
Soundoffs 68
Album Ratings 226
Objectivity 15%

Last Active 05-23-20 4:05 am
Joined 04-19-12

Review Comments 16,387

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  • gabba Hey, thanks for recommeding YHWH Nailgun, those 2 EPs I heard are really great, and they indeed show similarities with Mandy, Indiana. I see they have their debut LP scheduled for March, hyped. Cheers!
    February 7 04:40 PM
  • ShadowRemains also try amorbital - invidia
    January 14 03:51 AM
  • ShadowRemains check bereaved - the cries of the penitent
    January 12 11:06 PM
  • YakNips bach tuah ICANT LULW
    September 13 05:06 AM
  • unclereich great track! appreciate the rec. yea man I still have the pic ill send it to you on insta. I just remade mine it's: osirisd32oo1
    April 10 10:23 PM
  • unclereich great song feel free to share stuff with me man I desperately need to get into some new stuff. dying for a new death grips album
    April 3 06:41 AM
  • unclereich I still have the fat chino pic you made of me haha and some of the other ones you made of your friends LOL. and likewise man we really shared some legit heart to hearts that I won't forget. if you still have snap or ig let me know ill def add you again on there so we can share dank maymays
    April 3 06:40 AM
  • unclereich I only jam old stuff these days man, I really have trouble getting into newer music it sucks. Scott and STP are so underrated it hurts
    March 31 07:33 AM
  • unclereich hey thank you for saying that, im dreadfully sorry about that convo and my tone in general back then. Simply inexcusable and I have tried very hard to be less argumentative and an overall kinder person. really stoked to see you back here and to be able to chat with you again. id be lying if I said I didn't think about you from time to time these past few years. you're absolutely my favorite user ever man. glad to hear you're well and were able to see a goat tier band. I wish you total happiness.
    March 31 07:29 AM
  • Futures man i feel the exact same. i was definitely a total asshole on here a lot. stumbling across old comments of mine makes me embarrassed mostly. still though met a lot of good people here even if most are gone now. i'm glad you're happy man, i remember you were in a dark place back then. you were always one of the coolest dudes here. if you still got fb and want to chat more i'd love that, hit me up anytime. and yes cuddlemonster absolutely rips haha.
    March 29 09:29 PM
  • Futures miss the good ol days here and our talks on fb haha. life is brutal man but i'm jammin through it. recently rediscovered my love for music. jamming black sabbath for the first time mainly, been a blast and an assortment of random stuff haha. what about you my man? you doing good?
    March 29 06:06 AM
  • demigod! indeed
    March 28 10:28 PM
  • Futures dude! hope you've been well.
    March 27 08:39 PM
  • demigod! mostly just this song on repeat
    March 27 04:33 PM
  • demigod! sup
    March 25 07:24 PM
  • unclereich what have you been up to brother
    March 20 10:02 PM
  • unclereich you're welcome for getting you unbanned, I had to take several dozen loads in exchange
    March 19 09:12 PM
  • unclereich notorious gay user Bach is back??
    March 18 03:48 AM
  • unclereich biggest coc on sput
    March 5 10:13 AM
  • unclereich have you ever had a dream he could do you so much you could anything?
    November 26 06:52 PM
  • oltnabrick epic !
    September 5 12:52 AM
  • oltnabrick
    July 24 12:35 AM
  • unclereich Do u remember user headphones
    July 8 10:34 AM
  • oltnabrick
    July 3 01:48 AM
  • oltnabrick
    June 25 06:44 PM
  • oltnabrick same tho
    June 13 05:09 PM
  • LegendaryOrangeBear Easier is great. The 2nd half of that EP was really strong for me. Love it.
