Say Anything   ...Is a Real Boy
Ranking: #24 for 2004

 Full ReviewRatings (1629) Give your Rating

4.5 superbThe Jungler | June 24th 06

Real Boy is the epitome of pop punk songwriting. More of a musical than a concept album, It blends Descendents esque down on myself punk with delicious indie rock elements. Max Bemis is one of the most enjoyable whiners I have ever heard in my life, his voice is perfect (for what it is) and his lyrics are delectable. This is a masterpiece, nuff said.

6 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicKnott- EMERITUS | July 15th 09

Bemis is a genius, and it's evident right from the off that ...Is A Real Boy is a classic album; his self-aware, introspective observations, the raw, dark/upbeat pop-punk backdrop, all contribute to a sound that never tires. It's always honest and sometimes a little bit scary, but mostly, Admit It!!! embodies everything awesome about Say Anything's second studio album; it's clever, maintains a punk edge, has hooks all over it and Bemis' vocal delivery adds that extra staying power that pop-punk often ignores.

4 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbIsItLuck? EMERITUS | February 6th 07

I had lost faith, faith in the genre that was once called pop punk. It slowly transcended downward in the past couple of years but then their was a light, a light known as Say Anything. Their album "...Is A Real Boy" is what this genre should be about. Elegant songwriting and more fun than you could ever imagine. Highlights include the gem making fun of music scenes known as "Admit It!!!" along with "Alive With The Glory of Love" and "Spider Song." My faith is rekindled with this album, and I couldn't be happier.

4 Bumps | Bump

0.0 Jesuslaves | February 28th 10

This is one of the most hilariously stupid things I've ever heard.

3 Bumps | Bump

1.0 awfulsomeguest | February 13th 16

all pop punk sucks. get with the fucking program.

2 Bumps | Bump

0.0 chambered89 | April 25th 10

Admit It!!! blows me away every single time, the 2nd half of the song eclipses everything Say Anything has ever written ever.

2 Bumps | Bump

0.0 JoeJonas1997 | April 3rd 10

there good i guess but the lyrics are porly writen and not very aproprite

2 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbActivista anti-MTV | February 9th 12

I think Blink-182 wrote this album sometime before Say Anything, but Say Anything didn't nearly sell as many records or garnish as much in the way of pre-teen accolades. Well, there are a lot of post-teens who latched onto this one, and surely haven't let go since... ...Is A Real Boy is a real five.

1 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentTheAlmightyBungler | October 19th 10


1 Bumps | Bump

1.5 very poorDielikehussayn | May 10th 10

What did my ears just go through...? Is his voice supposed to sound... appealing!? Fuck.

1 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbHydroxybenzo | January 5th 10

Wouldn't skip any of these songs. Great album in full with a few individual knock out songs like "Alive with the Glory of Love" or "Admit It"...

1 Bumps | Bump

0.0 Horfeepee01 | September 16th 19

I used to call this a guilty pleasure; now it's more like a sex toy.


5.0 classic3waycrash | August 24th 15

A pop punk masterpiece pieced together by fantastic instrumentation and Bemis's witty and sometimes brutally honest lyrics. His introspective and sometimes self deprecating nature is ever present here, but it never comes across as overbearing or pitiful. Rather it lends itself to some angsty, but always fun moments throughout this album. A wonderful and defining example of creative pop punk music out there.


5.0 classicCrymsonblaze | June 8th 14

Bemis carefully walks the line between "beat you over the head" bluntness, and "what the hell does that mean?" cryptic lyricism, and does so while a rock opera plays out in the background, complete with la's, da's, and doo's. Every song on here is intensely catchy as well as thought-provoking, perfectly capturing Bemis's schizophrenia in one of the best albums ever concocted.


5.0 classicliekmothstoflames | February 20th 14

Max Bemis' magnum opus. Quite a long album, but worth every minute.


4.0 excellentmkamrass | July 30th 13

This is awesome pop-punk! Honestly, I do not like a lot bands in this genre that much because they just seem to have an overly appealing sound to them (it becomes tiring after a while), but this album by Say Anything is different. Musically and vocally, it is still very good, but it definitely has that appealing sound that can become tedious. Now what makes this album different and keeps my attention are the lyrics, they are actually quite stupid and sometimes inappropriate at first look, but they ARE extremely creative and make you think what the deep down meaning is if you look at them more closely.


4.5 superbkeyokeyo | February 21st 13

One of the defining albums of the pop punk genre with absolutely no filler whatsoever. Hook after hook after angst-ridden anthem. A must listen for any pop punk or rock music enthusiast.


5.0 classicwireforawire | February 14th 13

This is the music from The Full Monty... in that it's honest. Max Bemis bares all in ...Is A Real Boy, but that's not all, folks. The music is innovative and the music theory is brilliant. I find myself, still, to this day, listening to certain parts and being like "what a perfect transition" and "I can't believe he went to that chord there." It's just wonderful listening to this album.


5.0 classicTreblinkAlive | January 6th 13

I love this album. Has only a few tracks that don't quite live up to the 5 rating, but this is one of my favorite artists and I can't think of much out there that actually deserves a "perfect" rating anyway. Definitely Bemis' opus.


4.5 superbgooseran | December 12th 12

The music, the lyrics, the timing of this album.... One of the best albums I've heard and it's not even one of my favorites. I just have to admit my admiration for this band and this album in particular for being such a masterpiece of a release.


5.0 classicTonger | December 10th 12

One of the most schizophrenic music offerings I've ever listened to.


5.0 classicbarcafan21 | September 24th 12

My go-to sexual frustration album. I held off on listening to this for no good reason except for the fact that Do Better sounded like it came from a band that didn't have much potential. Bemis delivers a stunning performance, both vocally and intstrumentally, creating a chaotic atmosphere that is sexually angsty both lyrically and musically, a feat that cannot be understated. Songs go through as many as 4 tempo changes, making for a hectic listen that constantly keeps the listener on his toes.


5.0 classiclarrytheslug | September 23rd 12

I can try all I want, there's no way this soundoff will ever be as witty as anything on ...Is A Real Boy.


4.0 excellentLovegood | July 28th 12

The adolescents' swan song. A hateful spiteful teenager, his hate and spite caused by the high school jocks that made his life a living hell, is walking slowly, through a vector. He's wearing a belt and his face is covered with woe as if he knows his attempts will be futile. His attempts for what you ask? Most likely an attempt to ask a girl about her plans. He's socially awkward, but he's proud of the loner he's become. Chia-like, he will grow, and he'll do just fine with his car and his guitar. His music shall stay alive with the glory of love. Max Bemis Is a Real Boy. 8.2/10


5.0 classicHypedMerchant | June 20th 12



5.0 classicBonRurgundy | April 8th 12

Before I heard this album, I wrote Say Antyhing off to be just another generic and cheesy pop-punk band. Little did I know it would become one of my favourite albums. Bemis's honest, blunt and witty lyricism is second to none. It's fun and full of emotion. Quality.


5.0 classicDeskmaN | January 28th 12

Spastic and obsessively performed, this is the pinnacle of Max Bemis' work. He was clearly in a bad spot when he wrote this album, but it made him all the more interesting to listen to. His obsession with drugs and sex are really obvious in this album--and frankly he acts like a complete douche--but the music that accompanies his witty lyrics are so chaotically arranged that it's clear that he has a problem. It's clear he's not perfect. And in "Admit it!!!" he lets us know about his perceptions of himself, leaving us with a complete impression of a guy who has problems and knows about it, but still loves making music because it's all he has.


4.5 superbNeutralThunder12 | December 20th 11

"Is a Real Boy" is a witty, hilarious, and overall ridiculously unique pop punk album that doesnt stick to the conventions of the genre to succeed. Max Bemis will probably never top what he did on here. The ironic, sarcastic nature of some of the songs combined with great instrumentation and amazing lyrics makes for some of the most fun I've ever had with an album.


4.5 superbpatrickfannon | August 6th 11

"and the record begins with a song of rebellion..."


4.5 superbFromDaHood | January 17th 11

The four bad songs here are more than offset by the 9 slices of genius Max Bemis offers us.


5.0 classiciSkane | January 8th 11

I have a lot of sound-offs. Mainly because when I first came to this site, I figured I'd put them on every single album I ever rated. Also because Sputnik won't let you remove them. All that aside, Id my shitty sound-off for this album and have decided to replace it with this. I like this album.


4.5 superbJesusChris | April 25th 10

'And the record begins, with a song of rebellion' and BAM! ...Is A Real Boy kicks off with a blast of nasally vocals assaulting your ear. You don't like it at first, although a few days later you put it on again and then the day after that and you can feel yourself not being able to contain yourself as the need to hear it spreads through your body like a virus and soon you are mimicking Bemis' Jewish whine, singing along to all the highs and lows this album has to offer, from the infectious 'Woe' to the pissed off and jaded 'The Futile' and finally trying to get the words right to the hipster hating 'Admit It !!!' Say Anything's ...Is A Real Boy is jam packed with some of the best pop-punk since 'Everything Sux' If these are songs of rebellion, then I want to be fighting the Death Star in my Millennium Falcon.


