Mizmor   Yodh
Release Date: 2016

 Ratings (115) Give your Rating

4.0 excellentBrandon Scott EMERITUS | August 14th 16

One of the most dense, challenging, and ultimately rewarding albums I've listened to this year. As a combination of black metal, drone, and doom, there is a lot to digest here, and to be honest it isn't easy. Not one track falls under the 10 minute mark, and there are many layers of music to dig through. However, the depth makes this release come alive, and the dichotomy of slow churn and blistering rampage is utilized here at its best. This is daunting and horrifying, but gorgeous and wondrous within the same breadth. It's an album that thrives on contrasts, with each opposing section accentuating the strengths of the other. Yodh was meticulously constructed, and I recommend you listen to it with the same attention to detail, because if you do, you'll be richly rewarded with an excellent album.

6 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentBallsDeep | November 20th 16

Yodh is a vile concoction of black, doom and drone metal which offers surprising diversity and dynamics without compromising a relentless atmosphere of suffocating darkness. A fairly challenging, albeit rewarding listen; recommended to anyone with an affinity for music of exactly that description. Not recommended for anyone looking to softly ease themselves into extreme metal. Just in case the cover didn't give that away.

3 Bumps | Bump

3.4 greatErwann S. STAFF | May 3rd 22

An infernal blend of black, doom, and drone, Yodh at times loses itself in its meandering songwriting, with riffs continuing their paths without true conclusion. It's a shame, because the atmosphere and overall aesthetic are top fucking notch, but it fails to be much more than that.


4.5 superbrage11111ro | March 15th 21

struggled a lot to get passed the first scream. I am into extreme vocals but that was just to intense. But I insisted and now it works like a charm. Crushing, bone chilling, fat sound. Very unique.


4.0 excellentChino smoking it up! | December 26th 19

Perfect balance between the genres mentioned above, but not as cold-hearted as this sentence may
seem...Mizmor's sophomore is really a beauty beast of a piece m/ last track is relentless af


2.5 averagezaruyache | January 7th 17

atmospheric black metal/doom. Better than the new Ash Borer LOL good enough.


4.5 superbBenCee | August 15th 16

This is one of the best albums of 2016 and one of the best doom albums of the decade thus far. Yodh is a monolithic joining of doom, black metal, and harsh noise/drone/feedback madness.


