
Reviews 24
Approval 76%

Soundoffs 229
News Articles 19
Band Edits + Tags 5
Album Edits 5

Album Ratings 26
Objectivity 45%

Last Active 09-18-20 3:50 pm
Joined 09-16-07

Review Comments 30,126

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Hawks Miss u.
    July 7 03:22 AM
  • unclereich True but in any case I Hope you?re swell buddy and not spending to much time at the old pub
    February 19 12:51 AM
  • unclereich glad to see you around bro, you incited a massive wave of nostalgia
    February 15 12:44 PM
  • unclereich is this bill Clinton's burner?
    February 3 11:19 PM
  • unclereich Penis
    February 2 04:12 PM
  • Parallels so many memories, so much memery
    January 28 11:25 AM
  • pizzamachine The adult things never end
    January 27 04:53 AM
  • pizzamachine Welcome back btw lol, where have you been
    January 27 04:35 AM
  • pizzamachine Fair
    January 27 12:07 AM
  • pizzamachine Check out my Kid A review, youll love it
    January 26 11:43 PM
  • pizzamachine Only on Tuesdays
    January 26 11:40 PM
  • Parallels wow, that username. years of emotions just flooded me
    January 26 11:30 PM
  • pizzamachine Just chillin? like a human
    January 26 11:29 PM
  • pizzamachine someclassicuser
    January 9 11:48 PM
  • demigod! bro
    July 20 04:26 AM
  • Parallels pls come back, my hero
    August 22 11:25 PM
  • Trundle to the good old days!
    January 22 02:13 AM
  • Trundle hahahaha, speaking of mods, i was on moaropeth for the first time in a long while last night, saw a couple gems from Jom's ban thread and also this:
    January 22 02:07 AM
  • Trundle pretty sure my username was Ross22 back in the day lol, i chose it when i was 14, but i made a couple new changes to it along the way, still on my original account somehow
    January 22 02:03 AM
  • Trundle so it was an argument between tyler and dwitt? i didn't see any references to nicer dicer,took a trip down memory lane today:
    January 22 02:01 AM
  • Trundle lol i still don't know what the backstory behind that is
    January 22 01:55 AM
  • Trundle still as witty as ever man, good to see you're still around
    January 21 04:16 AM
  • unclereich living that sober life
    April 13 09:39 AM
  • unclereich Where have u been all my life
    April 11 07:53 PM
  • unclereich Alex :)
    April 11 07:48 PM
  • Kaiwaz try now, damn that wasn't me dude!
    July 20 03:24 AM
  • Kaiwaz what???????
    July 20 03:24 AM
  • Kaiwaz
    July 20 03:22 AM
  • Kaiwaz you're already in here lol
    July 20 03:21 AM
  • Kaiwaz bruh come to discord man, we have listening party heavy s***, trust me
    July 20 02:50 AM
  • 42066669yessir123456 nice ratings.
    July 1 08:12 PM
  • Aiwaz Oh definitely. I first saw Eraserhead at a young age. Lynch is probably my 3rd all time favorite director, followed by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Kubrick. I'll definitely check out Twin Peaks :)
    June 21 02:06 AM
  • Aiwaz Is it like Mulholland Dr.? For some reason that series always made me think of that film even though I've never seen 1 episode. Mulholland Drive on the other hand is amazing.
    June 21 01:56 AM
  • Aiwaz Oh s*** I have been meaning to check that. I'm on it when I'm done with Sopranos for sure. Thanks.
    June 21 01:48 AM
  • Aiwaz The Fly is the most genius episode of any series I can think of.
    June 21 01:41 AM
  • Aiwaz Sopranos may start out slow for some. Picks up at the end of Season 1. It's so worth watching though. The Wire is excellent. I still haven't finished that yet. I might after my Sopranos run.
    June 21 01:30 AM
  • Aiwaz Nice I finished it too. Its also my 3rd favorite series of all time followed by Cobra Kai in 2nd and Sopranos 1st. I started Sopranos again and almost forgot how awesome it is.
    June 19 02:03 PM
  • Aiwaz Finish Breaking Bad? I did and just wondered what you thought. Get at me
    June 18 11:52 PM
  • Darius The Imposter lol
    May 12 04:42 AM
  • DoofusWainwright Trying to spark the place into life you feel ??
