Inquisition   Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient
Ranking: #111 for 1998

 Full ReviewRatings (186) Give your Rating

3.5 greatArditi | June 25th 19

Non-stop riffage and songs whose lengths are measured in light years. Inquisition establish their sound, and their theme of cosmic satanism immediately with their impressive debut. A unique style that has stood the test of time.

1 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbBRAman22 | June 19th 15

This is death metal done in the style of black metal. Whatever the fuck that means. The vocals are croaked and quiet.

1 Bumps | Bump

3.0 goodMitch | December 29th 23

The music is awesome, but those vocals piss me the fuck off.


1.0 awfulXavier Xerxes (Xe/Xym/Xyr) | November 25th 21

bm ultra lite with wannabe demilich vox joke band


4.5 superb83Bumakis | April 6th 24
4.5 superby87arrow | March 26th 24
3.5 greatbluescritic | February 22nd 24
4.5 superbShroomZilla | February 7th 24
4.0 excellentSilentScream213 | November 11th 23
3.5 greatJossWeedon12 | September 25th 23
3.5 greatYankeeDudel | September 19th 23
4.0 excellent86vatrushka | September 5th 23
3.0 goodnebjiole | August 19th 23
4.5 superbDirtyGoyim | August 18th 23
4.5 superbCaracal | July 30th 23
2.0 poorPhilipIIofMacedon | July 27th 23
5.0 classicTomstein | July 25th 23
4.5 superbVlacDrac | May 16th 23
2.0 poorNickLizard49 | April 17th 23
5.0 classicfathergascoigne | March 11th 23
4.0 excellentDistributor of 4s, Consoomer of Riffs | December 30th 22
5.0 classicHarrisonr79 | December 27th 22
4.0 excellentGod of terror, very low dost thou bring us, very low hast thou brought us | December 14th 22
3.5 greatnylonhair | November 4th 22
4.0 excellentMinikPapa | September 14th 22
3.5 greatDavide85 | May 23rd 22
5.0 classicTuccdog45 | March 2nd 22
3.0 goodfrankster189 | February 16th 22
4.0 excellentAeternal | January 2nd 22
5.0 classicFigalodon | June 1st 21
3.5 greatremi | March 16th 21
4.0 excellentRadioSuicide | March 4th 21
4.5 superbLucio Fidelis | February 8th 21
4.5 superbTodesking | February 7th 21
4.5 superbyayafa | January 28th 21
4.0 excellentNoam Chomsky | January 3rd 21
4.5 superbTh3Gr3N4D13R | December 27th 20
4.5 superbperkeleh | December 9th 20
4.0 excellentdonzia81 | December 4th 20
4.5 superbAnthemik | December 1st 20
5.0 classicTryster | November 26th 20
3.5 greatThrobbing Orbussy | November 7th 20
4.0 excellentPouletteNoire | October 30th 20
4.0 excellentRyus | September 1st 20
4.5 superbUnbrokenOath | August 15th 20
4.0 excellentmetal0natalie | August 2nd 20
4.0 excellentMorningrise767 | June 16th 20
4.5 superbStarlessCore | May 9th 20
4.5 superbJeejee | January 22nd 20
3.5 greatcoolamebe | November 19th 19
4.0 excellentgk1979 | August 2nd 19
3.5 greatPunchforPunch | June 23rd 19
3.5 greatMitch S. | June 19th 19
4.5 superbTheMightyMrM | May 27th 19
4.0 excellentsardonicus | May 2nd 19
4.0 excellentchurchburner | April 7th 19
3.5 greatHave you tried jamming Helcaraxe? CONTRIBUTOR | February 16th 19
4.0 excellentblou52 | December 19th 18
4.0 excellentHerbie Chrost | December 18th 18
4.0 excellentmetalhead2425 | November 29th 18
4.0 excellentbbgames | November 3rd 18
4.0 excellentCavalierjan19 | October 21st 18
4.0 excellentMebalZahari | October 4th 18
3.0 goodNECROHERETIC | August 1st 18
3.5 greatdbizzles | July 23rd 18
2.5 averageRelinquish | July 19th 18
4.5 superbComeToDaddy | July 9th 18
4.0 excellentVagitarianZombie | June 1st 18
4.0 excellentLampshadePelican | May 22nd 18
3.0 goodlordworm00 | May 22nd 18
4.5 superbTheFirstLemur | May 14th 18
4.0 excellentKingDweedle | May 8th 18
4.0 excellentSultan of the Martians | May 2nd 18
4.0 excellentCosmonautVessel | March 24th 18
4.0 excellentSpado | March 23rd 18
5.0 classicDasimusPlagues | March 7th 18
3.5 greatBrainlessLoser | February 6th 18
4.0 excellentBuccaneer | January 31st 18
4.5 superbStainedClass2000 | December 15th 17
5.0 classicAstralBlood | December 2nd 17
4.5 superbP0laris | November 28th 17
3.5 greatProle | November 13th 17
4.5 superbChipboard | October 22nd 17
4.5 superbLord Pork | October 16th 17
4.0 excellentHeathenhearted | September 7th 17
