
Reviews 1
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 106
Album Ratings 2110
Objectivity 85%

Last Active 10-27-22 10:16 am
Joined 08-14-10

Review Comments 18,695

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  • Mort. dude i just checked ken mode - the promise of god. holy s***. got me very hyped to listen to this album once im done with the blinding light - ascension
    June 7 01:21 PM
  • Rowhaus Same here! One of the greatest TV characters of all time tbh. Hopefully you're having a delightful Summer of George lol
    June 6 02:48 PM
  • Rowhaus Yeah I took things a bit too far as well so apologies haha. It's all water under the bridge at this point. Life moves on and it's all good!
    May 24 02:12 PM
  • Rowhaus I know we've had a couple dust-ups in the past but appreciate your impartiality m/
    May 23 02:28 PM
  • xxm You?re welcome.
    May 21 10:31 PM
  • xxm Hello there, I just want to say that I?ve really enjoyed reading your comments on here over the years and that I hope for you to have as much peace as possible during this difficult time.
    May 21 05:28 PM
  • Hawks I know exactly what you're going through bro. Its awful. If you ever need a friend I'm one shoutbox away.
    May 9 06:45 PM
  • Hawks Yeah the progginess def turned me off lmao. Really dug the cleans but the music was extremely meh imo. I will def jam that EP though!
    April 24 06:18 AM
  • Hawks Will check them tomorrow. That sounds right up my alley for sure.
    March 11 08:54 AM
  • Hawks I still have that Snapcase album bookmarked. Gonna have to jam Harlots for sure.
    March 11 08:51 AM
  • Hawks 100% chance you'll love it. Honestly my fav dm since Everything is Fire.
    March 11 08:18 AM
  • Hawks For sure bro. Lets move past all this bulls***. I'm too old for the drama that I bring upon myself.
    March 11 07:53 AM
  • Hawks Absolutely man. We've always been cool and I was out of line.
    March 11 02:15 AM
  • Hawks 100% seriousness though, I did not neg your review. I'm not that petty. I have some issues and I'm aware and admit that. Just not stuff I wanna discuss here.
    March 10 10:02 PM
  • Hawks I apologize for what went down. I have a lot of problems in my life right now and I lashed out at a lot of people. It was dumb and I get it if you don't accept, just had to put it out there. I will not bother you again at any time or for any reason. I've been an asshole and I know it.
    March 10 10:01 PM
  • pizzamachine If you?re reading this Hawks you?re the one that acted unreasonable peace out until you calmed the **** down. Have a smoke. Apologize to Sput and they might have you back. Internet beef is just ridiculous man, you should know better by now
    March 9 12:24 AM
  • Sowing If targeted trolling continues unabashed I'm not powerless, I just feel that acting as a protector rather than a mediator would serve nobody's best interest when the goal should be to move towards cordial future interactions. I'm around and keeping an eye in case things escalate beyond meme profile pics, but in the meanwhile it would be nice to have everyone get along.
    October 27 10:14 AM
  • Sowing You have every right to report perceived ratings abuse and I understand the frustration over personally directed backlash. If I may offer some advice, however, I think that drawing continued public attention to what is in my opinion mere pettiness will only perpetuate these kinds of undesirable interactions. I shoutboxed said user as I did with you, so hopefully everyone can move on. Cheers for the concern and cooperation!
    October 27 10:01 AM
  • sixdegrees its a Danielito quote...pretty sure he's long gone, I outlasted most of the true s***heads iirc, site's mellowed out a lot compared to when we signed up
    October 10 09:28 AM
  • sixdegrees yeah I haven't really gotten into it with anyone on here outside of a couple users I cant stand (like the galaxy brain who supplied my review name)
    October 10 09:21 AM
  • sixdegrees lol it just threw me for a loop seeing that review name, I wasn't sure if there was some long running feud or something
    October 10 09:14 AM
  • Flugmorph yeeee we vibin
    October 1 09:00 PM
  • Flugmorph haha yeah some people are just built different i suppose. we don't really have any history though, i just always have to click on whatever thread that user bumps because its often times very amusing. and yeah ive also seen rowhouse being a weirdo before, but they are my birb sibling so no slander.
