
Reviews 61
Approval 97%

Soundoffs 62
News Articles 1
Band Edits + Tags 82
Album Edits 242

Album Ratings 830
Objectivity 83%

Last Active 07-19-16 11:03 am
Joined 04-09-10

Review Comments 5,101

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  • pizzamachine Sup dawg how?s the lemons
    February 19 05:50 AM
  • Hyperion1001 Oops, hit send too soon. That Quantec album really is great, been jamming it a ton of late.
    September 22 05:50 PM
  • Hyperion1001 What's up dude. Sorry for the late response, I don't check here too often anymore. That's funny you should ask that because I've been really digging dub techno recently. I'll list a few that are standouts. Quantec - 1000 Vacuum Tubes : Octex - Idei Lahesna : Seague - Pacifica : Convextion - 2846 : Deadbeat - Drawn and Quartered. That Wuantec
    September 22 05:49 PM
  • Lanas Oh..I just saw your account and say "This user has not visited Rate Your Music in the past 60 days" so i thought you leave it forever..I believe this site need good ratings..I just saw some of your taste and i realize you are special person..Anyway i dont want bother you at all..Its your choice where you give your ratings and your taste..I just suggest my opinion for these sites..Thank you for answer me
    July 23 10:01 PM
  • Lanas Hello Kevin..How you doing?I send you to ask you why leave RYM site?I feel you have amazing taste or we have some similar taste and i believe RYM is more popular than this site..And more fair about ratings..Is my opinion..I dont know why leave RYM but i hope in the future come again there and give and there all this amazing ratings on the artists..I believe RYM doing great job for many musicians and need users like you..Anyway sorry for my bad english and i hope to continue listen good music..
    July 22 07:01 PM
  • tempest-- Thanks man. Be sure to check part 1 for more synthwave. As for that track, it's not really synthy at all, sounded like lounge jazz type stuff. Not really sure what to rec because I don't listen to it.
    February 2 05:10 PM
  • Yotimi oh you know, keepin it real
    November 23 03:07 PM
  • Yotimi Nice sand circles soundoff ;)
    November 21 12:26 AM
  • undertakerpt Doesn't ring any bells with me, I'll have to look it up xD
    September 1 05:47 PM
  • undertakerpt Havnt heard of those two, are they NTSC only or are there pal versions too?
    August 29 11:04 AM
  • undertakerpt I'm hoping someone will remaster the soundtrack one day xDA collector? Me too as it goes xD see if you can snap up a copy of vandal hearts for the ps1. It's a very unique action rpgThere's prob no point in mentioning suikoden 2!
    August 29 12:32 AM
  • undertakerpt Wanna know somthing? I've been on this site for 8 years now I think, and your the first person who's played this game. I've tried and tried to rec it to people but they just don't wanna know! Anyways wow! Yeah one of my favorite games, but all in all, the best soundtrack I've ever heard in a game.
    August 28 10:38 AM
  • sportsboy https://mega.co.nz/#!s5YwQKaS!AkqYngIMvlOR_eg26dr741fVsz1qA_4Nm_cnFIY6YD8 have fun
    July 19 07:13 PM
  • MisterTornado absolutely. it's very personal, but i'm glad to hear other people like you sharing that kind of experience. pretty much every 4.5 i've got has undergone an experience like that
    May 4 03:05 AM
  • MisterTornado :O that's unreal. i have a bit of a story with her music too. something happened one night. the power went out in my neighborhood and the dark of the houses and streetlights evoked a really surreal and post-apocalyptic feeling. so i went out to experience it, listening to 0 and starring wide-eyed at everything around me. in that moment her music spoke of something faint, subtle, and soothing in response to something eerie and foreboding. there's something surreal hidden her simple melodies.
    May 2 11:32 PM
  • MisterTornado *blushes* you do as well kevin ;) (ps: aoba ratings! what do you think of her?)