3.5 greatFearTheAggression | September 5th 17
2.0 poorBen STAFF | August 30th 17
4.0 excellentJhator | August 28th 17
4.5 superbjonibonas | July 15th 17
4.0 excellentGazAldo | July 2nd 17
4.0 excellentmistercb | June 6th 17
4.0 excellentRom Chegs | March 29th 17
2.5 averageAutumnAur0ra | February 19th 17
4.5 superbHighwayman | February 5th 17
4.5 superbLeprosy123 | November 24th 16
4.5 superbhikingmetalpunk | November 6th 16
4.0 excellentWolfe | November 2nd 16
4.5 superbGxTxK | October 23rd 16
4.0 excellentRedWinterwolf | September 24th 16
3.0 goodvaguelyedgy | September 7th 16
3.5 greattoomuchtestosterone | August 31st 16
4.0 excellentnecropig | August 28th 16
3.5 greatZanareth | July 25th 16
5.0 classicvisitant | July 4th 16
4.5 superbAnthemic | June 18th 16
4.0 excellentdesecravity | June 1st 16
3.5 greatAbraxas | April 28th 16
3.0 goodThor | April 18th 16
3.5 greathamartia | March 19th 16
4.5 superbesav | March 16th 16
4.0 excellentLeymon | February 23rd 16
3.5 greatadr | February 9th 16
4.0 excellentVetimus | February 5th 16
4.5 superbFrozenVain | February 4th 16
4.5 superbGameofmetal EMERITUS | January 27th 16
4.0 excellentEvoHavok | January 27th 16
4.5 superbAnimalsAsSummit | January 22nd 16
4.5 superbYea, my final legacy to this piece-of-shit site. | January 21st 16
4.5 superbDeathconscious | January 16th 16
3.5 greatTheFreezingMoon | December 15th 15
4.0 excellentAssemblage | December 3rd 15
4.5 superbBigDixRLameStix | November 2nd 15
4.0 excellentJulio Carvajal | October 26th 15
3.5 greatValkyrion | October 6th 15
3.5 greatomegaswitch33 | September 5th 15
4.0 excellentMellowdeath | August 13th 15
5.0 classickylewalburn | July 11th 15
4.5 superbDoctorDoom | May 25th 15
4.5 superbhal qaeda | May 3rd 15
4.0 excellentPytkaWonsza | March 31st 15
4.0 excellentAion | March 6th 15
4.0 excellentI. M. Gay | March 2nd 15
3.0 goodconraddson | January 20th 15
4.5 superbdevontaewest | January 6th 15
4.5 superbYetAnotherBrick | December 30th 14
5.0 classicHyperventilation | December 16th 14
5.0 classicisthathenry | November 11th 14
4.0 excellentHellripper | October 6th 14
4.0 excellentDikkoZinner | October 6th 14
4.0 excellentcombustion07 | September 10th 14
4.5 superbThrashK | August 19th 14
4.0 excellentZombieParty | August 17th 14
5.0 classicthemadavenger | August 11th 14
4.5 superbZorc2222 | August 9th 14
3.0 goodKILL | July 6th 14
4.0 excellentFaustus | June 21st 14
4.5 superbTheCrocodile | June 20th 14
4.0 excellentpornogrindtheater | May 15th 14
4.0 excellentoltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick | May 1st 14
5.0 classicCoconutaerofreestyle | April 30th 14
4.5 superbGrandpaSeth3000 | April 29th 14
4.5 superbwelch2m | April 12th 14
4.0 excellentCrinn | March 11th 14
4.0 excellentDarkRecollections | March 3rd 14
3.5 greatExit Sense | February 28th 14
4.0 excellentInveigh | January 23rd 14
4.0 excellentUqnivde | January 14th 14
5.0 classicjackhammer | December 21st 13
4.5 superbAlastor | November 27th 13
5.0 classicthebreadlord | October 31st 13
4.0 excellentColliiiin | October 26th 13
3.5 greatXitiael | October 14th 13
3.0 goodChaosmonger | October 3rd 13
3.5 greatVanSchuldiner | March 30th 13
4.0 excellentJerbz | March 6th 13
4.5 superbUltraswagman6214 | February 18th 13
4.0 excellentEclecticist | December 13th 12
4.5 superbCandz | December 13th 12
3.5 greatYou Are My Everlovin' | November 17th 12
4.0 excellentOLVEZOT | October 29th 12
4.0 excellentRiban986 | May 23rd 12
4.0 excellentHenchmanOfSanta | March 8th 12
3.5 greattheartofdoom | December 17th 11
4.0 excellentAndy H. B. | November 26th 11
4.5 superbMikk | November 2nd 10
3.5 greatTicondaroga | October 19th 10
2.5 averageJapsu | September 22nd 10
4.5 superbAakon_Keetreh | September 22nd 10
4.0 excellentastralprojector | August 19th 10
4.0 excellentWizard | May 2nd 10
4.0 excellentjingledeath | April 26th 10
3.0 goodsalival13 | March 14th 09
2.5 averageHyperbore | November 27th 08
4.0 excellentmasscows | June 23rd 08
4.5 superbAngmar | December 13th 07
4.5 superbNemesisDivina | August 31st 07

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