Is it thrash? Is it dm? I'd say it's somewhere in between. It is quite aggressive both in tone and vocally, and I am all for it. The drumming is particularly flavourful here, promoting riffs that change incessantly and work really well most of the time, making for an album that really makes you bop yar head a whole lot. The usual cringe thrash tropes are not wholly absent but remain at an acceptable scarcity level, with the exception of 9 which is frankly a big nope for me and brings this down a point. Thankfully 10 and the questionably useful 11 still have some good riffage in store to make up for it thereafter. I often get fatigued wiht these thrashy albums, but slower tracks like 4 offer nice rest, and when it accelerates back on 6 after a very tiny interlude on 5, it's all the more powerful. Honestly one that I could see myself jamming again. 3.75
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