    May 2 06:14 AM
  • osmark86 just read your review for Kona Triangle right now. great read mate! if you can be bothered there are lots of electronic/downtempo albums that could use someone with your textual flair. peace.
    April 10 11:26 AM
  • ethos haha, thanks! i was waiting for someone to recognize it
    April 9 01:36 AM
  • Rev yo kev i lost your number, text me :D
    January 26 09:28 PM
  • TRMshadow Cool, didn't know about that, I'll keep an eye out for it. Always great to find good chiptune.
    October 26 11:30 AM
  • TRMshadow Vacation Wasteland ain't bad, is it. Where'd you hear about it?
    October 19 04:28 AM
  • kingsoby1 Damn that new quadron
    June 7 05:55 AM
  • scissorlocked heh! ok bro, I'll keep on and inform you for any upcoming release! appreciate it much!
    April 15 01:24 AM
  • scissorlocked thanks man, I really appreciate it! it would be awesome if you could offer any constructive criticism too!they're still far from being anything special but I'll probably keep on playing with FL till I could end up with something good.
    April 14 02:03 AM
  • scissorlocked just sent them! they're not anything special ( I've started experimenting with FL late at summer) but with some work I hope there'll be decent!
    April 13 10:51 AM
  • scissorlocked havent uploaded them at all, cause they still need some work.but I could send them via email if you want!
    April 12 11:39 PM
  • scissorlocked I've got a couple of songs written, but they need further mixing, panning and stuff. I can send em if you like!
    April 12 04:46 PM
  • scissorlocked digging huge amounts of techno and house stuff lately. I also started making some music with Fl studio, but there are plenty of things to learn about mixing and producing! also, I think I've forgotten how to review :)
    April 11 10:01 PM
  • scissorlocked hey man how's everything going? It's been like forever!
    April 11 08:30 PM
  • Havey cheers man, you have cool taste too and i remember having enjoyed reading some of your reviews, it's also rare to see someone who jams Pizzicato Five
    April 9 04:09 AM
  • discovolante Ohh! And you might like M-Age and Cutemen lol
    April 8 01:05 AM
  • discovolante No prob! ^_^
    March 30 04:36 AM
  • discovolante That wraps up my recs! Hope you like em!!! ^_^ ... And sorry for the poor formatting. Blame the site -_-
    March 29 05:54 PM
  • discovolante Japanese electropop:Sekai no Owari - "Earth"Sakanaction - "Go to the Future"Access - "Access II"M.O.V.E - "Operation Overload 7"Globe - "Globe"Globe - "Faces Places"TRF - "Dance to Positive"TRF - "Lif-e-Motions"Kimeru - "Glorious"T.M.Revolution - "The Force"T.M.Revolution - "Vertical Infinity"I've Sound - "Regret"Daisuke Asakura - "Electromancer"Pool Bit Boys - "PB2"Iceman - "Power Scale"TM Network - "Rainbow Rainbow".......
    March 29 05:51 PM
  • discovolante Female electronic:Ami Suzuki - "Supreme Show"Tomoe Shinohara - "Super Model"Female hip hop:Anything of Halcali's.Hime - "Hitogoyomi"....
    March 29 05:42 PM
  • silentpotato never heard, is that a band name?
    March 22 06:09 AM
  • WeepingBanana i definitely will in the future when i'm less busy
    March 13 08:41 PM
  • WeepingBanana curse ran this last game but sweet nice job following through
    March 13 08:35 PM
  • Trebor. wag review
    March 13 05:28 AM
  • Gnocchi Good dude, settin trends : ] Speaking of which check out that The Flower Kings review : ]
    March 12 04:51 AM
  • Gnocchi Hey Dude : ]
    March 12 04:33 AM
  • Mad. Here it is: http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/55507/Ikue-Mori-One-Hundred-Aspects-of-the-Moon/ hope it's up to your standards...
    March 4 09:56 PM
  • Mad. Is there even any point? It won't really be a review.Also, what did you think of it and whats the interest in someone reviewing it?
