
Reviews 4
Approval 55%

Soundoffs 112
Album Ratings 751
Objectivity 61%

Last Active 06-15-21 2:15 am
Joined 06-17-11

Review Comments 9,911

shoutbox » all posts 
  • unclereich what the heck where did you come from :3
    August 19 10:00 PM
  • anarchistfish Long time no see. How you doing dude?
    April 12 05:42 PM
  • coneren hello
    September 17 12:35 AM
  • unclereich recs =} dudeeeee how the fxk are u did u graduate?
    September 6 04:58 AM
  • unclereich If u ever stop by i hope.u see this comment bby =]
    March 31 12:14 PM
  • unclereich Pics or gtfo
    January 17 12:05 AM
  • unclereich Ya bish
    January 16 11:20 AM
  • iloveyouall idk me either
    June 8 07:45 AM
  • iloveyouall holy s*** you're back
    June 8 07:25 AM
  • ShadowRemains sent you a request
    April 30 05:37 AM
  • ShadowRemains
    April 30 02:29 AM
  • Spec no spec mention in your list? bitch i made you my username is literally inside yours !! uhh what else, needs "rest" the album and don't leave just drink some perrier and chill
    March 2 10:03 PM
  • unclereich duuuuuuddddeeeee luke you were a one of a kind user good luck with your irl endeavors if you really are leaving.
    February 28 03:05 AM
  • SharkTooth Don't lie to yourself, you have no balls ya ***in pussy
    February 12 03:06 PM
  • SharkTooth Since you're being such a bitch about it, I'd suggest you just repost it. I'll ignore it and we'll get back to our merry ways.
    February 11 09:25 PM
  • SharkTooth Are you mad tho for real?
    February 11 04:02 PM
  • SharkTooth your list was a waste of site-space, I got rid of it
    February 11 12:54 AM
  • aok south gon hold it down
    December 4 06:38 AM
  • FacelessMan i cant stop staring at your avatar
    September 27 01:19 PM
  • Insurrection idk man im kinda over that phase. if you want to argue with anyone greenlinkinmuse (green baron) is a good new user to start with
    July 25 02:40 AM
  • Insurrection i love you
    July 24 09:13 PM
  • unclereich ~someone should re add me~ (or not idc//could be fun tho)
    May 7 07:45 PM
  • unclereich nevr forget
    May 6 10:51 AM
  • spookynewghostfriend recspecs =D!
    March 29 07:13 AM
  • Shuyin Mods want the D
    March 17 06:32 PM
  • Shuyin **** that, we need you here
    March 15 08:11 PM
  • Shuyin miss you 2, dude. whatcha been up to?
    March 13 10:44 PM
  • Judio! k
    March 13 09:03 PM
  • Judio! Bring it on bro ;]. I have a black belt in snitch-fu and not afraid to use it. Cower in fear.
    March 13 04:24 PM
  • BigHans just in case you forgot, soccer sucks hard
    March 6 05:42 AM
  • Spec wasn't tosin a member of VoM? maybe this is the "fun" song of the album.Nah you're thinking of that OTHER black guyMarc Okubo****ing lol'd
    March 3 09:29 PM
  • Spec I'm buzzed but not drunk. Ran out of booze :[
    January 25 07:49 AM
  • Spec me2 im also drunk right now
    January 24 08:14 AM
  • Spec wut wut n tha bum
    January 24 02:48 AM
  • MisterTornado one of the most boring trap tapes i've heard all year. nothing about it was awful or anything, it just failed to grab me at any moment. my feelings could have to do with the fact that it was around 2am when i listened to it...but then again that's about 75% of everything i rate so *shrugs*
    December 24 09:57 AM
  • andcas definitely and pretty good.
