Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 9 Album Ratings 707 Objectivity 62%
Last Active 09-09-12 7:23 am Joined 06-21-09
Review Comments 1,823
| FuncrusherPlus1 I just wrote a review on here for K-Rino's Solitary Confinemt, could you please read and leave a comment on it?
| FuncrusherPlus1 Hey, I noticed that you rated a K-Rino's album on here. Ive added some more albums on here and I would like to ask if you could please rate some of them if you have heard or maybe listen to one (Solitary Condfindment)comes highly reccomended. He's too underrated and i'm tryna support him and get him more well known.
| LysergicLollypops Sick username man!!! And your taste in tunes is pretty awesome too. Something tells me we were carved from the same stones.
| Piglet nice username you goddamn hippie ;)
| aok really digging the orb atm -- nice to see thievery corp entering your recent tracks =)
| Idnuf Is there a key to enjoying Selected Ambient Works 85-92? I can't really get into it.
| ThirtySixChambers oh, why the sad face? what wrong turn led to this place? well you tell me, Mr chaddy boy. your expression of gloom, will it reach my soliloquy? i saw you eat my ham, yet you heartlessly turn away. yet at nights, i still dream of the day chad, one day
| ThirtySixChambers delay delay please come today, for i don't want to awaken in the morning! chad's mom and dad will play, and mix the dough with shortening! biscuits! biscuits! and gravy as well! come inside it's warm, we'll all be merry and swell
| ThirtySixChambers maybe we'll get some kinny action? no no no certainly not, just doug
| ThirtySixChambers No, I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. I feel entirely fine but I already called off sat sun
| ThirtySixChambers Should I get Kno? and I forgot to ask you to unlock your car, at some point I'll have to come down and get my phone/cigs
| ThirtySixChambers What time do you work? I need to find out what time I work, so I'm planning on calling you as you're going to punch in
| ThirtySixChambers I'll be calmed up until that fat sack is resting between my fingaz ya dig
| ThirtySixChambers Did you recognize when the anti-unions said "lump sum", also track off for emma?
| JohnDenver Well I got me a fine wife I got me old fiddleWhen the sun's comin' up I got cakes on the griddleAnd life ain't nothin' but a funny funny riddleThank God I'm a country boy
| ThirtySixChambers Yeah but I mean, it might have been a bit too much. I don't think I want to ever do it again in such a situation
| ThirtySixChambers i lost it last night man. i'm not sure if it was because i had taken DXM the night before or what, but i seriously was swept under the wave there for the last 1/4 of the time. i remember quivering and twitching in the grass, feeling hypothermia set in, trying for the life of me to think of 'warm thoughts'. instead i kept getting sucked in by the cold
| ThirtySixChambers It does, I'm quite disappointed. I just can't believe he won't call me back or something
| ThirtySixChambers I thought about that, but I figured you were talking about something else
| ThirtySixChambers I'm going to finish cutting my grass, come up and get me if it comes to that. I won't have my phone
| crowing51 Wow i just looked up how to get a invite its kinda hard lol
| crowing51 Hmm sweet i'll try and look around, i just really want those cd's lol. I love that band sucks they never got as much exposure that they deserved.
| ThirtySixChambers I don't work today, unfortunately. Last night went...interesting. It was the most psychedelic robo-trip I've ever had. I thought I was peaking when I wrote that message on your shoutbox last night, but immediately after I sprinted down to my deck and vomited. I proceeded to trip face. At one point I was laying on my bed listening to Shpongle and I lost myself in a whole other reality, I didn't have a body or anything it was more like senses and stimuli. It was awesome though
| ThirtySixChambers Greetings Chad from satellite sputnik, do you copy? Over and out, in my mind
| ThirtySixChambers way more important than any of that other s***, album is epic as hell
| Countess "Maybe if you weren't a junkie whore this wouldn't happen" holy s***! you are my new fav user. I won't even tease you about your tiny penis any more
| ThirtySixChambers awyeah i knew you would eventually
i got a fresh sack o' dro lata 2 night cum smack a ho
| ThirtySixChambers Hahahaha that's quite epic, those kids were a hoot. u gat any baewls
| Lambda Hey man. Here's the sample ballot for the genre voting, I think you kisunderstood.---------------SAMPLE BALLOT---------------Vote:Ludwig Van BeethovenGenre Choices:Post-Metal: _____________Nu-Metal: ______________Hard Rock: _____________Old-School Punk: ________Ambient: _______________Pop: __________________User Selection: __________
| ThirtySixChambers Can't smoke tonight, my mom over heard the conversation haha. She's on guard duty
| ThirtySixChambers Dunno, I saw you use parenthesis to quote someone, I thought I'd help you out. Calm your puss
| ThirtySixChambers "[ quote] fkhjkdj [ /q uote]" To quote someone, minus the spaces in the brackets
| ThirtySixChambers
listen whole way through, you will enjoy
| ThirtySixChambers Wanna smoke tonight, you'll have to talk through here though my phone is dead O:
| ThirtySixChambers I saw the first one but passed it up, I don't feel like downloading more trip-hop ):
| ThirtySixChambers I snatched up some Unwound (who I'm already familiar with) and a new classical avant-garde composer named Andrew Violette?
| ThirtySixChambers I had something to say to you, then my page took really long to load. Oh yeah, I just downloaded two staff picks.
| Bulldog what is up fellow hip hop lover?