
Reviews 29
Approval 83%

Soundoffs 62
News Articles 4
Band Edits + Tags 655
Album Edits 53

Album Ratings 2088
Objectivity 91%

Last Active 02-05-20 3:21 am
Joined 12-25-10

Review Comments 12,251

shoutbox » all posts 
  • NeroCorleone Listen to Excruciating Terror
    April 16 09:23 PM
  • dimsim3478 it's a remnant from back when i had a ratings wipe and wanted to maintain 0 ratings. havent tracked down 100% of those red font things cuz like theres no way to do that but thanks for the heads up on the CTTS one. also i sometimes do it on soundoffs if i dont wanna rate at .5 increments.
    February 4 12:13 AM
  • Flugmorph Your arguments on how they are a bad band are ridiculous. Some people on here including you shouldn't even have opinions especially when you guys act like assholes about it. Ironically BSC are doing excellent on tour and are gaining mad respect and recognition from famous vocalists like Corey Taylor. Get reckt bitch.
    August 22 11:40 AM
  • Joeman82 (I'm also a defensive pussy but shuuush)
    August 9 10:42 PM
  • Joeman82 See I'm on mobile and I can't see people's charts. Sorry ma dude!
    August 9 06:06 PM
  • Sowing provisioning new tags is unfortunately an mx thing. we can only add/remove existing ones.
    July 25 05:16 PM
  • Conmaniac I defeated him by ripping off his short review style when I was promoted. so basically I became him so it's a wash
    July 17 06:21 PM
  • Conmaniac dude im gonna be crowned Emo King real soon hope you can attend the ceremony !!!
    July 17 05:40 PM
  • Conmaniac danstrawberito how's it hanging
    July 17 05:32 PM
  • BlackMalachite Since you're worried about it, do you want to hear a small teaser? If you listen to it a lot you can give me pointers.
    July 14 04:32 AM
  • GhandhiLion Hey random thought. Your prof pic reminded me of this http://www.sputnikmusic.com/soundoff.php?albumid=106248
    July 11 08:12 PM
  • GhandhiLion You should listen to more dnb if you think Amon Tobin fits in that genre box. I get your point. Blood Inside is eclectic. But the way they mix jazz, ambient and trip hop was inspired by Tobin. Rip off was a poor choice of words. Hyperbolic.
    May 2 10:43 AM
  • GhandhiLion Blood Inside is quite innovative imo.
    May 1 06:52 PM
  • GhandhiLion I never argued they were a rip off or anything. Only certain elements are similar and Ulver are big fans of him.
    May 1 06:51 PM
  • GhandhiLion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCohWlulQW8
    May 1 05:10 PM
  • Snake. that show wasn't even around when you were 8 i don't think?
    April 26 08:41 PM
  • Snake. can't tell if that's sarcasm or
    April 26 08:21 PM
  • kascetcadettt here's a thread where you can discuss how fantastic it is to be a part of this moment: http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=174557 \\\ don't be scared to share the news with other guys in case i missed someone out and keep shining in the light of this beautiful rock n roll fireplate, god bless, hasanmedia represent
    April 19 11:31 AM
  • kascetcadettt sieg hi it's-a me smooth brotha from the umpteenth block taggin' em trainz comin' from your favorite station, word on the street is (artuma is gay) my new album came out recently and if that's the last thing i ever do let it be, leavin' the link in your hands my man: http://poleyounger.bandcamp.com/album/go-daylight \\\ feel FREE to 1 it if u didn't like my agressive self promotion campaign, feel FREE to thank me if this album saved your life
    April 19 11:31 AM
  • unclereich Hahah dude youre one of the best users on here had to show you some love
    March 20 06:31 PM
  • Kman418 leave this site
    March 5 09:13 AM
  • Aberf how lovely
    February 22 06:43 PM
  • Aberf lol ok. I play for fun too sometimes. Climbing up rank is stressful at times.
    February 22 06:18 PM
  • Aberf U play dota 2? 5.4k on US server here.
    February 22 05:52 PM
  • Snake. oh you don't say
    February 15 02:49 PM
  • Potleaf420 Thanks : D
    February 10 09:42 PM
  • Koris I was initially Necrotica, but I made a new username and profile to distance myself from my old mistakes when I was staff/contrib. So far, it's worked well. I feel like my reviews got better along the way as well :]
    February 10 03:42 AM
  • modpack intestinal disgorge aren't grindcore lmao. use your ears
    February 2 08:12 PM
  • elliootsmeuth Oh s***, thanks fam
    January 9 08:04 AM
  • LambsBread Nah ogre I play support cuz I suck
    January 1 09:24 PM
  • Spacesh1p Stay strong though man. I always appreciate seeing you around.
