I. M. Gay

Reviews 13
Approval 90%

Soundoffs 52
News Articles 4
Band Edits + Tags 34
Album Edits 54

Album Ratings 1105
Objectivity 55%

Last Active 02-20-22 3:39 am
Joined 02-13-10

Review Comments 49,631

shoutbox » all posts 
  • ToSmokMuzyki immanuel marshall gay?!??! pleased to meet your acquaintance!!
    October 7 07:27 PM
  • bach Great band! Eternal Worm is always in my rotation
    March 28 05:59 AM
  • bach How you been boss? What are you bumping lately?
    March 27 07:10 AM
  • bighubbabuddha By the grace of God, do it
    March 26 11:30 AM
  • bighubbabuddha Jks, but Exai is a strange 5
    March 25 08:01 PM
  • bach Dude
    March 25 07:51 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell both, unfort - mods seem to have hit the action
    December 21 05:32 AM
  • bighubbabuddha You secretly hate Autechre, don't lie
    November 21 10:14 AM
  • YoYoMancuso Ethel Cain is my AOTY check that ish out asap
    October 11 04:26 PM
  • YoYoMancuso i am here and i am yoyo
    October 9 08:48 PM
  • frigyourgenre ntm dog hows o-town treating ya
    September 9 03:40 PM
  • frigyourgenre Yo demi
    September 2 08:44 PM
  • ieatbabies795 That?s great to hear ;)
    August 27 07:24 AM
  • ieatbabies795 Hey um I was think about your post from the other day, hope youre holding up well with everything youre going through okay bye
    December 31 12:28 AM
  • unclereich Mrs demijah
    December 28 09:40 PM
  • unclereich cant be all bad you at least have free healthcare for you terminal illness
    November 14 10:19 PM
  • unclereich yea we both have that same bday bro! jan 27. been ok actually, just chillin and working from home. finished school waiting the Rona to be over so I can really get my career on its feet. wbu? how's Canada
    November 14 03:45 AM
  • unclereich so stoked to see you here man hope all is well
    November 14 03:35 AM
  • unclereich omg youre back :0
    October 15 07:32 AM
  • unclereich :)
    December 18 11:35 AM
  • fromtheinside get in here
    November 9 06:52 AM
  • BigPleb It slayyysssssssss hard! That's so cool, must've ben real expensive. Going good man, just working and partying as always haha! Hows things on your end man?
    February 15 02:33 PM
  • BigPleb Sup Demi! I bumped the Unruh thread ahrd m/
    February 15 08:38 AM
  • skeames1214 lol i feel ya
    November 29 06:30 AM
  • skeames1214 does nobody use shoutbox anymore how am i ur last post????
    November 5 01:01 AM
  • skeames1214 demiiii
    July 28 06:33 AM
  • Realm You're a perversion of the mind!!! You don't exist!!
    July 13 04:54 PM
  • Realm Medical is cool except when it sucks
    July 12 01:12 PM
  • fromtheinside where do we jam these days?
    June 25 12:23 PM
  • Realm Zog
    June 17 08:49 AM
  • Realm Av sux
    June 16 05:44 PM
  • Satellite nice avatar brotendo
    June 11 03:42 AM
  • BigPleb I'm in dawg
    May 10 03:14 PM
  • BigPleb Ye could do man
    May 10 02:51 PM
  • Dewinged Dude! Miyazaki games are like crack. You need to get into Dark Souls 3 after Bloodborne!
