
Reviews 90
Approval 95%

Soundoffs 91
News Articles 138
Band Edits + Tags 84
Album Edits 99

Album Ratings 1400
Objectivity 84%

Last Active 04-21-22 11:20 pm
Joined 03-28-07

Review Comments 9,940

shoutbox » all posts 
  • clavier let's just say i've been in touch with the band
    August 30 12:16 AM
  • Observer hangin in and hangin out. 10 years on this damn place
    May 18 05:07 AM
  • Observer I know you, don't I? You were dante...or no?
    May 10 09:10 PM
  • Relinquished yooooooo
    December 13 03:54 AM
  • Crysis No sir but I see you rated it highly so I'll have to give it a listen
    June 25 09:45 PM
  • fromtheinside Duuuuuuuuuuude
    May 21 06:02 AM
  • Hep Kat im listening to it right now
    April 25 07:14 PM
  • Wizard Check out Noctus' band called Ethereal Shroud ( amazing atmospheric bm.
    March 1 01:41 PM
  • Wizard It's really that good, I've had it for a few weeks.
    February 28 12:22 PM
  • JokineAugustus That's a funking m/ avatar you got there dude
    February 6 01:54 PM
  • EyesWideShut hey are u the dude behind cvlt nation ?
    November 30 06:57 AM
  • SadAndHolyGlow Hi there. I just saw your rating on "Come, Now Sleep." I recently received it in the mail and I've been revisiting it. Glad to see how much you love it. I'd like to ask you more about your thoughts on it, seeing as it's a very deeply personal and emotional album that will probably hit everyone differently.
    November 18 01:58 AM
  • fromtheinside oh ok you're geno, duh, i shoulda known. no one else know hxc
    December 24 06:42 AM
  • Trebor. fever hunting review coming?
    August 20 02:29 AM
  • Sowing Draft order is randomized one hour prior to draft
    August 12 03:38 PM
  • Sowing Just a quick and final reminder to show up to the draft today. 7:30 EST.
    August 12 06:05 AM
  • Sowing Hey man you're in the league already, but I wanted to remind you that the draft is THIS monday at 7:30 p.m. eastern standard time, so make sure you figure out when that is for your time zone. I'm hoping for 100% attendance.
    August 9 02:19 PM
  • Relinquished what'd you think of the new mliw? is it good?
    August 6 03:37 PM
  • EyesWideShut didnt even know you were still on the site, with a new name and all haha
    July 22 06:33 AM
  • FranzSchubert Thank you for the DJ Krush rec. this album is bangin'
    July 16 12:03 PM
  • Yuli Dat name change, man!
    July 1 04:11 AM
  • kingsoby1 lol - did you see me on espn? i was in a tecmo super bowl special since i [used to be] probably the best player a few years ago at tourneys and such
    March 18 02:28 PM
  • Hep Kat
    February 1 07:10 PM
  • Deviant. I like it aye. It's a little bit s*** that for the most part they're indulging their more "bro-ey" tendencies. but they pull off the sound with out resorting to the usual cliches. Plus, they're production gods so at the very least it SOUNDS legit
    January 22 06:55 AM
  • Apollo Dude how in the hell are ya? Been awhile. Rec me some good hardcore you've been listening to recently man! Cheers brother
    January 16 03:50 AM
  • betterdays314 have you checked out our new ep? you reviewed our demo last year, we'd like to hear your thought on the new stuff!
    December 27 01:03 AM
  • Hep Kat
    December 14 05:20 PM
  • vibalxctasy Really digging your reviews man,I saw your review for End Reign and I check them out and they didn't disappoint. Thanks for a great review !
    November 30 05:59 PM
  • Hep Kat whare have u been at
    October 12 07:29 PM
  • Deviant. I have it dibbed
    September 11 08:47 PM
  • Beauville88 I'm a little late to the party, but congrats for making contributor!
    September 7 04:26 PM
  • kingsoby1 tried getting into it, but not really digging it a ton. oh well.
    August 13 10:31 PM
  • Graveyard well, i really liked that burn idols album that came out this year, so if you could rec me anything based around that album that would be pretty sweet bro
    August 6 07:48 PM
  • kingsoby1 lol. what did you think of the new gaza?