4.0 excellentBallsToTheWall | July 15th 09

ADMIT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


4.0 excellentCiattk | December 20th 08

If you like pop-punk, you probably definitely like this album.


4.5 superbAffliction | June 23rd 08

This is incredibly good for a two-disc album. Every song is incredible. The only reason it's not a 5 is because their newer album is even better.


4.5 superbTheSpearKid | January 20th 08

In my opinion, Say Anything is one of the few bands in the "scene" that understand the art of album crafting. ...Is a Real Boy is a perfect album. Even it's flaws work to it's advantage. It really is a very special piece of work.


4.5 superbXDivineFireX | February 10th 07

I fell in love with these guys with the first listen to this album. It's full of everything I love lyrically about music: truth and irony. They say it like it is and they make it sound good no matter how ugly the things they are saying. Great album and I would recommend everyone who likes this album to check out all there other stuff. There's 2 more albums released and a live album, but they are fairly rare to come by. Definately worth searching for!


4.5 superbRodKneeBrucey | June 6th 24
5.0 classicLucretiaMyReflection | May 25th 24
4.0 excellenthel9000 | May 17th 24
4.5 superbtheDanger | April 25th 24
4.0 excellentMikeForHollywood | April 11th 24
4.5 superbJimmy, Senior Vice President of Mediumcore | March 12th 24
4.0 excellentZac124 | February 25th 24
3.5 greatbreadisdead | February 3rd 24
4.5 superbEmoEmporium | December 11th 23
1.5 very poordoofy | November 20th 23
4.0 excellentJossWeedon12 | November 7th 23
4.0 excellentMissMorley88 | October 5th 23
4.0 excellentOddOmeter88 | October 4th 23
3.5 greatthechildofeye | June 27th 23
4.0 excellentHalez | June 2nd 23
3.5 greatmattjelly | May 9th 23
4.5 superbBigBoofZone | April 5th 23
4.0 excellentPTGS | February 22nd 23
4.0 excellentAngryJohnny | February 10th 23
4.5 superbReviewsAndSuch1221 | February 6th 23
4.0 excellentkarlulol | January 27th 23
4.5 superbitsalargeboat | January 24th 23
5.0 classicsadguyontheinternet | January 13th 23
5.0 classicconstantchange | December 27th 22
2.5 averageJ | December 1st 22
4.0 excellentEoinCofa | November 13th 22
5.0 classicmrManxxx | November 2nd 22
5.0 classicUTurn9000 | September 20th 22
5.0 classicCouldntthinkofone96 | September 16th 22
5.0 classicnickisnotarapper | September 14th 22
5.0 classicarealboy | September 1st 22
5.0 classicDJD1ed | August 28th 22
4.0 excellentPterodactylAdvocate | August 26th 22
4.0 excellentNick Mongiardo | June 13th 22
3.5 greatJadari | June 10th 22
2.0 poorslipandslide | April 21st 22
5.0 classicPremonitions | April 14th 22
4.5 superbDeguiremaster | March 29th 22
3.5 greatdaiguit91Kider | February 3rd 22
3.0 goodhere until im not | January 29th 22
4.0 excellentFlomazoid | January 26th 22
3.5 greatClumseee | January 24th 22
5.0 classicx1balb4 | January 19th 22
4.5 superbbrandaao | January 11th 22
3.5 greatEl Olam | December 1st 21
4.5 superbStonedManatee | November 30th 21
3.0 goodStephenMusic | November 10th 21
4.5 superbapplesncyanide | October 23rd 21
4.0 excellentJake E. | September 11th 21
4.0 excellentUniverseCalling | September 5th 21
1.0 awfulwidowslaugh123 | August 11th 21
3.5 greatBrock619 | July 27th 21
4.5 superbGreyShadow | July 9th 21
4.0 excellentUzumaki | June 20th 21
4.5 superbOobaloo | May 20th 21
4.5 superbPikazilla | May 12th 21
4.0 excellentheck | May 1st 21
4.5 superbnebbo | April 23rd 21
4.0 excellentShartHarder | March 23rd 21
5.0 classicFrostbit | March 21st 21
4.5 superbDrThodt | March 12th 21
3.0 goodnaej | March 6th 21
4.0 excellentWav0fmutilation | February 24th 21
5.0 classicNespithe22 | February 21st 21
1.0 awfulBlitzPhoenix98 | February 21st 21
3.5 greatBoUrACia | February 20th 21
4.5 superbOllieS | February 8th 21
4.0 excellentTyler White STAFF | February 4th 21
5.0 classicsoggytime | January 13th 21
4.0 excellentRespawn | January 4th 21
4.5 superbDysenteryGary | December 31st 20
2.5 averageDashBoi | November 30th 20
4.0 excellentMyTasteSucks | November 21st 20
5.0 classicbranm25 | November 3rd 20
4.5 superbAlisonBoucher | October 31st 20
4.5 superbJoe92 | October 23rd 20
4.5 superbSowing STAFF | October 15th 20
4.5 superbSTDandALK3 | September 30th 20
5.0 classicjlsg | September 27th 20
4.5 superbSkiiddz | September 26th 20
3.0 goodbharry | August 5th 20
5.0 classicbSmith | August 4th 20
4.5 superbshira | July 14th 20
5.0 classicBalls Mahoney | July 11th 20
4.5 superbRisodo | July 10th 20
4.5 superbBogdyB88 | June 24th 20
4.0 excellentAddy1997 | June 17th 20
3.0 goodSatellite | June 5th 20
4.5 superbdeathofasalesman | May 31st 20
4.5 superbdjentist8 | May 14th 20
4.0 excellentultradevilgod | May 6th 20
5.0 classicRedBol | May 3rd 20
4.5 superbDeadb0y | April 29th 20
4.5 superbAxeToFall93 | April 21st 20
3.5 greatBrandonisaacson416 | April 1st 20
4.5 superbkinderfall1 | March 25th 20
4.0 excellentArtieZiff | March 22nd 20
4.5 superbdhuet | March 19th 20
4.5 superbTabulaRasa6 | March 10th 20
3.5 greathexler333 | February 27th 20
3.0 goodcrankstrap | February 20th 20
5.0 classicjoobdoob | February 20th 20
5.0 classicJazzHands333 | February 12th 20
3.0 goodFuzzyThoughts | January 30th 20
4.0 excellentbenny06 | January 30th 20
4.0 excellentisaiahvander | January 7th 20
3.5 greatmaahmacon | December 21st 19
4.0 excellentCloudwalker | December 20th 19
4.5 superbjohn | November 3rd 19
5.0 classicGuitar Mans Hip | October 31st 19
3.5 greatdonjon122412 | October 25th 19
5.0 classicConfessed2005 | October 11th 19
5.0 classiceckology | October 2nd 19
4.0 excellentAdrianQuinn | September 30th 19
2.0 poorMcginnjw | September 24th 19
4.5 superbFredrick Pee-Pee | September 21st 19
5.0 classicFalsechord | September 12th 19
3.0 goodpeekatoad | September 10th 19
4.0 excellentSlothy Seconds | August 6th 19
5.0 classicbabb | August 5th 19
4.5 superbgiantotter | July 15th 19
3.5 greatibecryst | July 9th 19
4.5 superbEnoahBallard | July 4th 19
2.5 averagePunchforPunch | June 28th 19
5.0 classicbig daddy bris. | June 25th 19
2.0 poor0GuyMan0 | June 23rd 19
5.0 classicthroatchakradisorder | June 14th 19
4.0 excellentjosh | June 10th 19
4.5 superbPeter Tanner | June 9th 19
4.0 excellentwhitebells | May 18th 19
3.5 greatangrytortilla | May 17th 19
5.0 classicmorbidstuff | May 13th 19
5.0 classicnonamereviewer | May 12th 19
4.0 excellentUnderTheNorthernScar | May 11th 19
4.0 excellentAdamn | May 8th 19
4.5 superbTeethGang | April 29th 19
3.5 greatMakurayami | April 1st 19
3.0 goodi feel bad for any noob who disagrees with "LOVEANDACCEPTANCE" | April 1st 19
4.0 excellentgilly | March 27th 19
4.5 superbmattjedruch | March 18th 19
4.5 superbLebsbian | March 18th 19
3.5 greatswallowtales | March 11th 19
4.5 superbtman1220 | March 11th 19
5.0 classicMathyNoodles | March 4th 19
4.5 superbzeitgeistaddendum2 | February 25th 19
4.0 excellentjjpscott01 | February 10th 19
4.0 excellentbuttgrinder | February 2nd 19
4.5 superbVOTED most underrated user (2016, 2020) | February 2nd 19
3.5 greatBlazinBlitzer | January 31st 19
4.0 excellentiForgeEons | January 29th 19
4.5 superbMarxman | January 26th 19
5.0 classicdonttakeapicture | January 25th 19
4.5 superblobstice | January 25th 19
4.0 excellentDead Bitch Alexis | January 17th 19
4.0 excellentTenSecondsToThink | January 17th 19
5.0 classicmemedhussar | January 15th 19
3.5 greatMathias STAFF | December 27th 18
4.5 superbReal Name | December 10th 18
5.0 classicdbo259 | December 5th 18
5.0 classicwoxdy | November 19th 18
4.5 superbrandom | October 24th 18
3.5 greatIllume | October 19th 18
5.0 classiccmmndrlcy | October 7th 18
3.5 greatJosh | September 23rd 18
4.5 superbXXMurdaBeatzXX | September 22nd 18