    May 23 05:00 AM
  • LegendaryOrangeBear Here to show my respeks as you also have rated School '94
    May 20 05:38 PM
  • unclereich Yo
    May 6 08:18 AM
  • unclereich wtf is wrong with you
    March 12 07:26 AM
  • unclereich The song was great but it autoplayed to everlast immediately following which sucked
    March 3 07:19 AM
    February 25 08:36 AM
  • unclereich sup cute ****
    February 25 07:37 AM
  • BigPleb Laura Palmer m/
    February 8 08:03 AM
  • oltnabrick korn
    January 27 07:10 AM
  • unclereich daddy
    December 24 09:55 AM
  • sixdegrees hell yea
    December 2 12:34 AM
  • YakNips Zero
    November 12 08:06 AM
  • BigPleb That's too hard man but I'll give you 5 anyway!Death - HumanPestilence - Consuming ImpulseObliteration - NekropsalmsImmolation - Close to a World BelowGorguts - From Wisdom to Hate
    January 17 10:11 AM
  • Jots new death of lovers lp
    November 23 03:44 AM
  • borealice dont get your hopes up
    November 8 10:18 PM
  • borealice I wish
    November 8 07:59 PM
  • borealice not that cool
    November 8 07:57 PM
  • borealice you're thinking of a your minds eye......who is it
    November 8 07:48 PM
  • kascetcadettt here's a thread where you can discuss how fantastic it is to be a part of this moment: \\\ don't be scared to share the news with other guys in case i missed someone out and keep shining in the light of this beautiful rock n roll fireplate, god bless, hasanmedia represent
    April 19 09:24 AM
  • kascetcadettt sieg hi it's-a me smooth brotha from the umpteenth block taggin' em trainz comin' from your favorite station, word on the street is (artuma is gay) my new album came out recently and if that's the last thing i ever do let it be, leavin' the link in your hands my man: \\\ feel FREE to 1 it if u didn't like my agressive self promotion campaign, feel FREE to thank me if this album saved your life
    April 19 09:23 AM
  • Snake. is bach german for snide now?
    April 4 03:31 AM
  • Snake. no, you don't
    April 4 02:58 AM
  • dreamgazing bach is a solid 4/5 user name
    April 1 06:28 PM
  • Ashen you're a class dude bach. i keep my fb around for messenger but haven't posted ord anything on the main site for the better part of two years or so lol. feel free to hmu there tho
    March 18 05:49 AM
  • Ashen poetry is the best. i felt creative the other night and wrote some stupid s*** for a girl who keeps me from offing myself. she was into it so maybe i'll finally find out what a rimjob feels like
    March 18 03:25 AM
  • Ashen luh u boo, what it do johann sebastian bae
    March 17 04:36 AM
  • unclereich smoAk
    March 16 04:52 AM
  • ATallColdGlassOfBud Hey bach! I hope you have time to come out tonight :]
    February 26 11:57 PM
  • CowboyInTheShell Hi bach how are you fella ?
    February 18 05:32 PM
  • Ashen my dude, i have a mia wallace shirt in b
    February 14 07:50 AM
  • Trebor. It's cool because a lot of therapists help you help yourself, like my therapist doesn't tell me to do anything it's all me
    February 9 05:07 AM
  • Trebor. Yeah I feel you, s***'s real. I would recommend seeing a therapist/psychiatrist, it kind of works for me
    February 9 04:14 AM
  • Trebor. Things are going pretty well right now, doing everything I can to battle depression. How you been?
    February 9 03:58 AM
  • Trebor. love you too budd
    February 9 03:44 AM
  • Sinternet idk i skimmed most of them and just slapped a 4 on them imma tryna go through and edit them shortly because im sick of answering this question lol
    January 19 05:58 PM
  • Sinternet oh he of little faith
    January 19 05:57 PM
  • Chortles taken aback T B H
    January 3 02:11 PM
  • unclereich Go home bitch
    January 3 09:23 AM
  • Chortles sorry to hear man, hope it's for the better! relationships are hard. keep gazing ~
    January 2 11:15 PM
  • Chortles yooo dude it's going fine, crazy that 2016 has wrapped up. this year i graduated college and got a job that put me in sweden for a year, pretty crazy s***. how's life for you pal?
    December 31 12:38 PM
  • Jots re-release of a classic
    December 19 01:48 AM
  • oWhoadYo Do you think people make mistakes? But what happened ultimately doesn't matter? Its just what can happen, the present and future that counts. I'm trying to think this way
    December 2 01:37 AM
  • oWhoadYo I get that. But do you think the past is the past?