    April 28 05:53 PM
  • DoofusWainwright I think I made a mistake deleting it now
    April 28 04:57 PM
  • DoofusWainwright It had to be Brian Wilson though. I mean I detest Brian Wilson for the most part. Literally any other Dad rocker would have been better.
    April 28 08:39 AM
  • BikerMcWheels suga bobo
    April 20 10:54 PM
  • jagride what's the point of not 5ing the rosenstock album i 5'd
    January 6 01:00 PM
  • ianblxdsoe that?s a fair belief, doesn?t make much sense to me to continue to rate albums then but it?s your account so keep doing what you?re doin my dude you?re almost like an equalizer
    January 4 08:08 PM
  • ianblxdsoe what?s the point of rating if yr almost exclusively rating albums you hate lmao that just doesn?t make sense
    January 2 04:14 PM
  • Hovse Yeah its kinda ****ed up..I like her vox somehow tho
    December 10 11:35 PM
  • Hovse she's a Lebanese singer you might dig this..its from her work in the band ''soapkills"
    December 10 11:24 PM
  • Hovse You listen to Yasmine hemdan?
    December 10 11:12 PM
  • Prancer nice ratings
    December 2 03:45 PM
  • Relinquished dude u gotta get on the new godflesh
    November 18 05:01 AM
  • Bakugon f u c k u
    September 20 02:45 AM
  • xxm I love your sense of humor.
    July 6 12:53 AM
  • ShadowRemains but my main interests (as you can tell from the profile pic) in the field are severe tstms and tornadoes
    December 27 03:24 AM
  • ShadowRemains mountain inversions and valley influences are a giant pain (see forecasting in colorado lol)
    December 27 03:20 AM
  • ShadowRemains or how you have to look at the temperature at every level and not just the surface...
    December 27 03:16 AM
  • ShadowRemains the average individual also has no concept that a forecast is neither wholly right or wrong, absolutes are the law essentially
    December 27 03:09 AM
  • ShadowRemains university, went chasing in kansas and oklahoma last may
    December 27 03:06 AM
  • ShadowRemains yeah TWC has gone the direction of reality TV in recent years, although they've tried to change this lately
    December 27 03:03 AM
  • ShadowRemains yeah
    December 27 02:59 AM
  • ZippaThaRippa God help us the day that his little legs finally give out.
    October 10 03:57 AM
  • ZippaThaRippa Yeah apparently he runs the country
    October 10 03:53 AM
  • ZippaThaRippa Dunkin would never allow that
    October 10 03:51 AM
  • ZippaThaRippa You college education was paid for with fellatio
    October 10 03:50 AM
  • ZippaThaRippa your mother performs sexual acts for money
    October 10 03:49 AM
  • ZippaThaRippa your mother is a whore
    October 10 03:47 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup capitilization
    August 29 04:34 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup you both are out of control
    August 29 04:09 AM
    August 29 04:01 AM
    August 29 03:57 AM
    August 29 03:55 AM
    August 29 03:54 AM
  • ftinside lmao and that one for the trash views. Never change guest
    July 10 11:42 AM
  • ftinside Gonna miss you s***ting on my favorite band. My alcoholism has gotten the better of me. Stay streets ahead man.
    July 10 11:41 AM
  • Trundle jesus, what's happened to this place? a nigga can't even cussilluminati
    May 5 05:31 AM
  • Trundle i like nerds, i ****ed a nerd on a park bench, **** superman i want clark kent
    April 30 12:29 AM
  • Spec The cali desert would be awesome.
    April 11 12:41 AM
  • Spec ya id love to travel to flint, sounds like a hell of a vacation
    April 11 12:37 AM
  • Spec People are shopping at more "no frills" type places where as my store is more high end. Thats the only reason it effects me. I don't really care tbh, i've been so good with money since I got off the dope that a little time off sounds kind of nice haha.
    April 11 12:33 AM
  • Spec Its just because the oil industry here isnt as cool as it used to be so everyones picking sides and flipping the **** out. Im basically in the texas of canada.
    April 11 12:28 AM
  • Spec Hours are cut to s*** and everyones getting laid off right now. Just kind of stoked I have a job atm.