    August 6 09:39 AM
  • Graveyard hey i heard you're the hardcore guy around here. i was wondering if you could rec me some albums based around that genre because i don't know jack s***.
    July 28 10:34 PM
  • Hep Kat
    July 25 03:09 PM
  • VJ90 Hey brah! You're working your way up the ranks on here, eh? Good work!
    July 19 01:41 AM
  • AliW1993 Haha thanks man!
    July 18 05:33 PM
  • Gyromania Thanks for the kind words dude. Hopefully we can both make it to staff sometime in the near future!
    July 17 09:39 AM
  • Yuli Hey dude, thanks a ton for the shout. I'm honored to be a part of your lovely crew, and look forward to all the good days ahead. :] plus, you like awesome hardcore!
    July 17 05:40 AM
  • breakingthefragile Thanks for the congratulation man, congrats yourself on making contributor! We look like we have some similar taste with NIN being our most played artist on lol. I look forward to reading your reviews as well!
    July 17 05:02 AM
  • DarkNoctus aw shucks, hehehe!! [:
    July 17 04:51 AM
  • kingsoby1 hey dude, rise and fall is awesome, glad you posted that list. also digging on black breath.
    June 24 04:15 PM
  • Jom Your guess is as good as mine, man. An absent owner does not make for an efficient site, so we just try to do what we can until he returns, whenever that may be.
    June 12 10:37 PM
  • greg84 Ah. I'm fine as always. Thx.
    June 12 10:07 AM
  • Aids ""Little Brother" might just be this generations "Like A Rolling Stone"" -- how do you mean? I love both songs but I'm not sure I get the comparison
    June 10 08:34 PM
  • Voivod I think you will enjoy this -
    May 21 05:33 PM
  • EyesWideShut how dead was that new Tragedy? jeez..
    May 17 06:38 AM
  • Adabelle 'Sup, heard new Tragedy?
    May 9 09:12 PM
  • Voivod Since we are talking about Hellenic hxc, you may want to check out Less Than Human from Thessaloniki and their 1999 debut/only album - than Human (Grc)
    May 8 10:52 AM
  • Voivod I see your lastfm account has processed Antidrasi. In case you get mixed with the track list, I have uploaded it with latin characters in here. Will check out Ruined Families asap.
    May 8 08:46 AM
  • Voivod Hey, I just ran into the new record of Antidrasi, one of the first punk/hardcore acts in Greece which is offered for free via their official site and I thought you might be interested to give it a listen and drop a comment on the news item i posted for them on the front page.
    May 8 05:58 AM
  • sspedding you might or might not want to check out Blessed By a Broken Heart's new album btw.
    April 20 12:11 PM
  • Hep Kat yo sup. nice dig
    April 11 11:11 PM
  • andcas the covers were pretty awesome man. I'm glad they came up with the idea.
    March 26 06:35 AM
  • andcas nah but I have like every band on it and I'm going to the show soon.
    March 25 09:20 PM
  • twlight Hey man, i really enjoy reading your reviews and i find a ton of great stuff by looking at your ratings. I was wondering if you would give my band a listen and download our album for free here: It be awesome to hear what you think of it.
    March 25 01:44 AM
  • EyesWideShut hey bro is that new Rise and Fall any good? never heard them before..
    March 20 06:39 PM
  • Ending Thanks! Checking it out right about now.
    March 12 09:25 PM
  • Ending Is your avatar an / a hardcore album cover? If it is, mind telling me what it's called? I usually agree with your hardcore ratings.
    March 12 08:48 PM
  • Activista anti-MTV nothing, that's about Aids traveling, at least you don't have his Aids and stuff
    March 9 09:57 PM
  • Activista anti-MTV That'd be awesome! Have fun. Stay safe. Keep us in your hearts!
    March 8 09:30 PM
  • Kellerdeck the sputnik link to rate the album is here:: Thank you if you do. I know you probably think it's just going to be some sort of s***, but if you'll give it a chance, you may be surprised. Have a great day, even if you don't listen to it.
    March 7 04:35 PM
  • Kellerdeck Hey. If you're like everyone else, you'll ignore this, taking it as spam or something. I'm here to ask a serious question, and hopefully you can help out. I'm in an avant garde band from Regina Saskatchewan, and am looking for people to give their opinions on the music we put out. If you'd be willing to use up twenty minutes to listen to our debut, and than rate it, I'd much appreciate it. The links to the tracks are here the sputnik link to rate the album is
    March 7 04:34 PM
  • EyesWideShut ohh man u actually like Rahi's vocals? i cant stand that bastard..