    December 1 02:48 PM
  • oWhoadYo We just gotta do whatever makes us happy. Good for you if you felt that was the right choice. You can always let go of the past. Do you believe that?
    December 1 04:27 AM
  • oWhoadYo ****ing harsh man, sorry to hear that
    November 30 04:18 PM
  • Ashen when you're at ur last straw, stick it in ur mouth and suck it up. or stick it in your nose and suck up an 8 ball. fr though i hope you turn a new page, do what you gotta do man. in ur depression you should get on dubtrack and drown us in some of those real deep tracks, s*** fuks with me heavy
    November 29 08:42 PM
  • Ashen those neurosis ratings are brill, whudup blood
    November 29 05:28 AM
  • oWhoadYo hey man, how have you been?
    November 28 11:44 PM
  • spookynewghostfriend dy;am KONES
    November 11 06:43 AM
  • oltnabrick
    November 4 04:42 PM
  • oWhoadYo To be completely honest with you, im doing awful. It's been almost a month now, and its not getting better. I'm talking to another girl, and she is nice, I like her. But I know she's not the same, she won't make me happy and if anything happens with her, I'll end up hurting myself and her. I want A (what ill refer to my ex as) back, but im certain she'll never take me back. I'm not entirely giving up though. And I know I'll always take her back, no matter what she does cus im an idiot
    October 25 07:28 PM
  • oWhoadYo Don't let her go man. If she wants you and is genuine, go for it. Its easy to think there's more out there until you are alone. Don't be like me and waste a perfectly amazing girl
    October 25 01:31 AM
  • oWhoadYo if you love her or even think you do, go back with her. There are a lot of beautiful women in this world, only a small few will love you and literally care about you. If shes one, dont ****ing lose her
    October 24 09:33 PM
  • oWhoadYo I see that you are going through some s*** too my man. RIP to us, huh? It's like life keeps going but not for us. You can sit and watch time go by, but you don't move and there isnt a thing you can do or say to change a thing. But there are ton of things you would have done differently, right? Maybe a year ago, maybe a month ago. We could've done something different and better and maybe we wouldnt be here right now
    October 24 09:09 PM
  • climactic aw :( i'm sorry to hear that dude, you'll get thru it. let the gaze heal ur wounds
    October 24 01:31 AM
  • climactic pretty good, staying busy u kno, tryna graduate this year, jamming hard and seeing as many shows as possible, WBU
    October 22 03:17 PM
  • climactic boiiiiii
    October 18 04:35 AM
  • oWhoadYo I'll try. There's a girl I've had my eyes on for awhile
    October 8 09:36 PM
  • oWhoadYo thanks man. im trying my best. its just really tough, it doesnt seem fair. She's already moved on and im stuck here
    October 8 06:15 PM
  • Snide Hey Bach, it's Snide. Would you be down to jam my new album? -
    September 22 03:37 PM
  • oltnabrick yeah i heard it and was like, yo gotta get bach hip to this
    September 6 12:55 AM
  • oltnabrick this 4 u
    September 1 03:11 PM
  • Chortles miss u charming man
    August 21 01:05 AM
  • BADBOY what
    August 11 05:38 PM
  • Snake. we miss you
    July 22 04:16 AM
  • oltnabrick
    June 28 11:12 PM
  • Idleness
    May 30 09:10 AM
  • oltnabrick did u like that new Chelsea Wolfe ep?
    May 21 09:07 PM
  • oltnabrick that is a good video but i greatly prefer the one i have shown you.