    April 10 11:58 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts ill check it
    April 10 08:51 PM
  • Hawks Sweeeeeeet I'll def get on it.
    April 10 08:34 PM
  • Hawks I'll jam it either tonight or tomorrow if it's on Spotify.
    April 10 08:28 PM
  • Spec Cool man. So things are going dece?
    April 9 07:51 PM
  • Spec What's up d00d, still livin the sober life?
    April 7 12:11 AM
  • Spec i cant believe the name defeater wasnt taken
    April 6 07:52 PM
  • Frippertronics they said to message them if you want a tracking number
    March 19 05:03 PM
  • Frippertronics Ah, forget it. It's gonna be at my place tomorrow.
    March 19 08:20 AM
  • Frippertronics stuck at customs in NYC for the past two weeks
    March 19 01:04 AM
  • GmemberKills lol i love you too
    March 13 06:16 PM
  • GmemberKills yo keep preaching about being anti-pharmaceutical and oh yeah babymetal 4 life
    March 10 08:45 PM
  • Spec yeah thats why i had proof in quotation marks
    March 6 10:54 PM
  • Spec Yeah that makes more sense. So the republicans keep it from progressing then use it as "proof" that its a bad idea correct?
    March 6 10:41 PM
  • Spec Is universal healthcare actually considered a bad thing? serious question, cause I love it.
    March 6 10:37 PM
  • Spec we got our mentally challenged pm out of office that was pree neat
    March 6 10:32 PM
  • Spec so apparently when trump wins half of the people in the states are "moving to canada" so when you do, come hit up calgary and we'll hit some shows
    March 6 10:30 PM
  • CaliggyJack Honestly I couldn't really care less if you did agree with me or not, you helped provide support for my general argument, which was help enough and something I appreciate.
    February 27 01:26 AM
  • CaliggyJack Thank you for being one of the few voices of reason in that s***fest topic.
    February 27 12:34 AM
  • Spec Ever jam Subterraneans? Takes you to another planet.
    January 24 09:51 PM
  • Spec Ziggy and Low for me right now.
    January 24 08:57 PM
  • Spec Still waitin on some Bowie albums in the mail tho. Kind of feels like my duty to get better acquainted with his discography now.
    January 24 08:26 PM
  • Spec Not much man working a lot and trying to find some sweet new jams. I've just been listening to old stuff for the past four months.
    January 24 04:24 AM
  • Frippertronics pretty decent 6.5/10
    January 23 01:35 AM
  • Spec That's pretty noble of you.
    January 22 12:01 AM
  • Spec Why do you only have two ratings.
    January 21 11:56 PM
  • Palatial Are you able to number the tracks in your playlists to it's like having the actual album?
    January 17 01:55 AM
  • unclereich You gotta come to frisco dude youd pretty much die
    January 13 12:14 AM
  • unclereich Didnt know damn. Would you ever consider a permanent move?
    January 13 12:11 AM
  • unclereich Did u manage to find cheap housing in cali??? Rent here is pretty lame huh
    January 13 12:08 AM
  • Parallels Someone said you lived in OR, then I saw your and you looked exactly like someone I met with the same name. Was just curious lol
    January 11 01:59 AM
  • Parallels Hey I was just wondering, did you ever like, maybe 7 months ago, hang out with your gf and a few people in a yellow car late at night and drive up into the mountains and drink?
    January 6 06:30 AM
  • Palatial Sup, man? Is there a way to number playlists on Spotify? I ask because I have to add some of my own albums since Spotify doesn't have everything I want.
    December 28 07:04 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts yeah dude, love that record. don't know why i havent checked out more by them yet, their collab with Kuni Kawachi 'Kirikyogen' sounds really dope. "showcases the growing doom sound that Flower Travellin' Band were honing, as well as Kuni Kawachi's progressive rock influences."
    December 28 12:36 AM
  • Spec I just think of the Eminem song every time.
    December 13 11:00 PM
  • Spec wrestlemania party at my house youre in charge of the diet soda
    December 13 10:29 PM
  • metalheadrunner Some that's the best thing I've read in a while
    December 13 09:23 PM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal happy birthday two days ago my bestie!