    March 23 01:48 AM
  • Dewinged Praise him!! 420!! \\[T]//
    March 21 12:04 AM
  • unclereich @dinner
    March 15 09:20 AM
  • parksungjoon m/ hard
    February 20 03:13 PM
  • parksungjoon yo downwell is a gr8 game m8
    February 19 08:15 PM
  • Chortles yeaa i get that, it's got pretty s*** production and not in the *cvlt as Fk" bm way, it's just kinda bad. but i thought it was pretty good otherwise, need to jam it a bit more. slowly inching thru their discog
    February 16 06:30 PM
  • Chortles but also feels kind of flaccid sometimes sooo i get where ur coming from
    February 16 08:26 AM
  • Chortles dude u on some s***, trans hunger is awesome
    February 16 08:20 AM
  • Pon Well like I said, check Coil, especially if you're after something with a bit of immediacy. Otherwise, Throbbing Gristle, Nurse With Wound, Einsturzende Neubauten, SPK and God. There's a fair bit of variety in those so you should find something you like and can go from there.
    February 4 10:30 AM
  • Pon sorry about the delayed reply but I wasn't sure if you were pullin my leg
    February 3 02:38 PM
  • Satellite same here. i remember loving it at like age 6-7 but a lot of the jokes were over my head. definitely contributed heavily to my current snarkiness and smartassery.
    February 2 09:05 PM
  • Satellite yeah i'm in total agreement there. although the s09 ep "the trouble with trillions" is an alltime great. i'm guessing you were partially raised by the simpsons in the 90s like me lol.
    February 2 08:53 PM
  • Flugmorph Dont get me wrong man, i like asukas character a lot and her scene in EoE is probably the most emotional thing for me in eva but shes not best girl material.
    February 2 09:40 AM
  • Flugmorph Sure thing. Mei is for insecure neets and asuka is for masochists basically
    February 2 06:39 AM
  • Satellite yeah 9 had signs of mild shark-jumping, especially the episode where it turns out skinner was an impostor.
    February 2 06:25 AM
  • Satellite season 8 i believe. imo 4-9 is the sweet spot but there are good episodes in the very early seasons and the post-prime years as well.
    February 2 06:02 AM
  • Satellite wait you were talking about my profile pic, right? yeah i ****ed up. it's actually from the episode "the secret war of lisa simpson." bart ****s around on a field trip and gets sent to a military school. lisa decides to go also. hilarity ensues. the other one was for my avatar.
    February 1 08:02 PM
  • Pon Well most of the industrial I like is death industrial/pe/noise type stuff. I like early-Coil and Skinny Puppy but I'm sure you already know them. I can still rec you some stuff if you tell me what sort of vibes you're after.
    February 1 01:55 PM
  • Pon What is it my dearest sweet prince nigga
    February 1 01:51 PM
  • Pon Oh hello, you've been missing in action for while it seems
    February 1 01:49 PM
  • Chortles oh and nice on mass effect too. the first is the most interesting imo, probably my favorite even though most would pick the second. all great tho
    February 1 09:33 AM
  • Chortles nah dude who needs a life?? need to give ds1 a far go again, can't play atm though until i go back home later this year and kind of hoping they'll release a remaster or something though idk the odds of that happening. speaking of remasters i def need to cop those zelda remasters on 3ds, n64 was my first console but somehow missed both ocarina and majoras mask back then loool
    February 1 09:29 AM
  • Chortles haha i'm actually playing peacefully but it can be kind of annoying sometimes figuring out the right actions and whatnot, hence being stuck on undyne lol. what have you been playin?
    February 1 09:02 AM
  • Chortles not yet! working thru a bunch of indies i bought on the sale though and it's been great. playing undertale and i think i'm probably around halfway thru rn (stuck on scary bitch knight lady currently lol), enjoying it a lot so far though
    February 1 08:33 AM
  • Satellite btw nice eric andre show pic. best show to blaze it up to.
    February 1 07:54 AM
  • Satellite homer the smithers. homer replaces smithers while he's off on vacation. hilarity pic's from the opening scene at the drag race. imo simpsons episodes are difficult to recognize by their openings, even though i've seen each s01-s11 episode dozens of times.