    May 19 09:51 AM
  • oltnabrick my favorite youtube video
    May 18 07:39 AM
  • Jots yea i love it. rest of album doesn't sound like it unfortunately but
    May 1 12:06 AM
  • Jots
    May 1 12:01 AM
  • oltnabrick
    April 18 03:22 AM
  • oltnabrick
    April 12 08:34 AM
    April 10 06:22 AM
  • AwesomeFunGhostAmigo thanks oltna
    April 4 05:22 AM
  • oltnabrick new antwon out today
    April 1 09:39 PM
  • Ashen only s*** i been grinding lately is term papers. trying to stay ahead of the curve so i can ball over the summer. bank accounts not pity amounts
    March 31 11:34 PM
  • Ashen what's good b how's the trap holdin up
    March 30 05:08 AM
  • MeatSalad Yeah idk man a lot of them have either left or changed their names, I feel so out of the loop now
    March 29 04:42 AM
  • MeatSalad Thanks man. How you been lately
    March 29 04:21 AM
  • oltnabrick check this out its one of my favorites
    March 28 08:42 AM
  • oltnabrick true, idk if imma go. im seeing Marilyn Manson and Slipknot in July tho
    March 28 08:41 AM
  • hal1ax Ya no worries! Leme know what u think
    March 27 02:28 PM
  • hal1ax not sure if you've heard this or not, but i feel like u might dig it. --- Soap and Skin - Lovetune for Vacuum. /// gorgeous fukkin depressive darkwave. she has a beautiful Austrian accent too
    March 27 02:33 AM
  • oltnabrick get this dud
    March 22 08:59 PM
  • oltnabrick apparently Orgy is still making music lmao
    March 20 06:54 AM
  • oltnabrick forgot about that band -_-
    March 20 03:57 AM
  • oltnabrick
    March 20 03:34 AM
  • Trebor. I can't stop doing an ethan bradberry impression
    March 19 03:20 AM
  • Trebor. The last time I ate at Costco I asked for a couple of sody pops
    March 19 02:50 AM
  • Trebor. papa bless
    March 19 02:41 AM
  • oltnabrick XD i never left lol, i just never post because there's like nobody to talk to. RIP FOURTHREICH too bee on ezt
    March 15 10:22 PM
  • oltnabrick you should check out the new Lust For Youth album. its great and i think youll like it
    March 14 08:43 AM
  • Ashen correct rating for around the fur btw, that's my favorite deftones
    March 13 05:40 AM
  • Ashen hell yea, i haven't heard 'the sea and the bells' yet tho so im bout to appropriate that up
    March 13 05:39 AM
  • Ashen ayee sup check starflyer 59 - silver. Idk how I been smoke and chilling without it. must have been smoke and chillin the wrong way bc it puts me in a better place
    March 13 05:34 AM
  • climactic wait i think im seeing em at gov ball in june. sweet
    March 10 04:33 AM
  • climactic oh s*** i had no idea. was supposed to see them last summer in brooklyn but the singer (???ithink?) was hospitalized or something? and they cancelled a bunch of dates
    March 10 04:29 AM
  • climactic yeeeees need to preorder that s***, hopefully they do a tour soon after. GoE still sounds fresh af
    March 10 04:19 AM
  • climactic oh s*** ive been meaning to get that death of lovers album forever, thanks bro
    March 10 04:11 AM
  • climactic i feel u, its good to stay focused on something. if it helps, merchandise has been one of my fav bands for the past year, ive been looking for more stuff like that, classic 80s post punk vibes but with that modern kind of noise-y element they add
    March 10 03:55 AM
  • climactic its tough but in a way i like it, keeps me busy and out of my own head. and yeah its gonna be great, never seen him or anything similar rly live, plus st pattys day in new york. 3 G's i like it. i need more post punx
    March 10 03:44 AM
  • climactic i'm spring break next week, going to see 0PN on st patricks day so super psyched for that and then cali/'chella next month, lots of good s*** coming up. stressed with work/school/life but hanging in there. been listening mostly to hippity hops and ambient shizzz and boris. wbu
    March 10 03:24 AM
  • climactic love u too breh hows life? second though fb chat me when u get a minute
    March 10 01:52 AM
  • Keyblade lol yea man this site's effed. that 2000's rnb is my shizz, grew up on that stuff
    March 7 06:38 AM
  • Keyblade aww snap, gonna listen soon. u know I love me some of that sh1t. good lookin out bro
    March 6 02:18 PM
  • Keyblade man, I used to eff with his singles way back in the day. are his albums any good?
