
Soundoffs 73
News Articles 28
Band Edits + Tags 35
Album Edits 41

Album Ratings 859
Objectivity 69%

Last Active 05-22-20 8:22 pm
Joined 02-22-10

Review Comments 12,349

shoutbox » all posts 
  • theBoneyKing Seeing tagabow 2nite
    January 21 07:46 PM
  • Feather Just bought scarlet. Will have to trade for version exclusives at some point
    November 19 06:24 PM
  • unclereich I was dead
    November 8 02:54 AM
  • Relinquished Oh yea lmao way worse than we thought. Desantis won?t make it better watch.
    October 4 11:37 AM
  • theBoneyKing wow, high rating for that TAGABOW/A Country Western EP! The Brazil is amazing but the rest are just kinda decent noise pop/gaze for me.
    September 30 02:47 PM
  • Relinquished of course man, I?m fairly well off and survived worse. Luckily I?m in South Miami and it didn?t hit us as hard as Ft Myers. I?m going there this weekend to help out.
    September 29 07:17 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell it is time!!
    September 27 09:38 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell yuh go !
    September 7 03:13 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Hmmm no tbh, never looked though - do you mean a transcription of the Japanese or an eng translation?
    May 24 07:48 PM
  • Feather No way, who you playing FF with? That?s sick. I had no clue you were in a band.
    May 15 12:18 PM
  • hal1ax yeah no worries. let me know. also if you're into the noisy slacker rock stuff, asian glow is great. they've been pretty prolific lately too
    March 18 11:10 PM
  • hal1ax holy smokesssssss --
    March 17 05:14 AM
  • hal1ax yoooooo yep ive heard it! forgot to rate it though. good lookin out. this is another weatherday side project if you havent heard it yet -- its pretty sick. it's more electronic --
    March 17 04:54 AM
  • theBoneyKing Finally got around to the Grivo album and holy moly, this is good stuff.
    February 27 12:12 PM
  • sixdegrees ayyy
    October 21 03:08 AM
  • MillionDead Dead af atm but on its way back, I'm pretty sure. That's so exciting though. I'll have to come out sometime. Where can I find out about dates??
    October 20 04:07 PM
  • MillionDead What's the B-ham scene looking like these days??
    October 20 03:22 PM
  • Aberf That is a good album as well.
    October 14 12:18 AM
  • Aberf Check Thought Forms - Ghost Mountain
    October 13 10:56 PM
  • Maniac! Nice meeting ya. Shame we kept getting separated
    September 25 02:17 PM
  • Maniac! I think I see you
    September 24 08:12 PM
    June 21 04:15 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell s*** DAMN sorry I have NOT, but will give it a peep this weekend - ta!!
    June 17 03:17 PM
    June 17 06:11 AM
    June 17 05:27 AM
  • JayEnder Yo do you play Apex by chance? Just ran into a guy with your exact name lol.
    June 6 08:54 PM
  • Atari Yeah Mind the Wires is so nice, same with Waiting for the End. 2nd half of the album particularly blew me away and makes me want to bump my score higher. Also cheers for the recs!
    June 4 02:08 AM
  • Atari Tears Run Rings - Always, Sometimes, Seldom, Never is so nice! man there is so much underrated stuff in this genre it's crazy
    June 2 07:57 PM
  • Cygnatti we're starting soon btw!
    March 29 11:49 PM
  • Cygnatti Hey there, if you're down for the smash tourney tonight (8PM EST), pls join our discord!
    March 29 03:51 PM
  • ArsMoriendi That Broadcast album reminds me a lot of this album from 1968: you might like it. Only the first 10 tracks are the ablum, any after would be bonus tracks
    March 9 03:56 AM
  • aaronrkc Of course! Great band.
    March 9 02:20 AM
  • unclereich
    November 20 07:43 PM
  • unclereich we'll be dead by then
    November 19 05:08 PM
  • unclereich you missed your 10 year :{
    November 19 08:58 AM
  • MillionDead I like your taste in hardcore! I've seen Protocol like 3 times! Also, how tf do you know about Dumspell???
