| | Ratings (140) |
Give your Rating |
4.0 excellent | BRAman22 | April 23rd 18 | Solid black metal with some good thrashy riffs. Better production than much black metal which is a plus for me.
1 Bumps | Bump |
3.5 great | Gary STAFF | May 20th 22 | Entertaining, but significantly unbalanced release. The better moments on this album are on masterclass level, while the rest isn't bad, but far less memorable than the good parts. TSAAAR BOMBBBA!!
Bump |
3.4 great | Trey STAFF | March 9th 18 | Sporting a solid, if not conventional, blend of black metal and melodic death metal, "Mark of the Necrogram" is really well done. I've never heard Necrophobic's other releases, but I can say that this brings the classic blackened melodeath sound back in a big way.
Bump |
4.5 superb | Ztrain | April 2nd 24 |
3.5 great | FunJan | March 19th 24 |
4.0 excellent | JoneHK | March 17th 24 |
3.5 great | heck | March 17th 24 |
3.5 great | Davey | January 21st 24 |
3.0 good | MaSuPe | November 6th 23 |
4.0 excellent | gfgfg11 | October 5th 23 |
3.0 good | nbats | June 1st 21 |
3.0 good | Prole | April 21st 21 |
4.5 superb | Ianman | April 5th 21 |
4.5 superb | GhostK | February 2nd 21 |
3.5 great | yayafa | February 1st 21 |
4.0 excellent | Surtur | October 26th 20 |
4.0 excellent | kx8 | May 23rd 20 |
4.0 excellent | bSmith | May 20th 20 |
4.5 superb | gk1979 | May 17th 19 |
3.0 good | Jeejee | January 28th 19 |
4.5 superb | Coast | November 5th 18 |
4.0 excellent | hsb | August 30th 18 |
3.5 great | gnimas | August 26th 18 |
3.5 great | Warpt | June 8th 18 |
3.5 great | gilly | April 6th 18 |
4.0 excellent | mRA | April 3rd 18 |
3.5 great | Enzx | March 25th 18 |
3.5 great | YUJOS | March 8th 18 |
3.5 great | dvd0bvb | February 28th 18 |
4.0 excellent | jopower | February 27th 18 |
4.5 superb | mkl | February 26th 18 |
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Give Your Opinion on Mark of the Necrogram