    March 2 11:40 PM
  • Mad. Ok right, just listened through it. It's just 40 minutes of random noises. I can't review this bro.
    March 2 05:42 PM
  • Mad. Ok... I must warn you, I've have never listened to anything like this before so I will have nothing to go on for my review...
    March 2 11:47 AM
  • Mad. Hi, where can I listen to the Ikue Mori album from the review a random album game?
    March 1 06:58 PM
  • Gnocchi Thanks dude heaps : )
    February 25 01:42 AM
  • Trebor. Thanks man stay wag
    February 24 10:27 PM
  • BaselineOOO sry luv u can't help it
    February 14 07:34 AM
  • BaselineOOO creep
    February 13 10:20 PM
  • Maniac! Thanks. It was drawn by Silentpotato
    January 26 08:33 PM
  • Trebor. Yeah I've been playing a lot of Nintendo lately
    January 25 10:22 PM
  • BaselineOOO I know right? use this site if you want new japanese albums http://jpddl.com/search.html?q=chara cocoon
    December 22 06:56 AM
  • ITsHxCTOASTER Well then, you've already heard more She than I have. I still haven't checked out all of that 2012 album yet but would you recommend Orion if I think Coloris is about at the pretty good level of enjoyment?
    December 22 03:41 AM
  • ITsHxCTOASTER Well then, you've already heard more She than I have. I still haven't checked out all of that 2012 album yet but would you recommend Orion if I think Coloris is about at the pretty good level of enjoyment?
    December 22 03:38 AM
  • BaselineOOO I love j-pop but good albums are so hard to find, Chara - Cocoon (2012) is amazing imo.
    December 21 06:48 AM
  • ITsHxCTOASTER Yeah I had no idea She put out a new album this year and I got excited about it, hope you like it
    December 20 05:23 AM
  • ITsHxCTOASTER For some reason I believe you might like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxcleXAiX5AI guess I thought you'd heard She - Coloris before and you and I agreed it was sweet but I guess I dreamed that up
    December 19 07:35 AM
  • silentpotato sweet man good luck!
    November 11 02:25 AM
  • silentpotato glad to hear it man and congrats on the opportunity, thats really cool. i'd love to see the finished work and would be happy to take a look at anything you feel like sharing with me along the way, glad to help out with whatever i can if you need another eye!
    November 11 01:13 AM
  • silentpotato yee, you can manipulate and stretch the guidelines a lot, and it'll turn out the best if you do manipulate them enough for the project to suit your interests and become something that you actually enjoy doing if that makes sense
    November 11 01:03 AM
  • silentpotato finding ways to bend the project into what you want to do and make it your own. if you are strictly trying to do what they want then you lose the sense of yourself in the work, and thats not what they want. Again, they obviously asked you because they like what you do so my suggestion is get a feel of exactly what they want and then just start to experiment with those guidelines and do your own thing.
    November 11 12:37 AM
  • silentpotato of what it is they are looking for. Same should apply here. Once you know exactly what it is they are looking for you might be a little nervous about getting it just the way they want it, but my tip here is that they asked you to do it for a reason. they obviously like your style. So take those guidelines and twist them into something that fully enables you to adapt your style into the illustrations. I find doing projects for school or for other people becomes extremely easy once you start
    November 11 12:35 AM
  • silentpotato Hahaha dude you need to have more confidence in your abilities! It kind of comes down to the way you approach art, im the kind of just go for it and let it create itself artist, and that always seems to work out for me, but if you take a more logical approach when you do art for yourself, then just do it the same way. I've never illustrated a book before but when I get asked to do work for other people the first thing I do is ask them as many questions as I can so I have a very very clear idea
    November 11 12:33 AM
  • silentpotato sure whats that man
    November 5 10:42 PM
  • skeletorissatan ive got a backlog of about 100 still haha just to upload when i get round to it :) Put some more up though and ill read em :) theres a few users i automatically read (atari, icylily etc) but i do tend to tune into other peoples reviews aswell
    October 24 07:19 PM
  • skeletorissatan ahha im always writing reviews lol
    October 24 09:52 AM
  • Crymsonblaze I'm just being intentionally belligerent. It is my favorite, though.
