
Reviews 29
Approval 89%

Soundoffs 5
News Articles 4
Band Edits + Tags 1
Album Edits 6

Album Ratings 1103
Objectivity 69%

Last Active 03-10-20 5:48 pm
Joined 01-16-13

Review Comments 252

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  • Sowing if you enjoy folk, check this as well:
    February 26 11:06 PM
  • spookynewghostfriend i thought your Dum Dum Girls review was done well, but this nickelback one definitely has some issues. Reading that type of structuring on sputnik is just not a good time. As far as reading and giving feedback, that's what the site is for right? it's no problem, everyone wants to be a better writer and everyone needs some advice.
    January 29 08:27 PM
  • GnarlyShillelagh Cool man, will do.
    February 7 01:00 AM
  • GnarlyShillelagh Also I read through some of your work, you're a great writer. It's nice to see someone who enjoys a broad spectrum of music doing work for the school paper; my girlfriend told me about some dude who wrote a really awful article in the Daily about why people shouldn't listen to Macklemore so it's cool to see someone make a good case against Muse in the more immediate public realm
    February 6 11:35 PM
  • GnarlyShillelagh I go to UW, had no idea there were music reviews written for it until recently though. Do they take applications and s***, I wanted to look into getting some work there or something
    February 6 11:32 PM
  • GnarlyShillelagh yooooo you write for the daily?
    February 6 05:50 AM

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