    February 1 07:53 AM
  • Flugmorph
    January 11 08:50 AM
  • Chortles oh man inside looks amazing. limbo is one of my favorite games so idk why i haven't pounced on that lol. undertale and lisa are for sure this time, antichamber, this war of mine and probably like 500 others that i can't remember rn lol i always lose control
    December 26 10:03 AM
  • Chortles best time of the year again (steam sales) and i'm about to go ham on it tbh
    December 22 09:38 PM
  • Spacesh1p Yeah played a resto sham for a bit in Cata and enjoyed it. Wanted some versatility too. Just whisper me some time and I'll add you.
    December 20 01:09 AM
  • Spacesh1p Yo dude, I've been playing a Tauren sham some on Excalibur. Name is Yaks (no relation to Yak here lol) if you want to add me. I'm on every day or other day.
    December 12 07:35 PM
  • Sniff It's getting to be that time of the year you know.
    December 10 10:43 AM
  • Sniff How are ya?
    December 7 07:23 AM
  • Boyproblems U checked konnichiwa yet?
    November 27 03:05 PM
  • Chortles the comp is better for people who are already fans I think, it's got a lot of extras and their later eps which aren't as good. try fugitive family and rainbow person, they're both like 10 mins so not a huge commitment :~)
    November 22 01:04 PM
  • Chortles dude have i ever tried to make you listen to united mutation before? best hardcore ever, most alien dm vox ever for the 80s DC scene, you've gotta jam
    November 19 08:27 AM
  • BigPleb New Jeff album is real good, We Cool? lvl for sure.
    November 14 12:13 AM
  • BigPleb Need to jam, im pumped!
    October 29 03:31 PM
  • BigPleb Dude I thought you were lukewarm on it?
    October 29 12:35 AM
  • danielito19 why would i do that when i can listen to wormrot
    October 28 10:24 PM
  • Spacesh1p Sweet man I'll add you and we can connect on there.
    October 25 04:09 AM
  • Spacesh1p I'll probably do some of both. Started a human pally but trying to get some friends to join too and might re-roll something with them. What about you?
    October 24 01:17 PM
  • Spacesh1p Sweet dude thanks.
    October 23 02:28 PM
  • Spacesh1p Got the client and stuff, but I don't see any instructions so what do I need to do after it's all DLed? I assume I have to somehow manually assign the server connection?
    October 23 12:05 AM
  • Spacesh1p Thanks for the link dude, I'm DLing the client and trying to get a few buddies to join as well.
    October 22 03:43 PM
  • bestnewuser Seriously who the **** are you get the **** out my house nigga
    October 22 08:00 AM
  • Boyproblems Have u checked konnichiwa yet?
    October 21 08:28 PM
  • TheTripP Hey there, it's me Kraft Punk! Did you know I can not die?
    October 19 09:11 PM
  • fromtheinside hard ****ing jammers don't come by easily
    October 19 06:42 AM
  • YakNips hahaha sorry man that was not my intention, i just think it's weird that no one talks about how drastic of a change it is from wfcc and ptes. jd thrives on being as overblown and in-your-face as possible though so i think the mix makes a lot of sense, but to call it raw is ridiculous
    October 18 09:25 PM
  • Boyproblems
    October 18 08:11 PM
  • Angelboros That Hannibal Burress in your prof pic, man?
    October 16 05:06 PM
  • Chortles GBA was/is the best thing ever man. dude fire emblem is the s***, the first gba one is probably my favorite game ever actually, but tbh all the ones I've played are real good. I mean half of them were only ever released an Japan but w/e
    October 15 06:50 PM
  • Chortles ah yeah i still have a gba (still bust out a fire emblem or pokemon playthrough like once a year on it tbh) but sounds like a lot of effort to get that. i'll def emulate it at some point tho
    October 14 07:10 AM
  • Chortles word thanks man, i've heard lots of good things about mother 3. is there any feasible way to play other than emulation nowadays?