5.0 classicUpwardSpiral | September 21st 18
2.5 averageTHVRTVVN | September 15th 18
4.5 superbDiiegoldenkid | September 1st 18
3.5 greatVasmix | August 13th 18
5.0 classicYour Favorite Lurker | August 12th 18
1.0 awfulSoupy Rodriguez | August 10th 18
3.5 greatmonarchos159 | August 8th 18
3.0 goodstasar | August 8th 18
5.0 classicGPooch21 | August 8th 18
2.5 averagecojamneko | August 6th 18
4.5 superbSagacious13 | August 2nd 18
3.0 goodLewisShaw | August 2nd 18
3.0 goodslut for crescendos | August 2nd 18
3.5 greatrandom lol | July 22nd 18
4.5 superbLee Whear | July 15th 18
4.3 superbAtari STAFF | July 11th 18
3.9 excellentRowan5215 STAFF | July 10th 18
4.0 excellentNschnel | July 6th 18
5.0 classicJosh | June 22nd 18
4.0 excellentpandaemonaeon1989 | June 20th 18
2.0 poorSultan of the Martians | May 24th 18
4.0 excellentPolarfluff | May 20th 18
4.0 excellentKingDweedle | May 10th 18
4.5 superbTwiggylovesit | May 10th 18
4.0 excellentDeathconscious | May 1st 18
1.5 very poorgoy | April 28th 18
3.0 goodsplinter | April 24th 18
4.5 superbJPtheNeat | April 18th 18
4.5 superbGrande challenges, with an almost Swiftian level of defiance and hostility. | April 18th 18
4.5 superbTotallyUnbiased | April 17th 18
5.0 classicYour #1 Most Loved Semiaquatic, Egg-Laying Mammal | April 17th 18
4.0 excellenthazelnutsack | April 14th 18
3.0 goodJoshInTheWild | April 9th 18
4.0 excellentEarlgrey79 | April 6th 18
4.0 excellentPabloWest | March 27th 18
3.0 goodMrCoffee | March 8th 18
4.0 excellentryanxmphoto | February 19th 18
4.0 excellentAidanKunz | February 12th 18
4.5 superbYAAAOOO | January 30th 18
2.0 pooradequateproject | January 25th 18
3.5 greatTenebraeInvictus | January 14th 18
4.0 excellentmvtante | January 13th 18
4.5 superbJessicaHellfire | January 10th 18
5.0 classicbatstevens | January 8th 18
4.0 excellentSpudski | December 10th 17
4.5 superbCryio | December 9th 17
4.5 superbBilbodabag | December 7th 17
5.0 classicAdiquidus24 | December 5th 17
4.5 superbaloversquarrel | December 2nd 17
3.0 goodAsthurse | December 2nd 17
5.0 classicBismark | November 11th 17
4.5 superbVictor Silveira | October 31st 17
5.0 classicSweetAsh | October 28th 17
5.0 classicTeesdizzle | October 17th 17
4.0 excellentAlltherightthings | October 8th 17
4.0 excellentJack J. Walker | October 7th 17
4.5 superbTVparty | October 2nd 17
5.0 classicnprmw | September 21st 17
4.0 excellentDeepBlue | September 12th 17
3.5 greatJoshsocializes | September 10th 17
5.0 classicspeakonthat | September 8th 17
5.0 classickrypis | August 30th 17
4.5 superbkafsnjor | August 23rd 17
4.5 superbMeatquad | August 20th 17
5.0 classicscooper34 | August 17th 17
3.5 greatsarahrs | August 13th 17
5.0 classicgschwen | August 10th 17
4.0 excellentJosh F. | July 29th 17
4.0 excellentConmaniac | July 28th 17
5.0 classicYeOldeGangsta | July 21st 17
5.0 classicShaquilleONeal | June 24th 17
4.5 superbsmgsmg9 | June 16th 17
4.0 excellentAnalogart | May 26th 17
5.0 classicAenima97 | May 26th 17
4.5 superbXgenericusernameX | May 10th 17
4.0 excellentVlahka | May 8th 17
4.5 superbNickyP | May 2nd 17
5.0 classicSquidPunk | April 30th 17
3.5 greatNbehre11 | April 16th 17
4.0 excellentGroseZero | April 8th 17
4.5 superbconditionals | March 24th 17
4.5 superbBakin | March 23rd 17
3.5 greatanniecarl | March 21st 17
1.0 awfulBlameCorals | March 16th 17
4.5 superbSpluger | March 12th 17
3.0 goodCzechyGuy | March 11th 17
4.5 superbRhyme | March 6th 17
2.5 averageWolfe | March 1st 17
4.5 superbskinnyfiststoheaven | February 27th 17
3.5 greatrobbbbbbb1 | February 22nd 17
5.0 classicFuzzyxPickles | February 21st 17
5.0 classicCorney | February 16th 17
4.0 excellentnolanzz | February 8th 17
5.0 classicFRESHShaZaM | February 4th 17
3.5 greatVinidrums | January 26th 17
5.0 classicDaveIsAPopPunkFan | January 26th 17
4.5 superbHermes777 | January 22nd 17
5.0 classicJohn C. | January 16th 17
4.5 superbYoYoMancuso STAFF | January 15th 17
4.0 excellentAdamrk | December 16th 16
4.5 superbpolarpaws | December 14th 16
4.0 excellentSmileNerd | December 12th 16
4.0 excellenttheRoodieDoodz | November 13th 16
5.0 classicTHANAT0PSIS | November 8th 16
5.0 classicAmyHerrman | November 4th 16
2.0 poorKatetheKid | November 3rd 16
1.5 very pooruhh | November 2nd 16
4.0 excellentG0atC0re | October 28th 16
4.5 superbcollynas441 | October 28th 16
4.5 superbtheDisconnect | October 23rd 16
4.5 superbEmo | October 18th 16
3.5 greatp4p | October 13th 16
5.0 classicDevinTownsendCity | October 7th 16
5.0 classicTheCharmingMan | October 4th 16
3.0 goodTrif O Liam | October 3rd 16
5.0 classicKMassam | September 30th 16
1.5 very poorboolin | September 28th 16
4.5 superbthestrangeduck | September 26th 16
3.5 greatHangYourHead | September 25th 16
5.0 classiclawingman | September 21st 16
5.0 classicConstantMondays | September 21st 16
4.5 superbDemonicgman | September 8th 16
4.0 excellentBlackGiraffe | September 5th 16
4.0 excellentItsTime4BirdUp | August 26th 16
3.0 goodHazelMotes92 | August 22nd 16
4.5 superbSharpasglass | August 10th 16
5.0 classicblackout354 | August 3rd 16
3.0 goodMaag | August 1st 16
5.0 classicccjthprodigy1 | July 29th 16
5.0 classicZachMeseeksTaylor | July 29th 16
4.0 excellentmingochicken | July 17th 16
3.5 greatTraicion | July 16th 16
3.0 goodtmthycnnlly | July 16th 16
4.0 excellentsentyrunce | July 13th 16
5.0 classicndspitt914 | July 9th 16
4.5 superbbrunch | July 4th 16
4.5 superbJaySpiral | June 25th 16
3.0 goodSandwichBubble | June 19th 16
4.0 excellentFarangBa | June 1st 16
4.0 excellentGoTellFire | May 30th 16
3.0 goodtectactoe | May 27th 16
4.0 excellentAnswerOnce | May 21st 16
2.5 averageTomBombadil | May 17th 16
4.5 superbDaddylonglegs | May 16th 16
5.0 classicDinosaurJones | April 29th 16
4.5 superbtricky | April 25th 16
4.5 superbadrianicsea | April 23rd 16
5.0 classicCrimsh0t | April 16th 16
5.0 classicNathaniel | April 9th 16
4.0 excellentVengeanceCactus | April 4th 16
2.0 poorRedneckRandy | April 4th 16
2.5 averageAtrumCimex | March 17th 16
5.0 classicwabberjocky | March 16th 16
3.0 goodHeavyMetalSnail | March 13th 16
5.0 classicHoneyFries | March 11th 16
4.5 superbBiblePushingFucker | March 4th 16
5.0 classicWritingOnTheWalls | March 2nd 16
5.0 classicSparkToBelieve | March 2nd 16
4.0 excellentMomentai | February 26th 16
3.0 goodMiddle18 | February 22nd 16
4.0 excellentmrend55 | February 22nd 16
3.5 greatAverageGregMG | February 22nd 16
3.5 greatSmeg | February 18th 16
4.5 superbLouisValentino | February 17th 16
4.0 excellenttruekebabpower | February 16th 16
4.0 excellentandrewsk | February 14th 16
3.0 goodLotusFlower | February 14th 16
4.5 superbmarchtwelve | February 13th 16
4.5 superbSantaquin | February 12th 16
5.0 classicslobosurfer | February 9th 16
4.0 excellentambiance762 | February 9th 16
3.0 goodHeadbangMastermind93 | February 9th 16
5.0 classicSomeKindofGuy | February 8th 16
3.5 greatLigands | February 8th 16
4.5 superb1Sopel6 | February 7th 16
4.5 superbJigglyPDiddy | February 7th 16
4.0 excellentelliootsmeuth | February 6th 16
4.5 superbEverLastAll | February 6th 16
4.5 superbjtswope | February 5th 16
4.0 excellentPrewDelisek | February 5th 16
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5.0 classicTom R. CONTRIBUTOR | December 20th 15
4.0 excellentStreetsofSimCity | December 13th 15
4.0 excellentAtrophy | December 13th 15
3.5 greatRogerthecat | December 11th 15
3.5 greatmrguidogenio | December 7th 15
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5.0 classicBitterDoubts | October 25th 15
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4.5 superbJS19 | October 11th 15
3.5 greatMrThumbtacks | October 5th 15
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5.0 classicISortaHateRadiohead | September 28th 15
