Soundoffs 7 News Articles 2 Band Edits + Tags 0 Album Edits 0
Album Ratings 456 Objectivity 64%
Last Active 08-25-11 10:02 pm Joined 04-13-10
Review Comments 1,963
 | pjorn I was hoping at least one person on sput listened to UTU2TM
 | JasonCarne Haha, never figured anyone here would have a clue who I was, small world!
 | Duckman118 He looks like a former running back from my cities football team lol.
 | Duckman118 Dude, is that Fred Reid as you forum picture?? The guy in the Tiger suit?
 | IllPromiseYouThat thanks for the leak. I posted a review but it was posted in haste so it would be first and therefore is pretty s***ty.
 | bloc Very nice find indeed. That's the problem with some of these low key bands, you never know when they're going to be releasing material.
 | bloc Thank you man, much love!