Me And That Man   Songs of Love and Death
Release Date: 2017

 Full ReviewRatings (64) Give your Rating

3.5 greatAntonius | September 4th 17

I was not aware of the anti-christian/atheist background of Adam Darski prior to listening to this album since I am not a black metal fan. However, I got impressed by how a guy like him takes an 180 degrees turn and records a country/blues rock album. The content varies from the traditional country lyricism though and is written with lots of gothic and melancholic elements. Darski's soulful baritone brings a dark, mournful and sometimes, desperate feeling to the tracks which only make them even better. Too bad if this turns out to be a one-off project. Recommendations: "On The Road", "Voodoo Queen", "Nightride", "My Church Is Black", "Of Sirens, Vampires and Lovers".


2.5 averageTheManMachine | July 15th 17

Versed death metal yeller takes a stab at straight clean-voxed blues rock that would feel fitting at a dark-n-dingy bar deep in the woods or while drivin' down some dusty graveyard-laden trails. A surprisingly successful stab I'd say, but on the whole kinda too by the numbers; compelling moodiness eventually turning strained+silly. For the singing children see "Cross My Heart and Hope to Die", for standout softie that should've been an opening theme for The Leftovers see "One Day", for Song Of Love And Death see "Shaman Blues": "She got a black pearl in her pussy / and it'll be there til the day she dies / Then I'll stick it in her mouth, honey / and spit on her vacant eyes".


3.0 goodbirdistheword | August 27th 24
3.5 greatYankeeDudel | April 8th 24
3.0 goodLowellWolfe | September 12th 23
3.5 greatRastapunk | November 25th 21
3.5 greatNickLizard49 | November 21st 21
3.5 greatdachstheangry | March 31st 21
3.5 greatvkristi | March 27th 21
3.0 goodMetalConnoisseur | September 8th 20
4.0 excellentCoreLeone85 | August 27th 20
4.0 excellentDJTrpTrp | July 18th 20
3.5 greatSpicyPikachu1 | March 27th 20
4.0 excellentJohnnyMcPoops | March 5th 20
3.5 greatHorfeepee01 | September 8th 19
3.5 greatJaxer | August 23rd 19
3.0 goodMatthias812 | March 15th 19
3.5 greatMohammed | November 2nd 18
3.5 greatthewilliambecker | September 17th 18
3.5 greatRodrigo Romo | July 18th 18
3.0 goodLeftyMcRighty | January 18th 18
3.0 goodElynna | January 10th 18
3.5 greatDirEnMotionless | October 18th 17
4.0 excellentBullhead82 | October 4th 17
2.5 averageCthulhuFhtagn | September 16th 17
3.0 goodnickslip | September 13th 17
3.0 goodElHombreChino | September 10th 17
3.0 goodkx8 | August 23rd 17
4.5 superbRustCohle | August 22nd 17
2.0 poorFernando Alves STAFF | July 28th 17
3.0 goodRashandarei | July 19th 17
2.5 averageprogsun | July 10th 17
3.5 greatTurtlestlker | June 19th 17
4.0 excellentasdfire | June 4th 17
3.5 greatPho3nix | June 3rd 17
3.0 goodplinkfoyd | May 31st 17
2.0 poorZippaThaRippa | May 31st 17
3.5 greatMoge | May 27th 17
3.0 goodChipboard | May 23rd 17
3.0 goodEmperorRyker | May 7th 17
1.5 very poorGazo | April 25th 17
3.5 greatGerbilman | April 22nd 17
4.0 excellentLedZep94 | April 13th 17
3.5 greatVagitarianZombie | April 13th 17
3.0 goodmontekristoo99 | April 11th 17
2.0 poorLalka | April 11th 17
2.5 averageIf being sexy is a crime, Im under arrest for selling ketamine to 5th graders | April 11th 17
2.5 averageThuckabe | April 10th 17
3.5 greatdbizzles | April 6th 17
3.0 goodJeffrulesyou | April 5th 17
3.0 goodzygzakiem | April 4th 17
3.5 greatHektor | March 31st 17
3.5 greatleviathanbehemothxul | March 30th 17
4.0 excellentartyzmu | March 29th 17
4.0 excellentdariusseizer96 | March 28th 17
4.5 superbDeadwing42 | March 28th 17
4.0 excellentpixelwars | March 27th 17
2.5 averageGhostK | March 25th 17
3.0 goodTrey STAFF | March 25th 17
4.0 excellentMalchior | March 25th 17
4.0 excellentmRA | March 25th 17
4.0 excellentnetromo | March 25th 17
4.0 excellentterriblekonrad | March 18th 17
3.5 greatChamberbelain | March 18th 17

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