    March 4 05:21 AM
  • AngelofDeath Well, I'm obligated to rec Boris' Feedbacker, since it's my favorite drone album. I'd also recommend getting Thaumogenesis by Nadja as well. If you find yourself needing some more, I have a long list somewhere of drone and sludge stuff I can hook you up with.
    February 21 08:53 PM
  • Hep Kat my, my...that's surprising
    February 9 09:25 PM
  • Hep Kat actually i meant to post this:
    February 9 09:15 PM
  • Hep Kat
    February 9 09:14 PM
  • EyesWideShut Thank you dude. damn bro im not that skilled in scans, but got a great collection of lyrics if u ever need em'. To return the favor..
    February 6 07:35 PM
  • EyesWideShut bro can u scan me those Loma iv lyrics.?
    February 4 05:40 PM
  • accompliceofmydeath Very good. Thanks, sir.
    January 27 03:47 AM
  • accompliceofmydeath Hey, I'm making an official hardcore recs list so when people ask for recs we can just refer them to one list. I'm looking for what you consider to be the essential hardcore albums. No limit, as many as you can think of that are essential.
    January 26 07:23 PM
  • Hep Kat yeah, it's not bad. i just found out guilty dropped their new 7" in bandcamp, so im about to listen to that and tear my house apart with ignorant destructo-mosh
    January 24 08:39 PM
  • Divine I am not really familiar on how promos work, but do you mind if you send me a copy, bro?
    January 24 06:29 PM
  • Divine I see you've been digging the new Earth, has it leaked yet?
    January 23 01:42 AM
  • Crysis Can't find a link to a d/l so if you have one send it my way
    January 18 02:33 AM
  • Crysis Wow, had no idea they came out with a new album. I'll give it a listen sometime in the next few days. Maybe I'll give it a review but I've been balls to the wall with school and work and s*** lately so we'll see if I get some spare time.
    January 18 02:31 AM
  • twlight Thanks for recommending it to me man, easily became one of my favorite albums of 2011
    January 4 08:38 AM
  • Kiran ohhhhh man, those were the WORST
    January 4 05:55 AM
  • EyesWideShut whats the name of the album on ur avitar? and is it any good.
    January 3 05:01 AM
  • Tyrannic Thanks for the quick response. I've always been a pretty solid writer (i had amazing teachers) so i figured extending it into music would be pretty easy, but it's just difficult when no one reads, you know? I get the do the album you know thing, but what if all of them have like 50 reviews? i wouldn't wanna be that guy...
    December 26 04:29 AM
  • Winsomniac Happy Holidays, Djante. Also, I'm sorry. I had to.
    December 25 03:44 AM
  • Tyrannic hey, i'm not sure if this is how this works or not, but i really like your writing style and i'm looking for a contrib/staff to give me some pointers. if not, totally cool just point me to the right page.
    December 24 08:19 PM
  • AngelofDeath They're pretty cool. Psychedelic folk drone-type stuff.
    December 16 09:22 PM
  • GnarlyShillelagh no way. did you try and get tickets at the door or something?
    December 12 12:40 PM
  • GnarlyShillelagh So it was pretty much the greatest thing ever
    December 11 02:10 AM
  • Winsomniac Fix that. And I haven't been listening to it a lot, but its damned good, man.
    December 6 06:07 AM
  • Winsomniac More to Me and Defeat the Low are both 4-worthy. js.
    December 6 05:27 AM
  • Winsomniac Separation is DEFINITELY better than a 3.5. D:
    December 6 04:48 AM
  • Xenophanes inorite I've been listening to it all ****ing day long
    December 5 06:53 AM
  • Xenophanes Heard the new Nujabes yet?
    December 4 05:17 PM
  • Xenophanes, this may work better, so no one is forcibly friended and whatnot.
    November 22 02:27 AM
  • Xenophanes So apparently the Contributors need to begin thinking about the User's End of the Year list. Deviant. is heading the whole thing, but we as a group need to get together to get it all organized. A Facebook group/thread was suggested, and would give us a great medium to work together. I realize privacy is a big issue, so if you would like, we could figure something out via e-mail or what have you. Thank you!