    December 7 08:58 PM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal dude lmfao
    November 17 02:13 AM
  • SachikoM Oh, and btw, "How's this Sachiko?". It is perfectly fine, just like you.
    October 29 03:04 AM
  • SachikoM Good user.
    October 29 02:42 AM
  • BMDrummer hey fuk off
    October 11 03:25 AM
  • dig your reviews, write more
    September 6 08:17 PM
  • Spec no thats what i thought he meant the first time, maybe thats why hes mad at me
    September 6 07:01 PM
  • Spec gyromania is tryna fight me in my shoutbox
    September 6 06:53 PM
  • Spec this ****ing guy
    September 6 06:48 PM
    August 29 01:33 AM
  • coneren AGREEMENT!!
    August 29 01:31 AM
    August 23 06:20 PM
    August 23 06:17 PM
    August 23 06:12 PM
  • coneren HI
    August 23 06:09 PM
  • BMDrummer was just listening to old refused and thought of that
    August 17 03:49 AM
  • rocketsfall true man thanks. at least im off work and can do whatever i want haha.
    July 26 02:54 AM
  • rocketsfall thanks man. just easier said than done haha
    July 26 02:51 AM
  • rocketsfall still don't know yet, i will next week. will need radiation or chemo. i'm pretty scared.
    July 26 02:42 AM
  • rocketsfall nothing much i guess. check my list quick
    July 26 02:34 AM
  • rocketsfall its me futures
    July 26 02:32 AM
  • climactic are you still alive? we should get the ol plug crew back together that still a thing?
    July 20 05:00 AM
  • fromtheinside I think I'm too far gone. Save yourself.
    July 13 04:51 AM
  • Spec andcas
    July 8 05:17 AM
  • fromtheinside Id it man. New job looked too far into my past so for now I just reddit. Lol.
    July 5 07:47 AM
  • Arcade cheers for the link to the 93 pumpkins show. really solid performance compared to what they turn in nowadays
    July 5 05:22 AM
  • unclereich you're not going to be in norcal are you, just the desert right?
    June 29 01:32 AM
  • unclereich dad
    June 15 09:22 AM
  • deathschool You are making it very difficult to be your best friend
    June 9 03:07 AM
  • Arcade anthony bourdain m/
    May 23 12:58 PM
  • Spec Ya I'm covered 2 arm sleeves my necks covered and multiple leg tats as well
    May 20 03:17 AM
  • coneren poopy in the bed
    May 10 04:48 PM
  • coneren hey bro why are you up
    May 10 06:57 AM
  • coneren well she has always been a gardener
    May 9 08:01 PM
  • coneren my mom shows me every text she gets bro we are pretty close
    May 9 07:41 PM
  • coneren fo ree gee did you text her yet and say a yes hello this is your gr8 friend do you want to go on a fantastic date with the love of your life text back with 1 for yes or 2 for yes
    May 9 07:30 PM
  • coneren ha respecting a woman youre on a roll today!!!
    May 9 06:58 PM
  • coneren you should text her and say hey baby when do you wanna suck on this giant boner hun
    May 9 06:56 PM
  • coneren did you bang any hot ladies
    May 9 06:53 PM
  • coneren hey fuuck off i didnt talk to you so i can tell you about my life fagggot i was going to ask about yours
    May 9 06:44 PM
  • coneren hello friend
    May 9 06:41 PM
  • deathschool Hey, best bud.
    April 24 12:30 AM
  • Spec its hard figuring out the drinking/drug friends from your real friends
    April 21 02:25 AM
  • Spec ive been going hard today, a bowl of kraft dinner and i had some cookies, lolololol #sorrytomyliver
    April 21 01:22 AM
  • Spec happy 4/20 wanna inject bongs and snort hemps with me
    April 21 01:04 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Neither; I can stomach reformism and admire the ideology behind socialism, but I believe far too strongly in meritocracy to embrace it.
    April 18 10:32 AM
  • Parallels wow thats insane because that is already like my most played album of all time
    March 28 03:08 PM
  • Parallels bruh i need a rec cause i got so high last night i thought i was gonna die. crawled up in a ball and couldnt tell if i was laughing or bawling my eyes out in depression. waht kind of music do you listen to in that mood?