    March 6 07:20 AM
  • Ashen if you ever in the mood for some grinds that slap slap slaps you in your bitch face then check narcosis - romance
    March 6 05:50 AM
  • Ashen sup bruh, it's a great day to shiv some pigs
    March 6 12:44 AM
  • Keyblade Honestly shut the little ****ers up before I shoot them.
    March 1 12:11 PM
  • blatho blatho.
    February 28 11:14 AM
  • Keyblade chieftain keef lmfao
    February 18 07:04 AM
  • Keyblade perhaps trusted fellows such as Kane Western Direction and Infantile Gambino can aid in their endeavour
    February 18 05:31 AM
  • Keyblade he will never be forgotten. hopefully the good Inspector and the Methodical Man will find out what happened to him
    February 18 02:49 AM
  • YakNips love u too hottie
    February 17 01:39 AM
  • Astral Abortis thanks man glad you enjoy my stuff
    January 19 06:23 AM
  • Astral Abortis my mistake then for some reason i swear it was you. soz.
    January 19 06:20 AM
  • Astral Abortis You're the alt account Grandpa Seth right?? I remember you and that account used to troll and add my old instagram photos and **** up the bio on the Lost Salt Blood Purges page. Anyways there's still a photo on there that I can't get rid of and it's been gettin on me tits for ages, blud.
    January 19 06:17 AM
  • Astral Abortis i know it's all funny to troll me and everything on but could you just that photo on the LSBP page now? i'd appreciate it.
    January 19 06:10 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts king woman was one of my top eps. liked chelsea and ahnnu a lot but not enough to fit my top 100.. i listened to a s*** tonne of music last year tho, probably more than any other year. frozen niagra will be in my top 100 tho
    January 16 06:32 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts i havent completed my aoty list but the more i listen to it the closer it gets to my #1 spot tbh
    January 16 08:11 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts oh yeah dude its relentless. and dat portishead sample on slugs oh my god the ****ing filthiest s*** ive ever heard
    January 16 08:09 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts i think so. i think its more important than mista thug at least. like its not as... ENJOYABLE per se but it is also like probably the most irrelevant thing to happen to hip hop ever in the most important way possible. its like the counter-point to TPAB. its basically anti-hip hop. its a **** you to the entire genre. it is literally everything hip hop should never ever be. it is rancid and vile and disgusting and probably the best thing to happen to the genre in a decade.
    January 16 07:57 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts what do you think of Oblivion?
    January 16 07:49 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts lum is on some next level s*** tho dude he is his own beast
    January 16 07:45 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts lmao its all good dude trap is fun at da club at least...
    January 16 07:37 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts damn with a name like that youre already like 33.333333333% of the way to a true fuccboi trap god. all u need now is some awful beats to spit on.
    January 16 07:21 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts much insight such profound
    January 16 07:14 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts woah now man lets take baby steps here. ill start by telling him i respect his mother but im not ready to commit to respecting his opinion just yet, thats a little hasty.
    January 16 06:55 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts tbh its kind of losing its zest a little bit i think i might start trying not being a dick for a bit its hard tho cuz i have so much practice being a dick
    January 16 06:43 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts and i know ive built a reputation of being a vile little vindictive mother****er if i dont forever live up to that i dont know what ill possibly do maybe people will start liking me and we cant have that can we
    January 16 06:35 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts oh i know you did and i gave you what you came for so i hope you're happy.
    January 16 06:20 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts good job anyways
    January 16 06:13 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts you were winning until you referred to alberta as 'knowledge of Canada's major cities' lmao. alberta is a province. the city im from is calgary
    January 16 06:11 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts holy s*** u remember where im from AND where i live wow thanks
    January 16 06:06 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts ill never forget dylan englebach thanks for remembering where i live!