    September 30 04:39 PM
  • bloc Ok ok ok I did get excited
    August 10 11:51 PM
  • porcupinetheater Oh wait I just re-read your familiarity, I'm pretty ****ing s***hammered right now and reading comprehension is a thumbs down
    July 7 04:21 AM
  • porcupinetheater Hey Mate, just since it's criminally underknown, have you jammed Matt Talbott's side project Centaur that dropped the In Streams album after Hum initially broke up?
    June 23 08:56 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell hmm you seem like someone who'd dig Supercar; check Futurama and Highvision from them from cert (entirely unrepresentative of the rest of the alb, but Futurama has a lategame track that always struck me as being v close to a Hum cut)
    May 1 04:45 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell hahaha relatable content
    May 1 04:44 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell need to touch base with kairon tbh, but I remember the highs being huge - and sure, what are you after (or just whatever based on those 3)?
    May 1 04:20 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Kairon, Candy Claws and Stereolab nice
    May 1 11:54 AM
  • Rawmeeth38 Hey man, you commented on an unwound thread a while ago saying you wished there was one more album after Leaves Turn Inside You. Check out their Empire compilation. There are some songs at the end that were (i assume) outtakes of leaves. Mile Me Deaf is pretty damn good.
    April 12 12:09 AM
  • unclereich good my man real good, hope all is well with you too. any recs?
    October 29 05:41 PM
  • unclereich great user
    October 17 11:49 AM
  • deathschool Hey, you know, I never noticed, but we have a good handful of the same albums rated highly. Good on ya, fellow Alabamian.
    April 3 10:55 PM
  • Drifter Awesome Comin Out Hard rating. That's my fav southern rap album.
    October 23 04:13 AM
  • blatho blatho.
    February 26 12:12 AM
  • deathschool I would like a mixtape as well, thanks.
    June 8 02:02 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal can you send me the mixtape. thanks.
    May 4 07:14 AM
  • YakNips haha that's dope. but yeah it's pretty much all me except for when i wanna get like guest vocals or viola up in a track. that means a lot that u dig it though cause i can tell ur really talented and give all u can to ur music so thanks dude
    March 18 09:38 PM
  • botb the new band is cool man
    December 19 08:30 PM
  • SkaCali i sent the nothing/whirr link to your enjoy
    November 4 11:27 AM
  • Spec My new band isn't metal either it's like stoner rock.
    October 31 01:58 AM
  • Spec That's cool I wanna hear it for sure. Just remind me when it's out.
    October 31 01:57 AM
  • Spec whats your band again?
    October 28 06:27 AM
  • Jots are you planning on putting out a full length in the near future?
    September 23 01:08 AM
  • BigPleb Miss you dude.
    August 1 01:45 AM
  • Nikkolae likewise man!
    December 14 03:01 AM
  • Nikkolae your pie chart gives me a boner my good sir
    December 10 08:02 PM
  • Yuli surprised you wouldnt like the PtH vocals, man
    November 12 03:12 AM
  • Yuli Yeah dude,
    November 3 07:08 PM
  • unclereich dope fiend is insane holy s***
    September 30 02:06 AM
  • unclereich this one's the best i believe
    September 30 01:31 AM
  • luci ty but i heard that link is s*** ;(
    September 29 07:35 PM
  • luci throw me an old link xx
    September 29 07:12 PM
  • MeatSalad thanks man
    September 29 06:54 PM
  • guitarded_chuck i send you here next on your exploration of hiphopz-
    September 25 07:25 PM
  • Yuli Yes. Add me on Facebook so i can meets you
    September 15 03:46 PM
  • Yuli hey dude, ill probably be at the Masq Sunday night for BTBAM and The Contortionist. You still gonna be there for B
    September 12 09:13 PM
  • Atari i might ask you for the link again this weekend if i get desperate ;)
    September 6 04:52 PM
  • Atari dammit lol. Out of curiousity where can you download it?
    September 6 04:36 PM
  • Atari well i don't download music (weird i know) but if the link is for a stream then **** YES
    September 6 04:25 PM
  • Atari dude where in the hell can i hear the new balance and composure?
