Royal Thunder   Crooked Doors
Release Date: 04/2015

 Full ReviewRatings (150) Give your Rating

4.0 excellentInfernalOarsman | February 26th 15

This band is truly awesome. I had the pleasure of seeing them open for Dillinger back in '13 and have been an adamant follower ever since. Definitely give this one a listen if you can.

3 Bumps | Bump

3.5 greatBillyHoyle | November 24th 21

How high can album get carried by a single magnificent song? The songwriting and vocals in Time Machine are amazing. The album is cool overall, with a few hits and a few misses. I would really, really like it to be a bit better (or without some of the fluff). Good though.


3.0 goodthestop5 | May 6th 15



4.0 excellentScrambled | April 8th 15

Really enjoy this album. This band is great, saw them open for Baroness last year and have been following them since. Time Machine and Wake Up are standouts.


4.5 superbignorethefashion | March 31st 15

I was also first exposed to this band when they opened for Dillinger. Great Band. Great album. As of now, I think I slightly prefer their previous album to Crooked Doors. It seemed a bit darker, and heavier on the psychedelic/stoner elements. That opinion could change though. I expect this to continue to grow on me.


4.0 excellentdjentist8 | October 5th 24
4.0 excellentariich | May 29th 24
3.5 greatmassively arsey over definitions and technicalities CONTRIBUTOR | February 1st 24
3.0 goodbluefinder | June 25th 23
4.0 excellentMacck | March 8th 22
3.0 goodwg98 | May 30th 20
3.0 goodDonchivo | April 10th 20
4.5 superbtcrazyknuckles | December 13th 19
4.0 excellentthawey | November 21st 19
4.0 excellentPikazilla | June 12th 19
3.0 goodmeticalman | May 15th 19
4.0 excellentAdamn | May 8th 19
3.5 greatAkifexx | October 16th 18
3.0 goodHarlzenberg | June 12th 18
3.0 goodJeejee | June 4th 18
4.5 superbpatol | December 30th 17
3.5 greatShroomZilla | October 14th 17
4.0 excellentadios | October 8th 17
4.0 excellentkabanoid96 | June 12th 17
2.5 averageconermc | May 1st 17
4.0 excellentDDconjoined | April 12th 17
3.5 greatcompromisedreality | April 11th 17
5.0 classicGhostK | February 26th 17
3.0 goodBrandoRayford | February 23rd 17
4.0 excellentDifunt0 | February 19th 17
3.5 greatatokad432 | January 1st 17
3.0 goodComeToDaddy | November 9th 16
3.5 greatresident sputbirb with fancy hat | November 4th 16
4.0 excellentyomamasofat | October 27th 16
3.0 goodpollastrerostit | October 9th 16
4.5 superbkevinmaccioly | October 5th 16
4.0 excellentpnh1088 | September 29th 16
3.5 greatthecountlugosi | September 27th 16
3.5 greatDetritivore | September 20th 16
3.5 greatBlackGiraffe | September 6th 16
4.0 excellentStereochrome1 | August 15th 16
4.0 excellentkylewalburn | August 7th 16
3.5 greatDaniel93 | April 10th 16
3.0 goodchipperjones | March 20th 16
2.5 averageNLD | February 23rd 16
3.5 greatXerian | February 14th 16
4.0 excellentfrogenhauser | February 14th 16
4.5 superbtysly | February 9th 16
2.5 averagelalchimiste | January 26th 16
3.5 greatrobotore | January 22nd 16
5.0 classicguaquino | January 16th 16
3.0 goodAgonba | January 15th 16
4.5 superbofftrailjeff | December 29th 15
3.5 greattmthycnnlly | December 22nd 15
3.5 greatDANcore | December 21st 15
3.5 greatHunter1997 | December 17th 15
4.0 excellentkccputech | December 9th 15
3.0 goodfedericogambato | December 2nd 15
2.5 averagemanu8a | November 9th 15
3.0 goodHydra12 | November 4th 15
3.5 greatjmh886 | November 4th 15
4.0 excellentvegantacos | October 8th 15
