Don Broco   Automatic
Release Date: 08/2015

 Ratings (107) Give your Rating

2.5 averagepurezephyr | September 2nd 15

this album didnt make me feel like a faggot like their first album, the first release makes me feel really gay and I love that

4 Bumps | Bump

3.0 goodNat S. | May 7th 17

As a whole it's much less memorable than their debut, although there are still some highlights ('Let You Get Away' being one of them).


4.0 excellentJackySpence | August 11th 15

This is an absolutely solid album, I have a feeling it will rise from a 4 in the future.


4.0 excellentMesm277 | August 9th 15

Solid, fun, only a couple of duds other than that, very enjoyable


3.0 goodLoveloth | December 13th 23
4.0 excellentTyler White STAFF | August 3rd 23
2.0 poorMrHahaHihi | June 4th 23
4.0 excellentautopilotoff | March 20th 23
2.5 averageTimmy | January 24th 23
3.5 greatSHOWINGTEETH | December 17th 22
3.5 greatOlegsandr | October 14th 22
5.0 classicarchie87 | October 4th 22
3.5 greatmeyert25 | August 22nd 22
3.5 greatMarkTheDead | August 19th 22
3.0 goodOseidon | July 2nd 22
4.5 superbThomasTheCure | June 14th 22
3.0 goodGreenIgnitor | May 29th 22
4.0 excellentWiggleMeister | March 17th 22
4.0 excellenttrackbytrackreviews | December 14th 21
3.5 greatultradevilgod | November 16th 21
3.5 greatYour #1 Most Loved Semiaquatic, Egg-Laying Mammal | May 14th 21
5.0 classicPaulski22 | May 1st 21
4.0 excellentSteakByrnes | February 22nd 21
1.5 very poorProle | December 17th 20
3.5 greatJoe92 | October 23rd 20
3.5 greatMonstar1790 | July 16th 20
4.0 excellentTHummerz | July 14th 20
2.5 averageRemcheck91 | June 16th 20
4.0 excellentMyMentality | June 8th 20
3.5 greatJoshuaSampson | May 10th 20
3.0 gooddanieljm980 | April 21st 20
2.0 poorLucass3241 | February 9th 20
3.0 goodSilentNight | February 2nd 20
3.0 goodterriblekonrad | January 2nd 20
4.0 excellenttcrazyknuckles | December 13th 19
3.0 goodAeri | December 7th 19
4.5 superbdan1801 | October 18th 19
2.0 poorAdrianQuinn | September 30th 19
3.5 greatyobrah7 | August 17th 19
3.5 greattielerlouise | August 15th 19
3.0 goodBeeRyan | June 21st 19
4.0 excellentmikejulian222 | June 17th 19
3.5 greatPeter Tanner | June 13th 19
3.0 goodBenjii | June 11th 19
1.0 awfuljosh | June 10th 19
3.5 greatstillknight | June 3rd 19
3.0 goodSpicyPikachu1 | May 24th 19
5.0 classicbrodway2 | May 20th 19
3.5 greatKenneth Pangilinan | May 1st 19
3.5 greatARDCWE | April 21st 19
4.0 excellentBleedIntoTheAbyss | March 18th 19
4.0 excellentmirak2 | February 2nd 19
3.5 greatJayDawg | February 2nd 19
3.0 goodbozmology | November 16th 18
4.0 excellentBeardedBear | October 28th 18
2.0 poorJosh | September 22nd 18
3.0 goodBalevreski | August 21st 18
3.0 goodManteKoso | June 30th 18
4.0 excellentFaraudo | April 16th 18
3.0 goodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | April 10th 18
3.5 greatKazooka | March 27th 18
3.0 goodr0malley | March 6th 18
2.5 averageSimon K. STAFF | February 20th 18
2.5 averageMasterSplinter | February 9th 18
2.5 averageOmeggia | February 8th 18
3.5 greatBillClinton | February 6th 18
3.5 greatJmcgraghan | February 4th 18
3.5 greatEbola | February 4th 18
3.0 goodNinjaGandhi0 | January 20th 18
2.5 averageAmbushReality | January 18th 18
2.5 averagedjentist8 | September 18th 17
3.5 greatohtheurgency | August 30th 17
3.5 greatSleepingArchitect | May 16th 17
4.0 excellentbeachdude | May 7th 17
3.5 greatmayesaman2 | April 27th 17
3.0 goodWitlessBrit | April 19th 17
4.5 superblouisjenkins | March 26th 17
3.5 greatxiLeadFeather | February 14th 17
3.0 goodellagos | February 5th 17
3.0 goodblob64 | November 6th 16
2.5 averageFunkymunk | November 2nd 16
4.5 superbAmbrisa | October 29th 16
3.5 greatjesper STAFF | October 23rd 16
3.0 goodhobblepot | September 3rd 16
3.5 greatLethalPaintball | August 19th 16
2.0 poorAdoreSwancore | July 17th 16
3.0 goodIVIII | April 26th 16
3.5 greatSevendave | April 11th 16
2.5 averagewaltrapala182 | February 25th 16
3.5 greatariich | January 24th 16
2.5 averagekroglor | December 25th 15
3.0 goodleothelion | October 30th 15
3.5 greatdmp3131 | October 29th 15
3.5 greatoDjento | October 28th 15
3.4 greatDaveyBoy EMERITUS | September 30th 15
3.0 goodIceDoesntHelp | September 27th 15
3.0 goodschoonda | September 1st 15
3.5 greatgallus90 | August 29th 15
4.0 excellentKrissWatts | August 24th 15
1.5 very poorAngryJohnny | August 19th 15
3.5 greatmeenwolf131 | August 19th 15
1.5 very poorsheep | August 15th 15
2.0 poormontekristoo99 | August 14th 15
4.5 superbcrazycobs | August 12th 15
3.5 greatoldsoul | August 11th 15
3.0 goodNorwichScene | August 9th 15
4.0 excellentLuigiPichardo | August 8th 15

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