By this point in his career, the hype around Future had reached critical levels. Everyone was waiting for his first studio album Pluto, a project which is alluded to on Astronaut Status many times, and while this tape may seem like a prequel to Pluto thematically and aesthetically, it's still very strong stuff. Before the Future we know today had that illustrious run of dark, nihilistic, codeine-addled mixtapes and projects, Future's image was pretty straightforward: he was the world's (or in this case space's) coolest trapper. The production and the lyrics here follow suit, with DJ Esco, DJ Scream, and DJ X-Rated throwing down those classic celebratory trap/party anthems while Future, charismatically and entertainingly, spits about the life of a trapper-turned-superstar. There isn't really even one bad track here, and songs like "Deeper Than The Ocean" (which is as much guitar-driven as it is beat-driven) and "Spaz On Y'all" (a massive and anthemic closer) give the tape some clear highlights. Basically, it's early Future at, if not his best, then only a shade below it.
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