past decade. It seemed like dubstep was losing its edge. Then came Vylet Pony. STAFF | March 24th 21
4.0 excellentFranklinstein | March 24th 21
5.0 classicGroundking | March 24th 21
4.5 superbDungeonBoy | March 24th 21
4.0 excellentRadioSuicide | March 24th 21
4.0 excellentDANcore | March 24th 21
4.0 excellentCthulhuFhtagn | March 24th 21
3.0 goodsicky | March 24th 21
4.0 excellenttur1smo64 | March 24th 21
4.0 excellentEctier | March 24th 21
4.5 superbSowing STAFF | March 23rd 21
5.0 classiclamehorse | March 23rd 21
3.8 excellentRaul Stanciu STAFF | March 23rd 21
3.5 greatAsura14 | March 23rd 21
5.0 classicBeardedBear | March 23rd 21
4.0 excellentmorry | March 23rd 21
4.5 superbExhaleTheLight | March 23rd 21
4.0 excellentedenkun | March 23rd 21
4.0 excellentSunnyvale STAFF | March 22nd 21
2.5 averageTokareshka | March 22nd 21
4.5 superbThalassa | March 22nd 21
4.0 excellentNBA | March 22nd 21
4.5 superbkubernetes | March 22nd 21
4.0 excellentJeejee | March 22nd 21
4.0 excellentK3nsei69 | March 22nd 21
4.5 superbMacck | March 21st 21
4.5 superbSteveadave | March 21st 21
3.5 greatAxeToFall93 | March 21st 21
4.0 excellentterriblekonrad | March 21st 21
4.0 excellentPhate72 | March 21st 21
4.5 superbFrostbit | March 21st 21
4.0 excellentIntenseSerenity | March 21st 21
4.0 excellentBlazinBlitzer | March 21st 21
3.0 goodspilltheteal | March 20th 21
3.0 goodYellowVoid | March 20th 21
4.0 excellentKlingel0905 | March 20th 21
4.0 excellentkenli | March 20th 21
3.5 greatInoculaeted | March 20th 21
4.5 superbprnzokoshiro | March 20th 21
4.5 superbKruppe | March 20th 21
3.5 greatsevhar | March 20th 21
4.5 superbAdam | March 20th 21
4.5 superbhesperus | March 19th 21
4.0 excellentmetaladdict | March 19th 21
4.0 excellentLedZep94 | March 19th 21
4.5 superbbr4dl3yb34r | March 19th 21
4.5 superbPortalofPerfection | March 19th 21
3.5 greatFrank - the rater of 3.5 | March 19th 21
4.0 excellentmonocaust | March 19th 21
4.5 superbfarmerobama | March 19th 21
4.0 excellentariich | March 19th 21
4.5 superbPeeps99999 | March 19th 21
4.1 excellentRobert Garland STAFF | March 19th 21
4.5 superbJS19 | March 19th 21
4.0 excellentnightbringer (all ratings are 4 or 2) | March 19th 21
4.0 excellentEarlgrey79 | March 19th 21
4.5 superbzzf1918 | March 19th 21
4.0 excellentSenetrix666 | March 18th 21
5.0 classicmothsogling1 | March 18th 21
3.5 greatFerretmusic | March 18th 21
4.0 excellentAshtiel | March 18th 21
4.5 superbGhostK | March 18th 21
3.7 greatFernando Alves STAFF | March 18th 21
4.5 superbKrillBoi | March 18th 21
4.5 superbStarsDie | March 18th 21
4.5 superbLeftyMcRighty | March 10th 21
3.5 greattrilo | March 9th 21

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