    November 22 01:09 AM
  • Rev check this s*** mang.
    November 12 12:48 AM
  • Hep Kat yea. band is doing gr8 things
    November 3 12:15 PM
  • ZombieParty \m/
    November 1 05:16 AM
  • Willie Yes. It kicks ass for the debut album tracks (which needed re-recorded), and is still really cool on the later songs.
    October 31 11:26 PM
  • Xenophanes Thanks a bunch man, I appreciate it greatly
    October 31 07:42 PM
  • Blackbelt54 congrats on the promotion
    October 30 09:45 PM
  • iFghtffyrdmns right back at you brother, thanks a lot man
    October 30 09:29 PM
  • rasputin ive listened to it once or twice and it seemed pretty decent but did not stick with me at all. i'll prob give it another full listen or two before making a solid judgement though.
    October 30 03:14 AM
  • MassiveAttack I haven't talked to you in quite awhile Dante, but congrats on the promotion man.
    October 29 02:41 AM
  • Crysis Be sure to join the contributors group: Contributors
    October 28 06:09 PM
  • Crysis Don't worry man I'm not gonna change, humbleness is my middle name haha Thanks though, appreciate it. Congrats again on your promotion, well deserved.
    October 28 06:00 PM
  • omnipanzer Gratz sir.
    October 28 05:00 PM
  • HSThomas Surprised and very pleased Dante. Very well done dude, thoroughly desearved.
    October 28 08:24 AM
  • Axel Hey man, Jared here. Congrats on the promotion. You always supported me when I was trying to climb, so it's great to see you start your way up too.
    October 28 07:56 AM
  • Sowing grats dude
    October 28 04:43 AM
  • Gyromania Congratulations Dante! Your promotion is very well deserved.
    October 28 04:41 AM
  • Relinquished don't go changing on me isaac. just because ur a hotshot here and at thenewreview.
    October 28 04:27 AM
  • FearThyEvil I'm very glad you got the promotion to contributor. You're reviews are great and you are the man to talk to about hardcore.
    October 28 04:23 AM
  • Xenophanes not at all lol. Glad to see someone will be bringing some more hardcore to the forefront. Looking forward to it
    October 28 04:02 AM
  • Ignimbrite Congrats so freaking hard, you've earned it.
    October 28 03:40 AM
  • ShadowRemains bro congrats on contrib!
    October 28 03:18 AM
  • Xenophanes My favorite user review becomes my favorite contributing reviewer. Congrats man, super well deserved.
    October 28 03:09 AM
  • andcas congrats on the promotion
    October 28 03:08 AM
  • EyesWideShut that Full Of Hell album is just so pretty.
    October 24 07:19 PM
  • Winsomniac It's pree sick. Makes me want to lift heavy objects and put them back down; maybe I could even mosh or something.Nah, I'll probably just stand with my arms folded and look angry from the edge of the pit.
    October 22 12:58 PM
  • Winsomniac So let's talk about this album you have. That I don't.
    October 22 03:15 AM
  • GnarlyShillelagh Oh s***! I'll wear my Alpinist and we can record a split at the show
    October 16 07:57 PM
  • GnarlyShillelagh I haven't bought a ticket yet but there's no way I'm missing that show
    October 15 06:13 AM
  • GnarlyShillelagh Hey you going to Opeth tomorrow?
    October 14 08:52 PM
  • sportsboy so i'm really getting into cursedyour two avatar made me remember indirectlyso, thanks! XD
    October 12 04:54 AM
  • eternium There's more tempo changes in a song than an entire Dream Theater album. Someone other than me needs to review it.
    September 23 04:25 AM
  • eternium New Dead in the Dirt. Dark, heavy, and fast is what it is. Plus a Left for Dead cover.
    September 23 02:22 AM
  • eternium
    September 23 01:57 AM
  • Damrod Damrod delivered! ;-D
    September 21 07:12 PM
  • EyesWideShut hey bro was that Dead Language LP any good? heard some mixed things bout it?
    September 16 08:13 PM
  • FearThyEvil you should check this album out.
    September 5 05:03 AM
  • Winsomniac Gave em a listen before. Tried it again and wasn't really in the mood for it. It's got a lot less melody than One Year Later. MELO JUNZ, DANTE.