    September 5 05:52 PM
  • titlefightmeirl haha alright thanks man
    September 2 06:13 AM
  • titlefightmeirl didn't realize my comment cut off lol, where did you find balance and composure's new album?
    September 2 05:18 AM
  • titlefightmeirl how did you get B
    September 2 04:02 AM
  • kingsoby1 sweet, DTS is dope. i usually dont like that kind of smooth hiphop but they really do it right
    August 30 05:32 PM
  • kingsoby1 new Dag Savage EP is tight, sole, alexander spit, pigeon hole, nacho picasso/ avatar darko for new stuff. i have the new mathematics on my pending list (wu tang affiliate) along with jonwayne and prodigy/alchemist. hate the alchemist but that record is dope
    August 30 04:40 PM
  • Athom I just have it.
    August 23 11:36 PM
  • Gwyn. I think you'll be happy. I suggest you only use if you have a good connection tho cause sometimes i can get kinda annoying otherwise or it takes forever to download anything, but its totally worth it.
    August 20 08:09 PM
  • Gwyn. yo i scoped you asking for a link from cyg. I'm just gonna say one word: Soulseek. trust me, all your problems will be solved with that s***
    August 20 02:21 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Hahaha no; I made all that stuff on my soundoff up. Sorry bro
    August 19 10:06 PM
  • Cygnatti I just used spotify, bro.
    August 19 08:18 PM
  • BigPleb But...we need to take over the world :(
    August 5 03:47 PM
  • BigPleb Really? Got no trial codes knocking about anywhere? Microsoft ****ing suck dude.
    August 5 03:25 PM
  • BigPleb Dude no :(, are you gonna bother going Gold again?
    August 5 03:19 PM
  • Keyblade Great to hear man. I need to sleep to Shades of Orion more often, it's a real journey.
    July 28 07:20 AM
  • Keyblade What did you think of Stars of the Lid bro?
    July 28 07:10 AM
  • ChuckyTruant Haha no I still haven't
    July 15 06:37 PM
  • ChuckyTruant dude can you forward me that email? I never got the one with DL link, just the one without it.
    July 13 03:16 AM
  • pribosse music lives:
    July 13 02:49 AM
  • JokineAugustus i don't know how to find the new one :P I can't use The Pirate Bay because its telling me I need to install an add on to download torrents. Any other site works. Usually I buy cd's if I like them.
    July 10 11:28 PM
  • JokineAugustus Got a link for both their albums?
    July 9 10:47 PM
  • JokineAugustus We will call you Cygnus the God of balance he shall be! Start with this :D Throw me a rec if you want. Preferably indie or alternative rock.
    July 9 08:57 PM
  • JokineAugustus You don't even Rush do you?
    July 9 06:10 PM
  • Pennywise_M Hahaha, awesome. Enjoy it bro! :D
    July 8 10:47 AM
  • Pennywise_M Thank you very much for checking us out friend, really appreciated! ;)
    July 7 11:54 AM
  • Pennywise_M wow haha, thanks for checking that! Very happy to see it picked someones interest! Of course man, check/free dl our music here:, check our fb if you want. There you can find out official mediafire link too:
    July 7 11:54 AM
  • ChuckyTruant yeah no prob man. I like it, not as much as Discoveries though :(
    March 16 08:03 PM
  • ChuckyTruant
    March 16 07:57 PM
  • pmmets07 that came out awesome dude, i'm partial to the softer parts but the whole thing was really enjoyable.
    March 1 07:48 PM
  • pmmets07 NO. just kidding of course i want to hear it, send me that sheeyit
    March 1 01:23 PM
  • pmmets07 damn nice dude, i'm guessing you recorded all the parts?
    February 28 07:36 PM
  • atrink I was thinking about it. But I don't want to tread on your territory lol. I mean i just found out about this release a few days ago, and you've probably been planning it for awhile
    February 20 09:20 PM
  • KSK1 Yeah dude I love it especially the first song. Don't care too much for Braid's half but B
    February 12 06:40 PM
  • KSK1 Thanks dude I appreciate it. Been really digging Separation the last couple weeks so i've been pretty pumped for this.