    October 13 07:02 AM
  • Chortles good to know, thanks big dawg. i've got it on vc on my 3ds 8) i would usually be cheap and emulate but i've been travelling a lot so it's been nice to have on the go
    October 12 06:40 AM
  • Chortles it's been a hot minute since I've played but definitely not very far. i'm probably speaking very preemptively but the battles so far have been kind of annoying for me but I love the music and the goofiness so far
    October 8 04:41 PM
  • Chortles yooo dude have you ever played the OG earthbound? I've been playing recently for the first time bc I've wanted to play it forever but kind of having trouble getting into it. just curious bc I know how much you love Undertale and Lisa etc
    October 7 08:55 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts My hardware is the Maschine Studio and the software is Native Instrument's Maschine 2 !
    October 6 03:11 AM
  • BigPleb Ayyy
    October 4 12:26 PM
    September 29 02:57 AM
  • CaptainDooRight chillin u
    September 26 09:58 PM
  • CaptainDooRight lovely prof pic
    September 23 05:07 PM
  • BigPleb Dude are you realising how hard they rule?
    September 22 02:17 AM
  • BigPleb Sup dude
    September 22 01:54 AM
  • user dem
    September 21 07:05 AM
  • spookynewghostfriend god of who?
    September 13 05:53 AM
  • iloveyouall if you're interested in writing for the zine, pls join (if it's not too much to ask):
    September 13 04:46 AM
  • BigPleb Jammin?
    September 12 06:30 PM
  • BigPleb Ye man for sure
    September 12 05:12 PM
  • BigPleb No worries man, thought that might've happened
    September 12 01:41 AM
  • BigPleb Dude where you at?
    September 12 01:38 AM
  • YakNips anytime man, i've been superrr into early bathory lately, finally succumbed to the thrash i guess
    September 11 06:46 PM
  • iloveyouall not sure how many of the essentials you've heard, but I guess for really hypnagogic dronebient: eliane radigue - trilogie de la mort (the goat), jliat - the nature of nature, black thread - stay/vale and meadowlark, tanner garza - regret (very mournful), celer - continents, maybe some tuluum shimmering or xiphiidae if you want semi-tribal stuff, deathprod - morals and dogma (very mournful [2]), taylor deupree - northern, birchville cat motel - beautiful speck triumph, b. hurtado - other spaces
    September 11 10:57 AM
  • YakNips glad you dug starspawn bud i knew you would m/
    September 9 11:47 PM
  • BigPleb Get on it now man haha, as soon as Jesus Alone kicks in its a nonstop ride filled to the brim with bleakness and beauty.
    September 9 08:56 AM
  • BigPleb Dude Ye that album rips, but I just fancied something different today I guess lol
    September 9 08:47 AM
  • BigPleb Same dude but I just dive straight into this new one and its an AOTY candidate for sure.
    September 9 08:45 AM
  • BigPleb Dude you need this new Nick Cave album in your life omg
    September 9 08:43 AM
  • zakalwe Digging moss icon dude.
    August 29 08:28 PM
  • Toad nice av there
    August 29 07:58 PM
  • TheSpaceMan he was half the reason I watched every episode of that show, too bad he kinda lost his charm and mystique in the last few episodes
    August 25 05:31 PM
  • TheSpaceMan reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold bye
    August 25 04:00 AM
  • Chortles yeah dude to me it just sounds like the start of every s***ty post hardcore band that followed. p boring really. speaking of good ratings tho it finally hit me how much Doolittle meant to me in the past few weeks, hard 5 dog. it only took like 5 years or something lol
    August 20 07:46 PM
  • Chortles yeaaah I think that's the main draw, that and more processing power I guess but i don't think there's much beyond that. VR seems cool and I'm sure it will be for certain games but it's going to be so expensive for what I feel like will be an inferior way to play tbh. also god damn we r nerds
    August 16 07:55 PM
  • Flugmorph are you a zoe or a zelda?
    August 16 06:23 PM
  • Flugmorph yeeeeeeee man spread the mr. peanutbutter love!!!
