
Reviews 9
Approval 6%

Album Ratings 0
Last Active 09-19-12 6:06 am
Joined 06-22-12

Review Comments 1,318

shoutbox » all posts 
  • spookynewghostfriend *hearts*
    October 19 10:10 AM
  • YoYoMancuso no idea, but it's safe to say he's not coming back
    December 30 11:14 PM
  • Wafflez Did he get banned or just leave?
    October 15 01:03 PM
  • YoYoMancuso so glad this guy's gone
    September 24 03:15 AM
  • YankeeDudel Where you been? Cleansing the world?
    August 15 07:20 PM
  • J0ckstrapsFTW Nice Contortionist rating man, glad someone else appreciates this as much as I do
    August 2 03:27 PM
  • NotSoFast thats not to bad an ending
    July 26 07:29 PM
  • Ishysez discovered Ozric Tentacles cuz of your list. thanks man.
    July 19 03:08 PM
  • ZedO Yes I have. Why bad things happen in this world, in my opinion, all because of us, human..
    July 19 06:20 AM
  • Wafflez I guess you could say that.
    July 18 04:23 AM
  • ShadowRemains i'm not the only one
    July 18 03:58 AM
  • Spec Stop being an annoying ****head.
    July 18 03:48 AM
  • Satellite he has forsaken you
    July 18 01:51 AM
  • Satellite where is yr god now
    July 18 01:42 AM
  • ShadowRemains no ur a ****ing annoying s***head
    July 18 01:38 AM
  • tarkus if thats what u wanna think go ahead im not here for chit chat and bubblegum i want answers
    July 18 12:53 AM
  • Relinquished you said she left you after birth. so either you're lying and full of s*** or can't come up with a good comeback and are full of s***
    July 18 12:41 AM
  • tarkus tf u talkin bout son
    July 18 12:29 AM
  • Relinquished uh huh. please tell me more about your "hard" life and how your mom did the right thing.
    July 18 12:15 AM
  • Spec in all seriousness are you a rosaparks alt?
    July 18 12:09 AM
  • Spec Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
    July 18 12:06 AM
  • Ignimbrite idk
    July 18 12:02 AM
  • RosaParks sry u feel tht way
    July 17 10:48 PM
  • RosaParks his rev. is offensive
    July 17 10:46 PM
  • KjSwantko I don't take the site seriously, look at all the dumb s*** I post. But if you spend an hour or two writing something and people neg it just for the sake of negging then it is kind of annoying
    July 17 09:30 PM
  • East Hastings the frew wifi in my hotel sucksf
    July 17 09:28 PM
  • East Hastings 3%
    July 17 09:25 PM
  • ShadowRemains -_-
    July 17 09:21 PM
  • Wafflez Ehh im muslim ;-;
    July 17 05:41 PM
  • silentpotato cool man let me know wat u think
    July 17 06:50 AM
  • NotSoFast So everything worked out for you?
    July 16 02:42 PM
  • Ignimbrite Don't worry, I'm, like, 95% sure that you're not a troll. Assuming you aren't one, then you wouldn't know because of the short time you've been here, but this site has a history of religion trolls popping up frequently enough to make it hard to differentiate between trolls and the people who actually believe what they're saying. It's nothing against you (you seem intelligent enough that you're almost definitely genuine): it's just that years of using this site teaches one to be wary.
    July 15 11:47 PM
  • NotSoFast oh you know just chilling and thrashing. the only thing that sucks is im in college summer school which is pretty stressful but you learn to get by.
    July 15 06:19 PM
  • ZedO life is treating me good, of course there are good and bad side of life, it just depend on how you face it, right? (I'm sorry, if you found any bad grammar, wrong wording, etc). having a cup of coffee now, it's 4 pm; the best time to relax..
    July 15 09:10 AM
  • ZedO 1:30 PM here, what's up man? where do you live?
    July 15 06:28 AM
  • Funeralopolis I'm up for a chat if you want would be easier to use:
    July 15 05:40 AM
  • Funeralopolis K what's on the menu bro?
    July 15 05:16 AM
  • Funeralopolis My brother is in the living room.