    October 1 08:51 PM
  • JokineAugustus Just started playing Doom 3 and the 2016 Doom recently. Fun stuff. 2016 Doom reminds me of metroid prime.
    March 1 02:08 PM
  • wacknizzle Yeah, I'm not really around on here much anymore. I still check the site often for news and reviews etc, I just don't really feel like commenting on music much anymore. But yeah, I think you'll like the new album we wrote. The songs are way better, the production is way better. It turned out really cohesive as a whole album, super happy with it. The band helped with writing but I did nearly all of the composing. Hope you enjoy!
    October 7 03:50 PM
  • wacknizzle New Unfurl https://vnfvrl.bandcamp.com/album/the-waking-voidI think you'd like it. Like a mix of Botch, This Gift Is A Curse, Ulcerate, Gaza.Free to download as well.
    October 3 12:19 AM
  • Hawks I?m prob just gonna wait til the album drops but I?ve always dug Abilgail Williams hard.
    October 2 02:28 PM
  • Hawks Honestly have no clue bro I haven?t heard the single yet lol.
    October 1 06:06 PM
  • BigPleb Yeah man, it's nice to see some of the guys from back in the day logging on from time to time.
    August 22 07:29 AM
  • BigPleb Thanks Feary m/
    August 22 07:22 AM
  • zetsumeisama Damn, you got great taste. Your ratings are pretty similar to mine. Very cool.
    March 8 03:55 AM
  • J() Alexander Alright, cool.
    December 22 06:43 PM
  • J() Alexander Hey hey, I'm sorry for that reply in the Brand New thread, it wasn't my intention to sound passive aggressive. Sorry.
    December 22 06:05 PM
  • Hawks m/ m/ m/
    December 22 07:25 AM
  • Hawks Lmao nah that was just a joke. Sach is a moron.
    December 22 07:19 AM
  • Hawks m/ m/ m/ m/ m/
    December 14 02:16 AM
  • Hawks Got that on my check list bro haha. Yeah I saw it a while back and knew I?d dig but haven?t had a chance to jam yet.
    December 13 07:05 AM
  • hogan900 Glad you kinda dig, I just want it to get some recognition here so all the help matters!
    November 6 02:33 PM
  • hogan900 def give a spin, you might dig!
    October 26 03:01 PM
  • MO yea do it bro, it's obviously slower than DOOM but it was a completely satisfying game. a nice mix of bioshock and dead space. I got a solid 50 hours out of it
    September 28 12:02 PM
  • hogan900 my whole prob with the genre is that sometimes it devolves to this folky prog bs and i just sit there and drool out the mouth. the intense s*** is so good
    September 21 07:37 PM
  • hogan900 good on you man, its actually kind of a tough genre to get into from my own experience.
    September 21 07:30 PM
  • hogan900 https://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/77970/Ojne-Prima-Che-Tutto-Bruci/check this out sometime mang
    September 21 05:59 PM
  • RATMEATUPSIDEDOWNCAK I've been ip banned before ****. you think that'll work? moron.
    September 9 06:03 AM
  • Hawks Dude I love arguing with this moron it?s great entertainment.
    September 9 06:00 AM
  • Hawks Listen to the 2009 Ash Borer demo, it?s one of the best bm releases ever.
    September 9 05:45 AM
  • Hawks Hell yeah bro it rules and yeah I just like to argue with him cause he?s a big monster tard.
    September 9 05:42 AM
  • Asdfp277 I do remember him from other periphery threads, it ok. I like talking about music :] Bad screamers should definitely train some tho
    September 5 01:39 AM
  • MO yea it's a masterpiece, glad it won all the accolades. did you check Mick Gordon's soundtrack for the game Prey? give it a listen man, it's nothing like DOOM but it is some fantastic ambient goodness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-l_Eq42Hrs
    September 1 05:11 PM
  • TheSpirit Thank you!
