
Reviews 2
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 23
Album Ratings 590
Objectivity 79%

Last Active 02-25-15 1:31 am
Joined 11-05-10

Review Comments 2,520

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  • ToSmokMuzyki i c u
    August 21 08:34 PM
  • oltnabrick
    September 16 04:05 AM
  • Lowder91bird I'm not to familiar with Girl Pants. I will check them out tho. I am most likely going to be seeing Mysteriarch this Saturday. Their playing a show with a bunch of other local Black and Death Metal bands at Tremont.
    August 13 03:56 AM
  • Lowder91bird I'm not from Charlotte. I live about 30 mins away. I just go to a lot of concerts there because it's closer to were I live than anywhere else.
    August 11 11:21 PM
  • aok miss u mayng. sorry if i ever offended you
    June 10 06:17 PM
  • danielito19 i like the boohauer too dude!
    May 17 09:53 PM
  • CaptainDooRight dam it's not in the database!!!!!!!
    March 3 09:55 PM
  • CaptainDooRight whoa nice, fantastic atmosphere/production, raw as m/ 'show no merccccyyy' dam bro really loving the drums on this, really fantastic, gotta check full album now!!
    March 3 09:55 PM
  • Hyperion1001 possibly, i dont like any of the other bands on that bill but i still might just to see those colombian maniacs. i do know im going to see obliteration in raleigh on the 16th of march, but i think i already told you about that.
    February 28 08:13 PM
  • Graveyard I love it man and keep up the good work!
    January 30 01:37 AM
  • Hyperion1001 damn this s*** sounds like convulse back in the day, this is sweet
    December 28 10:21 PM
  • oltnabrick lmao never seen that
    December 26 06:23 AM
  • sniper yeah dude album is so good. atta boy is ridic.
    December 4 09:49 PM
  • Hyperion1001 hell yeah dude, youre like the 3rd person thats sb'd me saying that. glad everyone sees the light haha
    November 11 03:37 PM
  • Hyperion1001 sounds good man, ill let you know if i plan on coming up for anything too
    October 28 08:03 PM
  • Hyperion1001 damn bro i wish id have known, i usually only see sputnikers when i go down to atlanta. i was the dude up front the whole time with the big autopsy backpatch. i might be going to the tribulation show in charlotte in the next few weeks if you're planning on going to that.
    October 28 05:54 AM
  • WatashiWa yes :3
    September 16 05:42 AM
  • WatashiWa hi hello
    September 16 05:26 AM
  • andcas oddczar is pretty cool
    September 7 10:45 PM
  • oltnabrick balloon journey 2.5 EXPLAIN
    September 7 03:43 AM
  • andcas you going to the chariot show there?
    September 4 07:57 PM
  • Havey yay! i haven't actually listened to that album tho (Ulaan Passerine) s'it good?
    August 24 07:35 AM
    August 19 09:09 PM
  • MisterTornado haha, yeah. some very OHWOW moments happening on the mikgazer.
    August 10 09:08 PM
  • oltnabrick o dam thanks
    August 8 11:13 PM
  • sixdegrees reppin' it :D
    August 8 11:08 PM
  • oltnabrick lol what do you mean tho?
    August 8 04:30 AM
  • goldeneye ya dude that yala site is a massive pain in my ass. when i manage to pry it from them ill send it yr way
    August 1 07:52 PM
  • MisterTornado slickkk groove. but "produced by Urban Outfitters" noooooooooooooo
    July 31 09:13 PM
  • goldeneye that izenzaren track u recommended is so ****ing good dude
    July 26 04:48 AM
  • Havey was it you who rec'd me Yoran a while back? Can't remember who it was but I see you have it 4.5'd so yeah it was probably you (?), a big thank you if it was
    June 20 07:21 AM
  • Havey appreciated man, take a look at this: it's really weird idk what to make of it
    June 7 06:14 PM
  • Ire used to be a 4.5 but im not bicurious anymore srry
    May 2 02:33 AM
  • Ire hehehe chek ot mine ok thx
    May 2 02:23 AM
  • Ire ur ratings sukc
    May 2 02:15 AM
  • PunchforPunch Damn boss i need to thank you for reccing me Fell Voices back then
    April 13 09:46 PM
  • sniper odball film.