    February 12 07:22 AM
  • pmmets07 i really dig it dude, definitely a strong balance and composure feel. like i said some of the vocals sound a bit off at times but for the most part i like them a lot. if you live anywhere near ct we should jam lawl
    February 8 06:14 PM
  • Spec I actually don't think we have. Though I have bad memory atm.
    December 12 01:45 AM
  • Spec You should mail me an album.
    December 12 01:27 AM
  • Spec Beyond The Shore m/
    December 12 12:56 AM
  • Cygnatti have you heard Turnover's debut? because if you haven't, you better get on them now! O_O They're amazing.
    December 11 08:55 PM
  • pmmets07 that nest ep is sweet. the vocals remind me of a mix between max bemis and the dude from balance and composure lol
    December 4 06:57 PM
  • ChuckyTruant Will do man. Glad your doing well though, good luck in college dude!
    October 11 03:45 PM
  • ChuckyTruant Sam where have you been bro
    October 10 01:32 PM
  • LifeAsAChipmunk dang bro, you got dem low scores
    October 3 01:28 AM
  • andcas rating speaks for itself.
    July 19 07:03 PM
  • trix4dix shelby county/oak mountain area, currently residing at auburn university but not for much longer movin away from this s*** state
    July 11 05:50 AM
  • wacknizzle for Intrinsic
    July 10 11:47 PM
  • wacknizzle The link I have is 320kbps
    July 10 11:46 PM
  • AfterTheBreakdown idk why but i can't get enough of i the breather and the veil of maya album wasn't too impressive i'll stick to the common man's collapse.
    March 2 01:44 AM
  • AfterTheBreakdown you like the new I the breather?
    February 24 01:01 AM
  • iamSeraph !
    December 8 12:39 AM
  • deathofasalesman Defeater played the same exact setlist when I saw them a week before. (I just saw your list.)
    November 11 08:50 AM
  • seedofnothing its that time again. although I mainly write metal, I enjoy writing other softer styles of music as well. with that said here are 3 new ones at "Blisters in Gold"(all keyboards- classical style), "Alter"(only bass and delayed guitar-darker jazz), and "Divide"(odd timed bass and guitar only-blend of classical and jazz). I highly value your feedback. Enjoy my other side!
    November 4 08:17 AM
  • FrankRedHot You should join us.
    November 2 07:11 PM
  • Spec Listen to Shai Hulud. I'll bet you'll rate it between a one and five.
    November 2 08:01 AM
  • FrankRedHot You should join us on turntable.
    November 2 03:48 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 a7x is awful, i dont like underoath, a day to remember is absolutely horrid yeah those are a couple but besides most of that youre an epic dude and counterparts is great btw
    November 1 01:08 PM
  • Ignimbrite m/ **** apps yadda yadda
    November 1 06:07 AM
  • Shredzilla Sorry it has taken me so long to respond back, bro. This day has been quite long and busy, lol. Thank GOODNESS its over! Thanks for the friends request man! I'll prob send this on Facebook too, just to make sure you get it, lol. I actually know One Accord quite well. Cody, their guitarist, is one of my best friends. Such a great dude! Those dudes are awesome, as well. Really good melodic hardcore.
    November 1 05:32 AM
  • ZombieParty \m/
    November 1 05:08 AM
  • Spec
    November 1 04:47 AM
  • sspedding great, yeah I'm sure it'll sound pretty pro. Props on the guest vocal, thats class, especially with the good exposure they are getting on here at the moment. Could bode well for you guys.
    October 31 09:24 PM
  • sspedding sounds promising mate. I'll be sure to keep up with goings on. When can I expect the EP?
    October 31 09:01 PM
  • Shredzilla Np, dude. That's sweet, man! Your definitely a good vocalist, man. You dudes have potential for sure. Haha! I appreciate it, man. Equilibrium is kind of the big hit of the album....because of all the singing and what not. That's more of the direction we are going in now rather than the random spaziness of older songs. SFW are actually playing our EP release in November. They are driving quite a ways, actually. Playing a show would definitely be sweet, man. Hit me up on Facebook if you want, bro.
