Reviews 41 Approval 79%
Soundoffs 5 News Articles 5 Band Edits + Tags 0 Album Edits 4
Album Ratings 996 Objectivity 73%
Last Active 11-26-13 5:00 pm Joined 03-23-10
Review Comments 1,396
 | alienobserver grimes is the only light and warmth i feel in this cold world
 | alienobserver redoing that review just 4 u tbh (i was leaving for my cousin's house who lives 4 hours away and i saw that 2.5 review and i don't know man i had to do something)
 | Skoj that record kinda fell through the cracks here. I loved it.
 | Skoj if you haven't checked out Mitski's bury me at makeout creek, I'd highly suggest it. Choruses soar like powerpop, but it maintains a nostalgic 90s indie rock feel. Fuzzy, hazy, and at times, delicately intimate. The closer is a powerhouse track.
 | Skoj White Seas is A bro. Sweet rec.
 | Skoj cool, new stuff to jam. Big fiona apple fan, haven't heard M83 vocalist's solo stuff... thanks bro
 | Skoj Some; not my area of expertise, but I certainly enjoy some acts. Regina Spector, Lana, m83, that type. Some pop punk too. What would you recommend?
 | Skoj ****ing lol. People keep telling me she's better than LDR, I'm still on the fence.
 | Skoj I'll take your word for it. Ayy did you listen to/enjoy Zella Day?
 | BenjoJames Hey, I loved your Cradle of Filth review. Would you be interested in reviewing my extreme metal band? We've a similar sound to CoF.
 | Kellerdeck Review My band? You can download the album here: it's purposely lo-fi. Sputnikpage is here:
 | iamSeraph like your taste dude. keep this up.