    December 15 11:52 PM
  • MMX
    December 12 05:20 PM
  • MMX that's my pussy, not sharing lol
    December 11 06:23 AM
  • Trebor. I'm alone every night
    November 22 06:06 AM
  • Trebor. miss u
    October 7 08:28 AM
  • Deviant. Nigga I be right here
    September 12 11:09 AM
  • Spec dun mtter
    September 6 06:26 AM
  • Spec make a tchat list tonight is the night
    September 6 06:24 AM
  • Hawks Idk why I didn't notice your comment before, but yeah Migos rule.
    September 2 08:04 PM
  • ChuckyTruant Awesome man
    July 30 04:17 PM
  • ChuckyTruant Haha. How you been luke
    July 30 01:14 PM
  • ChuckyTruant **** u
    July 30 02:47 AM
  • oltnabrick finally listened to rich homie quan. kinda sounds like Future
    July 28 11:10 PM
  • Insurrection good to know
    July 11 07:49 PM
  • Insurrection seriosuly idk why you still hate me but that was hilarious
    July 11 06:47 AM
  • Insurrection youre a genius
    July 11 06:42 AM
  • Spec I miss you too. Post moar.
    July 11 06:09 AM
  • Spec night verses check em out
    July 11 06:02 AM
  • MMX get eveyone in this now, it's important
    July 9 03:55 AM
  • oltnabrick i havent checked it out yet haha. i guess i will now
    June 17 10:00 PM
  • Spec Word.
    June 10 06:59 AM
  • barcafan21 we got sanogo who's sick, and we have 70 million for the summer which is fantastic. its happening we're getting jovetic and a couple of others
    June 1 08:08 PM
  • barcafan21 arsenal is winning the league next year book it
    June 1 02:11 AM
  • MMX You got a hand lol
    May 30 03:57 AM
  • MMX haha no
    May 30 03:27 AM
  • MMX Ya asshat I just thought you got banned for forever lol
    May 30 02:05 AM
  • MMX Holy s*** you're unbanned Halle mother****ing lujah
    May 30 01:24 AM
  • GnarlyShillelagh Word they really do. So many albums I have that I haven't rated and so many old ratings that need to change
    May 29 05:32 PM
  • Spec Jrdgfrdt
    May 3 07:07 PM
  • slipnslide hello rescpse friend hello hi hey :)))))))))))
    May 2 05:45 AM
  • Sleaper trolol, damn. this must be a master plan. just dont trolol me..pls.
    May 1 07:28 AM
  • Sleaper hombre r u still around on this site? havent seen u post for aaaages haha.
    April 29 12:36 PM
  • Storm In A Teacup Finally turned in that e/ review I promised ya
    April 10 08:18 AM
  • Sniff U nbro?
    March 31 04:50 AM
  • Mabbitt I see you still haven't grown up.
    March 16 01:52 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup hah Why you talking to yourself bro you good?
    March 13 10:18 AM
  • CaptainDooRight s'all i do bro, I even ripped some from your iNTRiKeT rev
    March 12 04:30 PM
  • Insurrection Go die
    March 12 01:22 PM
  • Spec But I'll bet you're rolling in Benjamin's.
    March 4 07:09 AM
  • Spec Feels bad man.
    March 4 05:54 AM
  • Spec What's up man.
    March 4 03:54 AM
    March 4 03:47 AM
  • ZilbelPing Oh man, Eisley is so gooooooooooooooood
    February 19 02:11 AM
  • KILL im rite here br0
    February 1 05:14 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup Bitches call me Papa John cuz I got that extra cheese
    January 28 08:21 AM
  • anarchistfish ah, makes sense
    January 13 06:50 PM
  • anarchistfish how did you get your avatar to work? I uploaded a gif and it just stayed static
    January 13 03:33 PM
  • Aids
    January 7 11:40 PM
  • treeqt. so it's mwp carrying us. nice surprise.
    December 19 08:31 PM
  • sportsboy that game...that was bad
    December 12 03:03 PM
  • djunior imy bb, where u go?
