Soundoffs 7 News Articles 10 Band Edits + Tags 8 Album Edits 2
Album Ratings 89 Objectivity 45%
Last Active 02-20-14 1:46 am Joined 01-29-10
Review Comments 3,317
 | CrimsonLies in case you haven't found it yet
 | zxlkho This is the exact email that I got. I didn't go through paypal, so I can't help you there.
 | Calc I won't nerd out on ya but make sure you hear as much as you can lol.
 | Calc I read this next one will have no concept at all. Sounds interesting.
 | Calc Now that I think about it its prolly the only thing i'm a fanboy about lol
 | Calc you scared me I thought you were saying TREOS was releasing a new album this year lol. But yeah I love the Dear Hunter and pretty much everything they've (he's) done.
 | East Hastings damn! props man, that's dedication. my main focus after school is just to get a well-paying job, i feel kind of like a dick now haha. but seriously that's awesome, mad respect. good luck as well
 | East Hastings it's good! and nah i'm from LA, so not much of a move haha. and that sounds awesome, what inspired environmental science?
 | East Hastings seriously! lol i've been good! first semester at usc is almost over. hbu?
 | Alex445 then I don't know you. Either way. I like your musical taste, yo. Good s***.
 | Alex445 can't tell if you're an 8bit that I knowor different 8bityou rating Ocarina of Time's OST a 5 makes me thinkyou may be one I know.
 | WillieDimension no we are fb friends and he sends me naked pics all the time i just like calling him a **** because he probably is
 | Stokes I didn't see your shoutbox from 3 days ago, haha. I don't know if I explained myself but I wasn't actually angry, I was in two separate tabs pretending to argue with Taxi.
 | East Hastings same here for the break, except mine was last week...and i really dunno man i'm probably gonna end up going to a UC or Cal State school somewhere in south cali but i still dont have a major or anything
 | East Hastings nm, nm broseidon how about you? i've been busy with school lately
 | Jakeitwasaghost Yeah dude, so stoked. You seen the live video of the new song?
It will be awesome.
 | Satellite they'll turn it around. they'll probably finish second in the central and like 4th or 5th in the west.
 | HaloDude442 lol right? never understood that, but twas epic.
 | HaloDude442 haha yeah dude, that was the best pokemon game
 | cvlts = 5
 | Titan50 Well, "his band" are my favourite and most treasured band of all timeSo yeah, they're alright I guess
 | Titan50 Mmhm, good band. Although it's more for the Richey Edwards shirt he has on :p
 | Kimm I didn't actually get banned but people put so many irrelevant, disrespectful comments and I guess everyone thought I was a troll so eventually I got sick if lists getting removed and I just made a new account.
 | cvlts you better find that sht and 5 it right the fck now
 | IfYouRun Funnily enough i meant to give them a 2.5
 | Kimm Haha I thought you were making a rude joke but then I Google Imaged her name and I was pleasantly surprised. My reputation on this site goes way back to the first list I ever made on my first account which lasted me less than a week I think. Haha.
 | Kimm I know, it was really surprising to me, especially because I'd never even heard of her until you mentioned it.I thought you were just messing with me and she was some freak show or something from like...a circus? I'm not exactly the most liked girl on this site haha.
 | Kimm Counterparts! I might see them December 3rd but I'm not sure yet.Also, something funny. Today I was babysitting for a new family and Jen (the mom) said, "Do you know who you remind me of...I don't know if you've heard of her but her name is Zoee Deschanel." It was the weirdest thing.
 | fr33convict Here's the alternative one.
 | Kimm Yeah a lot of people didn't care for their self titled. I loved it.
 | Kimm What's up with the 1.5 for Avenged Sevenfold? Come on man.
 | East Hastings Cool, cool... and yeah I remember spamming up the sputnik all summer, good times haha
 | Kimm I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks.
 | East Hastings i know what you mean i been stressed as hell lately with school so I only casually do the sputnik. and I'm a junior, 16
 | East Hastings oh sup dude. sorry. been busy with s*** at school and the lady, etc. but other than that not much, what about you?