    August 15 07:24 PM
  • Chortles not sure if you are still looking to swing for a ps4 but i just saw a reddit post that BB is on amazon for 13 usd new, p crazy since it's not even that old yet. I think ps4 prices have been dropping too with all the hype and s*** about Neo
    August 12 02:39 PM
  • BigPleb Sweet man I'm going for a few pints soon so will after that m/
    August 5 07:44 PM
  • BigPleb Jam?
    August 5 07:40 PM
  • Chortles I feel ya, I've heard a lot of negativity about ds2 but I may still give it a go eventually. nice to hear on 3, I've heard such good things about the boss fights and thats exciting to me since they're prob my favorite part of these games. maybe if I played ds3 it would help me transition back down to ds1 easier than BB has lol. I wish I would have been more consistent playing these as they released but I kinda had stopped gaming for awhile during the OG dark souls era so I totally missed out
    August 5 06:43 PM
  • Chortles damn I really should just get the pc version then if it comes with the DLC. I'll probs give it a shot when it goes on sale again. have you played dark souls 2 or 3? curious of your opinions on them in that case
    August 5 05:35 PM
  • Chortles should have just bought the steam version when it was $5 :(
    August 5 04:52 PM
  • Chortles maybe I'll just swing for a new copy and get rid of this one so I can at least have some peace of mind, I got it for like $10 on eBay so I'm sure I can find another one and it would probably haunt me forever if I stopped playing it now lol. ahh I haven't kindled, didn't even know that was a thing. that would help a lot bc I'm not nearly good enough at these games to just have 5 haha. idk exactly where I'm at but there were a s*** ton of enemies and the frames went bonkers so i stopped to pout
    August 5 04:51 PM
  • Chortles it's partially performance partially difficulty I'd say. I expected as much from a souls game but I'm at undead parish (so not very far) and I'm just getting destroyed. I always end up using all 5 estus flasks way before the next bonfire so by that point I usually just get wrecked lol. probably spoiled by demons souls grass system where you could just carry a **** ton of them haha. I'm also wondering if my disc is just fukd bc it straight up froze yesterday while I was trying to play
    August 5 04:39 PM
  • Chortles it doesn't seem super crazy demanding and I can run a few non-indie games decently but I'm afraid my comp won't be able to handle really big open spaces (esp since my PS3 is having a hard time handling them lol)
    August 5 01:51 PM
  • Chortles haha funny that you mention that - since you brought that up I copped a PS3 copy and started playing finally but I am having SO much trouble getting into it. I'm finding it more frustrating than I ever found BB and demons souls and the framerate has been really really bad in some areas :/ really want to keep at it since its most people's fave but it's been a struggle. I was considering getting it for PC but I was afraid my comp wouldn't run it (I mostly just play indie games on steam)
    August 5 01:45 PM
  • BigPleb Jam whatever man! New Devy soon as well.
    August 5 08:34 AM
  • BigPleb Dual jam me and you like old times
    August 5 08:31 AM
  • Chortles also yes it is brutal in all the right ways. it took me hours and hours to get to the first boss because I had such a hard time getting the hang of the way the game played and kept getting totally reamed in the first level, and it was really difficult throughout but it scales very nicely as you get better at the game
    August 1 02:13 PM
  • Chortles The faster paced combat with all the trick weapons and the Victorian/lovecraftian horror setting is what sets it over the top. All the design aspects are just unreal (enemies, level design, the world in general etc) also the bosses are ****ing amazing man, tbh there are a few mediocre ones but the best ones here make for some of the most exhilarating moments I've had in gaming. I know that's a **** ton of hype but I can't help it, the games on another level. rly need to go back and play ds1 def