    October 20 12:33 AM
  • Crymsonblaze Fact
    October 19 11:44 PM
  • Yotimi ooo a Kurber rec. Haven't had one of those in a while. I'm on it, thanks
    October 19 08:35 PM
  • sniper word. i'll definitely check out your next review, keep it up.
    October 8 06:53 PM
  • sniper oh i think visual descriptions work quite well for music. there's a reason shape, color, line, texture, etc. have become indispensable terms in the music lexicon alongside that of visual art. i would encourage you to keep writing what pleases you, approval ratings be damned. i'd probably better appreciate your descriptive style if it was integrated into a more typical review format, but who needs my approval anyway?
    October 8 07:34 AM
  • sniper i wanna clarify that i meant no offense when i was commenting on your flylo review. i really liked the concept but sometimes it came off as wordy for the sake of wordiness and i thought the vocabulary was too convoluted to make for effective imagery. the last paragraph sold me though. just my opinion anyway. glad you liked the album.
    October 8 02:24 AM
  • silentpotato **** yeah dude, that makes a lot of sense, i like that. crazy how the music ur listening to can shape your art
    October 7 09:49 PM
  • silentpotato word then you conveyed it well because thats pretty much what i gathered!
    October 7 09:18 PM
  • silentpotato what feelings does it convey to you? just wondering if the ones i get are the ones u intended or if i have a different interpretation
    October 7 09:13 PM
  • silentpotato nice, nice dude! looks ****iing crisp, your lines are getting even stronger. good job with the shadowing too (something i've always struggled with or just dont even bother with haha) your deffs gettin better
    October 7 08:52 PM
  • DarkNoctus email me at joehawker@msn.com and we'll talk :]
    September 28 11:34 PM
  • pizzamachine Thanks, don't worry though 'cause I'm gonna try everything to get back into it.
    September 22 09:26 PM
  • pizzamachine I worked at camp throughout summer and had no time to review. By the time I was finished camp I couldn't get back into reviewing. :/
    September 22 08:43 PM
  • pizzamachine Uh sorry I didn't see your comment :) we'll talk tomorrow
    September 22 05:23 AM
  • discovolante Hopefully you enjoyed those guys lol
    September 17 01:19 AM
  • discovolante Awesome man! And if you like that, The Hiatus are really good too. I just found this band called The Mirraz, which is basically alternative rock with a bit of a rappish-twist. Brilliant stuff.
    September 9 01:07 AM
  • discovolante Did you enjoy Dos? Also, if you're into atmospheric alternative, I would recommend The Novembers
    September 8 05:04 AM
  • discovolante Hey man. You should check out Dos. Some superb soulful Japanese pop from the mid 90's. Good stuff.
    August 29 09:01 PM
  • Deviant. I think it's awesome. The first track kinda made me think that it was simply going to be another weird beat album, the kind that's simply weird for the sake of being weird. But there's some intense groove to this thing, and I love how they manage to balance all their different sounds perfectly. At times it does just feel like what it is though: a TOKiMONSTA album with vocals but that's not really a complaint
    August 2 01:06 AM
  • silentpotato this is the one i meant; http://fallenarches.deviantart.com/#/d58h52l the lines are so thick and sharp but you kept it nice and simple. Stuff like that enlarged with charcoal would be so sick. Even try and move onto other subjects like animals etc to expand a bit. I think you really should experiment around man, you will develop very quickly!
    July 25 01:12 AM
  • silentpotato do something really cool with charcoal and a larger scale. slates or whatever more defined surfaces you could experiment with would have a really cool effect with that minimal style of illustration and thick stylized lines, almost like modern cave art!