 | coneren Holy shiit, our post counts are so close
 | PinkBlackberry update : Counterparts' vocalist grew on me quickly. rofl :D
 | PinkBlackberry damn son, thanks for the rec's. not going to lie the vocals in the songs were a bit of a turn off but the drumming and guitar made up for it in both of them.Only stuff I've been listening too lately is Peirce the veil, fact, and TWA. I'm so boring I need to get on a music download spree again.
 | SlightlyEpic I visited some cute little Greek island and bathed in the sun, it was hot :3
 | eternium I'm thinking of just doing some kind of post-rockish diddle. I tried to record Knife Prty, but even with the computer mic on the other side of the room and the amp volume as far down as possible, it was still too loud/much for the little piece of crap to handle.
 | Canyons of Static Whoa weird name. And I guess most people use craigslist or eBay, yeah
 | Canyons of Static OIC. Gonna record my s*** through my laptop mic so don't get all fancy on me ;]
 | Canyons of Static I definitely spent a lot of time on sputnik this summer as well, and lol what kind of music do they play?
 | Canyons of Static Yeah i can relate to that first sentence, I need to slow down and focus more on getting good grades, college, etc. Today was my first day, so I'm chilling at home and relaxing before I have to wake up at 6:30 tomorrow for the first day of "learning"
 | Canyons of Static Got banned for 2 weeks on the 27th so a while longer, trying to keep a somewhat low profile till then. How are you?
 | witchxrapist i been workin on dis w/ my boyfrann
 | Dryden too many to think of that game rules hard tho
 | Dryden thoes days are still goin hereee
 | Dryden super nintendo and n64. know people who have wii tho
 | Dryden heard about it. seems awesome
 | climactic LOL I couldn't tell ya. Probably a pillow though.
 | Romulus me too, i was so bummed out when the whole deal ended with only a few North American dates and no new music. it seems like Patton's got his hands full with Mondo Cane right now but I mean he's Mike Patton, he's always got something planned. i just wish it was with FNM.
 | Romulus dude it was fantastic. it was my first time ever seeing them and it was basically everything i had hoped for. only sad thing is knowing is won't happen again
 | East Hastings my grandma was born and raised in kyoto, i've got a couple cousins that still live over there that i've been meaning to visit.
 | witchxrapist send me beat again so i can lay down fresh lyrix
 | East Hastings where u from? us americans need as many different types of fat we can get
 | porch thanks a lot dude. you should try one yourself
 | Bitchfork um duh that's coz it was made by me son.
 | Bitchfork one of the voices shouts that out towards the end
 | Counterfeit ummmm idk. ill prolly just start listenin to some outkast and pick one myself.
 | Counterfeit Yeah, its gonna be hard though. Cuz my video camera wont sync with my comp and dont have a web cam. Plus it's proving difficult coming up with hateful lyrics to Ms. Jackson lol.
 | Counterfeit None. We didn't spend a whole lot of time fishing, but the time we did we didn't catch a single thing.
 | Obfuscation24 Not sure, I just randomly got it on 4chan, sorry man
 | Bitchfork How are you liking the track so far?
 | East Hastings i think he had told me about that before. how is it countess related?
 | East Hastings good luck :Di'm working out the drums right now, i've got most of it but im still trying to figure out the fill in the chorus so i'll send you a (s***ty) recording in a few days, maybe a week or so
 | Satellite Man I so agree. I love baseball, but my Tigers have been hard to watch. Less than 2 months until the season starts, though.
 | Bitchfork Okay, keep in mind that I'm restricted to a dial-up connection so this will take about 45-60 mins.
 | Bitchfork I have the intro done, I think, senor 8bit. Would you like a taste of the droning cavalcade of chunky sitars and tts recordings about impenetrable ache?
 | bailar11 enrique had a short vacation. he apologizes for not letting you know.