    December 31 05:33 AM
  • Spacesh1p Yeah. I hear you. I can only relate insofar as my friend made many attempts, 9 total if I remember, but he's turned out well in the last year. I hope that's the case for your brother.
    December 31 05:32 AM
  • Spacesh1p Read your post in the Off Minor thread, hope all is well with you and your brother, dude.
    December 31 03:59 AM
  • Relinquished prefuse 73
    December 1 06:52 PM
  • AtomicWaste Probably a keyword restriction. Not sure, though.
    November 28 09:52 PM
  • AtomicWaste Post on a frogstomp'd thread for an instant ban. Frogstomp threads are just those that appear when we a review. We don't really want blank s*** bumped. The rule is ancient and to be revered. However, if you'd like to comment on Silverchair's 1995 classic, then by all means.
    November 21 09:09 PM
  • demigod! jam worry more u wart
    October 28 07:22 PM
  • torts difficult? lmao its ****ing garbage. im beefing with the entire socially inept fanbase that considers it music
    September 23 12:16 AM
  • ffs looks like you've already rated world downfall so i can't help you bud
    August 17 11:14 AM
  • SandwichBubble :)
    August 12 09:20 PM
  • Sinternet Happy 9,999 comments to you
    July 26 05:26 AM
  • spookynewghostfriend =P
    June 28 06:19 AM
  • EnyaFangirl watermark and shepherd moons for sure :]
    June 20 03:09 AM
  • TychoBrahe Sorry, don't know what happened there. https://schematicmusiccompany.bandcamp.com/album/brownout
    May 8 06:03 PM
  • TychoBrahe Bro... dis sum Autechre ambassador for AFX fan stuff bro, listen dis: https://schematicmusiccompany.bandcamp.com/album/brownout2001 too. My bad if you already heard but goddamn. New to me.
    April 29 08:17 PM
  • Hyperion1001 I honestly haven't listened enough to have an opinion. I heard one album by him that was all live drumming I think and I didn't really dig it and just never went back. There's a lot of the warp guys I haven't checked out honesty.
    March 26 02:50 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts k sent
    January 21 01:42 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts What's your email
    January 20 09:56 PM
  • Archael sup bud, long time no spoon ;)
    October 30 05:20 PM
  • Relinquished search "lesser" listen to welcome to the blah blah
    September 6 02:38 AM
  • theBoneyKing I figured it was a joke. I mean I find the idea of rating to individual tenths difficult enough, let alone thousandths.
    August 19 06:20 PM
  • Deviant. Best bet would be to simply stay clear of the thread for awhile, even if you genuinely wish to post something on topic (for a change). If you feel that you've actually personally offended/insulted him in some way, maybe try and apologise by way of his shoutbox
    July 31 09:34 AM
  • Relinquished nah
    July 30 07:38 PM
  • Mort. that is fair enough bruh
    July 30 06:21 PM
  • Mort. oh ok i just saw your mods forum post you really dont like that word
    July 30 06:15 PM
  • Mort. You seem to not like the word "retarded", ive seen you express your displeasure towards it in at least 2 threads now. Any particular reason why or is it too personal? just curious bro
    July 30 05:37 PM
  • Tyler. Rad:)
    July 24 10:46 PM
  • Tyler. Yo let's follow eachother on tumblr
    July 24 07:35 PM
  • Lakes. i didn't "choose to be gay" nor am i a racist, at least get it right if you're going to insult me bro
    July 23 10:19 PM
  • Lakes. harsh
    July 22 07:07 PM
  • Frippertronics swee, though this compilation is nowhere near the quality of the band's best just gonna let you know
    July 20 06:31 PM
  • Frippertronics yoooo dorito my review got featured and it's about to be put off the page you must be slacking chev
    July 20 09:56 AM
  • YakNips happy birthday bro. i tried my best to do leaves turn inside danielito........ http://i.imgur.com/mSdfk38.jpg
    July 19 09:46 AM
  • Let I really dug the first track, good enough to warrant a full listen. I'll get on that soon enough
    July 10 04:29 AM
  • Rev that's a good question. reading up on sound design, synthesis, and how engineering works, online tutorials exist for everything so they're usually a pretty safe bet for whatever specific thing you're figuring out, and just have fun and experiment really
    July 9 05:46 PM
  • deathschool Do these guys worship out dark lord lucifer? Cuz I went to a Christian hardcore show last night and I need something to cleanse my soul
    July 8 06:29 PM
  • deathschool And now we both have 335 :0
    July 2 09:25 PM
  • deathschool I was just messing but yeah it's an awesome album
    July 1 03:09 AM
  • deathschool Do you even check my ratings religiously? I thought we were friends. :(((( I listen to that album all the time, dude. One of my go to punk albums for the truck of the last few months.
