
Reviews 7
Approval 65%

Soundoffs 12
Album Ratings 306
Objectivity 58%

Last Active 12-13-10 7:28 pm
Joined 12-13-10

Review Comments 463

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  • omnipanzer Talk about a coincidence, I was thinking about you today. I'm glad to see that you did not simply slip away into the ether.
    October 21 06:19 PM
  • DaveyBoy Agree, agree and agree. I am really glad I did not write the review when the album came out, as it took a while to grow on me. But now, its in my top 10 of the year at this stage. Review will be up soon, so keep an eye out.
    June 27 01:29 AM
  • DaveyBoy Hey Vinnie, Im writing up a Dananana review. Just wondering what you like about their new album when compared to their debut.
    June 25 02:33 PM
  • GhettoIndieshit yeah they're pretty sweet
    March 29 12:31 AM
  • GhettoIndieshit Yeah The Zombies are really good. They get written off as a one hit wonder but that entire album is flawless imo. Loveless is excellent, just love how it's so layered and atmospheric. Wbu?
    March 25 01:09 AM
  • GhettoIndieshit It's so creepy but awesome haha here's another for you, I really like this album too
    March 24 10:14 PM
  • GhettoIndieshit me too!!! haha one of my fav albums of all time. Check that one out(loveless) and Isn't Anything by them
    March 22 10:14 PM
  • GhettoIndieshit Check these guys out, one of my favs
    March 22 12:23 AM
  • GhettoIndieshit Which album should I check out by them?
    March 8 11:08 PM
  • GhettoIndieshit Yeah, I checked out the first few, really good. If you can think of more leave me a shout. Thanks a bunch!!! :D
    March 5 12:38 AM
  • GhettoIndieshit Sweet, thanks a bunch. These will keep me busy
    February 24 12:56 AM
  • GhettoIndieshit Sorry to be a bother, anyi way you could give me some Indie Pop recs? sounds like an interesting genre. Any other recs would be much appreciated, I'm a big fan of My Bloody Valentine if that helps any lol
    February 24 12:33 AM
  • ashcrash9 Your Soul Eater pic is extreme win.Just that I'd let you know.A slightly belated welcome to the Sputnik, although I'm not really in the large majority of authority on here, whatevs.
    December 16 12:18 AM

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