
Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 1457
Objectivity 57%

Last Active 09-12-12 7:07 pm
Joined 09-11-12

Review Comments 0

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  • GunnarMan Do you know how to add people on this website? lol I'm new here.
    December 27 07:35 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Ah, good to hear lol. Nice to see some Nevermore, Rush and Opeth too
    September 14 07:11 AM
  • PistolPete understandable, when done right they're pretty unforgettable
    September 13 12:29 AM
  • Lakes. yup, good taste dude
    September 12 09:31 PM
  • nazigangsterjew Cool
    September 12 09:27 PM
  • Youtellme Who are you? lol if you're talking about my "ur ghey" comment, i was talking about the reviewer.
    September 12 11:09 AM
  • unclereich no problem the cold vein is one of the greatst rap albums ever
    September 12 02:41 AM

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