    July 1 01:09 AM
  • BMDrummer bump your sdf rating pls
    July 1 01:09 AM
  • deathschool Music loves you, danielito. It wants to see you happy again.
    July 1 12:03 AM
  • BMDrummer your system for checking all featured albums is making you hate music
    June 30 07:40 PM
  • Jots left some input
    June 25 12:34 AM
  • Jots and honestly only briefly skimmed it so far so you're probably way ahead of me lol, all yours. i never review stuff other ppl have covered, and you're more of a fan, so
    June 25 12:09 AM
  • Jots sure thing, hmu whenever
    June 24 03:21 AM
  • Jots u reviewing new SDF?
    June 23 11:09 PM
  • Jots cheers. I'm also spinning Karsten Pflum - Dode and you also might kinda like. IMO it's kinda bloated but there's an industrial techno/IDM vibe you might dig
    June 19 02:12 PM
  • helpoemer420 cheers man
    June 19 08:09 AM
  • LivingThrowaway Here we go:Regis - penetrationRSS BOYS - N00WPete Swanson - man with potential Kerridge - A fallen empireTommy Four Seven - PrimateConverter - shock front (power noise)Winterkaelte - structures of destruction (power noise)Blacknecks - 006That's a start, I guess....
    June 19 06:32 AM
  • Jots you might dig the new Container LP a lil bit
    June 18 10:48 PM
  • LivingThrowaway I'll give you recs when I get back from school...
    June 18 10:12 PM
  • LivingThrowaway I don't listen to much techno, but I enjoy a fair bit of power noise and industrial techno, so I could probably be easily converted.
    June 18 09:20 PM
  • Eggvander thanks man, i will come back to giving it a try later. I'm really not familiar at all with electronic music and tbh it has never really interested me since it never touched me emotionally and was just something i would play in the background during car rides and for social reasons haha but I will try to explore.
    June 16 02:13 PM
  • Slut Nicer dicer
    June 15 09:33 PM
  • howmanycanyoufit http://www.sputnikmusic.com/soundoff.php?albumid=182501
    June 15 08:02 PM
  • Frippertronics smh
    June 15 07:01 PM
  • Frippertronics it isn't hard to just it, you make it sound like it's a chore
    June 15 06:32 PM
  • Frippertronics that's why you just download it youtube is like last resort tbh
    June 15 05:57 PM
  • Artuma yeah and dude's like 45 or something
    June 15 03:05 PM
  • Cygnatti okay then, why is off minor NOT math rock primary on rym. it's seriously bothering me. x_x
    June 15 02:30 PM
  • howmanycanyoufit "why does static talk to himself on every soundoff page" rofl
    June 13 11:36 PM
  • Cygnatti i mean it doesn't really have any time signature changes that i can think of (not that i'm any good at noticing those), but i think that it's just as rhythmically complex as most other math rock i've heard. just because it's guitar pop-based new wave doesn't mean it's not math rock or like math rock. x.x
    June 12 03:55 PM
  • Cygnatti idk exactly know what math rock consists of but, i have a feeling this song and album should qualify: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zegdW-i7P4
    June 12 03:55 PM
  • Kman418 its one of the best albums ever yr ex was right you should love it. either way listen to feels and strawberry jam too bc tbh anco are top 3 things that ever happened to music
    June 12 02:14 AM
  • Frippertronics that's bulls*** bruh
    June 12 01:25 AM
  • Frippertronics no prob man, tbh if i did put conny up against ape escape, it'd be very close since both are very loved on the site. as for whoever said maudlin doesn't stand much of chance must miss the various motW threads and the fact Toby fookin Driver is in the band. this site has a massive hard on for some T. Driver
    June 11 09:37 PM
  • Frippertronics the 14th
    June 11 09:27 PM
  • Frippertronics suck my cock: war on doritos
    June 11 09:26 PM
  • Feather Your music taste is also wrong. DGD is nice.