    August 29 04:10 PM
  • MO I made my name through DOOM aaaaaand ending up platinuming it...simply amazing
    August 28 01:12 PM
  • Hawks Check my review bro that?s another rec for you. :]
    August 27 03:42 AM
  • Hawks Just keep going bud there?s so much. Let me know how much progress you make, you sound like you?ve already made a lot tbh lol.
    August 26 07:12 AM
  • Hawks Niiiiiice. Yeah I mean Celtic Frost is a first wave bm band so they?re a bit more primitive sounding. It?ll grow on you. m/
    August 26 07:04 AM
  • Hawks Well that?s good lol it?s always cool to dive right in if you can handle it.
    August 26 06:44 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Great Remission and Interpol rates X) Khemmis is too low (the sound can be a little dated but they got the riffs) X( Have Foxing on my digs but maybe I shouldn't even bother (?)
    August 25 01:06 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Is not that "you might" is "you must" or you ll get the wrong impression with Voices. London is somethin else m/m/
    August 25 12:54 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD but dude. just go for the other records. you ll like them more m/m/
    August 24 12:56 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD and Sequences is like the banger of the album...really cool to m/
    August 24 10:39 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Hi man X) if you re going back for any chance for Frightened try to check the those 3 tracks carefully - IWSYA, Dead Feelings and Manipulator. Maybe will grow on you X)
    August 24 10:22 AM
  • Hawks Yeah it?s super weird but it?s awesome.
    August 23 06:13 AM
  • Hawks Hmmmm if you dig DSO get on the Imperial Triumphant album that?s on my list asap.
    August 23 06:05 AM
  • Hawks I think bm takes the most time to get used to for sure.
    August 23 05:57 AM
  • Hawks Give it time bro you?ll start remembering. Good to know that you love Pale Folklore though. m/
    August 23 05:41 AM
  • Hawks Hahahaha I def feel you bro. There?s so much stuff. I could prob make another 15-20 bm lists and still not cover everything.
    August 23 05:34 AM
  • Hawks Yesssssssss
    August 22 06:52 AM
  • Hawks Check my new list bro. Death metal one will be coming soon.
    August 22 06:01 AM
  • Hawks Yeah it took me some time to get into it but if you ease your way in there?s a lot of amazing stuff.
    August 21 03:54 AM
  • Hawks Sounds good brotha. I always love getting people into extreme metal it makes me happy lol.
    August 21 03:33 AM
  • Hawks The first list I sent you was more starter stuff so check that first. Second one is some more advanced stuff. But yeah bro I?ll work on that and get a nice list to you.
    August 21 03:15 AM
  • Hawks I don?t at the moment but I could make you one. :]
    August 21 03:06 AM
  • Hawks That?s why we get along brotha.
    August 9 04:53 AM
  • Hawks He?s another one that waits for me to post something then comments negatively no matter what it is. Annoying as ****.
    August 9 04:50 AM
  • Hawks **** no, dude comments on all my s*** trying to start problems all the time. One of the most annoying self-glorifying people I?ve ever had the displeasure of conversing with on the site.
    August 9 04:41 AM
  • xxm You're welcome.
    August 4 08:01 AM
  • MO yea dude i've been busy as s***. not much time for chatting on sput, just to check out new reviews/music quickly. also playing the new Doom, holy crap it's incredible lol
    July 30 06:27 PM
  • xxm Your comments and your philosophy on music. You're welcome.
    July 26 03:30 AM
  • xxm I don't really come here that often but I find you highly amusing and your taste in music to be refined.
    July 25 06:50 PM
  • hogan900 yeah drab was kinda boring lmao, first act was like industrial hardcore. Loud af and the dudes were really into it. But yeah deafheaven life is something else man
    July 25 12:13 AM
  • hogan900 I think I ended up seeing you last night, y?all guy in the back right?? I was stuck up front to the right and couldn?t really move lol. Sick concert though, opening first act was cool and then Deafheaven?s setlist was perfect
    July 23 03:44 PM
  • Hawks s*** I don?t even remember honestly lol.
    July 21 09:54 PM
  • Hawks That?s why I got banned a few weeks ago lmao. Arguing with idiots.
    July 21 09:44 PM
  • Hawks Yeah that?s usually how things go around here lol.