    July 24 04:14 AM
  • silentpotato you've got a very interesting style, its quite unique. And your use of lines is really tasteful. The third one is my favorite, you seem to work best with simplicity and I really really like that. I'd try to further refine stuff like that third one there, I cannot for the life of me do solid stroke lines and im always kind of jelly when i see people who are really good at it so keep on refining and perfecting that. Have you ever thought of experimenting with charcoal? I feel like you could
    July 24 04:11 AM
  • silentpotato dont got facebook but yeah id love to see some. before i did a lot of inking, watercolor, drawing and spray painting. i still do some graff style s*** and in school i have to still do all that non-computer stuff so im still at it too.
    July 23 11:07 PM
  • silentpotato couple years maybe? ive been doing art for a long time but the graphic art thing is relatively new. do you have any of your drawings up anywhere?
    July 23 10:52 PM
  • silentpotato my avatar is one of my pieces man! http://sudatsuga.deviantart.com/
    July 23 10:04 PM
  • BaselineOOO yes but it's an older pic
    July 20 06:29 AM
  • WeepingBanana Your assignment is Pogrom - Multicultural Degeneration
    July 19 11:54 AM
  • MaskAtTheMasquerade we saw them at the best buy theater in times square, im terribly unfamiliar with their work but it was a sweet show. i just looked up cigarette lust and it was amazing. i haven't heard anything off that EP either, all i have is her LP and her two most recent EPs but all her work is really solid. have you heard this track? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Cn6ywMDOcE so nice lol
    July 9 07:29 PM
  • MaskAtTheMasquerade no complaints man, just saw Tangerine Dream last night with Andy - it was rad. hows the musical hunting going, anything worth raving about?
    July 8 05:03 PM
  • MaskAtTheMasquerade whats up dude? how ya been
    July 6 11:17 PM
  • BaselineOOO oh I didn't know it's your birthday! have a nice one.
    June 27 07:46 AM
  • BaselineOOO I apologize if I ever was a jerk to you!
    June 26 10:01 AM
  • BaselineOOO Advantage Lucy - Have a Good Journey (1996-2000) - it's the best japanese summer album ever!
    June 26 09:49 AM
  • Rev no
    June 21 11:31 PM
  • pizzamachine Oooo I love this so far
    June 16 04:25 AM
  • pizzamachine I take recs anytime, thanks! =)
    June 16 04:13 AM
  • Rev By the time I put 20 more hours in I doubt I'm even going to care about my real friends anymore :(
    June 7 12:54 AM
  • Rev bansheebeatmusic. and my friend says im going to get persona syndrome soon :/
    June 7 12:24 AM
  • Rev actually, a lot of stuff is still on mediafire. it just doesn't show up on google anymore. type in "____ _____ mediafire" and go to filestube. sometimes theres a mediafire link listed. also, do you use skype? it's a lot easier than using emails to send albums
    June 7 12:03 AM
  • Rev I bought it on Sunday maybe? and I've already put in 20 hours haha. I just defeated the shadows in the love hotel
    June 6 11:48 PM
  • Rev I got FES. I like running around, plus I like playing it on console more haha. I have a mad crush on Yukari hahaha :p
    June 6 11:00 PM
  • Rev I started playing P3, and it's so much fun! Anyways, for recs, have you heard Samiyam, Teebs, Mono/Poly, Dibiase, Daedalus, Take, Matthewdavid, Bahwee, Dorian Concept, or Dimlite?
    June 6 10:43 PM
  • Rev yeah, that's usually what I do, but lately everything I make sounds like same and I hate it. Don't get too excited though, it's only two entries so far lol
    May 23 12:13 AM
  • Rev pretty badly. Between being incredibly lazy and having no good inspiration/ideas and stuff I've really had no progress on anything :/. I started a production journal though, if you care to read it. I posted it in the Galactics thread, I think
    May 22 11:35 PM
  • Rev that's cool. your manga, right?