    June 11 08:16 PM
  • Frippertronics bearder hipster-core, but it was still pretty boring
    June 11 02:38 PM
  • Frippertronics congrats dude both thrice and the national were ****ing boring
    June 11 04:53 AM
  • Kman418 animal collective 2.0 we cant be friends anymore sorry
    June 11 02:46 AM
  • Cygnatti basically you know how the default set up is: fight, current class ability, custom learned ability, item. in this game, you set it up however way you want, like so: dual-weild, mug, x-attack, bladeblitz. or something like summon, white, dualcast, sing. hell you could have: fight, fight, fight, fight if you really wanted.
    June 9 04:09 PM
  • Cygnatti would you be interested in playing a hacked remake of FF5? the main appeal is the re-balancing of classes, also that you can choose your entire moveset.
    June 9 04:03 PM
  • Frippertronics actually didn't expect it to be that way, but I did this by vote/popularity. maybe I should've had Bath up against Boxer, Kid A v. Illinois is really messing with them though. Sowing is pretty butthurt from the looks of it.
    June 8 10:38 PM
  • Frippertronics ate some spicy sweet chili doritos the other day, thought of you tbh also mark one is out http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=159113
    June 8 08:22 AM
  • Frippertronics yo yo i got a tourney you want in? http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=159082
    June 7 10:22 AM
  • BMDrummer that pink guy album is a 5
    June 6 06:40 PM
  • deathschool I'mma look into it
    June 6 12:14 AM
  • Cygnatti Oh and 4 is definitely my 2nd favorite.
    June 5 02:41 PM
  • Cygnatti Completely honestly, it has to be I. I love every one of the first 6, the others just don't really seem to appeal to me (however I was told 9, and maybe 10 were pretty darn good as well). I prefer 8 to 7 but I haven't finished either game so idk.
    June 5 02:40 PM
  • Mall i've kinda done that now but i don't think i've ever heard a 5 tbh
    June 3 09:32 PM
  • Jots a combination of release date and staff privileges. they'll wanna keep reviews that they think get a ton of views, and if it's still a brand new release then they'll probably keep it up for a bit while others cycle through. for example, they did it with that Run the Jewels 2 review for obvious reasons. beyond that, it's up to the mods, and could be for whatever other reason.
    June 3 05:41 PM
  • Mall because that would take ****ing ages now wouldn't it?
    June 2 09:58 PM
  • Kman418 i have not but i will check it out if u say so
    June 2 08:04 PM
  • Hyperion1001 i can get u that sweet trip album if u need it
    May 29 09:35 PM
  • Mort. Dude just saw the rym grind list of yours, cool stuff. What grind would you rec for someone just getting into it? Ive really only heard napalm death, pig destroyer and the sawtooth grin
    May 28 10:21 AM
  • Pon Have you checked Ulcerate yet I mean ~
    May 28 06:25 AM
  • Aftertheascension ic.com/profile.php?memb2/ic
    May 27 03:11 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrI3tt_kZT8
    May 26 03:13 PM
  • Aftertheascension Nah nigga. **** dates and **** you.
    May 26 10:47 AM
  • deathschool I dunno, man. Sounds.... risky.
    May 25 12:27 AM
  • Aftertheascension yeah sure. everyone here is equal. there is no ****ing discrepancy.
    May 24 10:03 PM
  • Aftertheascension http://www.sputnikmusic.com/user/edanolem what the **** else the shoutbox
    May 23 07:36 PM
  • Aftertheascension ****ing chill on eda's sb. You're not better than he is.
    May 22 08:55 PM
  • Cygnatti dat 21 pilots s*** is really really s*** :x
    May 22 02:38 AM
  • thestop5 (Responding to your comment on my page)Sarcasm?
