Reviews 13 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 12 Album Ratings 2661 Objectivity 67%
Last Active 03-25-14 6:23 am Joined 01-15-11
Review Comments 1,245
| Observer This is Vedder right, Mike? It's been a while. Hope you're well. That sounds awesome. Yeah every now and then im able to concentrate and throw something on paper, but not often, so I'm not a good choice for a contributor, honestly. What kind of music and stuff will your blog cover?
| Romulus appreciate it! i had never tried for it before but i figured i would randomly give it a go. haven't seen you in ages. what have you been up to?
| Satellite yo thanks dude. that coundn't have been a fun series for you.
| SeaAnemone soundtrack to my summa more or less sooooo good
| Romulus i knew you'd like it! i was gonna plead with you to listen to it in the near future so i'm happy you took initiative. i can't really see myself liking an album more this year.. although how's the new tallest man?
| Romulus i may or may not have gotten a hint from your new ratings but please tell me it's celebration rock
| AliW1993 Hey Mike, given your exceptional taste in indie rock I'm pretty sure that you'll enjoy this to some extent. Trying to get some sort of feeble hype-train going haha.
| Aids yeah fair enough, to be honest that one took ages to grow on me (was a little bit let down by it at first) but it eventually grew into my favourite Mountain Goats album for sure.
| Aids woah dude that 3.5 for The Coroner's Gambit is NOT ok. I thought we were bros.
| Nagrarok My contributions to sputnik have been declining as it is, I would be interested but to be honest I can't see myself finding the time.
| Aids yeah, I don't contribute here often at all though. My internet situation is a little bit all over the place right now. I'm in, but if there's a quota or deadlines or something then it's probably a bad idea for me until I finish travelling. Definitely interested though, let me know.
| AliW1993 Hi Mike, I'd like to, but I already write for another one, so it really depends on how much you want from me.
| Romulus hm i might give it a try. i'll have to get some kind of production going here first (which given my past history is probably unlikely) but if i do i'd love to give it a shot
| Blindsided I'll give it some thought. I was going to join that MuzikDiscovery site as a editor, but realized about a day in that the kid running it was a giant sack of douche.
| Blindsided I've given it thought. I've been out of the swing of new music and reviewing for the past ****ing god knows how long. What's the site?
| Romulus quite possibly, actually. i've been meaning to get back into the reviewing swing for a while. what site?
| BigHans
| BigHans lol Ive had such bad luck in that league. I think Ive scored like 300 more points than the Academy and he has like 4 more wins.
| Romulus oh wait s*** have you heard the new owen? that you would definitely dig
| Romulus give this a go and see how you dig it, it's the hookiest thing i've heard in ages. if it doesn't do it for you then no need to bother with the album:
| Gyromania Thanks man, however, I already sent a message on my own time and Lara responded to me telling me they'd love to have me on staff =D
| Gyromania Hey Mike, just wanted to inquire about that site you write for. Are they still looking for writers? Because if so, I'd love to contribute. I'm looking to branch out and write for more sites.
| Blindsided Damn, I'm not particularily impressed with the round of contribs except for Robertson and AngelofDeath.
| Blindsided Did you apply this time for contrib? If so its more ****ing bulls*** you didn't get it.
| CrisStyles Glad to see you reviewing somewhat regularly again man.
| Satellite i think a part of girardi really wants tb to get in over the bosox. hard to explain giving up a 7-run lead in the late innings any other way.
| Satellite yes sir. gonna be an interesting matchup. both teams are very evenly matched in just about every way. tigers in 5.
| Blindsided Hey thanks, pizza, myself and WhiteWalls always double post them, that MuzikDiscovery blog does the same thing too.
| Blindsided So what happened that the site is done? I can't blame you, with the minimal help I have I usually want to quit everyday there.
| Gyromania Your last 3 reviews are superb. Keep it up man!
| Blindsided I see it's still up so you guys just can't post reviews anymore? In that case would you be interested in reviewing for the site or at least posting them at the site that I'm the editor for?
| Blindsided Feature! Are you not reviewing for RRR anymore?