    May 22 07:33 PM
  • Rev i've been pretty good. pretty much just up to the same old s***. what about you man? :D
    May 22 03:27 AM
  • pizzamachine haha that's a hard question! I think it's just 'cause I'm super vigilant about finding new albums/bands. I always wanna find a new favourite album ya know? My brother calls me a hipster, lol, I don't like being called that. :)
    May 15 09:01 PM
  • Graveyard sup shirtless asian dude
    May 15 08:18 PM
  • Deviant. The review was fine man; prose was great and the descriptions were well thought out. I didn't know anything going in, but now I have a pretty good idea of what to expect. If you think there's something "missing" (which I don't think at all) then maybe that's just in your style of writing, but that's something you'll have to work on.
    April 14 04:59 AM
  • BaselineOOO was it Dareka?
    April 13 10:32 PM
  • BaselineOOO that's scary and true! but do you think I should 5 Deep River for making me cry?
    April 13 10:22 PM
  • BaselineOOO lol, no really great review! thanks :*
    April 13 10:12 PM
  • BaselineOOO well now that I found out her shoulders aren't symmetrical I don't care about her anymore, so...
    April 13 10:10 PM
  • BaselineOOO review Shouso Strip or I'll do nasty things to you!
    April 9 04:39 PM
  • Deviant. Nah, not yet. Have high hopes though
    April 5 04:26 AM
  • Deviant. http://glorybeats.com/lone-galaxy-garden-rs1206i-2012-download/
    April 5 01:56 AM
  • ITsHxCTOASTER I'll be stereotypical here and say Music Has The Right to Children
    April 4 03:59 AM
  • ITsHxCTOASTER Yeah no kidding haha. Oh and I really appreciate your love of Boards of Canada as well
    April 4 03:27 AM
  • ITsHxCTOASTER I just listened to Bossa Nova and I've only listened through it once, but I remember liking Magic Carpet Ride, Peace Music, Strawberry Sleighride, Go Go Dancer, and Saga a lot
    April 4 02:37 AM
  • ITsHxCTOASTER Yeah they definitely deserve more attention. I wondered where I'd heard of shibuya-kei before and then realized some of the Katamari Damacy soundtrack is shibuya-kei and I am guessing some of the Jet Set Radio Future soundtrack is too. Either way, Pizzicato Five sounded familiar somehow when I first listened and I guess that's why
    April 3 10:28 PM
  • ITsHxCTOASTER I check your ratings for recs sometimes and I just recently checked out Pizzicato Five and Utada Hikaru (I always wondered who did Simple and Clean from the Kingdom Hearts commercials!) and both are awesome, keep listening to good stuff man
    April 3 06:56 PM
  • MaskAtTheMasquerade hahaha - you didnt get it from me!
    March 22 07:11 PM
  • MaskAtTheMasquerade you've got mail!
    March 22 06:27 PM
  • MaskAtTheMasquerade what's your email address yo
    March 22 06:15 PM
  • MaskAtTheMasquerade got a present for you
    March 22 04:41 PM
  • Rev kevin rec me some stuff that sounds like Supercell
    March 22 03:37 AM
  • MaskAtTheMasquerade Yeah dude, those all sound fantastic, especially Raindance. As A Child and Chthulhu sound insanely good too. And I just recently noticed that the album titled track "Galaxy Garden" (didn't make the cut for the album) was revamped into "Spiral" which will probably end up being even more beautiful than it was initially. I'm going to have to preorder this vinyl VERY soon
    March 9 02:33 PM
  • Deviant. I haven't been onto Amazon in like forever (read: years), so to answer your question - no lol
    March 7 04:11 AM
  • MaskAtTheMasquerade dude i listened to the samples of galaxy garden on amazon and omfg
    March 7 02:10 AM
  • balcaen SWEET. much appreciated.
    February 28 11:46 PM
    February 24 04:07 AM
  • MoninguMusume Yeah, I've noticed. Certain types of music you just love, or just love to hate. That's how it is with J-pop. Although I feel like a complete stranger here, I know that there are people out their on Sputnik just like me....sorry just felt I had to say that. ^^
    February 23 02:10 AM
  • MoninguMusume Thank you. :) How-so?