    May 21 08:39 PM
  • Cygnatti jam pls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8MLqBcwJJY
    May 19 06:35 PM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal those are big words and i think big words are funny, thanks for the smile =]
    May 19 05:19 PM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal im here to discuss POLITICS
    May 19 05:11 PM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal that is not the topic at hand
    May 19 05:10 PM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZtlFoPZVPk
    May 19 05:03 PM
  • Cygnatti sweet trip - velocity : design : comfort = the best album in the universe tbh
    May 19 02:26 PM
  • Kman418 secede - tryshasla/bye bye gridlock traffic and sweet trip - velocity / design / comfort
    May 15 09:51 PM
  • edanolem yes im going to listen to someone with numbers in their username alright sir
    May 15 08:43 PM
  • Cygnatti Good! I'm very glad you dig it as well! ^_^
    May 15 12:42 AM
  • evilford lol nice. yeah a couple of really good friends of mine went to ISU and we give each other s*** nonstop, good times. good luck w/ your classes
    May 14 07:04 PM
  • evilford just givin you rivalry bull**** you know it's all good
    May 14 06:08 PM
  • Cygnatti you should jam this album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw5shkjhY80
    May 14 04:02 PM
  • Cygnatti https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWx6csgGkg4
    May 6 07:45 PM
  • Ocean of Noise Similar question to the guy below. What are your favourite grindcore records? I've heard basically all of the obvious classics so I guess I'm looking for some less popular ones at this point
    May 6 02:09 AM
  • Oceanographer You're one of the more grindcore-oriented users on this site, right? Brutal Truth's Need to Control is my favorite album of all time, and I wish I knew of more grindcore of a similar caliber. Any recommendations?
    May 6 12:19 AM
  • Frippertronics http://www.sputnikmusic.com/soundoff.php?albumid=192327
    May 5 09:41 PM
  • Hyperion1001 this cover, thought it was sweet: http://people.uncw.edu/smithms/Ace singles/sH-series/H-030.jpg
    May 4 08:17 PM
  • itchybutthole yes and also u like bad music and im better than u
    May 4 08:14 PM
  • itchybutthole ur comments on that tranny list r makin u look like a ****in feg tbh
    May 4 08:05 PM
  • Frippertronics too lazy to do merzxiu so I could think of something. I have two reviews in the works, but one is from a few months ago, the other is from 2014. Soon.
    April 30 05:43 PM
  • BMDrummer oh damn you jammed the new dgd
    April 26 03:10 AM
  • BMDrummer will compete with new sdf :]
    April 21 11:39 PM
  • BMDrummer new LP may 1st, prepare
    April 21 08:51 PM
  • YakNips hahaha yeah you get what i'm talking about
    April 20 05:39 PM
  • YakNips aw thanks! its rough though it takes a lot of time to get a good structure and its so much easier to just rely on repetition or throw something together
    April 20 04:36 AM
  • YakNips ah well im glad u enjoyed it man and thanks for the input! production and my voice are something im always trying to work on as well as songwriting so i understand what u mean
    April 19 10:32 PM
  • YakNips ppl on here have seemed to like it but i'd like to hear what you think https://singlesoul.bandcamp.com/album/beauty-and-despair-found-in-otherwise-empty-places-i-have-a-lot-to-say-and-its-always-changing
    April 19 04:30 AM
  • YakNips hey danny would u be down to give an LP of mine a listen
    April 18 09:31 PM
  • Ryus yeah haha he must have been so damn happy
    April 10 02:33 PM
  • Frippertronics well it's a 3.5 to me but a 1 to you tbh
    April 10 03:12 AM
  • Ryus haha yeah it's like half a second but it makes me happy :]
    April 10 03:09 AM
  • Ryus at around 1:35 i'm the semi-brown dude in the back waving
    April 10 02:56 AM
  • Frippertronics since I couldn't get the death grips feature, I'm definitely gonna get you to sit through the new Xiu Xiu/Merzbow split when it officially comes out.
    April 10 02:55 AM
  • Ryus jamming btmi pretty much makes everything forgivable
    April 9 11:22 PM
  • Ryus yeah agreed post metal is mostly pretty gross
    April 9 11:06 PM
  • Ryus haha man it's so awesome that you're roommates with a dude with amazing taste in music just like you. were you friends before
    April 9 10:48 PM
  • Ryus so jealous damn. it's like $40 on discogs :[
    April 9 10:25 PM
  • Ryus your rym review of consuming impulse is my everything
    April 9 06:58 PM
  • YakNips i don't do drugs that stuff is bad
    April 8 12:00 AM
  • BMDrummer their last one with tillian kinda sucked so idk what it'll be like
    April 4 12:32 AM
  • BMDrummer when their new album gets featured are you gonna still jam?