    July 21 09:40 PM
  • hogan900 haha will do man, cya tomorrow maybe!
    July 21 04:29 PM
  • hogan900 yeah man should be sick, if you see a blond lad with a Jane doe shirt on come say hi
    July 10 02:57 AM
  • hogan900 you going to the deafheaven concert in philly? if so see ya there :^)
    July 9 08:05 PM
  • Asdfp277 i dont remember actually lol, but it was simultaneous to the other thread. it ok tho
    May 31 05:53 AM
  • SteakByrnes No problem my man, it officially drops tomorrow :]
    April 5 11:10 PM
  • SteakByrnes Ayo bb Palm Reader's new album leaked and it rules
    April 5 10:14 PM
  • Conmaniac of course man!! https://discord.gg/sRVy6p
    November 4 11:48 PM
  • SteakByrnes Yea dude, thanks for bringing up their name haha, I probably wouldn't have found out about them otherwise
    October 20 05:34 PM
  • SteakByrnes Yo Frontierer was wild, I really dig Bleak
    October 19 02:33 AM
  • Futures that darkest hour went in one and out the other for me i will have to give it another shot. appreciate it dude. talking core gave me a flashback to the good ol plug days haha.
    October 15 07:58 AM
  • Futures sup dude you got any metalcore recs from this year? haven't seen anything that caught my eye.
    October 15 12:10 AM
  • Orb Also, Everything Everything's newest albums is one of the best things Ive ever heard. The War On Drugs are also a recent thats been blowing my mind too. If you come across cool digs down the road feel free to send my way too eh m/
    September 21 03:39 PM
  • Orb Ive only just recently found The National and Manchester Orchestra too. Feelsgoodman
    September 21 11:43 AM
  • Satellite yeah jared is my favorite tbh. i hope they bring back ed chambers.
    September 18 03:46 AM
  • Satellite special occasion.
    September 18 03:35 AM
  • Satellite word. i guess you don't really have a ton of punk in your ratings. i was going by your no control 5 mostly lol.
    September 18 03:33 AM
  • Satellite you really should spin the new menzingers dude (assuming you haven't already). based on your ratings i'd say it's definitely up your alley.
    September 18 03:26 AM
  • Hawks Yeah bro I thought I commented on it but maybe I didn't lol. And yeah they just keep getting better and better. I think I dig it even more than the last album
    February 1 05:32 AM
  • Hawks Sweet gonna check bro.
    January 27 04:54 AM
  • Pon All done
    January 26 01:45 AM
  • Pon All good bro I had a giggle over the "hey this is Jac's fav band so they must rule" description for 2
    January 26 12:05 AM
  • MarsKid Well thanks for the shout bro, check mine too if you want m/
    January 25 09:52 PM
  • Hawks Damn bro that's rough. But look at the bright side, at least it's something you can control and get help with medication. You're gonna be ok brother.
    December 14 09:17 PM
  • Hawks Sounds good brother, hopefully it's not too serious.
    December 10 05:34 PM
  • Hawks Hope everything is ok with you bro and I pray that all your tests come back normal. My cousin is currently in the hospital fighting cancer for the second time and it's awful to watch. Whatever happens just keep a positive attitude and fight through it and you'll be ok.
    December 10 04:02 PM
  • FullOfSounds awesome user
    November 8 11:32 PM
  • evilford dude come plug fti is here https://plug.dj/hard-jammers
    November 8 04:47 AM
  • TheTripP Sounds great man i'll be waiting!
    November 3 09:21 PM
  • TheTripP Hey when are you gonna start throwing ratings in for your list?
    November 3 02:35 PM
  • Snake. i'm glad you can see how s***ty this site is turning out
    November 3 12:06 AM
  • TheHung89 Yeah Ok I understand what you're saying I'm laying low.
    November 2 07:01 AM
  • TheHung89 Oh I'm not making fun of him for that hell no. He's just always a cocky douche on here and him remaining a douche isn't gonna make people be nice to him. That's all it is for me I don't care how he feels unless he actually acts differently and starts being kind to everyone.