4.5 superbKeepitmetal89 | October 5th 15
4.0 excellenttribszn | October 3rd 15
4.5 superbmotyli | September 23rd 15
3.0 goodBradleyLayne | September 10th 15
3.0 goodMitch S. | August 29th 15
1.0 awfulmontekristoo99 | August 14th 15
3.5 greatsblevins95 | August 14th 15
4.0 excellentmcauleyadam100 | August 11th 15
3.5 greatBulbotook | August 9th 15
4.0 excellentgallus90 | August 9th 15
4.0 excellentBorisPembroke | August 6th 15
2.5 averageAnthracks | August 4th 15
4.0 excellentMayBeTheGreen | August 1st 15
4.5 superbChamberbelain | July 29th 15
3.5 greatstep aside Charli XCX there is a new phrase and its Magdalena Bay Fall. ?Imaginal Disk? is the sophomore record from duo Magdalena Bay STAFF | July 23rd 15
3.5 greatMoraff | July 17th 15
3.5 greatpachaim | July 1st 15
3.5 greathark | June 19th 15
3.5 greatdre517 | June 12th 15
4.0 excellentfuckmymind | June 6th 15
2.5 averageNinjask | June 5th 15
4.0 excellentOver2000Ratings | June 2nd 15
4.0 excellentellagos | May 28th 15
4.5 superbSideShowBrian | May 15th 15
2.5 averageSgtShock | May 12th 15
4.0 excellentradkeronnie | May 11th 15
4.0 excellentLalka | May 8th 15
3.5 greatMojito | May 7th 15
4.0 excellentXenoflux | May 4th 15
4.5 superbmax13x | May 3rd 15
4.0 excellentfigure337 | May 1st 15
3.5 greatfatherjakepatho | April 25th 15
3.5 greatmikep87 | April 24th 15
2.5 averageJamper | April 23rd 15
4.0 excellentBlindsided | April 23rd 15
4.5 superbCrysler | April 23rd 15
3.0 goodjonhydrama | April 22nd 15
4.0 excellentHanders | April 19th 15
4.5 superbpostmetalhipster | April 19th 15
3.5 greatMikeNew | April 19th 15
4.5 superbBrabiz | April 18th 15
3.5 greatSimon K. STAFF | April 18th 15
3.5 greatNorwichScene | April 18th 15
3.5 greatxenocide. | April 17th 15
3.5 greatneikos | April 17th 15
2.5 averageDunpeal | April 17th 15
3.5 greatVeldin | April 16th 15
3.5 greatOblivioncry | April 16th 15
4.5 superbKruppe | April 16th 15
3.0 gooddanielito19 | April 16th 15
4.0 excellent05insomnium | April 16th 15
4.0 excellentDesultory | April 16th 15
3.5 greategemenozkan | April 16th 15
4.0 excellentfreakeye1112 | April 16th 15
3.5 greatThibs | April 16th 15
3.5 greatThibs | April 16th 15
3.0 goodDeadwing42 | April 15th 15
3.5 greatAndrewLynde | April 15th 15
3.5 greateldertilldeath | April 15th 15
4.0 excellentgiannis713 | April 15th 15
3.0 goodmanosg EMERITUS | April 15th 15
4.0 excellentgurotesukku | April 15th 15
2.5 averageMetaltronic | April 14th 15
4.0 excellentBrady Hayes | April 14th 15
3.5 greatNick Mongiardo | April 14th 15
4.0 excellentengleprunt | April 14th 15
4.0 excellentRobert Davis | April 14th 15
3.5 greatWorst User of All Time Agreed | April 14th 15
4.0 excellentHenderson | April 13th 15
4.0 excellentdeadstory | April 13th 15
3.5 greatChris Maitland | April 13th 15
4.0 excellentJason Lowder | April 13th 15
4.0 excellentSlowBrains | April 12th 15
3.5 greatprogsun | April 10th 15
4.5 superbjcjones91 | April 10th 15
4.5 superbTooLateToGoBack | April 9th 15
3.0 goodanobsoletevernacular | April 8th 15
4.0 excellentPoncharelo | April 8th 15
5.0 classicTokareshka | April 7th 15
3.0 goodaaronrkc | April 5th 15
4.5 superbazzalis | April 4th 15
4.0 excellentMetalman24 | April 4th 15
3.5 greatPeyoteCoyote | April 3rd 15
4.0 excellentjpturk21 | March 31st 15
4.0 excellentMathMetal09 | March 31st 15
4.5 superbberny2j | March 31st 15
4.3 superbgreg84 EMERITUS | March 30th 15
4.0 excellentarcane | March 16th 15

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