    July 15 04:53 AM
  • NotSoFast u better have hit all those bitches in that picture if its irl
    July 15 01:36 AM
  • jdennis31 to the english language. i see that you included the mention of only small changes in the order of words and such, but something as simple as "then" or "than" can completely change the context of a message. even if god was speaking to these men that organized the bible, who is to say that that man is listening?
    July 14 12:16 AM
  • jdennis31 heya, just got home from work. read what you wrote, but this right here "Besides that there are many things in the Bible that contain evidence of inspiration which I can ellaborate for you if you'd like." considering i don't really take much of the bible for truth, it would be a bad place to go for backing. my mother studied and got a masters in the hebrew language, and she has explained to me the difficulty in translation, as there are many phrases/words that can not be directly translated
    July 14 12:14 AM
  • jdennis31 because of man's ability to totally screw things up, i can't see the bible making it the last 2000 years without being altered considerably to meet man-made agendas. if that is the case, i can not accept the bible as the basis for christianity, which it is generally regarded as. in that case, if we don't have the bible, from what source do we hold the beliefs that we currently do? i dunno, too many questions.
    July 13 10:37 PM
  • jdennis31 yuh, i grew up with a christian mother so i've read the bible all the way through twice now. used to be fairly relgious myself until a year or two back. well, i was on the fence for a while, but once i joined sputnik and started actually writing out the things i believe, i realized they weren't things i actually believed, but stuff that was drilled into me as a child. as far as the bible goes, i believe that even if god did indeed have a say in what was written, man is not infallible
    July 13 10:34 PM
  • jdennis31 i had a picture of me up there and i wanted to change it. only pic i had on my work hdd was a sample pic of a slab of ham :)
    July 13 10:20 PM
  • jdennis31 oh, and i've been playing guitar for about 8 years on and off now.
    July 13 10:19 PM
  • jdennis31 yea, i'm ok with the fact that i'll probably only be able to share my music locally and on the internet. as long as i can get one person to get the feelings from my music that i get when listening to some of my fav albums, i'll feel pretty fulfilled. i play guitar mostly and started practicing vocals a few months back, but other than that i can do what i need to do on a bass guitar as long as it's not too technical, like slapping. i'm pretty bad at drums but i can edit midi diligently
    July 13 10:18 PM
  • jdennis31 and yes, i felt like i was going to melt on the sidewalk today
    July 13 10:00 PM
  • jdennis31 yessir, have some old stuff at if you ever have a few minutes to check out our other stuff. we use tapping in almost every song but i feel that we tend to keep things from getting same-sey. i'm currently a network admin for cps energy here in san antonio. the infrastructure for the company is amazing so i hardly do any real break/fix work. good money but i'd rather be a starving artist than do the 401k 9-5 deal
    July 13 09:59 PM
  • jdennis31 hey man. life is good, just hanging out at work for 1 more hour and then home to work on some musique. yourself?
    July 13 09:43 PM
  • Ignimbrite And as far as the prophecies, I can't say too much about them as I utterly lack knowledge in this area. However, I can theorize that a lot of Revelation's imagery refers less to fantastical demonic occurrences as much as it does to a global conflict. For example, John, when he had his visions, would not have know what a "tank" was, and as such he described it as a giant fire-breathing scorpion. Revelation is a prophecy about John trying to describe things he couldn't comprehend.
    July 13 05:47 PM
  • Ignimbrite The Flood occurred around five or six thousand years ago (Pangaea was hundreds of millions of years ago), and at that time, humanity was more or less spread across the continents: however, we can assume that, at that time and in that culture, people did not know the extent of the world. As such, they may have easily believed the world to only extend so far, meaning that any mention of a "global" Flood from that culture may not actually mean that it covered the entire world as we know it today.
    July 13 05:43 PM
  • benkim My word!!! I have made a mess of your shoutbox haven't I? My laptop is acting up. Sorry brah!
    July 12 03:05 PM
  • benkim Hey dude, saw your response on the thread directed to me but I guess you did misunderstand my comment a little but to be quite fair anyone could. I actually do not believe in hellfire as I think that would actually render the pillars on which hold my faith in God null and void; which is his undying and unconditional love and grace for ALL mankind. Yes, our sinful nature may annoy him but I have NEVER EVER been able to fathom the existence of a loving God and hell at the same time.
