Goldfinger   Goldfinger
Ranking: #55 for 1996

 Full ReviewRatings (158) Give your Rating

3.5 greatTheManMachine | September 23rd 15

For mid-90's gloss-punk, competent and consistent: catchiness is all too effortless and there's no need to rely on the singles. When ska comes 'round it's congenial and complementary, and they even throw in a thrashin' L.A.-grouser/bandname-dropper/fuck-tallier. True to genre-era customs, some infantilism pervades, but has the decency to mostly lie dormant till the filler-ish second half -- a shower is lamented, a prank call is made, a cat gets cussed out -- yet somehow, someway, considerable highlight "Mable" has the power to persevere through a faux-English-accent "she's the bomb" hook (the last of which is actually followed by an explosion) and a package comparison (tube of cookie dough vs. small pencil with broken lead).


3.5 greatRogerthecat | December 14th 23
4.0 excellentbecomingamirror | July 27th 23
2.5 averageplatttt | April 25th 23
3.0 goodbellovddd | February 17th 23
4.0 excellentOobaloo | January 11th 23
4.0 excellentLeDemonLemon | December 12th 22
3.5 greatSymohis | November 7th 22
5.0 classicMistahSpockle | July 17th 22
3.0 goodSlothy Seconds | June 12th 22
4.0 excellentJimmy, Senior Vice President of Mediumcore | May 3rd 22
5.0 classicFacetSquared | April 1st 22
3.5 greatStormy Smiley Face | March 21st 22
4.0 excellentGoldblooded | December 11th 21
3.5 greatDenis | August 9th 21
3.0 gooddelajetsetradio | March 2nd 21
3.0 goodsoggytime | January 13th 21
4.0 excellentCyanKnux | January 5th 21
3.0 goodLastRites442 | January 2nd 21
3.5 greatBlueSwan | December 27th 20
4.5 superbBuffVader | December 10th 20
4.5 superbignorethefashion | December 4th 20
4.0 excellentErocktheGreatest | October 27th 20
3.0 goodgocsa666 | September 10th 20
3.5 greatCoolNameGuy | July 31st 20
4.0 excellentOliver Thatcher Watson | July 12th 20
3.5 greatdawnstarling | May 2nd 20
4.0 excellentmelgosabackstage | October 14th 19
4.5 superbAlexander W. Legge | October 14th 19
2.5 averageloves uplifting twinkly bs | July 10th 19
3.0 goodryanbiscuits | June 11th 19
3.5 greatbuttgrinder | April 2nd 19
3.0 goodBuckRogersQC | October 1st 18
3.0 goodkintups55 | August 15th 18
4.0 excellentadultcartoonparty | July 15th 18
5.0 classicelilesser19 | May 23rd 18
3.0 goodPolarfluff | May 20th 18
4.5 superbLustinAacey | January 27th 18
4.0 excellentLoch | January 20th 18
2.5 averagePastaDownbeat | September 3rd 17
4.0 excellentglorybox94 | August 10th 17
3.5 greatmaxer | July 24th 17
3.0 goodEl Olam | July 13th 17
4.5 superbMarcoSMM | July 12th 17
4.0 excellentShaquilleONeal | June 17th 17
4.0 excellentWetHarmonica1916 | May 30th 17
3.5 greataccompliceofmydeath | December 1st 16
4.0 excellentgobfinger | November 27th 16
4.5 superbArkanSeb | November 11th 16
3.5 greatsuckerpuncher | October 9th 16
2.0 poorhelti | August 4th 16
3.5 greatmajordevlin | July 27th 16
3.0 goodtadeoc | July 24th 16
4.5 superbGrandpaSeth3000 | June 23rd 16
2.0 poorAtrumCimex | March 16th 16
3.5 greatMcCookie | July 7th 15
4.0 excellentTheRatingsGod | June 22nd 15
3.5 greatEggvander | June 11th 15
3.5 greatyep123 | May 21st 15
3.5 greatdecemberhotel | April 2nd 15
4.0 excellentBeyondCosby | January 26th 15
3.5 greattybo25 | August 9th 14
4.5 superbvasso666 | August 4th 14
3.0 goodlecube | July 8th 14
3.5 greatxfearbefore | April 25th 14
4.5 superbblockmblock21 | March 14th 14