    October 31 08:46 PM
  • sspedding sure, hook a brother up
    October 31 08:45 PM
  • kris. hey bro idk if you knew this but counterparts suck
    October 31 02:48 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 aside from a few terrible bands i love your taste in music dude
    October 30 03:50 PM
  • Spec Honestly, probably a three. Hated it at first while listening through my laptop but then thought "let's try my super bass, in ear headphones." Very fun album, despite the fact that they aren't revolutionizing anything.
    October 29 07:31 AM
  • bloc Will do for sure. Hell, Andromeda was a solid 4.5 and their teaser clips for the new one have sounded just as fantastic.
    October 29 02:42 AM
  • bloc Not to worry, it's definitely something I'll be looking forward to.
    October 29 02:38 AM
  • bloc Haha dammit, I was actually just about to go to bed in a few!
    October 29 02:34 AM
  • Spec This better nawt suck.
    October 28 08:18 PM
    October 25 05:49 PM
  • bloc oshi- this song
    October 19 09:13 PM
  • bloc I'd love to
    October 19 09:02 PM
  • AfterTheBreakdown ohhh yeah haha.
    October 19 08:40 PM
  • AfterTheBreakdown really cool stuff dude! I gave your band a like and i'm looking forward too some more.
    October 19 08:04 PM
  • AfterTheBreakdown **** yeah i'm interested. What's your band's name. and send me a link man.
    October 19 07:35 PM
  • Spec We are?
    October 17 04:58 PM
  • AfterTheBreakdown Similar to parkway drive. But i like confession better.
    October 14 03:42 AM
  • AfterTheBreakdown You should check out the band Confession. Their New stuff slays.
    October 12 03:40 AM
  • OnlyAnchors dude could you give me the link for the new counterparts album preview? i reeeeealllly want to hear it.
    October 6 12:29 PM
  • Intake Give me one band that sounds like old TDWP.
    October 2 07:59 PM
  • Obfuscation24 you have been shoutboxed
    September 25 02:00 AM
  • climactic well they only have two full albums, so get both of them. they are very different but both amazing in different ways
    September 24 03:45 AM
  • Spec Don't even.
    September 23 07:00 PM
  • ILJ You have a fantastic taste in music. And you're a fantastic writer. Just sayin'.
    September 23 02:24 AM
  • AfterTheBreakdown I bought their album a month ago lol
    September 23 01:57 AM
  • AfterTheBreakdown substructure is legit. glad u like them.
    September 22 03:16 PM
  • taxidermist Yeah man, it's all good. Lost an old friend to cancer earlier this year.
    September 21 10:50 PM
  • botb yeah dude, fb it to me
    September 21 07:00 PM
  • twlight Yeah i think i may have heard that clip on a Victory promotion video, sounds very promising. Their songs on the Counterparts/Exhalt split EP are so epic, that's what's really getting me pumped for the new album
    September 21 03:27 AM
  • twlight haha sure thing, at least we have The Current Will Carry Us to look forward to, that's something we can agree on
    September 21 03:17 AM
  • twlight well s*** bro everyone gets chewed out on sputnik every once in a great while... move on. The writing I've seen from you on this site is good, just maybe start reviewing new genres etc... Glad you like Solterra, as a musician i just wanted to hear your tunes.
    September 21 03:07 AM
  • taxidermist Hope you're doing ok, man. Death sucks.
    September 14 03:34 PM
  • Spec This won't make the situation less s***ty but its good that you had the chance to say your final goodbye to him.
    September 14 03:46 AM
  • Spec Keep on keeping on comrade.
    September 14 03:41 AM
  • Obfuscation24 Ahh so a more matured sound, that's cool man, definitely let me know once you have some recordings. And sweet, I'm actually going to see UABB on that tour in Douglasville, GA the night before you play with them. *It's a small world, after allllllll*
    September 8 11:57 PM
  • Obfuscation24 So angry junz for Jesus basically? Hahah. And alright man sounds good, what kind of sound are you going for with the new band?
    September 8 10:22 PM
  • Obfuscation24 I honestly haven't noticed you being a dick man, but thanks for giving me a reason to be pissed now. ;) And yeah dude I remember, are you in that band Uriah now? Because I know I saw on facebook that the band broke up but most of the members went and made a new one.