 | East Hastings k cool dude it sucks cuz i ordered a brand new drum set a couple weeks ago and they sent the wrong color so i had to ship it back completely and get it in a new color. should be here in a few days so i might end up recording them directly from my laptop mic, lol and my email is
 | SlightlyEpic haha okay i'll see what I come up with, bearing in mind all i have to record with is the s***ty laptop mic
 | SlightlyEpic well I mean I could just mess around for a while with recording I guess, I don't know, I've never written a song befooore :xxx
 | SlightlyEpic hahaha nope the only thing i can do is play guitar will this be a problem :x
 | SlightlyEpic sure why not just saying i don't know the first thing about rapping y'know
 | SlightlyEpic yesss that is the best thing ever what should I do?
 | East Hastings sweet s*** yo are u doing the lyrics? u were pretty genius with some of the eminem ones haha
 | East Hastings ill let u know when ive got it all down, and ill probably record it using garageband if thats cool with you guys? also let me know if you need some vocals lol
 | East Hastings wait just read your bands haha ill learn knife prty
 | East Hastings awesome dude what deftones song? im still learning some of the old stuff, but diamond eyes has been my ****ing jam lately
 | East Hastings i can play lots but ive only got guitar for right now..will have drums sometime this week, but my "recording" setup is pretty lame
 | tinkrbel soon... maybe, not really sure yet :/
 | tinkrbel i led Inveigh to believe i was jules then this happened the next day:
 | tinkrbel you're lying! you must've seen that sherlockalts list. i used that as a smokescreen. thats not me, good guess though... i think
 | ShadowAmI haha yeah dude i was almost insulted :p jk
 | ShadowAmI welll... i thought maybe it had to do with me reaching 1000 comments. also for the record i'm not canadian xD but i appreciated it anyway.
 | eternium I'll do it whenever I have the house to myself.
 | OhAliceMonster your serious? what would you want on it, and if you are serious, i can do it, but dont take advantage of my artistry skills because it takes time to do stuffs like that :3
 | tinkrbel honestly im flattered bro i just dont think i could really contribute anything worthwhile
 | tinkrbel unfortunately i have no musical talent whatsoever :(
 | tinkrbel sounds cool! do i have to do anything?
 | eternium That'd be sexy. We should develop a Sputnik cover album or EP over time. Maybe even the staff would promote it.
 | eternium How about Knife Prty? I can do it distorted if you can add drums.
 | Bitchfork what does the next track sound like, i want to lead into it.
 | eternium Not sure. Something off of White Pony probably. Like Change or something that you can easily play around with yourself, like adding drums.
 | Bitchfork kk. It's like a drone-noise-harsh-ambient-glitch hybrid
 | eternium If it's a cover, I can play some Deftones or Converge (to keep it Sputnik related).
 | Dryden loool i could think of a few things to do yah man
 | bloc Not a problem, happy to help!
 | eternium What kind of music is it? I could maybe contribute guitar or something, even if it's just with a crappy computer mic and Audacity.
 | eternium Haha, I can't sing for s*** and not much of a vocalist. Nor can I fake accents.
 | Bitchfork How loud do you want it? I mean, when you are listening to it, where do you want it to be played at in terms of volume? Halfway to the max? At the max? At 1/4 capacity?
 | Bitchfork I'd be down for either one of those really lagging closers or a lagging opener.
 | eternium You know that I'm not actually Russian, right?
 | bloc Dude, they're working perfectly. I highly recommend them, especially considering how inexpensive they are and how great the bass sounds.
 | Counterfeit K, Ill start writing s*** up. See what I can do.,
 | Bitchfork I can do this. What are some guidelines I should follow? What's your vision? O and I really don't know Countess so give me a descrip.
 | Counterfeit urgg.. I wish "A B*tch is a b*tch" wasn't taken. Call it.... A song for a c*nt.
 | OhAliceMonster i can give you a cheap generic scream, that goes well with hiphop. yeah?
 | OhAliceMonster yeah, of course. As long as its like me against countess, me winning. but if it is indeed, i, who is losing, then no.
 | Prolapse i will help you, not sure how but...
 | Satellite I know man, so awesome, especially since he's from the Detroit area and he's always been one of my favorite players. Plenty of teams would love to have our third line (Cleary/Modano/Hudler) as their first or second line. I srsly can't wait for this season to begin.