    July 12 03:02 PM
  • Ignimbrite I think the Flood happened, but I do not believe that it was global like many others seem to think. I mean, if you really think about it, a global flood is physically impossible. Where did the water come from and where did it go? A miracle is one thing, but a complete overturning of the laws of physics is another thing entirely.
    July 11 07:25 PM
  • Ignimbrite I absolutely, unequivocally reject the supposed eternalness of Hell for so many reasons that I'm not gonna list them here. I don't know enough about support and opposition to the Trinity to make a decision either way, and the same goes for the immortal soul. Also, my thing with the Bible as a science text is that when one takes it as such it leads to such utterly unscientific things as Young Earth Creationism. I think that many things in the OT shouldn't be taken literally (e.g. 7 days, flood).
    July 11 12:51 AM
  • Ignimbrite I'm a Christian, although I don't totally subscribe to everything that mainstream Christianity teaches. I believe in having a relationship with Jesus and I believe in most of the Bible (especially NT) as an infallible sociology text, although I reject the notion that the Bible should be used as a science text (at least, that's the analogy a friend gave me).
    July 10 11:43 PM
  • Ignimbrite Btw, I don't know if you're an alt or not but good job repping Christianity in a more intelligent way that many people on here have in the past.
    July 10 11:11 PM
  • Ignimbrite Or for asking the mods to help you with something.
    July 10 11:10 PM
  • Ignimbrite It's just for reporting problems with the site, e.g trolling, bugs, database issues, alts, etc.
    July 10 11:09 PM
  • Calc lol birth im going to ask that you not talk to me until you stop this bullcrap prophet act. Have a nice day wasting your time.
    July 10 05:22 PM
  • FictionalFlames People throughout history have used the "inspiration of God" to do their own biding as God Will being the justification for their cause. Whether it be for a Crusade or Jihad, or an annulment of a marriage, the list keeps going on and on for reasons why they use the "It's what god wants" card. Hell, people have been using that card before Christ even came about, the Romans, Greeks, Persians, ect... So i really don't have any questions about the Bible, I have my priest for that.
    July 10 04:37 PM
  • FictionalFlames Personally I don't believe everything the bible has to offer. The Bible was written in the word of god in accordance of man. You have to remember that mankind is a very selfish, and manipulating race. Yet, it can be trust worthy. Certain there are things in the bible I do believe in, and certaintly things i do not - thus i only rely on my own judgement on topics that no one is ever sure on; topics that arise more questions rather then its one simple answer that no man is sure of.
    July 10 03:56 PM
  • FictionalFlames There's a lady at my church who's been dead for 5 minutes in her life from a fatal accident turning into a 'miracle'. And she claims to see Angels, and that she saw Jesus send her back to the living realm. Whether or not if it's a dream based on a subconsciousness thought of being with Christ after death. But the fact remains the same, she was dead for about 5 minutes, and she obviously experienced something after death. Who's to say that there's no afterlife? The Bible?
    July 10 03:28 PM
  • Recspecs It's whatever, it made me somewhat of an agnostic.
    July 10 05:48 AM
    July 10 05:46 AM
  • Recspecs Uhhhhhh I read most of it since I went to a Christian high school and it was shoved down my throat.
    July 10 04:02 AM
  • Trebor. Yeah the world is so much worse right now than back in the dark ages when religion ruled the land
    July 10 02:36 AM
  • FictionalFlames I'm pretty sure every church does; your soul eternally lives on whether it's from damnation from separation of God, or living amongst his presence in heaven. Personally, I'm still debating with myself whether or not everyone goes to their own heaven after death, and I can assure you Hell is not what Dante's description is - it's less and more his view off hell.
    July 10 12:12 AM
  • FictionalFlames Well, the word of the lord has been written by mankind, based on interpretations. I'm not denying my Christian faith, but in today's day and age, we can both agree things have changed for the better or for the worse. But I firmly believe divorces should be allowed and not be a sin of adultery, because there are people who seriously don't love each other anymore without have sleeping with another woman or man. Imo, things within and outside of the bible are a bit skewed and extreme in comparison.