4.5 superbBard0 | December 5th 24
4.0 excellentmeatwadsprite | October 31st 24
3.5 greatT5Cx | October 22nd 24
4.0 excellentHenry | April 10th 24
3.5 greatmassively arsey over definitions and technicalities CONTRIBUTOR | February 1st 24
4.5 superbmamba247 | January 16th 24
4.0 excellentYankeeDudel | October 27th 23
4.0 excellentunkle | October 21st 23
3.5 greatrapegod666 | September 4th 23
4.5 superbnicksz | July 25th 23
4.0 excellentRiskyRorschach | January 8th 23
4.0 excellentAdnauseamL | October 11th 22
3.5 greatfathergascoigne | October 8th 22
3.5 greatTb1114 | June 2nd 22
4.5 superbDefOs | May 5th 22
4.0 excellentkevbogz | May 4th 22
4.0 excellentOobaloo | April 24th 22
3.0 goodAssemblage | February 11th 22
4.0 excellentSacredSerenity | January 17th 22
4.5 superb2notepockets | November 18th 21
4.0 excellenthaesslichermensch | August 7th 21
4.0 excellentAlbert80 | April 30th 21
3.5 greatBogdyB88 | April 20th 21
5.0 classicastralslider | February 4th 21
3.5 greatGod of terror, very low dost thou bring us, very low hast thou brought us | January 21st 21
3.5 greatDaneleslie | January 14th 21
3.5 greatkolektivpigeon | December 9th 20
3.5 greatDisorderly | November 12th 20
4.5 superbRetniw6665 | September 10th 20
5.0 classicJoellipopelli | August 17th 20
4.0 excellentFuneralMoonBZ | August 14th 20
4.5 superbZaleb | August 13th 20
3.0 goodThrobbing Orbussy | August 12th 20
3.5 greatAnimadversion | April 17th 20
3.5 greatalessandrosilverj | April 8th 20
4.5 superbSlugboiiii | March 27th 20
4.0 excellentP0laris | January 27th 20
5.0 classicamansatan | January 6th 20
4.0 excellentStagger | December 25th 19
4.5 superbAvarice climbing on a vertebral ladder. | December 3rd 19
2.5 averageJ.C. van Beekum | October 25th 19
4.0 excellentBulgaro | October 24th 19
3.5 greatmeditant | September 12th 19
4.0 excellentPikazilla | September 11th 19
4.0 excellentHave you tried jamming HELCARAXE CONTRIBUTOR | September 8th 19
3.0 goodElros | September 5th 19
3.5 greatSpluger | August 26th 19
4.0 excellentRancidShrines94 | July 23rd 19
4.5 superbJayDawg | July 19th 19
4.0 excellentshanks | June 26th 19
5.0 classicTokareshka | May 15th 19
4.0 excellentgsboomie | March 31st 19
3.5 greatTheMightyScoop | February 21st 19
4.0 excellentkx8 | December 11th 18
4.5 superbwodolf666 | November 24th 18
4.0 excellentClayJ79 | November 24th 18
4.5 superbRingTheNet | November 22nd 18
3.0 gooddbizzles | August 17th 18
5.0 classicViot | April 21st 18
3.5 greatArvesynd | April 11th 18
4.0 excellentReviewc0re | April 5th 18
3.5 greatComeToDaddy | March 27th 18
4.0 excellentDeathconscious | January 7th 18
4.0 excellentbalkansavage | December 8th 17
4.0 excellentGameofmetal EMERITUS | November 7th 17
4.0 excellentColliiiin | October 25th 17
4.5 superbgagnonov | September 8th 17
4.0 excellentlamehorse | May 1st 17
4.0 excellentEphemeralEternity | April 6th 17
3.5 greatEmperorRyker | March 10th 17
2.0 poorPunchedPeach72 | February 3rd 17
2.5 averageprogsun | January 29th 17
3.5 greatreportingbird | January 14th 17
4.0 excellentTom R. CONTRIBUTOR | January 13th 17
3.5 greatadr | January 12th 17
3.0 goodnecropig | January 7th 17
3.5 greatRizzo44 | January 7th 17
4.0 excellentEvoHavok | December 30th 16
3.5 greatTurtlestlker | December 29th 16
4.0 excellentmRA | December 23rd 16
3.5 greatchipperjones | December 21st 16
4.0 excellentMetalSoliloquy | December 21st 16
4.0 excellentdynamic range police | December 14th 16
4.0 excellentbetweentheburiedandi | December 14th 16
4.0 excellentFujay | December 10th 16
5.0 classicFredFredBurger | December 10th 16
3.5 greatweltfremder | December 9th 16
3.0 goodQuorthon | December 8th 16
4.0 excellentObjectivity 69% | December 6th 16
4.0 excellentWolfe | December 2nd 16
3.5 greatDominionOvDoom | November 24th 16
4.0 excellentSevengill | November 22nd 16
4.5 superbrobotmagician | November 17th 16
3.5 greatFrank - the rater of 3.5 | November 14th 16
4.0 excellentL4titudes | November 9th 16
4.5 superbrid | November 3rd 16
4.5 superbWaiting around to die | October 23rd 16
4.5 superbMetalhead56 | October 22nd 16
4.0 excellentAnthemic | September 28th 16
4.0 excellentzarahuztra | September 23rd 16
3.5 greatDmax28 | September 2nd 16
4.0 excellentbr4dl3yb34r | August 30th 16
4.0 excellentHazelMotes92 | August 23rd 16
3.0 goodStereochrome1 | August 20th 16
3.0 goodMcMegaMountain | August 18th 16
4.5 superbFlunx | August 18th 16
4.0 excellentMoosechriS | August 18th 16
4.0 excellentragnarjon | August 13th 16

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