5.0 classici am worried that sput will die and i will never see u again STAFF | September 21st 15
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5.0 classicGreenMilkCrate | September 11th 15
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5.0 classicKohta | April 14th 15
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4.5 superbTBH717 | April 8th 15
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4.5 superbbrosephmcbrah | March 25th 15
5.0 classicBrentV | March 24th 15
5.0 classicbasedlivin | March 23rd 15
4.0 excellentYea, my final legacy to this piece-of-shit site. | March 21st 15
4.5 superbJBro | March 12th 15
4.5 superbmanchildotero | March 10th 15
5.0 classictravisred | March 9th 15
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4.5 superbbeachdude | February 1st 15
2.5 averageRuneii | February 1st 15
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4.5 superbNervousBreakdown | January 28th 15
5.0 classicwerex | January 21st 15
3.5 greatLaKeSRiVeRn | January 17th 15
4.0 excellentMyChemicalKendrick | January 15th 15
4.0 excellentYnnry | December 29th 14
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5.0 classicStevenSeaChange | November 3rd 14
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4.5 superbZurreal | July 28th 14
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4.5 superbTomAkaVeto | June 12th 14
4.0 excellentMJ4YYYY | June 11th 14
4.5 superbSithese | June 11th 14
4.5 superbJustinKing | June 10th 14
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4.5 superbSpritzSpritz | June 6th 14
4.5 superbgianttalkingpickle | June 5th 14
3.5 greatEthanThompson | June 2nd 14
4.5 superbLenZ | May 29th 14
4.5 superbSchni | May 29th 14
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4.0 excellentpelagickitten | May 26th 14
4.0 excellentQueenbuttcheeks | May 25th 14
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4.0 excellentTMobotron | May 15th 14
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4.5 superbTheWarren | April 28th 14
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4.0 excellentMulder93 | April 17th 14
5.0 classicTheGhostHouse | April 12th 14
5.0 classicJaime | April 9th 14
5.0 classicmememastermatt | April 4th 14
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4.5 superbAffableMartyr | March 23rd 14
4.5 superbJustinBM | March 22nd 14
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4.5 superbJoejk3 | January 10th 14
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4.5 superbTheRunningPanda | December 30th 13
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4.5 superbMr Snrub | December 3rd 13
4.0 excellenti agree with harris' policy of exterminating all yellowcard fans | December 3rd 13
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4.0 excellentBruceCampbell | August 4th 13
1.0 awfuljambred | July 30th 13
4.0 excellentBlazeWilson | July 24th 13
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4.0 excellentSaturday | July 8th 13
3.5 greatPrinceoftheDogs | July 7th 13
3.5 greatffs | June 29th 13
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4.0 excellentchimpington | June 16th 13
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5.0 classicDrSexy | June 10th 13
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4.0 excellentsollopsist | May 12th 13
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4.0 excellentXefon | May 8th 13
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3.0 goodbridgesburnt | April 29th 13
5.0 classicLowRidinCow | April 28th 13
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4.0 excellentSonofSnow | April 23rd 13
5.0 classicCarrotFlowerKing | April 19th 13
5.0 classicTulannical | April 19th 13
5.0 classicsdullemonds | April 17th 13
5.0 classicBeeRyan | April 16th 13
5.0 classiccswingholm | April 15th 13
4.0 excellentdieyoung | April 10th 13
5.0 classicTheSadLittleDinosaur | April 9th 13
5.0 classicBrady Hayes | April 3rd 13
4.5 superbTikicobra | April 2nd 13
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3.0 goodFloatHereForever | March 27th 13
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5.0 classicPox | March 19th 13
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4.5 superbCWBrown | February 26th 13
4.5 superbosmark86 | February 22nd 13
4.0 excellentbbdmittenz | February 21st 13
4.0 excellentCSmoker | February 21st 13
4.0 excellentSatiricalPhlegm | February 20th 13
4.5 superbutoatagotairboinsto | February 19th 13
4.0 excellentthetree | February 17th 13
4.0 excellentIre | February 14th 13
3.5 great1554699 | February 13th 13
5.0 classicfoxxxythnksustnk | February 11th 13
5.0 classichalanv3ntur3 | February 11th 13
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4.0 excellentpaulithan | February 8th 13
5.0 classicPikachuRapesYou | February 6th 13
4.0 excellentDearAnyone | January 25th 13
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4.5 superbFrame92 | January 20th 13
4.5 superbTMcConnell92 | January 20th 13
4.5 superbEvergreen | January 19th 13
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5.0 classicMr16 | January 18th 13
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5.0 classicStormreach19 | January 9th 13
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4.5 superbBounty | January 6th 13
4.5 superbWheelah | January 5th 13
4.5 superbstepheng93 | January 4th 13
3.5 greatlyzakthellama | January 2nd 13
5.0 classicparadox1216 | January 2nd 13
3.5 greatMutantsnowstorm | December 31st 12
3.5 greatDadKungFu STAFF | December 31st 12
4.0 excellentVirInvictus12 | December 29th 12
5.0 classicCorbinPerkins | December 29th 12
2.5 averageNoWhereToBreathe | December 20th 12
4.5 superbaNameThatsNew | December 18th 12
5.0 classicSonnySideUp | December 17th 12
2.5 averageurzadek | December 17th 12
4.0 excellentDylanD | December 15th 12
4.0 excellenteastwood94 | December 14th 12
2.5 averagexXxmeowxXx | December 13th 12
4.5 superbErnestDonkeyschlong | December 12th 12
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5.0 classicmybeard | December 10th 12
4.0 excellentNightTrain1 | December 10th 12
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3.5 greatroemilca | December 2nd 12
5.0 classicwasteofpaint31 | November 28th 12
5.0 classicPetMouse76 | November 25th 12
4.5 superbcoachcake | November 20th 12
4.0 excellentNastyCrab | November 18th 12
4.0 excellentHelltorSkeltor | November 17th 12
4.5 superbThreeJP | November 13th 12
4.5 superbthedreamingdead | November 6th 12
4.5 superbdfumagalli236 | November 5th 12
3.0 goodJobForAKemple | November 2nd 12
3.5 greatNationalRadio | November 1st 12
4.5 superbababygoat91 | October 30th 12
5.0 classicStreetlightStranger | October 28th 12
3.5 greatBansheeBeater | October 23rd 12
3.5 greatSoliloquy | October 23rd 12
5.0 classicBohemianAle | October 21st 12
4.0 excellentCakeWithCream | October 15th 12
4.0 excellentfoxshadow416 | October 13th 12
4.5 superbtmagistrelli | October 10th 12
4.5 superbBurntUt | October 10th 12
3.5 greatBreakfastCat | October 8th 12
5.0 classicb00mjohnmadden | October 8th 12
4.0 excellentRaccoonology | October 7th 12
4.5 superbAlexManderson | October 6th 12
4.0 excellentYouHaveMelophobia | October 6th 12
4.5 superbtravsnipes | October 2nd 12
4.5 superbHwoBeadedToy | September 28th 12
1.5 very poorBillDauterive | September 26th 12
5.0 classicWalrusKnight | September 24th 12
4.5 superbmcjor | September 24th 12
3.5 greatDeath2Squishies | September 21st 12
5.0 classicKennyTarpon | September 20th 12
4.5 superbHomerPimpson | September 20th 12
4.0 excellentSimpleSideEffect | September 19th 12
4.0 excellentThunderNeutral21 | September 14th 12
5.0 classicfoxxxy | September 12th 12
4.0 excellentwidzjnent | September 8th 12