    April 8 05:40 AM
  • taxidermist Yeah it was pretty sweet. I think I rated it like a 3-3.5 It's pretty solid. I will, man. They'd be pretty intense to watch live.
    March 30 06:00 PM
  • andcas nope.
    February 23 11:55 PM
  • Aids was pretty damn sweet dude. 3.5-4 range for sure. hype it up!!
    February 19 07:41 AM
  • Havey that was really good , well haven't had the time to listen to Part Two yet but enjoyed the first track a lot, thx for the rec man
    January 22 05:05 AM
  • Ire bros 4 life
    January 4 03:35 AM
  • Ire yeah man congrats it's all downhill from here tho cos im not that interesting!
    January 4 03:33 AM
  • GiaNXGX replied yo your comment on Igorrr.
    December 29 05:55 AM
  • zaruyache Gremlin's rip. don't be fooled by the ads:
    December 24 07:05 AM
  • WashboardSuds kinda "barbie" but there's some pretty fun stuff to be found
    December 22 03:49 AM
  • WashboardSuds hmmm well I'd guess if coloris is "pretty good" tier, Orion would probably be "good" tier for you. for me personally, coloris was much more fluid and had a pretty unique sound. Orion is also pretty unique at times but it borrows a little more from other japanese-electropop peers, which might be good for you because it could be a stepping stone into more j-pop artists. might I recommend Perfume or Aira Mitsuki if you're curious about the genre? 40% of me likes the genre ironically because its
    December 22 03:48 AM
  • WashboardSuds got Orion last night, its pretty killer but it sounds a bit more like Capsule. I like coloris better though, and I still need to hear her 2012 release
    December 22 03:31 AM
  • WashboardSuds can't say I remember that particular conversation, but you are correct in assuming I like she and other artists like her. thanks for the video bro, maybe its time I checked some of her other albums out
    December 19 11:39 PM
  • ViralOblivion love that movie sooo funny
    October 23 08:05 PM
  • Ovrot hard to tell at this point, but with any great event in an artist's life it is bound to leave an impression in some way.
    October 21 01:34 AM
  • Ovrot NEW TRACK
    October 3 10:39 PM
    October 3 09:28 PM
    October 3 07:33 PM
  • Ovrot
    October 3 10:18 AM
  • sniper i will thx dawg.
    October 3 07:50 AM
  • Havey I don't. I should probably get on it though
    September 29 03:07 PM
  • RiffOClock theyre all a bit different, but the spirit is intact - hazy, dreamy ambient, hypnotic loops
    September 25 06:46 PM
  • andcas I'll pass on that show lol but I'll let you know of future s***.
    September 10 12:11 AM
  • andcas nothing that I know of is happening this month or the next.
    September 9 11:53 PM
  • Electric City that is why y'all were playin punk and metal and i was like 'lol indie?'
    August 11 03:16 PM
  • Hawks Thanks bud.
    August 10 03:43 PM
  • DougDimmadome It is me, I lost the password to my other account and had to make a new one. Have fun in Alaska mang
    July 8 05:39 AM
  • BirthRite I am serious.
    July 6 10:33 PM
  • Havey Me too, man... Me too.
    July 3 09:36 PM
  • Eulogize Idk, it brings the junz. Just like all the other albums I have rated high. I love me some brodowns.
    June 29 03:40 AM
  • balcaen I reviewed it. That happened.
    May 27 12:06 AM
  • Emim it froze up and then wouldn't let me back into the room
    April 30 11:10 PM
  • deathofasalesman I've just heard the boring factor from multiple sources. I'm sure it is good.
    April 24 02:07 PM
  • balcaen nah. should be 4.0
    April 24 04:32 AM
  • deathofasalesman How's that book?
    April 19 05:06 AM
  • AfterTheBreakdown its worth a listen. I wish they would re-record it with their current vocalist though. Check out the song isolation theory.