    August 29 07:36 PM
  • Winsomniac What's The Carrier, but not actually The Carrier? I've listened to them to the point of exhaustion. Got anything like One Year Later?
    August 29 07:11 PM
  • Romulus thank you very much sir
    August 25 01:50 AM
  • Romulus hey tlig i heard you're the hardcore man around here. wanna rec me up?
    August 22 10:52 PM
  • DeadStarShine When a hardcore guy bumps Breaking Benjamin, I start to believe in competent people again. (I'm kidding, but yeah, was surprised you 3,5'd Phobia. Btw, Rise Against's two releases before the one you rated should please you more.
    August 20 11:49 AM
  • Relinquished haha nice. I heard ac are pretty good live, not a fan of their music anymore, used to jam to 3750 back in the day though. harm's way are real good live though, even though their set will be short.
    August 20 04:40 AM
  • Relinquished The only show I been to this summer was Harm's Way and 5 other bands in Florida. It was real intense, the singer and I became friends. I got on stage and growled some of the lyrics to the songs. basically two heavy muscle dudes on stage ripping the stage up.
    August 20 04:22 AM
  • Relinquished I meant the album, but **** that's great, good job ceasing the opportunity. I got the vinyl for Erode and I'm glad I have it.
    August 20 04:20 AM
  • Relinquished the **** dude, didn't know they got back together. how was it? did they play Erode the Person?
    August 20 04:03 AM
  • FrankRedHot I can't get it to download. It's driving me ****ing crazy!
    August 19 06:36 AM
  • Deviant. The a-side is definitely meant to be at 45rpm, and the b-side is 33 and a third. How much difference are we talking about here?
    August 17 07:30 AM
  • lancebramsay So I will or will not see you at the Wye Oak concert within the walls of the world renown Crocodile?
    August 6 08:23 AM
  • lancebramsay You reside in the fair city of Seattle?
    August 6 03:08 AM
  • GnarlyShillelagh lol
    August 4 07:22 PM
  • accompliceofmydeath Damn, you're a lucky man. I've got Madball comin' out my way. Agnostic Front in a couple of months, too.
    August 3 12:09 PM
  • GnarlyShillelagh Dopeeeee. No Earl though might be gay
    August 3 10:33 AM
  • GnarlyShillelagh OF 10/4?
    August 3 04:37 AM
  • accompliceofmydeath Go see Rorschach: 8/19 Seattle, WA @ El Corazon
    August 3 12:37 AM
  • EyesWideShut hey bro u ever hear Count Me Out's Permanent? melo hc done with perfection.
    July 23 04:03 AM
  • accompliceofmydeath Dumb
    July 15 03:02 PM
  • wyankeif1337 bro you had better be joking about the Trenches thing
    July 15 04:35 AM
  • Maniac! are you the dante that signed up on my site? :o
    July 14 06:24 PM
  • accompliceofmydeath Why'd your Converge/Dropdead split review get taken down?
    July 12 03:03 PM
  • Inveigh sweet, thanks dude. I'll check that out tonight.
    July 8 09:19 PM
  • Deviant. Love Remains made my end of year list dude
    July 3 05:15 AM
  • Blindsided I think I'm going to punch them in the testicles if I don't see a TA deluxe package this week.
    June 21 10:47 PM
  • Blindsided Did you by chance preorder the new Touche Amore deluxe edition? I did and I haven't gotten mine or heard anything about it.
    June 17 05:24 PM
  • Sowing im planning on it actually, just hoping i dont get overshadowed by staff. i wont be in town tomorrow so it wont be up til wednesday at the soonest...that leaves too much time for someone else to jump on it but either way i'll prob cover it
    June 14 02:03 AM
  • HSThomas Congrats on the feature Dante!
    June 13 11:26 PM
  • accompliceofmydeath Check out Xibalba if you get a chance. Stupid-heavy beatdown mosh as **** hardcore.
    May 26 10:06 PM
  • Blindsided Condolences
    May 23 06:47 PM
  • Satellite
    May 18 07:41 AM
  • GnarlyShillelagh Nah lol Sandman was boring the **** outta me. I just wanted him to get off stage and bring those niggas on but he overstayed his welcome with that lightning bolt bulls*** lmao. Tonedeff was awesome, though that Conga line was kinda gay haha. Where were you standing?