    November 2 06:42 AM
  • TheHung89 Naaa futures needs a wake up call for always being a douche on here thanks though!
    November 2 06:32 AM
  • TheHung89 Last piece of advice is honestly, just ignore all the bulls***. The more you fight back or address the more aggressive they'll be...way to follow your own advice lol stick up for futures some more how pathetic
    November 2 06:19 AM
  • TheHung89 Thanks for the advice I'll highly consider it!
    November 2 06:16 AM
  • TheHung89 Thanks for the shoutout I really took it to heart!
    November 2 06:06 AM
  • Futures thank you so much man it means a lot. i shouldn't have made the list but i was sick of it not being addressed. to see people laugh at me when i have had a full year of my life ripped from me, a road through hell, so much pain and suffering to see people laugh at that s*** is just infuriating. it's a rare form, i'm in remission now but i could very well be dead in 5 years.
    November 2 05:43 AM
  • evilford let's plug bro
    November 2 05:22 AM
  • Jots it's part of a review challenge where we make a list of a few albums and give users a timeline to complete one, then we pick a winner. i didn't get around to doing it this week but i'm sure we'll do some more : ]
    October 18 08:45 PM
  • Spec my duuuuuuuuude
    October 15 07:14 PM
  • Spec http://www.sportsnet.ca/more/fantasy/ Group: Sputnik Crew Password: blackwaterpark if you're interested, we're all terrible at it so you'd fit right in
    October 15 06:11 PM
  • Spec are you in the sput fantasy hockey group?
    October 15 01:27 AM
  • evilford dang I'll be out of town tomorrow night. oh wellz
    October 7 12:34 AM
  • evilford bro https://plug.dj/hard-jammers
    October 7 12:13 AM
  • smaugman https://steamcommunity.com/id/ILikeEatingRedCarpet/ here's my profile
    September 28 06:24 PM
  • BigPleb Botch rule, but outside of them and Converge there's not much metalcore I jam tbh. ETID are the epitome of consistent and its kinda ridiculous how they've made the same album 5 times and keep perfecting it, crazy m/
    September 24 05:52 AM
  • BigPleb Potsy rules, but ye common sput posting kinda comes with old age (lol) in many ways. Like I'm a overall DM dude, but overall there's no metalcore/hardcore that can touch ETID.
    September 24 05:46 AM
  • BigPleb Yeah man I've always got on with you. Probably helps im a veteran user in some sense too, always wanna talk to the community. Tell your friend to keep on riffing, he should join in some discussion m/
    September 24 05:35 AM
  • BigPleb Seem them twice man. First time I saw them when the breakdown in Idiot hit I threw my beer across the room and got carried onstage. Front flipped off and landed safely thank god haha. Was so amazing and I can't wait for the next one m/
    September 24 05:24 AM
  • BigPleb Yeah I agree man ****in ell, C is still kinda lame but Two Summers grew on me. The second half is just savage af, Map Change is the best melodic ETID tune yet.
    September 24 05:16 AM
  • BigPleb Dude ily and we love riffs, new ETID has honestly blown me away tho. Best since New Junk m/
    September 24 05:11 AM
  • Hawks 4.5 for the new Touche Amore huh bro? Wish I enjoyed it that much. :[
    September 23 08:14 PM
  • Hawks Yeah that makes sense, I'm not a big gamer at all. I have a PS3 and a few games, that's good enough for me lol.
    September 20 09:41 PM
  • Hawks Haven't had one in almost 2 years bro, mine s*** the bed and I never got a new one. Don't have the desire to waste any money on one hahaha.
    September 20 09:27 PM
  • Hawks Nah bro I can't, I can only listen to music on my phone. Don't have a computer anymore haha.
    September 20 09:07 PM
  • LotusFlower Yeah, it was a dumb joke that I forgot I made originally and seeing Futures call it the "worst sound off" prompted the "I aim to please edit" since I thought he was just doing his usual business of being a jack off. Ill certainly watch what I say more elsewhere, since I really didn't intend for that to be such an insensitive joke.