    July 9 11:44 PM
  • FictionalFlames Anglicans were also one of the first "separatist" groups away from the Catholic church that teaches and reads from the Bible's text in English, or another's native tongue. Idk, if you have netflix, look up the series entitled, "The Tudors". It explains a lot.
    July 9 11:11 PM
  • FictionalFlames But because he wanted the divorce, and the pope wouldn't let him have it. He interpreted parts of the bible that the King was sent from god Biblical ages, or something like that. So King Henry VIII got his divorce and named himself supreme leader of the church of England. So he got his way in a lot in a lot of senses. But he adopted a s*** ton of similarities from the same Catholic church he split from. Anglican in a long story short is the English version of Catholicism.
    July 9 11:09 PM
  • FictionalFlames When King Henry VIII split apart from the Vatican, mainly because he thought in his conscience that his marriage to Queen Catherine of Aragon (part of present day Spain), was unlawful by the laws of God. But the Pope, said otherwise along with others. Because she was the Wife of Henry's brother, but he died, so Henry married her for Royal alliance reasons.
    July 9 11:05 PM
  • FictionalFlames want to do anything about their lives, because they know welfare is coming from the govt., which in my opinion should have strings attached to by being obliged to do community service. So I blame the culture that surrounds Rap fro all of that s***. There are too many problems within society to say Jesus will fix everything. Though I am new believer in the Anglican faith, the world's problems can only be fixed with generations of cooperation.
    July 9 10:52 PM
  • FictionalFlames There are other problems that are govt. won't even recognize and that's global warming. They can fix it but they won't, because it interferes "business expenses". BAck to ethnics, lol. LIving in the deep south, i have seen racism. It's not pretty. Do I agree with it? yes. But I also want to protect the interests of whites not being a handout tool to the impoverished. Because, like i said . It boils down to ethnics and their cultures. ANd it seems to be a rapid growing culture that doesn't...
    July 9 10:48 PM
  • FictionalFlames yes, i'm a democrat, but at least i can understand the importance of taxes. But like I said, it all boils down to ethnics. You can examine dogs for instance, and tell right off the bat who's the alpha male. You can still see that in humans as well. While some countries have progressed about sex differences and political dominance. But no one is willing to compromise and give up their power.
    July 9 10:43 PM
  • FictionalFlames they don't want to get off their lazy asses and do something for the better of the people, rather than big business. For some self-proclaimed evangelical vote, the Republicans cry out for tax cuts. Jesus even said "pay Caesar what is Caesar's", and to not pay taxes to support your democracy is a bunch of hypocritical nonsense. Even if their was a flat tax, things wouldn't be as corrupt as they are now, but they don't want to do that because the rich will get taxed.
    July 9 10:40 PM
  • FictionalFlames YOu see our governments around the world (or at least within the democracies alone in asia, the Americas and Europe) actually have the ability and power to end war, poverty, debt, ect..... If only they can reconcile and give up their inevitable loses for being total douche bags and forget about history, and give up ethnic differences. The govts. can also put a screaming halt to corruption in big business as well as injustice throughout the world's governments. They just won't do it, because....
    July 9 10:34 PM
  • TenSecondsToThink No, I don't. For me, there's no way that something like a christian god exists. A creator or something that created us? Yes, there must be, but not someone that "cares" about us. I think anyone of us has that wish though.
    July 9 09:47 PM
  • FictionalFlames Idk, if you know. But, around the Texas border it's getting extremely violent. It's getting to the point where the Texas govt. is arming speed patrol boats on the Rio Grande with 50 cal machines guns. And if things play out in the right cards, there's a possible chance that the US could 'Occupy' certain states within Mexico to stop the drug cartels. Personally I would support that occupation.
    July 8 01:15 PM
  • FictionalFlames That sucks dude. My opinion on war is a bit skewed, it really depends if there's a logistical reason to invade or defend or circumvent around the idea of holy war. It really depends based on the reasons for both sides of the board, whether it's a land grab for resources, ethnic reasons, or border problems.
    July 8 01:10 PM
  • SgtPepper I'll be honest with you, I have absolutely no interest in converting, maybe someday. but thank you for your words. I'll see your around, mate. Take good care.