    May 17 05:10 PM
  • GnarlyShillelagh Yo you went to Cunninlynguists last night? What'd you think of it? That nigga Sandman was fire
    May 16 05:47 PM
  • Hep Kat
    May 12 12:42 PM
  • plane will do, bud
    May 11 06:21 AM
  • alachlahol flattering
    May 10 12:02 PM
  • sniper then again, maybe its just the tits
    May 9 04:59 PM
  • sniper I think they're endearing
    May 9 03:48 PM
  • sniper i just think mtl is all the more awesome for being so messy. which i guess is how i should interpret that metaphor?? haha more than life just seemed like it meant more when i heard it.
    May 9 07:05 AM
  • sniper if this is mtl jr and mtl is mliw jr then why is this a 5 and mtl isn't?
    May 9 07:00 AM
  • HSThomas Eh, I'm still a bit sceptical after the massive disappointment with Defeater but yeah Departures was really good.
    May 7 11:11 PM
  • balcaen sometimes i don't like stuff. it sucks for everyone
    May 7 08:45 PM
  • HSThomas Dante has the year been that good for hardcore?
    May 6 08:26 PM
  • TheItalianStallion Can you submit a news iteam about an official album leak?
    May 6 07:33 PM
  • balcaen personally i think limbo sounds like a great ****ing time but it's wishful to think the hellevator will let me off there.
    May 6 04:28 AM
  • balcaen so i've been wondering... which circle of the inferno would you end up in?
    May 6 03:45 AM
  • Crysis I haven't heard any of their work before but spirit posted it on PtC earlier and despite the bad album art I might listen.
    May 3 07:35 PM
  • Mewcopa0
    May 3 04:17 AM
  • sniper **** yeah, thanks
    May 2 07:18 AM
  • sniper File Removed for Violation.The file you requested has been removed from MediaFire for a violation of our Terms of Service or our Acceptable Use PolicyIf you believe you have reached this page in error, please contact support.
    May 2 07:17 AM
  • Athom holy **** a stretch armstrong fan.
    April 30 01:11 AM
  • alachlahol so you've never really enjoyed Pulling Teeth? listen to Martyr Immortal if you haven't already. their new album is one i'm looking forward to and i don't want to be the only active person on this site pumped for it
    April 29 08:55 PM
  • Winsomniac Oh **** yeah man. Just listened. I'm down with this shiznazz. Beyond crushing indeed. And EPIC ****ING MELODIES.
    April 22 11:07 PM
  • Winsomniac I'll check it out when I'm not limited to cell phone internet. Thanks for the rec breh.
    April 21 08:07 PM
  • Winsomniac Nope, but I'll definitely give em a listen. What do they sound like/give me a song to look up?
    April 21 07:10 PM
  • Winsomniac Rec me 2011 'core on my list, faggle. Please and thank you.
    April 19 08:02 PM
  • Spec Check out Straight Reads The Line.
    April 19 05:09 AM
  • xstaytrue18x departures were amazing last night. stoked for the album
    April 16 01:42 AM
  • Slum haha awesome man, what was the set list?
    April 15 06:00 PM
  • Slum So did you end up seeing Titus? Just saw your comment on the monitor review
    April 15 05:54 PM
  • Inveigh lol hell yeah man. been listening to it since I got your shout, liking it a lot
    April 15 03:09 AM
  • Inveigh no... but I take it I should??
    April 15 02:08 AM
  • drasticaction74 I just heard about that! I was so stoked to hear they reunited, but I also heard it was a one-off thing :( faack. and not much broski whats good in your hood?
    April 14 12:41 AM
  • drasticaction74 you've got a good eye my friend
    April 11 02:46 AM
  • WeepingBanana hey dude not to harp on you but it's been two weeks and you and 10 others haven't done your review for the random album game. the sooner the better.
    April 11 12:41 AM
  • Hep Kat much obliged, though i didnt really try
    April 3 09:58 PM
  • Relinquished so is it good or wat
    April 3 03:23 AM
  • Relinquished hey dude I actually wrote a review, can you check it in the forum thread for mistakes? it should be in page 9.
    April 3 12:40 AM
  • HSThomas Hey Dante, heard anything by Lasting Traces?
    April 2 10:34 PM

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