    December 11 10:31 PM
  • DarthMann its ****ing steve nash's fault
    December 10 04:45 AM
  • DarthMann lakers are gayyyy :[
    December 10 04:15 AM
  • DamnTheCyrus miss my penis i agree oh man
    December 8 04:27 AM
  • coneren hello
    December 7 07:03 AM
  • treeqt. pls i have to deny the truth at least until mid season. i ****ing wish gasol would play more like he did in the olympics finals though. might as well trade him right now.
    December 6 11:46 PM
  • treeqt. that is if either kobe or howard can't play the playoffs.
    December 6 09:38 PM
  • Aids
    December 5 09:41 AM
  • Sniff Saw you featured Shinig on one ov your lists. What's up with that?
    December 5 06:05 AM
  • Bloodhail busy mayne I'll have more time to waste in the interwebs once finals are over
    December 5 02:01 AM
  • Deviant.
    December 4 05:39 AM
  • Deviant. No big mystery indeed
    December 4 05:35 AM
  • Deviant. Do an image search for led gas mask
    December 4 05:18 AM
  • Aids if ins actually makes that worst users list can you please screen cap it before it gets d eleted?
    December 3 09:17 AM
  • Insurrection hehehe
    December 1 07:28 PM
  • Insurrection does your inner black man ever come out or is it just completely suppressed by your whiteness?
    December 1 03:39 AM
  • Mabbitt Semantics
    November 30 03:47 AM
  • andcas yolo.
    November 29 10:42 PM
  • Mabbitt I'm just a member on the site, and I never personally attacked you until you started trash talking me for absolutely no reason. So I'd appreciate it if you stopped being a dick, and stopped writing on my wall, cuz I've got better things to do.
    November 29 08:51 AM
  • Mabbitt Dude why don't you ****ing grow up and stop being an immature piece of s***. Just **** off.
    November 29 01:55 AM
  • Spec I know the feeling man. Sometimes the past gets overwhelming. My old group of friends hate me at the moment. I saw one of them at work today and she straight up ignored me. Like come on, are you twelve years old?
    November 28 08:14 AM
  • Spec That'd be chill.
    November 28 07:59 AM
  • Spec Sweet man. I'm having a beer, munchies and watching some weird ass show. Keep it real.
    November 28 07:43 AM
  • Spec What's good dude?
    November 28 07:40 AM
  • Havey lol get in line i'll be the first one to sniff her panties
    November 27 11:40 PM
  • Havey hurts to say man but i have no ****ing clue, all i've got is that pic. been trying to get a hold of her name but ended up empty handed every time
    November 27 11:02 PM
  • NastyCrab yeah, I joined after lurking around for a bit but never did much. I have a little more time on my hands now though.
    November 26 05:18 AM
  • NastyCrab So I see you post Contact as your favorite album opener and then see what you posted in your favorite bands and now I have a little sputnik bro-crush on you.
    November 26 01:37 AM
  • Insurrection i love how you think this s*** is funny i cant wait till the cops bust your house and lock your ass up so you can get dick in your ass from actual guys your own age.
    November 20 06:19 AM
  • Insurrection why are you too much of a pussy to talk to me directly and resort to talking s*** behind my back? grow a pair of ****ing balls
    November 20 06:08 AM
  • DarthMann s/b whenever and ill be ready
    November 20 06:08 AM
  • DarthMann bro dont even try u should add him again we can fight him on facebook itd be funny cos i have heaps of friends that would be like lol all the sput guys
    November 20 06:02 AM
  • DarthMann i think he likes me not sure
    November 20 05:56 AM
  • DarthMann i dont think thats legal
    November 20 05:45 AM
  • DarthMann 10% bm u naughty boy
    November 20 05:39 AM
  • andcas you should check out a couple of his other video meltdowns.
    November 18 09:42 AM
  • andcas he's probably on crack. dudes bombed and had a metldown on several documented occasions in the past 2 weeks.