    September 18 11:34 PM
  • Futures well first he edited to include "i aim to please" thend it. dude is bitch made
    September 18 11:30 PM
  • LotusFlower Nah it was a name change. Also I changed the sound off to an apology cuz I didn't know it was about the dude's mom dying of cancer. Of course Futures, being a piece of s***, thinks im just being a bitch about it.
    September 18 11:30 PM
  • Futures "Stage four? More like stage four ear cancer after listening to this" really nice considering it's because the singers mom died for cancer
    September 18 10:41 PM
  • LotusFlower I have no idea what the context of the album title is, i barely remember posting it.
    September 18 10:27 PM
  • LotusFlower actually i lied its been quoted as the most pos'd sound off on the stage four page.
    September 18 10:06 PM
  • LotusFlower we will never know cuz id it
    September 18 10:06 PM
  • Shuyin Thanks for letting me know, I'll jam this on my day off. Cheers man!
    September 18 12:39 AM
  • FearThyEvil https://joliette.bandcamp.com/
    August 27 08:50 AM
  • Sinternet Damn I don't sorry, it's really hard to find his stuff. It's on spotify and a couple other retailers but I couldn't find any download links, perhaps try soulseek? Anyway good to know yuou liked it, guy is a hidden gem, although i'd prefer it if he released more than two tracks per year.
    August 15 02:17 AM
  • Hawks Hell yeah knew you'd dig em.
    July 26 03:30 AM
  • Hawks **** yeah bro lemme know what you think. Nice to see you dig the new Departures too. m/
    July 26 02:27 AM
  • Hawks Sweet dude. m/
    July 18 08:06 PM
  • Hawks Jam the new Thranenkind album bro I think you'll love it.
    July 18 04:19 AM
  • XingKing You have no idea. Earlier this month it was already breaking into the 100's. I saw this meme that summed it up perfectly; Living in Arizona is like opening the oven to check on your cookies, except there are no cookies and the oven is your every day life.
    May 29 06:47 AM
  • XingKing No lol. I live in AZ, I just looked at the dates on their last tour
    May 28 08:55 PM
  • XingKing Damn, they were just there a month ago. Hopefully they'll run through near the end of the year otherwise I guess there is always next year lol
    May 27 09:14 AM
  • XingKing Go see them live if you ever get the chance. So much energy and all around fun and good times.
    May 27 08:00 AM
  • XingKing Hell yeah! They deserve so much loving and I'm glad you could appreciate them fully!
    May 27 07:27 AM
  • Hawks They're absolutely crushing them. Preds and Stars both put up sorry excuses for a game 7 effort. Sharks and Blues should be awesome though.
    May 13 03:31 AM
  • Hawks Told you about the Blues..... ;]
    May 12 02:10 AM
  • Hawks That's how I am with football hahaha, but I know you were bro lol.
    May 11 09:59 PM
  • Hawks Hahahaha no not a bandwagon, I've always been a Pens fan, but not a hockey fan if that makes sense. I enjoy baseball too, but to a lesser degree. Football is my absolute favorite though. I'm the biggest Steelers fan you'll ever meet lol.
    May 11 09:21 PM
  • Hawks Honestly I've never been a huge hockey fan until this year, save for Pens playoff hockey. Just really started watching in the regular season this year and fell in love with the game tbh. s*** is so exciting lol.
    May 11 09:15 PM
  • Hawks Hahahaha I didn't know that. I can't say I have any other favorites. If the Pens don't win then I couldn't give a s*** less, but I'll still watch lol.
    May 11 09:04 PM
  • BigPleb Their other 2 records are great too man ye but the new one is a different beast entirely.
    May 9 01:22 AM
  • BigPleb It's the best thrash metal album of the last 15 years, do with that what you will.
    May 8 03:43 PM
  • Pon I'm glad :) Now you should check out the new Gorguts.
    May 8 07:18 AM
  • XingKing Tis my pleasure, sir!
    April 26 07:35 AM
  • Pon It was released 3 days ago but I needed that amount of time to get my thoughts on it clear
    April 25 08:36 PM
  • Pon bruh, check the new Zealotry
    April 25 08:33 PM
  • XingKing Haha knew I'd getchya!