    January 16 06:02 AM
  • Archelirion AaronIsCrunchy. Figured a change of scenery would do me some good ^.^
    January 15 09:56 AM
  • Archelirion That Lluvia album is fantastic, nice dig :]
    January 11 09:04 AM
  • Jots
    December 13 08:43 PM
  • YakNips **** yea dude don't ever let life keep u down cause good times will always come to u
    November 26 06:56 AM
  • YakNips ehhhh it's not too bad, about to turn 18 and that's freaky. settled into a new home now. living day to day yknow, trying to enjoy the little things. how about u fam? surely all is bright
    November 26 06:48 AM
  • YakNips ayyyyy yeah i would not run away from her
    November 26 06:38 AM
  • SachikoM :3
    November 22 09:52 PM
  • SachikoM For you:
    November 22 09:00 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts stillbirth. just listening to it again. yeah i remember this. i like it, its interesting hearing Alice's vocals so unobscured for once. its really raw but at the same time its almost flirting the edge of becoming '2000's goth girl angst' kind of thing which the art just furthers. gonna have to hear more solo stuff to fully decide. but theres also an edge to it that really reminds me of stuff like We Are Water by HEALTH that i quite enjoy. we'll see. could go either way for me.
    November 9 09:32 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts i honestly dont recall. im almost positive i listened to it but i dont remember my impression
    November 9 09:12 AM
  • Keyblade i dig it hard man. still coming to grips with her vocals a bit, but apart from that it's real chill for sure
    November 4 07:24 AM
  • BigPleb Aw thanks bachy? Why you say so? :]
    October 29 06:04 AM
  • Fluttertrank haha, thanks.
    October 24 03:47 PM
  • Fluttertrank Yeah haha. Sure am
    October 24 03:00 PM
  • Keyblade :D u already know dawg
    October 15 03:36 AM
  • Keyblade nah haven't heard, will jam. good lookin out bro
    October 15 02:08 AM
  • oltnabrick
    October 13 05:33 AM
  • SachikoM Hell yeah I was. I live and breathe the stuff.
    October 13 05:12 AM
  • SachikoM You were the dude that I plugged with right?
    October 13 05:10 AM
  • unclereich Dude this site is retarded but lol thats awesome i miss u broski
    October 11 07:46 AM
  • BandNewbac ah sweet that's awesome. yeah i have wanted to see them since their debut dropped. so much passion onstage it's unbelievable.
    October 2 08:35 AM
  • BandNewbac Oh yeah post punk and goth is what i was brought up on so it only makes sense for me to love it. have you seen this? it's a new song and its so well written.
    October 2 08:28 AM
  • BandNewbac cool, i can't wait to listen to it. i ****ing love iceage, they are probably my favorite band of the 2010's so far and definitely the best modern post punk act. the lyrics are phenomenal especially considering Elias isn't writing in danish.
    October 2 08:12 AM
  • BandNewbac not all the way through, i've got it downloaded and my vinyl is on the way so i wanna wait till that comes. i heard love though and "loved" it lol.
    October 2 08:03 AM
  • BandNewbac Did you hear his solo project "marching church" this year? it's quite difficult to get into but its a very rewarding listen and his voice is very good on it also. and yeah dude i couldn't help but five every smiths just for how much each album means to me.
    October 2 07:49 AM
  • BandNewbac Stay legit makes me cry
    October 2 07:44 AM
  • BandNewbac so glad to find someone on here that likes iceage as much as i do.
    October 1 07:48 AM
  • Astral Abortis guess ill get back to lickin out my bird's loose fanny flaps
    September 28 08:08 AM
  • oltnabrick
    September 27 06:04 AM
  • Hawks I've actually been meaning to, I gotta get on it.
    September 25 01:54 AM
  • Jots side project from Dan of Have a Nice Life, idk maybe you'd fukk with it
    September 24 11:44 PM
  • Jots Black Wing
    September 24 01:29 PM
  • unclereich Miss u
    September 19 01:49 AM
  • DarkNoctus thank you so much!
    September 17 03:57 PM
  • oltnabrick
    September 9 05:28 AM
    August 10 03:20 PM
  • oltnabrick
    August 10 04:44 AM

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