    November 18 08:54 AM
  • andcas I know you're a fan of black people losing their s*** so you should make a list about this:
    November 18 08:26 AM
  • Atari Huh?
    November 17 05:12 AM
  • DarthMann hes always mad i think
    November 17 03:44 AM
  • DarthMann hi
    November 17 12:55 AM
  • Atari i'm not mad in the slightest
    November 17 12:43 AM
  • Atari ha you seriously have a ****ing problem with me? I mean damn i never even tried to piss you off you're too easy.
    November 16 11:27 PM
  • mryrtmrnfoxxxy is that how u truly feel
    November 15 05:08 AM
  • mryrtmrnfoxxxy that's tough man def eve 6 of those 3 but there's so much 5/5 this year
    November 15 04:36 AM
  • Pestiferous you acted like you didn't know me and it made me sad
    November 11 04:05 AM
  • Pestiferous if you don't know yet im systemunfolded/will collins yeah plz dont hate me
    November 11 04:00 AM
  • Atari and i realize insurrection is a big mouth, but how are you any better when you're essentially doing the same thing as him?
    November 10 08:15 PM
  • Insurrection youre fuking pathetic. stop talking to me you sad little bitch
    November 10 06:06 PM
  • Insurrection yea im sure they think its hilarious that youre a retarded pedo stalker **** who keeps talking to people who fuking hate you
    November 10 06:04 PM
  • Insurrection no s***, youre the only one who is laughing cause youre a dumb bitch. why are you still fuking talking to me
    November 10 05:59 PM
  • Insurrection im not laughing dumb fuk
    November 10 05:55 PM
  • Insurrection no its not bitch. i dont fuking like you, stop talking to me
    November 10 05:18 PM
  • Insurrection im too lazy for that s*** how about you just stop talking to me ok bitch?
    November 10 09:02 AM
  • Insurrection i wish i could block your stupid fuking ass
    November 10 08:37 AM
  • Insurrection why the fuk do you keep talking to me
    November 10 08:04 AM
  • ZilbelPing For sure, man. Me, you, and taxi still need to **** s*** up in GTA IV.
    November 9 09:33 PM
  • ZilbelPing Nah dude, Halo 4. Gonna wait when I have money, though. I still need to renew my account. Been playing mortal kombat and fallout 3
    November 9 09:27 PM
  • ZilbelPing Holy s*** lol nice job man. Needs to be flag plz for sure
    November 9 09:23 PM
  • DarthMann
    November 9 09:00 PM
  • DarthMann done hang on lemme upload it
    November 9 08:58 PM
  • Insurrection youre so ****ing gay
    November 9 08:57 PM
  • DarthMann jesus christ that should be moaropethd right away
    November 9 08:53 PM
  • Insurrection ok
    November 9 08:53 PM
  • Insurrection i dont give a **** what race you are youre a stupid **** either way
    November 9 08:49 PM
  • Insurrection i really cant tell if youre serious or just acting like the dumb ****ing waste of skin that you usually are
    November 9 08:41 PM
  • Insurrection you really want to start this s*** right now? like for real?
    November 9 08:35 PM
  • Insurrection **** off
    November 9 08:31 PM
  • Insurrection yet they fixed it for me anyway dips***. how about next time you mind your own ****ing business before you make a **** out of yourself like you always do, stupid ****
    November 9 08:29 PM
  • Insurrection the meds thread..
    November 9 08:25 PM
  • Insurrection wtf is that supposed to mean dumbass youre the one who started s*** with me retard
    November 9 08:22 PM
  • Insurrection you talking to me is my problem
    November 9 08:18 PM
  • Insurrection i dont like you
    November 9 08:15 PM
  • Keyblade Haha. Even if you somehow manage to get past them, the (not so these days) Mighty Villa will be waiting for you.