| BigHans will do man, congrats on the feature
| Aids Over. I predict 9 or 10.
| wabbit new tom waits so, it rules, check it out.
| SeaAnemone glad you like it! the more I listen the more I fall in love, too
| Satellite sure thing dude. hopefully we'll be able to find 10 more.
| SeaAnemone and while I'm on the same subject with Progmaster... you should definitely check out Owen - At Home With Owen if you haven't. It's Mike Kinsella (American Football / millions of other bands)... and it's honestly the only album that I've latched onto and considered 5ing in a long long time. The lyrics are absolutely amazing. It's downtempo singer-songwriter... check out "A Bird In Hand" and "Bad News" on youtube!
| SeaAnemone it seems a little disjointed and over-the-top at points, but yeah, I really enjoy it as well! If you haven't yet, give it a 2nd watch sometime, I picked up on more of the symbolism and stuff that's hidden in there
| theacademy ****ing hypen makes it impossible to find your profile page. lemme know if u didnt get the sputnik yahoo league invite you have dibs over mad others since u da mallen
| Blindsided You should check out my last review too, it's a free emo ep that's more on the indie side of emo, you'll probably enjoy it too.
| Nagrarok That makes sense then, no idea you were writing elsewhere. Read a couple, and damn, you've become a great reviewer.
| Blackbelt54 Yeah I agree I mean there have been awesome releases this year from Spraynard and DKM and Red City Radio but there hasn't been too much punk overall. At least there's BtMI to look forward to. But yeah its hard to beat last year with the Monitor and the State Lottery and what not
| Romulus damn as you may have noticed i tend to shy away from combining sputnik and facebook but maybe i'll give it a shot. thanks for the heads up
| Romulus oh damn that sounds cool. what's up with the facebook login though?
| Romulus nah i've seen it around here but i never actually knew what it was. how exactly does it work?
| Satellite oh s***, i read about that. the owner sent them a super dickheaded reply when they inquired about possibly playing an all ages show. sucks, man... my show is with the riot before and the sidekicks omg.
| Satellite whew, btmi added a lansing date in august
| Satellite awesome new tsl song...
| Blindsided I request you listen to The Lonely Forest - Arrows. Might make my top 10 for 2011.
| Blindsided I applied with CMG, while I seriously doubt I'll even get a response it's always worth a shot.
| SeaAnemone I'm pretty sure I got that Liam The Younger album from something you mentioned or listed, and I wanted to thank you... it's so ridiculously great, I've listened to it so much lately.
| Blindsided In your opinion do you think my writing is good enough to make staff at RRR or cokemachineglow?
| Blindsided Writing the EVed review, hopefully be up by tonight.
| Blindsided I really should do it for here, I'll listen to it a couple more times and see what I get. Right now I'm seeing Backspacer with a Ukelele. That said I've rated Backspacer a 4.5 however the songs are shorter and not up to the quality of that release, and some are covers.
| Blindsided The new Wonder Years isn't half bad too. WU LYF is just so weird but at the same time I want to listen to it over and over again. Will you be reviewing that for RRR? Also I haven't seen the Eved review yet...
| Blindsided Last half of that WULYF is pure ****ing gold.
| Blindsided Got it thanks man, I appreciate your english teacher skill set. I'll post it here in a minute.
| Blindsided Yeah that's fine because it's an important one for me. I had redsky look at it and he said it sounded fine but I like what you did when you helped me with me Simple Math review. I'll send it now and whenever you get a chance today just look at it. Thanks man.
| Blindsided Hey I just wrote a 5/5 review for my 50th, do you wanna read/help me spice it up? Do you have time?
| Blindsided Do so it's amazing. Also I'm previewing this Wu Lyf and wtf-I'm so intrigued-and scared.
| Blindsided Ouch. Yeah he's coming to a small place here so I'm def going. Also have you ever listened to The Joy Formidable? Them, MO and FT are the top 3 of the year so far for me, I'm such a hipster.
| Blindsided I misread, my mistake. I always liked Frank Turner but then when I heard the new album he blew me away. Seeing him for sure on his US tour.