    March 28 03:05 PM
  • BMDrummer your soundoff for confusion is sex is still magnificent
    March 22 02:53 PM
  • demon of surveillance The odds of false domestic abuse/sexual assault charges are very low, and he was still convicted of aggravated domestic battery; no matter how you spin the facts Jef Whitehead is trash.
    March 11 03:57 AM
  • Cygnatti was about to ask which rating but nvm lol sorry. i'll give it more shots tho.
    March 7 01:11 AM
  • Crysis yeah been meaning to listen to that but been busy as **** all week, hopefully i'll spin it tonight
    March 5 09:21 PM
  • controlled jams brostophelies
    March 1 06:17 AM
  • DaveyBoy Hahaha. And he shows some variation with reggae. I like the way that he kind of structures the music to suit the videos as well. Hey, what happened to your ratings?
    March 1 06:12 AM
  • controlled mofo
    March 1 06:02 AM
  • TheSpaceMan damn you're good at what you do
    February 25 05:24 AM
  • TheSpaceMan I've never had my dick cut off but I can imagine it hurts... same principle mister devil's advocate
    February 25 05:22 AM
  • Frippertronics no prob man
    January 20 12:55 AM
  • Frippertronics
    January 20 12:46 AM
  • fromtheinside
    January 19 06:28 AM
  • fromtheinside where the **** u at?
    January 19 06:00 AM
  • Spec I was just mocking the billion "vape" lists.
    January 18 07:37 AM
  • Spec hey man do you ever nicotine replacement therapy?
    January 18 07:31 AM
  • Bogs
    January 5 03:34 AM
  • Bogs
    January 2 11:55 PM
  • Jots your la dispute review is honestly really, really great. definitely sensing some personal inspiration there. but yeah, I feel ya. I've been using writing as an outlet lately, and if I wasn't able to associate some personal things then I wouldn't enjoy it half as much
    December 29 06:11 AM
  • Jots thanks dude. I've read a few of your reviews and really enjoyed them tbh, why don't you write more?
    December 29 05:59 AM
  • Dunpeal I'm ****ing pissed beyond all measure that you never told me about Clan of Xymox
    December 28 09:24 AM
  • Jots yo man, would you be willing to check my last review and lemme know what you think?
    December 26 05:23 PM
  • jagride all the style in the world won't make the s***ty albums that get touted on here any better. but yea i know what you mean. i'd just be content with a few more people who are willing to move off the beaten path. as it is i just hit the my dicussions tab and rate s*** on here
    December 26 02:24 AM
  • jagride this is just dawning on you now? the last remnants of staff credibility disappeared when they made schroer and a robot that listened exclusively to stoner rock staff. being able to jack off for several paragraphs in pro rock critic-lite fashion is valued above varied or personal taste on this site so s***ty end of year lists is one of the consequences
    December 25 05:27 PM
  • Jots yeah I wish I had the option to submit a review without putting a number on top but w/e, when in rome
    December 25 07:31 AM
  • Jots what's your beef with the rating system?
    December 25 07:23 AM
  • Jots Nvm, just saw your last comment
    December 25 07:15 AM
  • Jots so, predictability is the issue? I feel ya, but I mean... would the year-end list be indicative of the year, thus predictable by default?
    December 25 07:14 AM
  • Jots sorry to keep making you repeat yourself but: you're complaining that the staff writers are more or less declaring their opinions as paramount when the collective userbase would be the best way to represent the site on the front page? I guess there is no fool proof solution but w/e, in the unlikely event that I ever have the slightest say in the matter it'd be cool to make changes for the better
    December 25 07:05 AM
  • Jots do you think the whole list format is inherently flawed? like, would it be better just to produce a huge master list with a couple picks from each genre?
    December 25 06:55 AM
  • Jots sup man, saw your posts in that 'staff best albums' thing and was curious: a) what is your main gripe with the whole thing, and b) what are some ways you think would improve things in general?
    December 25 06:27 AM
  • Static
    December 18 05:23 AM
  • Static pls
    December 8 05:30 AM
  • BMDrummer aww :]
    November 28 04:39 AM
  • BMDrummer i'm a dedicated fool
    November 28 04:37 AM
  • BMDrummer i know just joking
    November 28 04:35 AM

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