| | Ratings (20) |
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0.0 | Spacesh1p | February 3rd 17 | Intense noise wall with tape loops of oscillating volume in the background. For someone who is new to noise genres, this was a great place to get involved as the payoff at the end is excellent too.
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2.5 average | zaruyache | October 29th 15 | There's a layer of droning ambient music under the harsh static fuzz, but the static's too abrasive and the ambient not clear enough to really give you that sense of dreamy hopelessness ambient like this is supposed to give you. That last minute or so when the fuzz cuts out is nice, but that doesn't make up for the ear-stabbing 18 minutes before it, especially the first half where the ambience can barely be perceived at all.
Bump |
4.0 excellent | YakNips | October 14th 16 |
4.0 excellent | Jade | October 13th 16 |
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