4.0 excellentjmh886 | February 14th 14
3.5 greatTheScariestFish | January 12th 14
4.5 superbGrayMatterSWE | December 16th 13
3.5 greatSkaCali1991 | December 16th 13
3.5 greatak8ask | December 6th 13
4.0 excellentTwelvetribes230 | November 30th 13
4.0 excellentkizza96 | November 10th 13
2.5 averageHelltorSkeltor | October 14th 13
3.5 greatultradevilgod | September 5th 13
4.0 excellentHobosapien | July 13th 13
1.5 very poorDarinRG | May 11th 13
3.0 goodcjohns0912 | April 25th 13
4.0 excellentomnipanzer | April 19th 13
3.0 goodeloimayano | March 21st 13
3.5 greatpeterdavis182 | February 24th 13
4.0 excellentBfd | February 9th 13
3.5 greatTenukii | January 28th 13
3.0 goodmixtapenostalgia | December 18th 12
2.5 averagethechodewarrior | November 28th 12
2.5 averageYou Are My Everlovin' | October 21st 12
3.5 greatbrokenboysoldier | September 27th 12
4.0 excellentFleeba | June 15th 12
3.5 greatSurette | May 22nd 12
3.5 greatGuanoBumbershoot | May 6th 12
3.5 greatCakeWithCream | February 27th 12
3.5 greatccullity11 | January 31st 12
3.5 greateusless | January 4th 12
4.0 excellentChuckGnarly | January 3rd 12
4.0 excellentHoodieWeather | December 31st 11
5.0 classicpinkmaggit69 | December 24th 11
4.0 excellentstevep | August 29th 11
3.0 goodDaisyHill | August 24th 11
3.0 goodClupidBlorropope | July 3rd 11
3.5 greatgurudave | June 25th 11
4.0 excellentpedenator | May 24th 11
3.5 greatthedowners | May 19th 11
3.5 greatdixoncocks | May 17th 11
4.0 excellentGhor47 | April 10th 11
4.0 excellentcater13 | March 24th 11
4.0 excellentKingoftheJuice | March 9th 11
4.5 superbatomrobenz | February 28th 11
1.0 awfulbarc16 | February 16th 11
4.0 excellentstandundefeated | January 21st 11
4.0 excellentFirexEngulfsxMe | November 22nd 10
4.0 excellentSpec | November 11th 10
3.0 goodantigenocide | October 28th 10
2.5 averagemborlan1 | October 6th 10
3.0 goodMunsuLight | July 21st 10
4.0 excellentdrasticaction74 | June 23rd 10
4.0 excellentilikerock | June 22nd 10
3.5 greatbort138 | June 2nd 10
4.0 excellentanuspudding | April 28th 10
2.0 poorCavs | April 1st 10
4.0 excellentxDANKx | March 31st 10
3.5 greatBadAstronaut13 | March 24th 10
2.0 poorJPDesdub | February 3rd 10
3.0 goodHerbieSaysHello | January 30th 10
4.0 excellentFandog | January 24th 10
5.0 classicIleftyspankedU | January 20th 10
4.0 excellentAeonBlue | January 6th 10
3.0 goodDoubtGin | January 5th 10
4.0 excellentMathuw34 | October 31st 09
3.5 greatRodrigoarca | October 12th 09
4.0 excellentxequalscore | April 6th 09
4.0 excellentTheNewWhack | March 24th 09
4.0 excellentarheez | February 6th 09
4.0 excellentPuddleSwimmer | December 24th 08
3.0 goodengleprunt | October 30th 08
4.0 excellentMulletben | October 20th 08
3.5 greatcejecj | August 24th 08
5.0 classicdangerousdarrin | August 5th 08
4.5 superbpynguin | July 30th 08
4.0 excellentTheSociopathNextDoor | July 7th 08
4.0 excellentbugsprite10 | April 25th 08
3.0 goodDAVECATAZ | March 20th 08
4.0 excellenttrevvert | January 29th 08
4.0 excellentfunhouse | November 10th 07
3.5 greatIscariot
4.0 excellentbloc head
3.5 greatZebra
3.5 greatcjwbball51
4.0 excellentCushMG15
3.0 goodtheminustimes
4.5 superbPoponski
2.5 averageDamage_Inc.
4.0 excellentDesensitized
4.5 superbTheBelfinator
5.0 classiceasymacXcore
5.0 classicButthead182
3.5 greatnimrodok
4.0 excellentEbil_Kitty666
4.0 excellentHPTroll

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