4.0 excellentkevinboyles | September 7th 12
4.0 excellentMikkooooo | September 5th 12
5.0 classicluckynmb88 | September 2nd 12
4.5 superbhimynameisjames | September 2nd 12
4.0 excellentaguzman | August 29th 12
4.5 superbTheAJMetal | August 28th 12
5.0 classicAlxander19 | August 19th 12
4.0 excellentI always knew jazz fusion had potential. Snarky Puppy reached that potential | August 17th 12
5.0 classicchupacabraisreal | August 15th 12
4.5 superbNaxwashere | August 15th 12
4.0 excellentCaptainMunch | August 15th 12
4.5 superbSoldiermedic | August 12th 12
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5.0 classicchriskhaira | July 10th 12
3.0 goodlazorblade | July 1st 12
5.0 classicsalamibob666 | June 26th 12
4.5 superbAlexd93 | June 24th 12
4.0 excellentJots EMERITUS | June 24th 12
5.0 classicTienShinhan | June 22nd 12
4.0 excellentWinesburgohio STAFF | June 20th 12
5.0 classicguitarnater | June 19th 12
4.5 superbZombieDenial | June 12th 12
4.0 excellentTrail | June 5th 12
3.0 goodMybadMADB | May 31st 12
5.0 classiccodyrosenbalm1 | May 31st 12
5.0 classicIRemember | May 30th 12
4.0 excellentNBA | May 30th 12
4.5 superbTheDjehuty | May 29th 12
3.0 goodYakman | May 28th 12
4.5 superbSurette | May 22nd 12
3.0 goodtreos777 | May 21st 12
2.0 poorCalicula | May 11th 12
4.0 excellentDotEight | May 9th 12
4.5 superbJokmor | May 8th 12
4.0 excellentDrStrangemind | May 8th 12
3.0 goodAcorn | May 7th 12
3.5 greattypo182 | May 5th 12
5.0 classicillfirejersey | May 1st 12
4.5 superbMenosDelScorcho924 | April 29th 12
5.0 classicMarshall Clifton | April 27th 12
4.0 excellentseaneh | April 26th 12
4.0 excellentbroomy27 | April 25th 12
4.0 excellentOfloveandwarmth | April 22nd 12
4.0 excellentsattyre | April 22nd 12
4.5 superbJuhlights | April 21st 12
5.0 classicRecspecs | April 21st 12
5.0 classicVicariousIntent | April 21st 12
4.5 superbkada41 | April 21st 12
5.0 classicfoxxxy | April 21st 12
4.5 superbhouseswediein | April 20th 12
4.0 excellentEagleBlade | April 18th 12
4.0 excellentmontaukpoint | April 15th 12
5.0 classicDANstillTHEMAN | April 11th 12
4.5 superbEmyay | April 9th 12
3.5 greatSymmetry7 | April 6th 12
3.5 greatExopolitix | April 5th 12
4.5 superbdeandeg | April 5th 12
4.0 excellentKosherSoldier | April 5th 12
5.0 classicmangasm | April 2nd 12
4.0 excellentjwyles4 | March 29th 12
4.0 excellentDaemacho | March 28th 12
5.0 classicalienpoo | March 24th 12
4.0 excellentSupertramp | March 22nd 12
2.0 poorKUBT | March 22nd 12
4.5 superbJamieCreep | March 22nd 12
4.0 excellentBrontosaurus | March 20th 12
5.0 classicArrestedImpulse | March 19th 12
4.5 superbMagnetHead | March 19th 12
5.0 classicGingerJesus | March 19th 12
4.5 superbmastille | March 18th 12
5.0 classiccoffeeeyes | March 17th 12
4.5 superbtrich | March 17th 12
4.0 excellentDaedus | March 15th 12
4.5 superblowlierbottle | March 14th 12
4.0 excellentava082 | March 14th 12
4.5 superbkevinmiller | March 14th 12
5.0 classicArriviste | March 13th 12
4.0 excellentjinglingjongler | March 9th 12
4.5 superbTrentsbest | March 9th 12
5.0 classicthejohn3 | March 9th 12
5.0 classicThane | March 9th 12
4.0 excellentCutMan | March 8th 12
4.0 excellentMtMoon | March 8th 12
4.0 excellentABlandLife | March 8th 12
5.0 classicjessicapizzulo | March 7th 12
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4.5 superbsportsboy | March 4th 12
3.0 goodaccompliceofmydeath | March 2nd 12
3.5 greatasusurration | March 2nd 12
5.0 classicWendnarb | February 29th 12
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4.5 superbsuppatime | February 27th 12
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3.5 greatShismo | February 18th 12
4.5 superbDeathsThread | February 18th 12
3.5 greatMTTS | February 17th 12
5.0 classicwhatshisname | February 16th 12
4.0 excellentBloodhail | February 16th 12
5.0 classiciglu | February 15th 12
4.0 excellentshandycrewman | February 14th 12
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4.0 excellentdylanjones42 | February 8th 12
5.0 classiccbjeeby | February 8th 12
4.5 superbCasinoColumbus | February 7th 12
3.5 greatTheCrocodile | February 4th 12
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4.0 excellentWesMantooth | February 3rd 12
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4.5 superbmanifestum | January 29th 12
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4.5 superbOrangeHologram | January 27th 12
4.0 excellentfouryearstrong | January 27th 12
5.0 classicelephantREVOLUTION | January 25th 12
4.5 superbTitan50 | January 25th 12
5.0 classicxfearbefore | January 25th 12
4.0 excellentMayYouRise | January 25th 12
5.0 classicnevermore93 | January 24th 12
5.0 classicthunderpcats | January 24th 12
4.0 excellentbraveasanoun | January 24th 12
4.0 excellentDamon | January 20th 12
4.5 superbBadabanda | January 20th 12
4.5 superbYetAnotherBrick | January 19th 12
4.5 superbmttgry | January 18th 12
4.0 excellentguitarvibe75 | January 17th 12
5.0 classicCollectingResin | January 16th 12
5.0 classicdj2992 | January 14th 12
4.0 excellentmattkd | January 14th 12
3.5 greatSuper Grover | January 14th 12
5.0 classicomegasis | January 13th 12
3.5 greatChar2012 | January 3rd 12
5.0 classicdiscoedave | January 3rd 12
4.5 superbVyndax | January 1st 12
5.0 classicGuitarfreak8810 | December 31st 11
4.0 excellentcyalily | December 31st 11
5.0 classicBlack01Dawn | December 28th 11
4.0 excellentDylanDavis | December 26th 11
4.5 superbPiglet | December 25th 11
5.0 classicjavorkuti | December 24th 11
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5.0 classicJohnagan | December 19th 11
2.5 averageAltPunkMetal101 | December 19th 11
5.0 classicInFiction | December 19th 11
3.5 greatmallen- | December 19th 11
4.0 excellentlucaswarm | December 17th 11
4.0 excellentclercqie | December 14th 11
3.5 greatDusstynray | December 14th 11
4.0 excellentjlech | December 13th 11
4.0 excellentMojito | December 13th 11
4.0 excellentSirob | December 13th 11
4.0 excellentsassysista | December 9th 11
4.5 superbNaps | December 8th 11
4.0 excellentsteventon | December 7th 11
4.0 excellentiGuter | December 5th 11
4.0 excellentaflak7 | November 30th 11
5.0 classicDJ Smurf | November 29th 11
4.5 superbBanion | November 23rd 11
2.5 averagefuckthatnoise | November 23rd 11
5.0 classicSpec | November 22nd 11
2.5 averageDocSportello | November 21st 11
5.0 classicthelonelycanvass | November 13th 11
4.5 superbJerbz | November 12th 11
4.5 superbquikdraw | November 12th 11
3.0 goodtoxin. | November 10th 11
4.5 superbRev | November 7th 11
4.5 superbpointplaya6 | November 3rd 11
4.0 excellentalexp9000 | November 3rd 11
4.5 superbautopilotoff | November 2nd 11
4.0 excellentKiller404 | November 1st 11
3.0 goodJigglyJames | October 29th 11
4.5 superbCaveman130 | October 24th 11
5.0 classicemptyblackbox | October 24th 11
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4.0 excellentnewjunkaesthetic93 | October 19th 11
5.0 classicATLbraves | October 15th 11
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4.5 superbAndrewGibbs | October 12th 11
4.0 excellentTheBuzzKiller | October 10th 11
3.5 greatjredmond | October 7th 11
4.5 superbHaloDude442 | October 7th 11
5.0 classicHeyJordyn | October 7th 11
5.0 classicindiemadison | October 6th 11
4.0 excellentWattersonAeroplane94 | October 6th 11
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5.0 classickquinton | October 5th 11
4.0 excellent69463 | October 5th 11
5.0 classicTyrannic | October 2nd 11
4.0 excellentSentencedToSaturnus | September 29th 11
5.0 classicdbark923 | September 29th 11
4.0 excellentabaiardi7 | September 28th 11
5.0 classicDumplinNuggs | September 14th 11
4.0 excellentDev518 | September 10th 11
4.0 excellentrealrock34 | September 7th 11