    November 9 05:29 PM
  • Keyblade I'm not sure if I want it to happen though. My brother's a Spurs fan so lol
    November 9 03:06 PM
  • Insurrection the fact that youre a stalker **** who wont leave me the **** alone..go back to sexually harassing little girls you pedophile ****
    November 9 06:39 AM
  • Insurrection dips***
    November 9 05:12 AM
  • Keyblade Werd up man. Speaking of the Gunners, I dreamt last night that you guys owned Spurs (I guess a week to early lol)
    November 8 04:53 PM
  • Keyblade **** yeah bro
    November 8 10:51 AM
    November 6 08:52 AM
  • andcas I'll probably be in wilmington visiting this girl I've been talking to.
    October 31 08:00 PM
  • MGMTBoys
    October 30 05:25 AM
  • Wolfhorde Well, being German, talking to all the Sputnik crazies and having 'Wolf' as surname is kind of a dead giveaway.
    October 21 04:10 PM
  • Wolfhorde Why do you think my name is Wolf and everyone calls me Wolf? (In case that isn't obvious: Yeah, I am)
    October 21 03:10 PM
  • Wolfhorde Then you're probably familiar with the Deep Medi stuff and stuff like Phaeleh? s***'s ****ing chill.
    October 21 10:36 AM
  • Wolfhorde Yo, didn't think you were into Distance my nyakkuh.
    October 20 08:06 PM
  • Insurrection wtf acting like u dont know me who the **** do u think u are nigga
    October 19 06:48 AM
    October 16 03:55 AM
  • kris. you heard me
    October 9 08:37 PM
  • kris. thanks, josh
    October 9 01:10 AM
  • barcafan21 weak foot too. and giroud got on the scoresheet!
    October 7 11:38 AM
    October 6 07:33 PM
  • KILL damn dude havent heard it cos i know it will suck to me cos i only like slayer and megadeth and exhorder already has 2 reviews damn i dont know how about i owe you one for later cos i gota go out tomorrow anyway
    October 5 02:11 AM
  • KILL well what indie album have i even heard it and if its gay i'll 1 it and call it gay but the review will just getd so
    October 5 02:00 AM
  • KILL well is it a thrash album cos i struggle to review non thrash albumz
    October 5 01:57 AM
  • KILL well that depends!!!!!!!
    October 4 11:07 PM
  • Aids spaces count as characters. you can just type "s***" and then hold the space bar down for a while and it'd work.
    October 3 02:55 AM
  • Trebor. Just hold the spacebar for a few seconds
    October 3 12:12 AM
  • Tyrael Hahahaha you're silly ^^
    October 1 12:57 AM
  • Tyrael Your avatar is quite mesmerizing, I approve
    September 30 10:13 PM
  • andcas haha you're a ****ing dork.
    September 28 11:51 PM
  • andcas lol what?
    September 28 04:57 PM
  • mryrtmrnfoxxxy DUDE DO IT. ill probably be living in md by then but still LETS GO HURRY UP
    September 27 06:07 AM
  • mryrtmrnfoxxxy are we drifting bb
    September 27 04:40 AM
  • barcafan21 before the game, if you had offered me a 1-1 draw i would've taken it, so i guess i'm happy
    September 24 02:05 AM
  • barcafan21 koscielny!
    September 23 11:23 PM
  • barcafan21 wow, i never thought about that. hopefully you're right. i saw something about how henry and bergkamp started out slow and then scored against southampton, so i was hopeful for giroud, but no cigar.
    September 17 08:37 PM
  • barcafan21 and in the midst of the thrashing, i asked myself "where is giroud?"
    September 16 01:49 PM
  • Maniac!
    September 11 03:04 AM
    September 7 03:23 AM
  • Spec When I get it fo sho.
    September 5 01:41 AM
  • Spec I found an Obama mask now you're not the only one.
    September 5 12:39 AM
  • Spec You gotta turn the mind games around on them.
    September 4 02:38 PM
  • Bloodhail i sent you a request add me dammit
    September 4 07:30 AM
  • Spec I know eh. It's pretty ridiculous.
    September 4 06:44 AM

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