Bleed from Within   Fracture
Release Date: 2020

 Ratings (121) Give your Rating

3.5 greatRedsquare24 | May 29th 20

Big step up from era, worth a couple of listens. A few songs on the album do blend into each other but overall a fun listen.

2 Bumps | Bump

2.5 averageAssemblage | October 23rd 21

It's basically impossible while listening to this that the thought of 'trying too hard' crops up at least once amid every song. That usually lends itself to some feeling of inauthenticity where the compositions feel more synthetically derived (i.e. implemented more as a product) rather than actually being natural. The clean cut image, especially that of the "prep turned hardcore" frontman doesn't seem to do any favors, at least for me anyway. This is just evolved mall-core with a prettier sheen to balance the "grit" but it still doesn't ever want to step away from the shrine of adolescence.


2.5 averageFearThyEvil | November 29th 20

I miss the band that put out Empire because these guys are becoming incredibly generic and shitty these days.


2.5 averageecalahorrano | May 29th 20

More of the same. Boring. A completely forgettable album.


3.0 goodRay91 | May 29th 20

This is a tough one. While the individual performances are top notch and the riffing is really good, the tracks just blend together after the first half and no track really manages to differentiate itself from previous one. the clean vocal segments lack creativity and strong hooks, so basically a redundant addition, especially if you have Winston Mc Call Junior on vocals. Not bad but not great either


4.0 excellentMegaResurrectedJake4 | June 10th 24
3.5 greatConfessed2005 | March 11th 24
3.5 greatMaSuPe | February 24th 24
2.5 averageOxide King | October 3rd 23
4.5 superbBigSausageSupriz | October 2nd 23
3.0 goodrevenantpilot | July 12th 23
3.5 greatHalez | May 31st 23
2.5 averagebootybass | May 19th 23
3.5 greatajsheldon | February 17th 23
3.0 goodbellovddd | February 8th 23
3.5 greatJack0510 | November 21st 22
3.5 greatMoses77 | November 18th 22
3.5 greatjpturk21 | November 14th 22
4.0 excellentAndreasCorsten | October 31st 22
3.5 greatJustin1Pk | September 25th 22
3.0 goodHiyabootchie2 | August 22nd 22
3.5 greatTomcat13 | August 12th 22
4.0 excellentAstaroth666 | August 9th 22
4.0 excellentJoeStark1 | July 25th 22
4.0 excellentTheDangerman | July 18th 22
4.0 excellentAlfredoNoodles | July 17th 22
4.0 excellentMatty CONTRIBUTOR | June 21st 22
4.0 excellentKrillBoi | June 7th 22
3.0 goodtmchugh117 | June 7th 22
3.0 goodMalConstant | June 2nd 22
4.5 superbPabloVermicelli | May 26th 22
3.5 greatRobert Garland STAFF | May 19th 22
3.5 greatDavidPrincipe29 | May 13th 22
3.5 greatAmbushReality | May 12th 22
3.0 goodderkaderka | April 14th 22
4.0 excellentMarkTheDead | March 15th 22
4.0 excellentAverageUser69 | March 4th 22
4.0 excellentIleftyspankedU | March 3rd 22
2.5 averageWorst music taste on SputnikPeople could be easily fooled into thinking you are a troll but the grim | February 2nd 22
4.0 excellentwithinstruggle | January 3rd 22
3.0 goodMatyMasaryk | November 20th 21
3.5 greatjuanmaunivalle | November 20th 21
3.5 greatskin333 | November 20th 21
3.5 greatchaz1254 | November 14th 21
2.0 poorPikazilla | November 13th 21
3.0 goodRevancake | August 27th 21
3.5 greatmetalhead97 | June 29th 21
4.0 excellentRockMetalDude90 | May 24th 21
4.0 excellentiGuter | April 23rd 21
3.5 greatmfrguitar127 | March 27th 21
4.0 excellenthangth3dj | March 21st 21
3.5 greatsebasmetalcolombia | February 8th 21
3.5 greatUzumaki | February 4th 21
3.0 goodErichB | January 22nd 21
3.0 goodMattallica | December 22nd 20
3.5 greatJared Wegenast | December 15th 20
3.0 goodARDCWE | December 9th 20
4.0 excellent0demigod0 | December 8th 20
3.0 goodpeartnoy | November 5th 20
3.5 greatJulio Carvajal | November 3rd 20
3.5 greatLastBreath | October 30th 20
4.5 superbLoverjeanman | October 18th 20
3.0 goodCardonajp | October 7th 20
4.5 superboceiros | September 12th 20
3.5 greatGorey13 | August 24th 20
2.5 averageYoni91 | August 17th 20
2.5 averageohtheurgency | July 10th 20
4.0 excellentLolopelS | July 8th 20
1.5 very poorJ.C. van Beekum | July 1st 20
3.5 greatCloudwalker | June 29th 20
4.5 superbthesickness | June 29th 20
3.5 greatEldave93 | June 25th 20
4.0 excellentxXTheFailmasterXx | June 22nd 20
3.0 goodAlain0393 | June 20th 20
3.0 goodrafalafa | June 20th 20
3.5 greatmattbrush3pwood | June 19th 20
3.5 greatSpicyPikachu1 | June 17th 20
3.5 greatRobert Davis | June 16th 20
3.5 greatSYL | June 15th 20
3.5 greatjoshb9864 | June 14th 20
4.0 excellentElAlbert94 | June 13th 20
3.5 greatRemcheck91 | June 11th 20
3.0 goodTrey STAFF | June 11th 20
3.0 goodLichtmensch | June 9th 20
2.0 poorBlazinBlitzer | June 8th 20
3.5 greathiyabootchie | June 8th 20
3.5 greatNonApplicable | June 8th 20
2.5 averageMateo Ottie CONTRIBUTOR | June 8th 20
4.0 excellentAlien Six | June 6th 20
3.5 greatpengui | June 6th 20
4.5 superbTristan Matheny | June 6th 20
3.5 greatBrett W | June 6th 20
3.5 greatFaketushka | June 5th 20
3.5 greatFernando Alves STAFF | June 5th 20
4.0 excellentkenli | June 5th 20
3.5 greatSoilworker90 | June 3rd 20
3.5 greatdawnstarling | June 2nd 20
4.0 excellentJosh F. | June 2nd 20
4.0 excellenttelbunublet | June 1st 20
3.0 goodmayesaman2 | May 31st 20
3.5 greatsebchando | May 31st 20
3.5 greatSimoJuhani | May 30th 20
3.5 greatheck | May 30th 20
3.0 goodmikep87 | May 30th 20
3.5 greatZombieParty | May 30th 20
4.0 excellentToondude | May 30th 20
3.0 goodchris. | May 30th 20
2.5 averageMysticore | May 30th 20
4.0 excellentdjentist8 | May 29th 20
4.5 superbKalamanka | May 29th 20
3.5 greatjustajammin | May 29th 20
4.5 superbprnzokoshiro | May 29th 20
3.0 goodTyler White STAFF | May 29th 20
4.5 superbMcGuire95 | May 29th 20
4.0 excellentCiolith | May 29th 20
3.5 greatKlingel0905 | May 29th 20
3.5 greatDunpeal | May 23rd 20
3.0 goodJeetJeet | May 21st 20
3.0 goodterriblekonrad | May 20th 20
5.0 classicBleedIntoTheAbyss | May 20th 20
3.5 greatMatthias812 | May 19th 20

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