4.5 superbJaySeanFenris | September 3rd 11
4.5 superbBloom | September 2nd 11
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3.5 greatKnave | August 27th 11
4.5 superbSingForTheDead | August 25th 11
4.5 superbjorsh | August 23rd 11
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4.5 superbGoodOldJustin | August 20th 11
4.0 excellentMchailas | August 17th 11
5.0 classicderekkp | August 15th 11
3.0 goodtrue | August 14th 11
4.5 superbAids | August 11th 11
3.0 goodZenIsNotChosen | August 11th 11
4.0 excellentsharmz | August 10th 11
4.0 excellentterroriss | August 10th 11
3.5 greatBillymartinn | August 10th 11
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4.0 excellentKingxOfxTypos | July 24th 11
3.5 greatBeecher | July 21st 11
4.5 superbTotes | July 20th 11
5.0 classicGore | July 20th 11
4.5 superbIAmHollywood | July 18th 11
4.0 excellentBajumeru | July 15th 11
4.0 excellentCrackwhoreBatshit | July 8th 11
3.5 greatxxmongrelxx | July 7th 11
5.0 classicGhettoGuppy | July 4th 11
3.5 greatLeftyStyley | July 2nd 11
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5.0 classictrytorememberforget | June 29th 11
3.5 greathesperus | June 27th 11
5.0 classiclukesmannequin | June 20th 11
3.5 greatTomArnoldsArmpit | June 19th 11
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5.0 classicdeadsye | June 11th 11
4.0 excellentDarb | June 10th 11
4.5 superbmuzikdizcovery | June 9th 11
4.5 superbpatod92 | June 9th 11
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4.0 excellentiZac | June 3rd 11
3.5 greatimmersedreality | May 29th 11
4.0 excellentOceanOfNoise | May 28th 11
5.0 classicgeek95 | May 27th 11
4.0 excellentohvesuvius | May 27th 11
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5.0 classicSlothman | May 24th 11
4.0 excellentNigelH | May 24th 11
5.0 classicTrist66 | May 23rd 11
4.5 superbgregoryh42 | May 15th 11
4.0 excellenttrulymj | May 14th 11
3.0 goodG3N3R1C | May 13th 11
5.0 classicRowdy | May 9th 11
5.0 classicjosephneely25 | May 6th 11
4.0 excellentSpeachImpediment | May 5th 11
4.5 superbPinkElephants | May 3rd 11
4.5 superbHeadClub | May 2nd 11
4.5 superbdiatonix | April 30th 11
5.0 classicohfoxxxycole | April 30th 11
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3.0 goodWolfe | April 28th 11
4.5 superbpedroia55 | April 28th 11
4.0 excellentDragunov | April 26th 11
4.0 excellentSpaceWhale | April 20th 11
5.0 classicoh trudy, youre with the meanest boy in the hills EMERITUS | April 15th 11
3.5 greatScullyBartlett | April 14th 11
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3.5 greattaxidermist | April 13th 11
3.0 goodmclovin99 | April 10th 11
4.0 excellentfeedhertothesharks | April 6th 11
4.0 excellentEvetteCole | April 2nd 11
4.5 superbTrebor. EMERITUS | March 31st 11
4.0 excellentCyberTaco | March 30th 11
4.5 superbThanatopsis | March 30th 11
4.5 superbwillhallwho | March 30th 11
3.0 goodJarethCutestory | March 25th 11
5.0 classicGood | March 23rd 11
5.0 classicWhatsgood | March 21st 11
4.5 superbdnor | March 21st 11
4.0 excellentKingKaribuu | March 18th 11
5.0 classicpatman1001 | March 14th 11
5.0 classicSgriffith80 | March 9th 11
4.0 excellentssttaannzzii | March 9th 11
4.5 superbItsaTrap | March 8th 11
2.5 averageBenjomatico | March 8th 11
5.0 classicacad | March 7th 11
4.5 superbPorklips | February 28th 11
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4.5 superbtransatlanticfoe | February 23rd 11
4.0 excellentRemer17 | February 22nd 11
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4.0 excellentjustintimeforgodin | February 17th 11
4.5 superbblazebaileyfinnegan3 | February 12th 11
4.5 superbOvertcaesar | February 10th 11
4.0 excellentdaveypeach | February 8th 11
4.5 superbPropheticAesthetic | February 6th 11
4.0 excellenttowniecore | February 5th 11
5.0 classicAndManyMore | February 4th 11
3.5 greatzombiMessiah | January 31st 11
4.0 excellentHacknet | January 31st 11
4.5 superbXDisasterX | January 26th 11
5.0 classicdeepintheorchard | January 24th 11
4.0 excellentSHAKEandBAKE | January 23rd 11
3.0 goodfabzn | January 21st 11
5.0 classicTheOrigamiKiller | January 21st 11
4.0 excellentThomas S. | January 18th 11
3.5 greatTannerSaysStuff | January 16th 11
5.0 classicjessejplatt | January 15th 11
4.5 superbBeingZlatan | January 13th 11
3.0 goodNorwichScene | January 12th 11
4.5 superbKmathews41 | January 8th 11
4.0 excellentMunsuLight | January 7th 11
3.0 goodOreooerO | January 7th 11
3.0 goodFlowers | January 7th 11
5.0 classicDashGLORY182 | January 4th 11
5.0 classicKrissWatts | January 4th 11
5.0 classicgreggmccurry | January 2nd 11
4.5 superbdjdougherty | December 24th 10
4.0 excellentJaberriot | December 23rd 10
4.0 excellentGoodApollo | December 21st 10
4.5 superbimperviousmike | December 19th 10
4.5 superbBoudinet | December 17th 10
4.5 superbMidjicka | December 17th 10
4.0 excellentelliotsexton | December 17th 10
4.0 excellentHARDTOEXPLAIN | December 16th 10
4.5 superbRalphims | December 15th 10
4.5 superb10timk10 | December 11th 10
4.0 excellentMrHigh | December 10th 10
5.0 classicJanson | December 9th 10
5.0 classicTanMan | December 7th 10
5.0 classicanotherboredkid | December 4th 10
4.0 excellentDGTLPRTY | December 3rd 10
4.0 excellentjdladeur | December 3rd 10
4.5 superbSSnake88 | December 2nd 10
2.5 averagexMalcolmXx | December 1st 10
4.5 superbSoapySoap | November 30th 10
4.0 excellentamoretouche420 | November 29th 10
5.0 classicNimrod1995 | November 27th 10
4.5 superbNickelbackFTL | November 24th 10
5.0 classicLeatherneck | November 23rd 10
4.5 superbEpic | November 21st 10
3.5 greatMeatSalad | November 17th 10
3.5 greatSc0ttMurray | November 16th 10
5.0 classicperlox | November 13th 10
4.0 excellentRashandarei | November 12th 10
5.0 classicdobson001 | November 12th 10
5.0 classic0mniscient | November 12th 10
4.0 excellentInsomniacDozer | November 6th 10
4.5 superbSchnob93 | November 5th 10
4.5 superbsween719 | November 5th 10
5.0 classicDelete my account please | November 3rd 10
5.0 classiccwhitman412 | October 30th 10
4.5 superbstevelovescoffee | October 29th 10
3.5 greatVirInvictus | October 28th 10
4.5 superbjubilee | October 27th 10
4.5 superbMBS | October 27th 10
3.5 greatSomeKindOfLove | October 25th 10
5.0 classicelokiddies | October 25th 10
4.0 excellentLosingSleep | October 23rd 10
3.5 greatgolnar | October 22nd 10
4.0 excellentamericanart | October 21st 10
3.5 greatTheStefan | October 21st 10
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4.5 superbliftyourhairyballs | October 18th 10
4.0 excellentsightofyourdemons | October 18th 10
5.0 classiclauramq | October 17th 10
4.5 superbAndrewLynde | October 17th 10
4.5 superbSnipeCity | October 14th 10
5.0 classicembotthefembot | October 11th 10
5.0 classicIncoming | October 11th 10
4.5 superbMonsterpoptart | October 10th 10
4.0 excellentmusicwithak | October 9th 10
3.5 greatSputniks #1 Cacti Hunter | October 9th 10
4.5 superbARuinedEmpire | October 8th 10
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4.0 excellentsoothsayer420 | October 4th 10
4.0 excellentShadein | October 3rd 10
4.5 superbIN64 | October 3rd 10
5.0 classicMusicBoxSuperhero | September 30th 10
4.0 excellentCurse. | September 28th 10
4.0 excellentFoursmallhats | September 26th 10
3.5 greatCollectCallsToHome | September 22nd 10
4.5 superbJarrodVsTheWorld | September 22nd 10
4.5 superbTheFinalRI0T | September 21st 10
4.5 superbSkankinJake | September 21st 10
4.0 excellentVeldin | September 21st 10
5.0 classicSpenMoney14 | September 20th 10
4.5 superbZelbinian | September 20th 10
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3.5 greatInvalidCosmonaut | September 17th 10
3.0 goodJackMEB | September 16th 10
4.5 superbumbrellashop | September 14th 10
