Reviews 6 Approval 98%
Soundoffs 6 News Articles 16 Band Edits + Tags 0 Album Edits 4
Album Ratings 192 Objectivity 57%
Last Active 01-30-10 12:23 pm Joined 12-19-08
Review Comments 3,626
 | Realm Oops sorry man thought this was deviant.1969
 | ironmaiden1204 saw u talk bout gettin trophies 4 brutal legend. wats ur username, ill add ya
 | MutnikSpusic if your name would be incorporated as a woman I would have her eat my left shoulder.
 | Baphomet dude wtf is up with the name change?
 | KILL y the name change
 | BigHans Thanks bro. I love all kinds, but I tend to like the stuff that people are ashamed to admit they like anymore (hard rock, Classic rock, hair metal, 80's), those are my faves but I do like and own pretty much everything.
 | whitethunder dude, a gretsch? great blues guitar. n i dig the flying v but i lik the firebird better. wat style do u play, metal? indie? im into the whole arctic monkey sound right now
 | MrHotMoms i listened to it to death when i was in sixth grade. i listen to it now purely for nostalgia it reminds me of simpler times n s*** i love it haha
 | KILL ohhh yes i remember this haha, i like the vocals man gd stuff
 | MrHotMoms why do people say that your a fag whos in love with green day if you have most of their albums as a four
 | Nagrarok They are EXTREMELY similar can't fool me.
 | Nagrarok Sooooo... IronPriest's profile looks suspiciously similar to yours. Old account?
 | Douglas Yeah man, it just doesnt click.
 | Nagrarok Nah, I might give it a listen sometime but band members going solo don't usually catch my interest.
 | Aids An insta 5 for Them Crooked Vultures? Really?
 | NebSnurb I saw your review on the Crimson Idol so I was just curious
 | Mordecai. Wearing a skin tight T-shirts, going to pubs, enjoying late night weekends parties were all part of my dreams, because I have got a small breasts which usually confuses others guys to make them think whether I am a girl or guy, to avoid confusion I have kept long hair which changed my look and I was looking ugly, but now after taking this remarkable Majestic pills my breast size has increased and breast got live up, now I can wear skin tight T-shirts and keep my original little hairs, boys look at me differently but not girls, LOL... thanks Majestic breast enlargement pills for helping me to gain my self esteem.
 | Mordecai. Wearing a skin tight T-shirts, going to pubs, enjoying late night weekends parties were all part of my dreams, because I have got a small breasts which usually confuses others guys to make them think whether I am a girl or guy, to avoid confusion I have kept long hair which changed my look and I was looking ugly, but now after taking this remarkable Majestic pills my breast size has increased and breast got live up, now I can wear skin tight T-shirts and keep my original little hairs, boys look at me differently but not girls, LOL... thanks Majestic breast enlargement pills for helping me to gain my self esteem.
 | DaveyBoy Surprise, you came up as one of my musical neighbors Croc. I'm not on yours though.
 | LepreCon Thank you, but do you remember my old account ConorMichaelJoseph? I changed accounts cuz I got banned and my reviews were negged to hell for some reason