    April 18 04:02 AM
    April 16 09:30 PM
  • deathofasalesman I've never read it. Apparently the book and movie are extremely boring so have fun with that!
    April 15 08:05 AM
  • AfterTheBreakdown glad to see you like the atb re-release. You dig their oldest album at all?
    April 13 03:53 AM
  • macadoolahicky Ulcerate is awesome!! Immolation is cool too, I guess. I shall check out the others soon. Odds are I've heard them before when browsing new / unfamiliar music, but who knows. Thanks!
    April 7 07:20 AM
  • balcaen oh s***! glad to hear it. and i know you're justin reid lol
    April 6 06:08 AM
  • KotoFtw Oh sweet, the singer of my old band lives there.
    April 5 04:43 AM
  • KotoFtw Oh sweet, the singer of my old band lives there.
    April 5 04:42 AM
  • Quen Not gonna lie, I have no idea where that is hahaha. And yeah dude, it's really surprising how many users are from NC...but then again this is one of the fastest growing states in the US so it sort of makes sense.
    April 5 03:42 AM
  • Quen Durham, you?
    April 5 03:10 AM
  • Ovrot I was earlier today. Probably won't be on again today.
    April 5 02:47 AM
  • WashboardSuds haha thanks, I love those guys. I know everyone around here has an obsessive Geogaddi fetish, but that's one of my favorite albums ever, its moods are so incredible and often indescribable. what's your favorite BoC album?
    April 4 03:42 AM
  • WashboardSuds that's their best album, and all great songs you listed, especially Peace Music. that song is a sonic drug :P
    April 4 02:41 AM
  • WashboardSuds yeah both of those games' soundtracks have shibuya-kei in them, especially Katamari's. so just out of curiosity, which songs or albums have you heard by them that you particularly liked?
    April 3 10:44 PM
  • WashboardSuds haha do you really? that's actually kind of flattering, glad to hear you like them ;] both those chicks really know how to sing, and P5 is just great, they really need more attention.
    April 3 07:02 PM
  • RosaParks in the event that you are being serious: **** you and all christians should be killed honestly. a worthless race of people
    April 1 03:32 PM
  • RosaParks ur not being serioz tho so its k :]
    April 1 03:32 PM
  • RosaParks lol ok
    April 1 04:35 AM
  • RosaParks i dont appreciate you not considering having homosexual relations with me
    April 1 03:03 AM
  • RosaParks you bloody ****h
    April 1 12:58 AM
  • RosaParks i just wanted you to know that I would totally eat your butthole juice
    March 31 11:11 PM
  • Activista anti-MTV grapes
    March 24 11:21 PM
  • Eulogize That was actually really enjoyable. And don't get me wrong, I do enjoy some death metal like Skinless, Gojira, and The Black Dahlia Murder. It's just I tend to stick with deathcore more than dm.
    March 24 01:22 AM
  • rasputin not sure what to say, it should be pretty straightforward through bandcamp. we've had a few purchases so i know it works. maybe try deleting your cookies or something.
    March 22 04:10 AM
  • rasputin the CD isn't available yet dude, still putting them together. where were you trying to buy it from?
    March 21 05:54 PM
  • foxblood cool man, hope you like them. Yeah they're both among my biggest inspirations, especially Bruce. If you haven't ever listened to Born to Run and Darkness On The Edge Of Town, that'd probably be the best place to start. Sooo good. For Bowie start with The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust...and Low.
    March 16 11:58 PM
  • foxblood oh s*** awesome m/. sorry about the late reply, haven't been on as much lately. I'd start with Time To Burn - Is.Land, The Jesus and Mary Chain - Psychocandy, M83 - Dead Cities, Red Seas and Lost Ghosts, and Lilys -In the Presence of Nothing
    March 16 01:08 AM
  • Hawks I'd love to revive it. Everyone else has to be on board with it though.
    March 15 12:22 AM
  • Eulogize Awwww yeah. But still, stop rating every deathcore album I enjoy low. BBAI a 2? Not a chance.
    March 9 03:23 AM
  • Eulogize Signal The Firing Squad a 2? You disgust me.