5.0 classicRavenheart | September 13th 10
4.5 superbEnotron | September 10th 10
4.5 superbDiceMan | September 10th 10
4.0 excellentgaryhann | September 9th 10
4.5 superbAntipunk | September 1st 10
4.5 superbgloriouslyinept | August 27th 10
4.0 excellentKotoFtw | August 26th 10
2.0 poormaxmousemm2000 | August 26th 10
4.5 superbDayMan | August 26th 10
4.5 superbFallingfarbehind | August 14th 10
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5.0 classicSwimfanTheMovie | August 4th 10
4.0 excellentziimo | August 2nd 10
4.0 excellentmvood | July 25th 10
4.5 superbNoelGallagher | July 24th 10
4.0 excellentMaterialBoy | July 20th 10
4.0 excellentSconza | July 20th 10
5.0 classicBlackFugazi | July 20th 10
5.0 classicmjr20 | July 13th 10
4.5 superbendingwhynot08 | July 10th 10
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3.5 greatSynergy7 | June 25th 10
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4.0 excellentEndlessClockwork | June 10th 10
5.0 classicAvid | June 6th 10
3.5 greatonereallysillygoose | June 2nd 10
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4.0 excellentSHOwned | May 27th 10
4.0 excellentl3pr0sy | May 25th 10
4.0 excellentmmfarva | May 23rd 10
4.5 superbMrCalum | May 21st 10
5.0 classicjaws3ppl0 | May 21st 10
4.5 superbDispute | May 19th 10
5.0 classicpmmets07 | May 19th 10
3.5 greatMusicIsMyFavorite | May 18th 10
5.0 classicGnarGnarBinks | May 18th 10
4.0 excellentStolensanity | May 17th 10
3.5 greatZakKilgannon | May 11th 10
4.0 excellentkriss44 | May 10th 10
4.5 superbramirez2 | May 9th 10
3.5 greatCoalesce12 | May 9th 10
4.0 excellentClancyboy | May 8th 10
4.0 excellentgreg84 EMERITUS | May 3rd 10
4.5 superbElementary | May 1st 10
3.5 greattodis522 | April 26th 10
4.0 excellentYoshizoid | April 25th 10
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4.5 superbsteinface | April 25th 10
4.5 superbcollystrings | April 25th 10
4.5 superbdahmerszombies | April 22nd 10
3.5 greatDeathcar | April 21st 10
4.5 superbStones99 | April 17th 10
4.0 excellentjBoo | April 16th 10
4.5 superbiFyoUCjordan | April 16th 10
3.5 greatSpaceisGolden | April 15th 10
4.0 excellentSHINFO | April 11th 10
4.0 excellentmickeymfb | April 9th 10
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4.5 superbnatemeister916 | March 27th 10
4.5 superbtrimthefat | March 27th 10
4.0 excellenttuk | March 21st 10
3.0 goodBigHans | March 19th 10
4.5 superbausjim | March 14th 10
4.5 superbatrink | March 13th 10
3.5 greatAlameda | March 12th 10
5.0 classicGaryT | March 10th 10
4.0 excellentAllBoutTheBenjamins | March 9th 10
2.5 averageGhostechoes | March 6th 10
5.0 classicSlum | March 6th 10
4.0 excellentjoshc | March 5th 10
4.0 excellentPlutonio | March 3rd 10
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4.5 superbtestpilot00 | February 28th 10
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4.5 superbBledWh1te | February 24th 10
4.5 superbNach0 | February 15th 10
5.0 classiciloveponies | February 10th 10
5.0 classic3141592654 | February 9th 10
4.0 excellentasandwich | February 9th 10
4.0 excellentMotherBrain | February 7th 10
4.5 superbSilentEarth | February 6th 10
5.0 classicBostonTJ93 | February 4th 10
5.0 classicMusicinaBox | February 3rd 10
3.5 greatplusblink18241 | February 2nd 10
5.0 classicKnuckleChowder | January 30th 10
5.0 classicBemisisgod | January 28th 10
4.5 superbmyhigherpie | January 27th 10
4.0 excellenttheandrewlee | January 27th 10
5.0 classicdudefabz | January 21st 10
3.0 goodIllitoris | January 19th 10
3.5 greatDoubtGin | January 12th 10
5.0 classicRawrz | January 4th 10
4.5 superbSkimaskcheck | December 31st 09
5.0 classicbr00talexpress | December 30th 09
3.5 greatPeteyThePistol | December 29th 09
3.0 goodSpasm01 | December 26th 09
5.0 classiccrazyblinddude | December 23rd 09
4.0 excellentNiceinvader | December 20th 09
4.0 excellentDreamsoffew | December 16th 09
4.0 excellentbillybacksplat | December 15th 09
4.5 superbfiestamelons | December 14th 09
4.0 excellentTheMelm | December 14th 09
4.5 superbtheearthisnthumming | December 13th 09
4.5 superbbrandnewfan | December 13th 09
5.0 classicMarcTruant | December 12th 09
5.0 classiconthebrightside | December 11th 09
5.0 classicblackandcoustaud | December 11th 09
5.0 classicjmae1101 | December 10th 09
4.5 superbthe comfort of home | December 9th 09
5.0 classicFort23 | December 5th 09
5.0 classicJelloPop | December 4th 09
5.0 classicboysgotwoe | December 3rd 09
2.5 averageeternium | December 2nd 09
4.5 superbBlindsided | December 1st 09
4.0 excellentCerbyrus | November 30th 09
4.5 superbLions | November 27th 09
5.0 classicdarkbunny | November 20th 09
4.0 excellentbenhxc | November 20th 09
5.0 classicButThatBelt | November 20th 09
4.5 superbbronxcommand | November 19th 09
2.5 averageJayright | November 18th 09
4.0 excellentPrivatePr3Ss | November 16th 09
4.0 excellentqwe3 | November 16th 09
4.0 excellentLifeW4asted | November 16th 09
4.0 excellentBobbbyLight | November 11th 09
4.0 excellentBaphomet | November 10th 09
5.0 classicalt | November 9th 09
4.0 excellentmegajon | November 8th 09
4.0 excellentloveismyweaponx | November 7th 09
4.5 superbcatsinflats | November 6th 09
5.0 classicJips | November 3rd 09
4.5 superbkfilly20 | November 2nd 09
4.5 superbInTheShallows | November 2nd 09
4.0 excellentBigTuna | November 2nd 09
2.5 averagerawr456 | November 2nd 09
3.0 goodtimothyjames | November 1st 09
3.5 greatSchizophrenik | October 31st 09
5.0 classicdrasticaction74 | October 28th 09
4.0 excellentStitchesInYourMouth | October 27th 09
5.0 classicYay | October 23rd 09
3.5 greatPuddlesPuddles | October 19th 09
5.0 classicstames999 | October 19th 09
3.0 goodEwednesday | October 18th 09
4.0 excellentPinkBlackberry | October 17th 09
3.0 goodpuffinman7 | October 16th 09
5.0 classicwitsison | October 11th 09
1.5 very poorMaidenPriest420 | October 8th 09
5.0 classicmaddogmike | October 8th 09
4.0 excellentMadMulatto | October 3rd 09
5.0 classicsexualsoybean | October 3rd 09
5.0 classicFalseOpinion | October 1st 09
3.0 goodDownes | September 27th 09
1.5 very poorabbyczach | September 26th 09
3.5 greatGroink | September 26th 09
3.5 greatDoOrDie | September 24th 09
4.5 superbElCastillo | September 17th 09
4.5 superbrodigo1 | September 15th 09
4.5 superbtrueopinion | September 14th 09
4.5 superbklusterfuk | September 9th 09
4.0 excellentd00derz | September 8th 09
5.0 classicPieRye | September 7th 09
5.0 classicDBlitz | September 1st 09
3.5 greatthesystemisdown | August 24th 09
4.5 superbsph134s | August 23rd 09
4.5 superbWildcatforever | August 20th 09
4.0 excellentcia | August 19th 09
3.0 goodThor | August 14th 09
4.0 excellentcam | August 11th 09
3.0 goodGraven | August 11th 09
3.5 greatzachblack | August 3rd 09
4.0 excellentBaldManWrx | July 25th 09
4.0 excellentshawreck | July 19th 09
4.5 superbMumps33 | July 17th 09
4.0 excellentDrNedwardio | July 15th 09
3.5 greatebay | July 15th 09
4.0 excellentTrazzz123 | July 12th 09
4.5 superbTransient | July 11th 09
4.0 excellentopblaaskonijn | July 6th 09
5.0 classicdukie | June 28th 09
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4.5 superbPanfanelpwno | June 25th 09
4.5 superbSmiley | June 24th 09
4.0 excellentchaseguitar | June 23rd 09
4.5 superbthis space for rent | June 22nd 09
5.0 classicTerminalC | June 19th 09
4.0 excellentsmelle91 | June 19th 09
3.5 greatMyLawnIsEmo | June 17th 09
5.0 classicBaseheadoftheNight | June 15th 09
2.0 poorbetacortex | June 15th 09
3.5 greatthejared | June 14th 09
4.0 excellentTheLibertyScene | June 12th 09
3.0 gooddjejew | June 9th 09
4.5 superbinf2215 | June 8th 09
4.5 superbThef | June 6th 09
2.5 averageToradeth | June 4th 09
5.0 classicharrypluto | June 4th 09
4.5 superbdboehm12 | May 25th 09