    February 23 01:44 AM
  • X3ni92 I'm glad you liked it! I'll look into it.
    February 22 10:26 PM
  • X3ni92 Well I fixed it d: Yeah, I just feel like i'm not very good at writing reviews...wish there was an option on sputnik to have collab reviews..like I mean you can still do them, but only one person gets the credit. But yeah, pizza is helping me I believe. I just want to write two reviews, but I don't feel like I'd be able to do them well.
    February 17 09:46 PM
  • X3ni92 s***, that link doesn't work. I'm sorry, heres the right one. http://www.mediafire.com/?vtigdnuyvsvhu
    February 17 07:39 PM
  • X3ni92 I wish I was good at writing reviews, I'd write one for Humming Urban Stereo ;_;
    February 17 04:59 PM
  • X3ni92 No problem! I just put every album up, just for easier access. Hope you enjoy it!!
    February 17 03:41 AM
  • X3ni92 I'm actually uploading them now, since I got mine from a torrent.
    February 17 01:29 AM
  • X3ni92 That was pretty good. I'll be sure to check out that EP.
    February 15 07:05 PM
  • X3ni92 I've seen them in your digs before, but never game them a chance. But I will now, any song in particular that stands out?
    February 15 06:51 PM
  • X3ni92 Not a problem, would love to hear your opinion on them.
    February 15 06:31 PM
  • X3ni92 I have a feeling you'll grow to love them. I suggest checking out Baby Love (album) and xoxo (song).
    February 15 06:29 PM
  • X3ni92 Its hard to describe who they would sound like..as I've never heard something similar to them. Well they're electropop with hints of jazz.
    February 15 06:21 PM
  • X3ni92 Have you ever heard of Humming Urban Stereo?
    February 15 02:32 PM
  • X3ni92 I love Watching You feat Wise. :D
    January 17 05:20 AM
  • X3ni92 Oh, also check out http://www.sputnikmusic.com/bands/LIL/31636/ I think you may like it.
    January 17 02:33 AM
  • X3ni92 Well if anything you should listen to World Wild 2010, I think.
    January 11 05:35 PM
  • X3ni92 Have you checked out Saori@Destiny yet o:
    January 11 03:54 PM
  • pizzamachine Gotta love em! Insta 5.
    January 11 03:11 AM
  • pizzamachine Oh man, I LOVE it. I'm half way through and so far it's totally magical.
    January 11 02:53 AM
  • pizzamachine A link works just fine, thanks a lot! =D
    January 11 02:16 AM
  • aok haha oh man, i'm totally 6 years older than you ..
    January 9 05:24 AM
  • aok oo a washboard rec? i gotta put some thought into june 26th now ;]
    January 8 10:23 PM
  • Rev but Chie :(
    January 7 02:49 AM
  • pizzamachine That's quite alright! :)
    January 5 09:44 PM
  • pizzamachine No I've never listened to her, but I will now! I like gothic stuff. :) As for the emailing, only do it if it isn't too much trouble! My email is pizzamachinekintups@hotmail.com
    January 5 08:02 PM
  • X3ni92 Technically most electropop groups don't have personality (; (autotune I CURSE YOU)
    January 4 03:17 AM
  • X3ni92 No I did not. Its to bland and boring for me. Even though some of the songs are decent, they just don't really do it for me. Also, autotuned male vocals are the worst.
    January 3 10:50 PM
  • X3ni92 Haha, I guess so d:
    January 3 08:52 PM
  • X3ni92 Lol at your soundoff for Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.
    January 3 05:33 PM
  • X3ni92 lolol, yeah Game is the worst, but its still a great album!
    December 4 09:44 PM
  • X3ni92 YAY! Hope to read your review soon (:
    December 2 03:49 AM
  • X3ni92 http://gotupload.com/sv4wbv1p8f7x Here you go man :D sorry its not mediafire ): but its 320 :D
    December 2 02:27 AM
  • X3ni92 Yes I have, you need a link still?
    December 1 10:37 PM
  • Yotimi finally checked out that Salva album. Great stuff.
