Reviews 25 Approval 88%
Soundoffs 44 News Articles 7 Band Edits + Tags 0 Album Edits 4
Album Ratings 472 Objectivity 65%
Last Active 01-30-21 10:36 pm Joined 11-09-09
Review Comments 249
 | JasonCarne Rad - I live out in KY now, but I still miss NJ sometimes, especially the close proximity to great shows almost every weekend year round.
 | JasonCarne Hey man, I was born/raised in Roselle, NJ but moved down to Point Pleasant halfway through high school, then lived in Asbury for a while. Where are you from?
 | taxidermist Yo, how did you already listen to Violent Waves? Has it leaked? LINK ME MAN! POR FAVOOOOR.
 | pjquinones747 It's difficult to find people with music interests like you on this particular website. We need more of you.