4.0 excellentMordecai. | May 20th 09
4.0 excellentspeakeasymonday | May 13th 09
4.5 superbohhhcomely | May 12th 09
3.5 greatEasternLight | May 7th 09
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5.0 classicStarsprophet | May 4th 09
3.0 goodlikeomgc00l | May 4th 09
3.5 greatdarthbarf | May 2nd 09
4.5 superbDarklyDreamingDookie | May 2nd 09
4.0 excellentwashburnb | April 22nd 09
4.0 excellentCubik125 | April 4th 09
1.0 awfulfeav233 | March 31st 09
4.5 superbDBrunswick86 | March 30th 09
4.0 excellentnodontshoot | March 24th 09
5.0 classicInshallah | March 22nd 09
3.5 greatDaTwig | March 19th 09
4.0 excellentiganja | March 16th 09
3.5 greatchilleraustin | March 2nd 09
4.0 excellentShadowskos | February 17th 09
4.5 superbPersona6 | February 17th 09
5.0 classickanzas | February 16th 09
4.5 superbstoopkid | February 14th 09
4.0 excellentZeromus Dark | February 12th 09
4.0 excellentsurturawaken | February 12th 09
4.5 superbbolshephobia | February 11th 09
4.0 excellentrawtoenail | February 11th 09
4.5 superbMikeStan | February 10th 09
3.5 greatabsurdismwine | February 9th 09
4.0 excellentaminorplace | February 8th 09
4.0 excellentLiveForMusic | February 4th 09
4.5 superbOGlaf0018 | February 4th 09
4.5 superbbig80smullet | February 3rd 09
4.5 superbTheLuckyFew | January 28th 09
4.5 superbFattyKnee | January 26th 09
4.5 superbRhymenoceros | January 26th 09
4.0 excellentcamw | January 19th 09
5.0 classicDrShaun | January 10th 09
4.5 superbCxLTxN | January 6th 09
3.5 greatSwingfinger | January 5th 09
5.0 classicFailureOnMyLips | January 3rd 09
3.5 greatwithintention | January 3rd 09
5.0 classicJokesorInsults | December 31st 08
4.0 excellentCokeZero | December 29th 08
3.5 greatthisisntyou | December 26th 08
3.5 greatxmOBSCENEx | December 25th 08
3.5 greattomdoesntwait | December 25th 08
5.0 classicILLIMINATOR | December 24th 08
4.5 superbYotimi | December 24th 08
3.0 goodMcP3000 | December 24th 08
3.0 goodtheoisbrutal | December 21st 08
5.0 classicjdfashizzles | December 21st 08
4.0 excellentAlKal | December 21st 08
4.0 excellentGregBP | December 20th 08
4.5 superb72haha72 | December 17th 08
4.5 superbJimLahey89 | December 1st 08
3.5 greatrisbo | November 18th 08
3.5 greatpoopispoopy51 | November 18th 08
4.5 superbtables | November 16th 08
3.5 greatRyder88 | November 10th 08
5.0 classicCraigmn01 | November 9th 08
3.0 goodtvercil2 | November 8th 08
3.5 greatDownTilUnderground | November 5th 08
2.0 poorYouAreMySilence | November 3rd 08
3.0 goodBsmith7 | November 2nd 08
5.0 classicdukes | October 23rd 08
4.5 superbCraggles | October 21st 08
4.0 excellentact1chasingsuns | October 13th 08
5.0 classicJumpTheF**kUp | October 5th 08
4.0 excellentSociety Sellout | October 5th 08
4.0 excellentdancelogandance | October 2nd 08
4.0 excellentcleary21 | October 1st 08
5.0 classicFakeBlood | September 30th 08
3.5 greatEleventhHour | September 25th 08
4.0 excellentbobafe6604 | September 19th 08
3.5 greatporkchop182 | September 15th 08
3.0 goodpoweroftheweez | August 25th 08
4.0 excellentHighandDriving | August 20th 08
4.5 superbKritikalMotion | August 19th 08
3.5 greatflamethisuser | August 13th 08
4.5 superbd4hess | August 13th 08
4.5 superbEtherealFusion | August 8th 08
5.0 classicdangerousdarrin | August 3rd 08
4.5 superbSHOOTME | August 1st 08
4.5 superbLifeInABox | July 24th 08
3.5 greatinternethatemachine | July 19th 08
4.0 excellentBea | July 16th 08
4.0 excellentrichardmongler | July 16th 08
4.0 excellentAmericana | July 8th 08
3.0 goodYellow | June 30th 08
4.5 superbTheHamburgerman | June 29th 08
4.0 excellentrifftastic | June 10th 08
5.0 classictdreyno | June 3rd 08
4.5 superbCuban Pete | May 7th 08
4.0 excellentkaospilot | May 5th 08
4.0 excellentshannondanielle | May 4th 08
4.5 superbYeahRiight | May 3rd 08
4.0 excellentClichePoser | April 17th 08
5.0 classicchessler | April 12th 08
3.5 greatLordGreekFolder | March 27th 08
4.5 superbJPAC | March 16th 08
3.5 greatnatey | March 11th 08
4.0 excellentAbdar112 | March 6th 08
4.0 excellenteasytiger91 | March 3rd 08
4.5 superbfathergoat | March 1st 08
5.0 classickinkylikeaslinky22 | February 26th 08
4.0 excellentWeLikeTheMoon62 | February 20th 08
4.5 superbCoreySzn | February 18th 08
4.5 superbskitz | February 16th 08
3.5 greattysetsfire11 | February 15th 08
2.0 poorTiphanycufflinks | February 15th 08
4.5 superbGoldSoundz23 | February 14th 08
5.0 classiciliketoosing | February 14th 08
5.0 classiclilblig7 | February 8th 08
4.0 excellentmuskrat20 | January 29th 08
3.5 greatthetod | January 29th 08
4.0 excellentPigDestroyer89 | January 24th 08
5.0 classicInTheDoghouse | January 24th 08
4.0 excellentBron-Yr-Aur | January 24th 08
5.0 classicunderstone | January 17th 08
5.0 classicevans | January 10th 08
4.0 excellentdrksideofthemn5 | January 5th 08
4.0 excellentkngoPITT | January 3rd 08
3.5 greatbeans | December 28th 07
4.0 excellentNoisePolluted | December 23rd 07
4.0 excellentexxit152 | December 16th 07
4.5 superbGodisGreat311 | November 28th 07
4.5 superbJohn L | November 28th 07
4.5 superbJerrydavidson | November 22nd 07
5.0 classicsnerefedsav | November 18th 07
3.0 goodDWittisarockstar | November 8th 07
4.5 superbstke22 | November 8th 07
3.5 greatwestfall | November 5th 07
2.0 poortwentyseven | November 5th 07
4.5 superbfunhouse | November 5th 07
3.5 greatcurtman | November 4th 07
4.5 superbtakeitawayjosh | October 31st 07
4.5 superbmoose182 | October 29th 07
3.0 goodKiran EMERITUS | October 28th 07
4.0 excellentforeverendeared | October 24th 07
4.0 excellentChildishInsecurities | October 5th 07
4.5 superbSempel | September 30th 07
2.5 averageReign_In_Blood_89 | September 22nd 07
2.5 averagePhoenixRising | September 20th 07
5.0 classicStreetlightRock | September 20th 07
3.0 goodddrfreak62 | September 10th 07
3.5 greathummer | September 10th 07
4.5 superbpinurwingsback | August 26th 07
3.5 greatXSebbyMcMuffinX | August 25th 07
4.0 excellentkramertron | August 20th 07
4.5 superbswarmofoctopii | August 9th 07
4.5 superbrandallflagg | August 5th 07
5.0 classicHispanicImpressions | July 31st 07
4.0 excellentIluvatar | February 6th 07
5.0 classicTheSaint
4.0 excellentHatshepsut
3.5 greatAbaddon2005
4.5 superbsdonnell
5.0 classicuncguy0007
5.0 classicnaazrael
4.5 superbdelder1989
4.0 excellentwoundedmonkey
4.0 excellentDonBass
5.0 classicskatemullen14
4.0 excellentErased Citizen
5.0 classicwhj247
4.5 superbdowntime9110
4.0 excellentpixiesfanyo
5.0 classicMatt Wolfe EMERITUS
4.5 superbjrowa001
4.0 excellentCushMG15
3.5 greatMastodon_2007
4.0 excellentObeyGiant
5.0 classicineedahugx2
3.5 greatTheDMV
4.5 superbsneakybird
5.0 classicChanning Freeman STAFF
4.0 excellentSpinLightTwo
3.5 greatATolley009
5.0 classicXeric
4.5 superbClockwork99
3.5 greatsoleiletlune
4.5 superbdescendents1
5.0 classicbobisnotmyname
3.0 goodFire Away
5.0 classicWalkingWounded
4.5 superbDulcinea
5.0 classicChickenInTheSpoon
4.5 superbRollerQueen
4.0 excellentVirus278
2.5 averagelunchforthesky
4.0 excellentJohnson73
2.5 average204409 EMERITUS
4.0 excellentIntransit
4.0 excellentgrungeguy88
4.5 superbAllTheGoodGhosts
4.0 excellentRiley12988
5.0 classic313tbs
5.0 classiciarescientists
4.0 excellenttheavalanche27
4.0 excellentSCLSmarty
5.0 classiccheckitfool
5.0 classicPastropzut
5.0 classicDufo
4.5 superbarmfarm
4.5 superbUIS2UI
5.0 classicDomenic182
4.5 superbBig Tone
4.0 excellentDamnChuckedHam
3.0 goodsamthebassman
5.0 classicxbleedalittlesmile
5.0 classicchumpradio
3.5 greatwhitebleedstored
4.5 superbHep Kat
5.0 classicKodan
3.0 goodandmywhetstone
5.0 classicNeongod
4.0 excellentTyler EMERITUS
4.5 superbwoee
5.0 classicvisionalters
4.0 excellentMoraff
4.5 superbJulio Babilonia
5.0 classiccat destroyer

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