    December 1 03:01 PM
  • X3ni92 You know what you should do? Review JPN.
    December 1 02:04 PM
  • X3ni92 ohohoho. How clever.
    November 27 10:29 PM
  • X3ni92 Oh neat. A little d:
    November 27 01:42 AM
  • X3ni92 GOD DAMMIT TELL ME! lololol
    November 26 07:11 PM
  • X3ni92 Only a little (:
    November 26 05:43 PM
  • X3ni92 I need to know, where is your avatar from (not this one, I know its Katamari).
    November 26 06:59 AM
  • X3ni92 I'm not sure if it'll be better than Triangle though, i hope so. Haha,for you it will be d: I can wait :D
    November 25 10:25 PM
  • X3ni92 It better be good!
    November 25 10:00 PM
  • pizzamachine Maybe later!
    November 16 03:59 AM
  • pizzamachine Just listened to the whole Deb album. I like! :)
    November 16 03:51 AM
  • Yuli Thanks for the links, friend :)
    November 15 11:53 PM
  • X3ni92 Hmmm, I'll check her out then.
    November 14 09:07 PM
  • X3ni92 What is Salyu?
    November 14 04:21 AM
  • BaselineOOO I'm currently digging "Salyu - s(o)un(d) beams" and "0.8Syooogeki - 1?2?3?4?5?6?????????". The first has incredible mixing and the second is pure mindless post-punk. Got something atmospheric for me? :P
    November 10 05:40 PM
  • BaselineOOO I remember you. Pizzicato Five rawks!
    November 10 04:59 PM
  • X3ni92 Get Excite. I justd Perfume's album JPN. Its getting closer to its release
    November 9 04:57 AM
  • X3ni92 okay ):
    November 9 02:39 AM
  • X3ni92 BAHH, I do. I just want some people I actually know on my Steam, not people that randomly add me cause they think i'm awesome..
    November 9 02:30 AM
  • X3ni92 Sadly. If that happens one day, I am a prophet.
    November 9 01:57 AM
  • X3ni92 This then leads to a nuke being dropped because the crazies are basically invincible. BUT wait, there's more. 5 lone crazy fans live through the nuke, though at the expense of being extremely radiated. The lone 5 start having sex, and this leads to radiated babies, radiated babies with the power to object anything you say and do. With the power of being a K-pop fan in their hands, they will never be destroyed. This leaves me. I'll blast music that isn't K-pop, and they will slowly melt away.
    November 9 01:38 AM
  • X3ni92 SNSD fans will go crazy because SNSD didn't win the awards. After beating up the other award winners (like 2NE1), they get a lust for blood. They start rampaging through the streets beating up and killing any and all individuals they see. This leads to the government (of each respective country) to send out the army to stop the crazy fans. But alas, this does nothing. The crazies destroy the army and eat everyone.
    November 9 01:38 AM
  • X3ni92 Yeah SNSD fans are making awards serious business even lol. I wrote a story about it. I'll post it in another comment, won't fit in this one.
    November 9 01:37 AM
  • X3ni92 :lol that sounds like it could be good. I'll check it out tomorrow. So far I've noticed SNSD and After School fans are the craziest. After School fans whine about how they hate one person and SNSD fans whine about how the English version of The Boys is better yet the lyrics make no sense...i don't even...
    November 9 12:44 AM
  • X3ni92 Check out World Wild 2010, her best stuff is on there. What the hell is picopop? Anyways, I'll check it out when I can. K-pop "die hards" make me hate that I listen to K-pop. Their so crazy.
    November 8 10:47 PM
  • X3ni92 Then I would like to make a recommendation. Saori@destiny. Check her stuff out. She's "not bad at all" too :lol
    November 8 09:20 PM
  • X3ni92 Hey you like Aira right?
    November 8 05:57 PM
  • pizzamachine Thanks so much! :P Especially for that obscure music comment hehheh. I'll keep reviewing!
    November 2 12:36 AM

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