    April 4 12:16 AM
  • BMDrummer it's unhealthy to hate dgd that much js
    April 3 11:43 PM
  • BMDrummer "i'm writing down all of your usernames in my excel spreadsheet titled "bad users" smh
    April 3 11:12 PM
  • adr sry to disappoint you for not including a copyrights for a ****ing comment, which express my thoughts excatly.
    April 3 12:40 AM
  • deathschool Do you have a Facebook? I want to message you about a thang.
    March 31 04:28 AM
  • BMDrummer idk i like to record ideas quickly
    March 30 09:01 PM
  • BMDrummer :]
    March 30 08:04 PM
  • deathschool You. Are. The. ****ing. Man.
    March 30 05:20 AM
  • deathschool Holy s***. I typed that right when you were typing yours. He gave me a shoutout, alright. He also handed me his fvcking guitar at the end of Darkness Records. I legitimately jammed with Jeff Rosensock.
    March 30 05:20 AM
  • deathschool Dude. You're the ****ing man.
    March 30 05:17 AM
  • scottpilgrim10 Yeah it was a missed opportunity. Hit me up if you're going to go to any other Minnesota shows in the future.
    March 29 11:10 PM
  • BMDrummer https://bluemistbands.bandcamp.com/album/cop-block-ep
    March 29 03:55 PM
  • BMDrummer ok didn't see, wonderful rainbow is amazing tho so check
    March 28 04:36 AM
  • Frippertronics about to request TPTB feature ! !
    March 28 04:11 AM
  • BMDrummer check lighting bolt pls
    March 27 08:36 PM
  • Kman418 "have you seen adaptation. yet kyle?" noe but it has a bunch of pta films and synecdoche in the related section on imdb so its probably really good
    March 26 11:50 PM
  • Kman418 listen 2 the rest of twines stuff too most of it is just as good. especially violets and their self titled
    March 26 11:44 PM
  • Frippertronics he's still working on it, but I pretty much got the demos because I edited and did some stuff to a few of the tracks. probs gonna be his longest LP yet.
    March 25 02:43 AM
  • Frippertronics pfft lame, better hope the new apparitionist has a review featured cause it's gonna be hard 4 material
    March 25 01:51 AM
  • Frippertronics i mean JD technically comes out along with the complete TPTB on the 31st, so you might as well check some of their other stuff
    March 25 01:37 AM
  • Frippertronics finna get the powers that b review featured so you have to check TWO albums, just you watch
    March 24 09:02 PM
  • itchybutthole awesome thats actually my fav genre
    March 22 08:31 PM
  • itchybutthole they weird af or like dancy?
    March 22 05:05 PM
  • deathschool You know I love ya, but that To Pimp a Butterfly sound off is lame.
    March 20 04:25 PM
  • youdunnojack I can't give everything that I listen to 5.0 like the rest of Sputnik because then my objectivity is as scrubbish as the rest of me
    March 20 02:43 AM
  • deathschool IDEK, man
    March 17 11:32 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts 90% of my electronic stuff is sample based i cut splice morph exploit reverse hack chop skew and rearrange with audacity and i record my own instruments etc thru protools. my sudatsuga project on the other hand is all live instruments and i just use protools.
    March 17 08:18 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts i think (("yer in trouble now, kid")) is probably one of my most unique and well crafted records, but that being said im biased towards it because it came from a really special period of change in my life
    March 17 07:33 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts haha yeah word. if you go here almost everything on the page is by me. id recommend the albums Soluna ((Suunae)) - (("Yer in Trouble Now, Kid")), Soluna ((Suunae)) - Painting Ghosts Vol. I, Black Alice - degree bell rhodes and black alice - ileana (your laugh). the soluna stuff is quite similar with the house and trip-hop leanings and the black alice is too but more on the glitchy hip-hop side a little bit; https://solarmasscollective.bandcamp.com/music
    March 17 07:29 PM
  • adr "That's why he brings his own needles, and get more cheese than Doritos, Cheetos or Fritos"
    March 17 05:22 PM
  • adr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpex2Gy9oJY that song remind me of you lmao
    March 17 05:21 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts thank you very much dorito man, also nice profile pic lol
    March 17 12:14 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts thanks for checking the album man i appreciate it, and glad u enjoyed
    March 16 11:12 PM

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