    July 8 06:37 AM
  • sixdegrees a good point. But there are perhaps numerous planets in the millions of galaxies that are home to intelligent life, as we know it on earth. The sheer scale of light years may be why it hasn't contacted us yet. Maybe we aren't so unique. But that's just speculation.
    July 8 06:13 AM
  • sixdegrees well, see, I just considered the scope of the universe and how insignificant humans are in relation to it and I though: "How can we really understand anything?" I think it's ridiculous to claim certainty as to whether a God exists or not. But, yeah.
    July 8 06:05 AM
  • FictionalFlames Well, my dad is a certified Colonel in the Confederate Air Force. Does that give you any idea of what type of family I come from? And why do you wanna know stuff about me?
    July 7 01:46 AM
  • SgtPepper To be honest, I don't know if there is a God. Maybe there is but we'll never know until we die. I for one feel nothing in the times i have gone to church because, I dont experience the spirituality that others do because I simply do not believe in it. But I will say this, I do find religion to be an interesting topic, all religions have good teachings in them.
    July 7 12:32 AM
  • SgtPepper that's a very interesting analysis. But on the "malevolence" topic, he meant that God is able to end something like famines and disease very easily- as Jesus did during his time on earth, but he doesn't. People often pray for cures or food and there are, sometimes, no responses.
    July 7 12:29 AM
  • SgtPepper I think this quote perfectly reflects my point of view on the existence of a god, this is by a greek philosopher named Epicurus: Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? - Again these are just my beliefs.
    July 6 11:55 PM
  • SgtPepper Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you. Well, I grew up in a mormon family but I've always been interested in philosophy so I started reading books that explore the meaning of life and theology. I also studied other religions- and from there I kind of came to my own conclusion that there is no God. of course this is my opinion. But its good that you have faith in something.
    July 6 09:41 PM
  • Wolfhorde I don't get involved in such 'existentialist' discussions. Neither the ones steering for universal or personal answers. The former because I don't believe something as personal can be universal. The latter because I have left these questions behind me. And that is the best answer you're gonna get on that topic.
    July 6 09:24 PM
  • SgtPepper If you mean religious beliefs, I'm an atheist. I think I've heard you say that you're a christian, If i'm not mistaken.
    July 6 09:15 PM
  • Wolfhorde lol defensive, this is the internet dood. don't be an idiot.
    July 6 09:00 PM
  • MeatSalad You can find me a leak of yellow
    July 6 06:35 AM
  • TheNotrap David Gilmour bro.
    June 30 11:15 AM
  • DeafMetal u like bad music
    June 30 12:35 AM
  • Restricted 4 me it's lifes a bitch nd represent. both songs blow me away everytime. nd is that nile album THAT good??
    June 29 11:42 PM
    June 29 10:37 PM
  • DeafMetal no u aren't a poseur u r sh1t
    June 29 09:25 PM
  • Restricted dude i didnt no you liked nas sweet what your favorite song off that ablum
    June 29 07:34 PM
  • ThroneOfAgony dude restricted and beech are my close friends dude. they are brand new users here, they like music like all of us, they are cool
    June 29 06:26 PM
  • ShadowRemains lolwut
    June 29 12:11 AM
  • ShadowRemains burying yourself alive idk
    June 29 12:08 AM
  • ShadowRemains keep telling yourself that
    June 29 12:04 AM
  • ShadowRemains stop trying so hard
    June 29 12:00 AM
  • silentpotato sweet m/ on bruh
    June 28 07:15 PM
  • silentpotato i dont at all i was being facetious i really dgaf
    June 28 07:11 PM
  • Wolfhorde Keep telling yourself that.
    June 27 03:31 AM
  • Wolfhorde Y'know, I'd say the same if my mum got raped to death by her father.
    June 26 09:09 PM
  • DeafMetal hi
    June 26 07:46 PM
  • crazyaga Please this:
    June 26 07:41 PM
  • Wolfhorde Your mum being raped by alligator nazis from Atlantis.
    June 26 06:38 PM
  • Wolfhorde wut
    June 26 06:08 PM
  • Havey I have no idea, sadly
    June 26 02:20 AM

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