| Blindsided Are you mad? By what? Unless The Gaslight Anthem release a surprise album or The Beatles come back to life I don't think much else of quality is being released this year.
| Blindsided I don't know: Simple Math or England Keep My Bones for aoty. I'm guessing you are saying Simple Math.
| Trebor. I tried it, but no one is seading.
| Satellite right on, that makes sense. any chance you'll apply for contrib/staff status on sputnik next time there are openings?
| Satellite damn man, had no idea. that's a reputable blog, too. congrats!
| SeaAnemone I've always thought of it as more direct-- a more, 'yeah I'm sad that I can't have her, but what's done is done, and I'm in a better place now, I've never felt more alive' sorta sentiment. but I like that interpretation too, because there's some hints of yearning as well. i'll keep that in mind next time i listen to it.
| SeaAnemone I always thought 3eb's lyrics were fairly straightforward... MCDB being about coping after a relationship falling apart? I could be selling them short though... what's your take?
| Blindsided I knew it a couple days ago. I'm going to pick it up tonight. I might review it here if no one else does first.
| Blindsided Are you doing anything for Ukelele Songs for RRR?
| Jethro42 Oh really? Being happy with what you do is what really matters. I just put that site in my favorites. Have fun, dude.
| Jethro42 Hey dude, I feel like you might like 'Therapy?' and/or 'Siouxsie and the Banshees'. Nice to see you around. Hope you'll pen some review soon.
| BigHans awesome, loved their last album
| Romulus hey that's not too bad so far. it did take a few listens to click with me (especially the second half) if that means anything. i love the closing trio
| Romulus honestly i'll settle for you liking this one, but that would be pretty awesome as well
| Romulus "So is this something I should hear, even if I didn't love Hospice?" YES but i'm not biased or anything
| Romulus yess so happy to hear you enjoy. carry me ohio is like my most played song of the last few months or so
| SeaAnemone little EP from this year for you to check out if you get the chance-- Pachangacha - Berserkabunga. lots of fun... sounds a lot like if Weezer made an album between Pinkerton and The Blue Album with a little more punkiness to it.
| Romulus awesome-- try ghosts of the great highway first, i feel like it'd be right up your alley.
| Romulus mike have you ever given sun kil moon a listen?
| Satellite awesome. thanks, dude. btw the rangers are totally winning the atlantic next year.
| Blindsided Are you still around these parts? How's RRR?
| mothercountry yes, great simple math review. if i could only find a link..... did you get an advance copy?
| SeaAnemone ps awesome simple math review... I wasn't a huge fan of their latest but I'm excited for simple math now
| SeaAnemone I agree with so much of that review especially things like "ordinary songwriter and talented, but detached vocalist"... it's just that the highs of the album are less high for me than they are presented as in that review (as I assume is the case for you now too)
| SeaAnemone agreed completely. I thought about writing a bloated negative review for it but I think it's been done haha.
| SeaAnemone haha I'm very glad SOMEbody agrees with me
| Satellite man, that pissed me off. such a fluke goal to win it.
| Satellite red city radio - the dangers of standing spill.... best punk album of '11 thus far.
| klap was just going by amazon which said november 2010, i dk
| HBFS Please tell me your source :)
| klap if I had known about this last year it probably wouldve made my top 25
| klap dude. ****ing 1900s. loving it
| BigTuna To answer a shoutbox from like a month ago: I love all of All Eternals Deck, but my favorites would have to be Age of Kings, Never Quite Free, Prowl Great Cain, and...every other song
| iFghtffyrdmns your avatar is awesome. just watched that movie on the golf channel earlier today...such a classic.
| klap whats it sound like, finding it hard to find anything on them
| Romulus just gave it a couple listens. i dig it, 3.5 for now but it feels like it could grow with time, particularly the vocals
| wabbit ya hans got me a torrent to their discography.
| klap yo check out the kills - blood pressures
| Romulus broken water? all over it. thanks for the link, i'll let you know how it goes as soon as i listen
| Satellite been meaning to check that out. thanks dude.
| Satellite pretty sure, yeah. they were recording last fall i believe. also a dvd of some sort is coming out soon.
