Reviews 4 Approval 25%
Soundoffs 5 Album Ratings 151 Objectivity 78%
Last Active 11-29-11 2:15 pm Joined 11-11-08
Review Comments 1,318
| Meatplow alright I added you send me a PM or something
| Athom you could always go on the forums and ask a mod to change it.
| Jesuslaves Why thank you. If you want to get thrashier, here's s*** I'd rec based on a quick peek at your ratings:
Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
Exodus - Bonded By Blood/Let There Be Blood (doesn't really matter)
Kreator - Extreme Aggression
Testament - The Formation of Damnation
Overkill - Horrorscope
Overkill - Immortalis
Off you go now. :)
| rasputin i dont know any specific ones but im sure you can find some through google. the only aussie distros i know are extreme metal specific so you probably wont find much you want from those.
| rasputin they can be, if you buy from australian distros it's obviously cheaper, but you can still get some good deals from international ones. the exchange rate also has an effect. we actually pay a lot for CDs here, so if you order some albums you'll find that even with shipping it's often not that much more (if at all) than if you bought here at a store. buying vinyl can be expensive though, because shipping for that can be pricey.
| rasputin yeah i do download, but i buy as much as possible too. you need to find online labels and distros of the bands, buy it from them. get albums in the mail. that sort of thing.
| krazytom you know it man, that means were both really rad dudes