    April 23 09:02 AM
  • Artuma i know right lol
    April 23 08:51 AM
  • Artuma as do i. i guess i'm just a soft european you know
    April 23 08:27 AM
  • Artuma yep. the current 4th liner role actually serves a purpose in helping your team to win the game. it's also great that nowadays the teams have three scoring lines. makes the game much more interesting to watch when almost every time you can see some real skillful play
    April 23 08:19 AM
  • Artuma i wholeheartedly agree. let the players play and referees be the judges
    April 23 08:10 AM
  • XingKing It's not quite as amazing as Bleeder but it's definitely worth a jam. Listen to this and then try to resist jamming the whole thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEqF-9flj2Y
    April 22 11:27 PM
  • XingKing I'm glad you liked it! Better late than never though. Did you jam the EP too?
    April 22 09:55 PM
  • DantheMayan Hey its Dan, The drummer for the Mayan Factor. Wanted to let you know we are back and playing with our new Singer Lenny Here is a clip of us performing Warflowerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4yAoGHBhSE
    April 20 08:48 PM
  • JamieTwort Haha no problem, I would have stuck around a bit longer if I didn't have to go, the guy was certainly amusing.
    April 17 01:39 PM
  • Hawks I was impressed with the ass whooping the Pens put on them tonight. Hopefully it stays that way.
    April 14 03:23 AM
  • Hawks Wait you're a Flyers fan? Did I know this and just forget? Idk if we can be friends anymore..... ;]
    April 13 02:06 PM
  • wacknizzle Wish I had more recs to give but I think you've heard just about all the obscure gems I have. Pretty much just got into blackened hardcore and sludge after I hit a dead end with metalcore
    March 7 03:26 AM
  • wacknizzle nice, it definitely rips
    March 7 02:32 AM
  • BigPleb Thinking about it man, looks very good.
    January 17 04:10 PM
  • Pon Cheers, and while you're at it check my new review, tried a brief style this time round.
    January 15 06:18 AM
  • Pon I will if you check out mine :3
    January 15 06:15 AM
  • Shuyin hey man, thats great since we have a pretty similar taste and i honestly didnt pay much attention to new music this year. ill check it out
    January 14 12:04 AM
  • BigPleb 5 hours behind me not too bad
    January 7 08:20 AM
  • BigPleb Sweet man, where you from/time zone? Just so I know when to come on and stuff :]
    January 7 07:41 AM
  • BigPleb JayGrant94 man, been on Battlefield 4 a lot if you play that?
    January 6 04:26 PM
  • voltairesangryglove What's your AIM sn?
    January 4 07:47 PM
  • Artuma actually prehistoricisms is the only intronaut i give a damn about (haven't heard void though) but yeah i just don't understand at all what people see in the new one. it feels so calculated
    December 17 11:12 PM
  • Jom Not a worry -- you were totally not dickish. Give people 8-12 hours and you'll see a significant uptick in users telling us to suck something of theirs and you'll see that your response was totally even-keel. Cheers
    December 17 01:14 AM
  • BigPleb I need to get BF4.
    December 15 11:29 PM
  • BigPleb Swee thanks man, normally BO III, FIFA and Gears :]
    December 15 02:06 PM
  • Insurrection Will check. for some reason ive had their album in my library for a while but never got around to it
    December 1 01:34 AM
  • Insurrection Yea, didnt even sound like the same band. Might have to lower the rating for the LP
    November 30 11:45 PM
  • Insurrection I thought it was really awkward. Like, i was digging it for a while then these weird choruses would come in and take me out of it. ill check their EP
    November 23 02:50 AM
  • wacknizzle bummer, i just downloaded it yesterday but haven't listened to it yet
    November 22 05:22 PM
  • Pennywise_M Cheers haha. Yeah i hear it's a bit of a mess, lacking on storytelling quality and whatnot. Glad to know you're enjoying it hard though!
    November 22 01:05 AM
  • Pennywise_M Yo mang, sup. Wondering if you'd want to check out my band's new EP. Go here to do so: https://elisionofanimus.bandcamp.com/
    November 21 02:30 PM

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