    August 1 02:09 PM
  • Chortles yee you just have to be patient for a good deal! I ended up getting lucky bidding on one but there's deals all the time, the ps4deals sub on Reddit is good for finding deals if you're into that. anyway, my souls history is kind of weird, I've played demons but not any of the dark souls games (I will eventually tho!!) - I looove demons souls but honestly BB is in a whole other realm for me
    August 1 02:04 PM
  • Chortles dude it honestly might be worth it. i bought a ps4 about a month ago off of ebay with bloodborne dlc and the last of us remastered (also incredible) all for $275 which was pretty crazy to me and i have no regrets. i've played so much of both that it feels worth it even if i didn't get any other games. i'm about to finish my NG of bloodborne and it's been ballin
    August 1 04:17 AM
  • Chortles dood i want to so bad. i have so much to play tho honestly so i'll just wait until it's on sale again to pick it up. currently addicted as fuk to bloodborne rn it's uhmazing
    August 1 04:01 AM
  • Chortles haha dont worry I am the biggest puss so you can definitely make it through if I did. its not super horror-ry but there were a lot of parts where i had to pause and walk around and s*** bc I was scared lol. amazing atmosphere, and probably the most tense I've felt playing a game (in a good way)
    June 24 12:51 PM
  • Chortles doood just saw you bought the stalker pack on steam, get rdy man. i haven't played clear sky or pripyat yet but shadow of chernobyl is a ****ing GOAT game. also these summers sales are the tits
    June 24 01:49 AM
  • YoYoMancuso Calculating Infinity is blowing my mind right now man
    June 3 09:00 PM
  • Idleness savage af KFED bro u thrashed that track m//
    June 2 06:22 AM
  • Idleness he's part of the RADIKULT 2016
    June 1 05:46 AM
  • Idleness
    May 30 03:44 PM
  • owen hey, any cool *core stuff released recently?
    May 29 01:22 PM
  • parksungjoon well if there's one thing i'll say is there's no way you won't like it
    May 29 12:32 AM
  • parksungjoon diggin the new vektor as hard as the rest of us?
    May 28 10:32 PM
  • parksungjoon demigod lives m/
    May 28 09:30 PM
  • PlanningMyDeath i want heroism mystery and courage
    May 22 08:03 PM
  • pissbore Cool I'll be around later tonight and most likely down 2 jam
    March 30 01:38 PM
  • pissbore jam later?
    March 29 03:05 PM
  • p4p hope you're okay dude
    March 27 06:37 PM
  • YakNips i miss u bud
    March 27 02:14 PM
    March 25 11:43 AM
  • pissbore come jam on dubtrack
    March 20 09:01 PM
  • KILL What finesse Kate Bush has. Her vocal dexterity is truly comparable to none; her pure singing, akin to her graceful dance, gliding so effortlessly like a skater on ice. This demonstration of her beautiful dancing, all thanks to Lindsay Kemp of course,really completes the ultimate message so? many of her songs convey; she is so full of ardor, and she must show it, whatever the circumstance, whoever this 'stranger' she mentions really is. Oh! The hurt done from this person who deprived her of love
    March 20 02:56 AM
  • BigPleb Doomed User dude, jam it.
    March 18 11:37 PM
  • pissbore are you up for jamming?
    March 18 04:48 AM
  • Trebor. early sput is such a trip
    March 18 04:11 AM
  • Trebor. dragon guitarist name damn
    March 18 04:08 AM
  • Trebor. what the **** it didn't post right. I was copy/pasting that
    March 18 04:08 AM
  • Trebor. (
    March 18 04:02 AM
  • pissbore do you guys still do that dubtrack thing?
    March 18 03:20 AM
  • Tyrannic Yeah just go to their websites to pick a dj doing a style you like For me it's all dubstep so I go with plastician, youngsta, and n-type. But I think it went well
    March 17 10:13 PM
  • Tyrannic It's a London based radio station for electronic. 9 or 10 Two hour podcasts on SoundCloud daily it's just rediculous. Good luck on the new job tho what is it?
    March 17 08:55 PM
  • Tyrannic It's all good. Got a 3rd job interview tomorrow. Been listening to way to much lol hbu?
    March 17 05:48 AM
  • BigPleb New Deftones song goes man, check it.
