resident kpop trash

Soundoffs 5
News Articles 3
Band Edits + Tags 3
Album Edits 5

Album Ratings 506
Objectivity 61%

Last Active 03-03-18 7:32 am
Joined 11-23-10

Review Comments 877

  • runningintocalamity To anyone interested i have a channel on YouTube where i review albums so check it out subscribe and if there are any albums i have rated (or one that i don't have rated that you would like to recommend) then feel free the channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/runningintocalamity?feature=mhee
    April 19 12:15 AM
  • Maniac! Hi there.
    March 30 01:23 AM
  • Knott- lots and lots of overlap. frantic exchanged vocals, meandering guitarlines, very quirky. they're different bands but most people that love one tend to love the other.
    December 16 06:38 AM
  • Knott- if you adore los campesinos! listen to johnny foreigner
    December 16 05:39 AM

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