    March 8 05:58 PM
  • Athom Hot Water Music - Caution, Red City Radio - The Dangers of Standing Still, The Gaslight Anthem - The '59 Sound, The Lawrence Arms - Oh, Calcutta!, Against Me! - Reinventing Axl Rose, Fake Problems - It's Great to Be Alive
    February 24 07:14 PM
  • CaptainDooRight bro warning sounds just like pallbearer. It is an absolute must your next listen has to be Warning - "Watching from a Distance and 40 Watt Sun" - "The Inside Room"... I guarantee you'll like those bro
    February 20 07:46 PM
  • CaptainDooRight which do you prefer, pallbearer or warnings watching from a distance?
    February 20 06:44 PM
  • CaptainDooRight good to see you dug Pallearer
    February 20 05:34 PM
  • Hyperion1001 the best
    January 4 03:50 AM
  • Hyperion1001 at 144...uhh magnolia screet
    January 4 02:18 AM
  • Trebor. You don't even have hardcore in your pie chart. False toaster
    January 1 06:41 AM
  • East Hastings Thanks
    December 31 06:27 AM
  • East Hastings I have no idea what the **** you're talking about
    December 31 05:32 AM
  • Hawks Yeah dude, I've been listening to that band for a little over a year now haha.
    December 27 01:12 AM
  • AfterTheBreakdown
    December 23 07:57 PM
  • camillemari ugh h8 you~
    December 9 01:46 AM
  • Ovrot yeah man. it's pretty sweet
    December 8 12:12 AM
  • DarkNoctus i'm glad you dig it!! :]
    December 7 12:59 AM
  • balcaen roooo thanks buddy
    November 16 05:17 AM
  • Aids this is pretty sweet, ill check these guys out for sure, thanks.
    November 6 07:48 PM
  • ZombieParty \m/
    November 1 05:11 AM
  • andcas no problem man. the whole popaganda album is worth picking up.
    October 31 07:11 PM
  • Eulogize Alright sweet. Thanks man.
    October 30 07:04 PM
  • Eulogize You can never give away my secret identity, okay?
    October 30 04:52 AM
  • Restrikted Went to Taco Bell but i'm back now ! lol
    October 30 02:23 AM
  • aok what you doin now? limits wouldn't be too tough to explain, but the formal definition for the derivative might be the hardest thing you'll have to do all year
    October 8 08:53 PM
  • aok yo if you're legit failing calc i can teach that to you real easily. i mean, i am a calculus tutor on the side and don't mind doing it
    October 8 08:36 PM
  • Restrikted yeah man i'm Evolved As One. i'm getting on this weekend
    September 27 12:28 PM
  • TMobotron You seem like a cool guy *thumbs up*
    August 22 09:20 PM
  • Restrikted Cool dude. I'm not on that much since it's at my dads, but i am on it though
    August 22 08:53 PM
  • sonictheplumber okay
    August 21 10:23 PM
  • sehguh if you still play xbox add me dude. also GURPS
    August 21 05:57 PM
  • NOTINTHEFACE Glad you enjoyed that experience the planets site. New music and wallpapers ftw.
    July 27 05:31 AM
  • Deviant. I actually have it downloaded, I've just never gotten around to it (yet). Thanks though, I'll give it a listen
    June 27 09:08 PM
  • tkxxx7 I'm going to admit that I got unfairly upset at you due to events in my past that have caused me to intensely dislike those who dismiss 'scene' music or .. er, people as stupid , shortsighted, ignorant etc. so I think I owe you an apology . sorry .
    March 22 03:56 AM
  • tkxxx7 you misunderstand , again . what I dislike is people who recognize (and subsequently shoot down) "scene" opinions , especially considering the fact that bands that are considered 'scene' do not embrace any 'culture' that is even close to 'scene'. The whole idea of that being a culture in a first place is one of the stupidest notions ever conceived, as it is clearly an offshoot of the 'emo' culture (which , as I'm sure you know , is just a ****ing genre) . And (cont)
    March 22 03:54 AM

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