    March 17 03:41 AM
  • Tyrannic What's good homie
    March 16 07:31 AM
  • sixdegrees my all time favorite show is Ghost Hound
    March 9 03:44 AM
  • sixdegrees well Fate isn't a straightforward action shonen at all so I think you'll enjoy it, but check The Tatami Galaxy if you want more stuff in that psychological comedy/drama vein (the art style is really unique too).
    March 9 02:23 AM
  • sixdegrees didn't know you were into anime now haha
    March 9 02:02 AM
  • sixdegrees watch fate/zero
    March 9 01:50 AM
  • Kman418 THE BEST BAND
    March 7 11:37 PM
  • Kman418 dude check parquet courts
    March 7 11:37 PM
  • Chortles d0000d finally listening to unruh after you've whored it out for so long. s*** rules. hope you are doing well man!!!
    March 3 04:55 AM
  • SCREAM! Only ever had it in one spot so I don't even know if it was "good" or not but I liked it. Very sweet. Hit me up on FB anytime!
    February 26 03:00 AM
  • SCREAM! Yo man, if you ever want to chill irl feel free to hit me up. We can hit up a show or ransack a record store or grab bubble tea whatever man
    February 25 05:33 PM
  • Titan Demi bro wtf......perseverance my friend, things will get better.....everything is temporary, including the current way you're're an awesome person
    February 25 12:38 PM
  • Pon Saw you list, just letting you know I'm up for a chat if you ever feel like it.
    February 25 10:28 AM
  • zakalwe You'll be fine mate. You're to cool for school but more importantly **** 'em.
    February 25 08:35 AM
  • Pon I haven't been able to keep up with a lot of newer releases but the new Chthe'ilist and Lycus albums are really worth checking. For non-m/ stuff I've been digging the new Tim Hecker, Venetian Snares, Bowie and Fire! records. Aim to get a bit more listening in once I review the new Inverloch album (which is probably my AOTY so far).
    February 25 05:03 AM
  • Pon Heh, thanks man. Gonna try and get my first staff review out today but I've been so strapped for time lately, ugh. How you been?
    February 24 06:11 AM
  • LotusFlower thanks man, same to you.
    February 24 04:49 AM
  • Tyler. haven't been smoking enough gimme some
    February 9 11:58 PM
  • Tyler. How's life maaaan
    February 7 12:25 AM
  • Tyler. Come back
    February 3 06:37 AM
  • BigPleb HARD
    January 30 05:58 AM
  • unclereich Dude 23 club happy bday bro love u
    January 28 11:18 PM
  • unclereich Dinner
    January 11 03:40 AM
  • zakalwe :D
    January 6 09:24 PM
  • zakalwe Always good to see you around Demi bro. Jam Sunhouse - Crazyontheweekend and weep manly tears. Greatest undiscovered album of all time.
    January 6 09:18 PM
  • hogan900 Prob saddest game ever, but definitely one of my favorites. Poor Claus.. ;(
    January 6 09:14 PM
  • hogan900 Mother 3 is best game
    January 6 03:26 PM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal
    December 22 09:39 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal please tell me you like new cudi too
    December 9 04:14 AM
  • Gwyn. actually yea the better question wouldve been when did you like evangelion or anime in general, also stan = big/obsessed fan (you ever seen the video stan by eminem? yea it comes from there)
    November 22 03:37 AM
  • Gwyn. lol since when were you a rei stan???
    November 22 03:30 AM
  • JokineAugustus Dude s***. How'd that happen? I've been just chilling with friends. Went paintballing for the first time recently, play loads of board games, and just check out the city. Winnipeg is a pretty decent city for restaurants and music.
    November 15 11:23 PM
  • JokineAugustus Dude what's up? Been bored as hell lately. What have you been up to as of late?
    November 14 09:51 PM
  • Ryus for hip hop, check out nickelus f and shawn kemp - trick dice. for death metal, check out cruciamentum - charnel passages. for electronic, check out dave dk - val maira.
    October 20 08:46 PM

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