Saves the Day   Ups & Downs Early Recordings and B-Sides
Ranking: #92 for 2004

 Full ReviewRatings (80) Give your Rating

3.5 greatAlabaster Jones | March 8th 17

Saves The Day went through a couple of shifts in their musical style, and while this compilation only covers one if them, it's nice to have some background on the band they were before they became emo-pop/pop-punk hitmakers. Ups & Downs: Early Recordings And B-Sides chronicles the band right at the turn of the century, with the first few songs being on various artists compilations and the next four comprising the I'm Sorry, I'm Leaving acoustic EP, which is great in and of itself. The tracks that follow see them in the mid-to-late-90's, with demos of unreleased material all sounding like they could've fit on to Can't Slow Down with ease, demonstrating that they surely knew how to play pop-punk with the emphasis on punk as well as the inverse. The one issue with this compilation is that it doesn't actually contain all of their b-sides, which is kind of strange. Still, this is a fine collection of material that every fan of the band should hear (as if they haven't).


2.5 averageEl Olam | October 10th 24
4.0 excellentNbehre11 | June 5th 23
4.5 superbnickisnotarapper | September 14th 22
3.0 goodBlackFugazi | November 11th 21
4.5 superbbSmith | August 4th 20
4.0 excellentaccompliceofmydeath | August 1st 19
4.5 superbReal Name | December 16th 18
5.0 classicRadioNew03 | October 28th 18
4.0 excellenthorsedumpster | October 18th 18
3.5 greatGPooch21 | August 8th 18
4.0 excellentdecisions | March 18th 17
3.5 greatbungy | March 3rd 17
3.5 greatSTDandALK3 | February 7th 17
3.0 goodTiedDown93 | May 16th 16
3.5 greatscottpilgrim10 | May 20th 15
4.0 excellentBarksdale | January 25th 15
4.0 excellentSithese | January 1st 15
4.0 excellentHospital | July 10th 14
3.5 greatALVL5LAPRAS | November 17th 13
3.5 greatOwMySnauze | September 20th 13
4.0 excellentmistakenformagic | September 7th 13
3.5 greatfabriziomarra | July 14th 13
4.0 excellentHellachug | March 14th 13
4.0 excellentmixtapenostalgia | December 18th 12
3.5 greatdownxbeat | August 25th 12
3.5 greatpmmets07 | August 12th 12
3.5 greatZombieDenial | May 12th 12
5.0 classicembotthefembot | October 1st 11
4.5 superblafcadio | September 17th 11
4.0 excellentGordman28 | June 30th 11
3.5 greatTheTurr | March 10th 11
4.0 excellentkevinhatescameras | January 22nd 11
5.0 classicjdladeur | November 22nd 10
4.5 superbredcapediver | November 18th 10
3.0 goodmborlan1 | October 7th 10
5.0 classicJaberriot | August 24th 10
4.0 excellentdrasticaction74 | August 24th 10
4.5 superbstreganona | July 1st 10
4.0 excellentMaterialBoy | June 30th 10
4.0 excellentNoOriginality | June 29th 10
4.0 excellentEdub991 | May 30th 10
3.5 greatfatlip27 | May 20th 10
3.5 greatfabzn | May 14th 10
3.0 goodasaf | March 12th 10
4.0 excellentnickolasmazza | February 8th 10
4.5 superbdudefabz | January 26th 10
4.0 excellentjladeur2910 | November 19th 09
4.0 excellentYay | October 23rd 09
4.0 excellentXZIST | October 2nd 09
3.5 greatChendrix | September 13th 09
3.5 greatthediamondcanopy | May 17th 09
4.5 superbsexualsoybean | May 1st 09
2.5 averageYotimi | December 25th 08
4.0 excellentpunkrockcowboy | November 12th 08
4.5 superbdukes | October 23rd 08
5.0 classicIamRadioFriendly | October 4th 08
3.5 greatFakeBlood | September 29th 08
4.0 excellentfakefrowns | August 26th 08
3.0 goodSmooz | May 21st 08
4.0 excellentBearsAreBastards | May 8th 08
4.5 superbmidas | March 21st 08
3.5 greatsmthng2wrthomeabt | January 11th 08
3.5 greatDanielsan | January 8th 08
3.5 greatbpkybe | October 10th 07
5.0 classicTheRedTree | September 8th 07
4.0 excellentpinurwingsback | August 29th 07
3.5 greatThe_One | January 16th 05
4.0 excellent123skippy
3.5 greatTAKEmeBACK
3.0 goodtectactoe
4.0 excellentSkillrudReview
4.0 excellentthreedaysago0130
4.5 superbgamepunk86
4.0 excellentstke22
2.5 averagexNintendoCorex
4.0 excellentlilblig7
3.5 greatim.a.loner.dottie...
4.0 excellentsavewhatyouare

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