    September 8 08:47 PM
  • botb i've recorded guitar/drums/and vocals. they're all fun, you just kinda have to buckle down and really do your best haha.
    September 4 06:26 PM
  • botb word if you tag us we'll tag you back. im interested to hear your band too.
    September 1 07:50 PM
  • botb just put up another new song on that youtube account if you're interested dude.
    August 31 07:13 AM
  • YetAnotherBrick That album leaves me in pieces. Don't even get me started, man...haha
    August 30 08:36 PM
  • YetAnotherBrick Not a problem at all, dude. It's all good. :) And **** yes, that album, man...that album. ****, it's intense. It's up there with Jane Doe as some of the most emotionally involving metalcore I've ever heard.
    August 30 07:40 PM
  • IAmKickass Their singer brings them down.
    August 30 06:04 AM
  • IAmKickass You're one of the few people on this sit like that aha. Just went through the new WCAR album, and a little on both sides with it. On one side of the coin it's pretty good, on the other it's mediocre and repetitive.
    August 30 06:00 AM
  • IAmKickass That's the one problem with this site, is that someone see's you like something nobody else does and all of a sudden nobody wants to take you seriously.
    August 30 05:49 AM
  • IAmKickass Honestly man, the only reason it's being "dug" is because I listened to 'Fortress' once, aha. I was just putting up what I was wanting to rate soon so I didn't forget. Sounds stupid, but I don't even care haha.
    August 30 05:44 AM
  • RosaParks Idk man. I know he's married and has kids. Or at least he claims that. I can't really trust anything he says. And as far as what he did... Well nothing specific really. He just gives me a hard time in any thread we both happen to be in. Which I don't really mind. Most people don't like me on here. What irritates me is when I actually try to have an intelligent conversation with him in a thread and he resorts to redundancy and ignorant slurs.
    August 30 05:39 AM
  • RosaParks Lol. I'm even less aggressive in real life so I'd probably just avoid him if he was going to be so immature as to try to harm me. For someone of his age, it would be kind of pathetic.
    August 30 05:29 AM
  • RosaParks No. I didn't mean to give that impression. I just feel like being aggressive defeats the purpose.
    August 30 05:20 AM
  • IAmKickass I dig your taste, man.
    August 30 05:08 AM
  • sspedding its phenomenal mate, not sure whether i think it is better than Zombie yet. Will get back to you.
    August 30 12:56 AM
  • botb hahah well i love periphery and do think that spencer is annoying sometimes so that is still a compliment. his screams have been compared to the first hopesfall vocalist, which is about the closest comparison i've heard.
    August 28 01:41 AM
  • botb thanks dude. yeah we were nervous some people weren't gonna dig it because its different but i feel like that makes us stand out more.
    August 27 10:08 PM
  • botb
    August 27 06:38 AM
  • taxidermist I'm hella going to be listening to it. I've only listened to half of it so far. Trying to let it slowly sink in...but it's awesome so far.
    August 26 08:37 PM
  • taxidermist AAAAAAND it leaked.
    August 26 06:18 PM
  • taxidermist Yeah, cool. I'm listening to their whole discog in order to write my review. It's been a while since I'd listened to their old material.
    August 26 10:09 AM
  • taxidermist Link isn't working, fuaaaaaark.
    August 26 07:29 AM
  • taxidermist **** it, YES, lol. My email is
    August 26 07:23 AM
  • taxidermist Hmmm, as much as I want it, it'd be selfish of me to have you rick your neck just so some of us could listen. Nah, wait it out. Someone will leak it soon. Plenty of people already got their hands on it (promotional copies and s***.)
    August 26 07:02 AM
  • taxidermist Ah ****. If you can link me to that song...
    August 26 06:51 AM
  • taxidermist Lol, better than nothing, but I still want to wait for the whole thing.
    August 26 06:43 AM
  • taxidermist It was a dud, lol. Keep an eye out on this. If they say it leaked, it leaked.
    August 26 03:04 AM
  • taxidermist Wait, this is on the comments: "SuxXarD at 2011-08-05 04:37 About as fake as the moon being chees?e. Rar is passw?orded, and you need to compl?ete a surve?y to get it. Get rid of this crap."
    August 26 02:51 AM

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