 | bailar11 songs for countess you say? enrique may be of assistance.
 | Satellite Man, if I were a Hawks fan I'd be pissed too. That is such a stupid move. Niemi wasn't an elite netminder or anything, but he won the cup in his first year as a starter. Turco is way past his prime, and his numbers against Detroit are atrocious.
 | bailar11 not too much man. the brokencyde's bc13 thread has been our main playground for the past few days. you can take a gander at it. though it got reported this morning. meh oh well. we jsut started a new one about 5 minutes ago though.
 | bailar11 enrique will try to get more ppl to look at it. its a good show.
 | Nikkolae lol just one more reason for her to hate the sputnik male demographic
 | bailar11 enrique sees it unfolding mang. crazy s***. enrique did lol at teh pokemon pals vid thouhg. hes been watching a couple episodes of that recently.
 | Nikkolae that makes me insecure if i should say tits or gtfo since with her it could go either really good or really horribly terribly gross
 | Nikkolae s***'s the funniest thing i've seen in a wile around here, both bitches be trippin'
 | Nikkolae your poetry makes me ****ing lol
 | dr2den oh. anyone without a gun will be dead then
 | dr2den everyone in the room will leave in a body bag
 | dr2den gonna be a ****ing massacre
 | bailar11 thanks so much. if enrique hadnt been banned so many times hed have gotten there sooner.
 | tinkrbel u forgot? well keep in mind that tink knos all, sees all and most importantly REMEMBERS all
 | tinkrbel cant believe u didnt guess ur own desc! good times
 | SeaAnemone and please please let me know what you think of them if you remember! :)
 | SeaAnemone ummm you've seen that Emo bible list, right? Anyway... here's some great screamo along those lines or any lines really:Off Minor - Some BloodOff Minor - The Heat Death of the Universe(the best band in screamo)Archives - DeclineFuneral Diner - The UnderdarkHoover - The Lurid Traversal Of Route 7In First Person - Lost Between Hands Held TightMesa Verde - The Old RoadSuis La Lune - Heir EPTen Grand - The Comprehensive List...those are all amazing, I'm sure you'll like some of em :)
 | SeaAnemone s*** sorry I forgot about your post didn't I?! I'm sorry, that's a really tough question considering how unique they are... like really unique. Do you like any other screamo? That and CTTS are probably the two single most hard bands to rec for
 | bailar11 yes i must elaborate upon my original sound off. somewhat difficult, but ill get in the right state of mind again.
 | bailar11 in time. i still have to work on my life's work. that being a 5 review for brokencydes latest effort.
 | Bitchfork Yeah, it's only got a 2.5 rating, but that's expected. It's... noiz.
 | Dryden yeah. i wish thoes photos would have been real. im so mad.
 | andcas the vocals really sit them apart from the rest of the pack. they're really good man. youll dig them.
 | andcas well more experimental grindcore than anything but you may enjoy them. they are pretty unique.
 | andcas I was doing merch for my friends tech death metal band called the last of lucy. I may write a review on them soon. twas fun.
 | silentpotato yeah dude that is some sad s***. its so ****ed that that can happen to someone so young. 17 and he died in his sleep, and if Banion says it wasn't suicide i believe her.
 | bailar11 enrique has standards. sure any brokencyde album gets an insta-5, but enrique cant stand that s*** band they call nickelback.
 | bailar11 enrique cant get enough of the shaq attack. also enrique just realized he has 69 ratings after 5ing tokio hotel.
 | bailar11 if enrique was albe to reunite all the other enriques the world would not be able to handle the sexy. so it is written.
 | bailar11 enrique is aiming for being able to bone more females than his father did. and he ****ed ALOT of chicks. at least enrique got to bone the hottest tennis star though.
 | bailar11 enrique agrees. and new material isnt at par with such classics as escape, but its enrique, so it just get something for that.
 | bailar11 yeah enrique took a health class before. he already knows all about vaginal prolapses. but enrique employed the jersey shore guys as part of his comeback. as unfortunately many of the masses flock to such shows like jersey shore, so enrique is exploiting that.
 | bailar11 what is it you want to ask enrique?