| Athom i like it more than his last few albums
| acorncheesee thanks a lot, man. i appreciate the help. i'll share a little of the money i earn for my perfect bracket.
| acorncheesee ahhhh, ok. tiebreakers are incomplete. can you tell me how that works? i'm not sure what type of characters to enter into the form.
| acorncheesee it still says incomplete. i'm not sure why. does yours say complete?
| acorncheesee i'm kevinc. named my bracket something stupid like oooooooh.
| acorncheesee hey, man. could you help me out with my bracket for the sputnik tourny? i'm not sure if i've completed it. i think i did, but is there any way you can check?
| Jethro42 Hey dude! This might be right up your alley;
| BigTuna Also, in the spirit of definitive things, what do you think of Simple Math (the song)?
| Blindsided They're out on tour right now, check them out you won't regret it.
| Blindsided Just so you know The Dirty Glass is insane live.
| SeaAnemone from what I know her albums aren't even that good... I just love her one cover so so much (forget the original guy), "These Days"... and I was looking for somebody to go, "yeah I love that song too!" haha. Elliott Smith and Tallest Man on Earth both have wonderful covers of it, too.
| SeaAnemone ah ok, yeah I just trying to think of somebody who might listen to Nico and I remembered you love VU so much
| klap ****ing Amazon users are crueler than sputniks
| Deviant. Hey man, have a favor to ask you regarding the upcoming user 2010 feature. Would it be possible to grab your email so I can discuss this with you?
| AliW1993 I don't think it's leaked yet, I do reviews for a local paper so I got a promo version of it. It's definitely an improvement on The Meanest Of Times, I need to listen to it a bit more to compare it with their best though.
| Satellite haha his description of the project has me thinking it's either gonna be really great or really bad
| couldwinarabbit check out the tga cover on my wall. It is the most surprisingly awesome thing ever.
| AliW1993 I can't see it being their best, but I'm hoping that it'll be better than The Meanest Of Times, at least. Judging by the two songs so far I think this could be their most accessible yet, which isn't neccessarily a bad thing.
| BigTuna good. let me know if you forget and i'll make another list to remind you.
| BigTuna you know what the definitive indie is right?
| AliW1993 what do you think of the two new dropkick murphys songs?
| Jethro42 Mike, do yourself a favor, and get this asap;
| chambered89 Early AOTY candidate? I think so Early AOTY candidate? I think so Early AOTY candidate? I think so Early AOTY candidate? I think so
| Hep Kat wait i lied. this is it
| Hep Kat im doing a lot of linking today so here's that thing in case you couldnt find it. if you liked stuff off of last year's album (which imo is their worst release), you'll really dig this.
| CrisStyles Yeah I saw it, and commented on it, thanks again. I've only listened to a few songs off of a couple of those albums, never from start to finish so I'll have to go back to some of them (like Frank Turner and American Football), the rest will be completely new to me.
| CrisStyles Yeah I noticed that as well, we're very similar. I can always use more of a lot of stuff (indie, folk, punk, etc.), I've just been trying to expand my taste through this site for the past year, but there's so much out there that I never know where to start.
| CrisStyles Thanks for the recs you gave me on my last list man, I haven't listened to them all yet, but the stuff I've listened to so far (mostly Eric's Trip, The Wrens, and Sundowner) are really good.
| 37er00 ****....not doing that myself ****init
| 37er00 hey, coneren here, did they swap your ratings, or did you do it yourself, thanks
| CelestialDust this is random but good thing you gave that shout out to old canes on your list and good thing observer left a convenient stream of the album under his review, because I'm in deep love with that album right now lol
| Satellite "R.I.Y.L: Dillinger Four, Nothington, O' Pioneers!!!" ON IT! I'll listen to it tonight. Thanks dude.
| Blindsided It's just funny how they have to make lists like Sputnik is real life. This stuff here is srious bizniss. I need to write another review I haven't done so in so long.
| Blindsided I like how some of the established users are actually leaving, good lord is the site coming down?
| Kiran account change whaat
| Observer Excellent, and good idea. You even get an avatar now too!