Soundoffs 76 News Articles 2 Band Edits + Tags 23 Album Edits 19
Album Ratings 1377 Objectivity 89%
Last Active 03-03-12 2:11 am Joined 08-31-10
Review Comments 689
 | bgillesp Shame you don't want it. Seems like nobody does. But, yeah, after I make it through some more recs I was gonna check more of their stuff, which I'm pretty excited about.
 | bgillesp You still won. Let me know if you still want the code (and how you'd like me to send it) soon.
 | bgillesp Shoot, sorry but I forgot someone's rec. I'm gonna give them a fair chance, but I doubt that'll change anything. Sorry for the confusion.
 | bgillesp What's up? I loved your PMF rec so much that I have decided you won the contest. Let me know how you want me to send yu the download code and link if you are still interested. Just a head's up though, if I don't hear back from you within a week or so, I may just give it to someone else.
 | deathschool Wow, you're really strong. We should do something some time. ;P
 | snerefedsav word. two of my albums of the year. just snatched up the new everyone everywhere and i'm gonna try to get on that asap
 | syco722 Sounds good to me my friend, just let me know what I need to know when the time comes.
 | syco722 Hey man I just listened to your demo or EP for An Endless Ritual and was wondering if you were going to get to work on any new music soon. I loved what I heard and would love to hear more, but was also wondering if you needed anyone to perform vocals, unless of course you'd just prefer not to have any. If you would however, I'd be very interested in doing them.
 | Puzzles Hope I'm not being a prick dude but if you want, go to because there's a remix/remaster up of the Delusion Twin record. It sounds a hundred times better production-wise, and I think it's a bit more worthy this time around
 | Puzzles That makes plenty of sense - to be honest I've been finding it less and less groundbreaking/original lately as well haha. I think things are going to progress immensely with the next release, which is going to be a full length - I've demoed a few tracks and they're already a huge departure into the progressive. No worries mate, I'm just always interested to hear opinions good and bad!
 | Puzzles Dude, I was just wondering what you didn't find appealing about that Delusion Twin EP - I noticed you rated it a 2.