
Soundoffs 39
News Articles 8
Band Edits + Tags 24
Album Edits 122

Album Ratings 550
Objectivity 49%

Last Active 03-22-22 5:51 pm
Joined 01-27-07

Review Comments 4,595

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Pheromone Ah that's so frustrating, i understand that thinking. I think i saw the thread etc but I tend to stay away from the drama because **** that. Ah well man, was one of my favourite reviews on here but glad to hear it was for the cause m/
    August 7 05:18 PM
  • Pheromone why did you do it bro? as in the entire purge really
    August 7 10:35 AM
  • Pheromone heartbreak
    August 7 10:22 AM
  • Pheromone bro please say you have your weakerthans review somewhere
    August 5 03:40 PM
  • Tyler. hey
    August 2 07:17 PM
  • Winesburgohio have u come around on """new""" angelo de??? best listened to between midnight and 4am take as needed
    February 12 11:45 AM
  • tom79 It's nice to see someone else appreciates that Rolling Blackouts album as much as me!
    August 29 04:28 AM
  • plane we'll meet in the smallest great unknown
    July 24 02:26 PM
  • DoofusWainwright You liked the Staples album that much? Cool
    June 21 09:05 AM
  • neekafat Hopefully it grows on me. That opener is amazing
    June 12 07:06 PM
  • neekafat But the pieces don't click for meeee :c
    June 12 03:37 PM
  • neekafat What do you like so much about Light?
    June 11 04:39 AM
  • klap wow now i'm going to have to scour this website all day thank u bb
    May 1 03:45 PM
  • klap Def anticipated a lower rating from you but a 2! Harsh. Seeing Sheff at the end of this month I will let him know how disappointed you are
    May 1 03:19 PM
  • Jots don?t think so, will peep.
    April 9 06:40 PM
  • Jots did you check the last equiknoxx thing btw? got v little love on here but I thought it was gr8
    April 9 05:59 PM
  • Jots his trilogy thing is good and so is empty city. there?s a ton of pre-2012 stuff I don?t have rated because I don?t like rating retrospectively - I need to re-listen.
    April 9 05:45 PM
  • theBoneyKing Jamming now. Super consistent band so I have high hopes.
    April 6 11:29 AM
  • theBoneyKing New Wye Oak 4.5 damn
    April 6 11:16 AM
  • granitenotebook carles is the guy who did hipsterrunoff, you both care about music/don't care what other people think/have a bird avatar so I figured I'd give a try
    January 2 05:21 AM
  • granitenotebook are you carles
    August 23 05:02 AM
  • brainmelter if you can, pls do us the honor of doing a write up for da new fleet foxes
    May 31 11:43 PM
  • Jots he's done better.. : [
    April 18 11:49 PM
  • Jots yea new Gas isn't too good imo
    April 18 08:57 PM
  • verdant damn, well feel free to just keep posting scraps/drafts here, they're most likely a lot better than most (me included) could write with all the time in the world. ahaha take care dude (:
    April 15 12:56 PM
  • verdant Thanks!!! and i know, i've been ghosting this site for ages (in fact now that i think about it it's probably longer than months), which is why it's always a very welcome surprise to see you've written something new. do you write anything for any other sites???
    April 15 04:00 AM
  • verdant signed up after months of passive interaction with this site to maybe write some reviews but mainly to tell you that you are gosh darn inspiration and that i love reading everything you write even if i know nothing about the artist :~)
    April 14 03:15 PM
  • sportsboy hahaha you good that's a weird question to ask but you just seem like an acute person who interacted with people in an introspective way which is very tumblr (speaking as a tumblr kid) so i was just wondering
    November 11 12:17 AM
  • sportsboy you got tumblr?
    November 4 03:26 PM
  • RadicalEd You wrote about Okkervil River better than anyone on the planet [2]
    September 1 10:24 PM
  • Slex You write about Okkervil River better than anyone on the planet and I saw that you said Silver Gymnasium is their best album. It's the only album of theirs that I can't get into, but it's been a year or so since I tried, can u please tell me what makes it their best album so I can convince myself to give it another try
    August 29 11:18 PM
  • Sowing Are you back? :)
    August 4 11:05 PM
  • Jots thx, how's things on your end?
    May 31 10:37 PM
  • Jots just finalized a purchase on a new house, so I'm excited. and back at ya
    May 31 10:03 PM
  • Jots Norman records is a dope resource indeed but I don't recall ordering anything off their site, at least not lately. Unless Norman also has a bandcamp page but still, I don't recall getting anything physical from them
    May 31 08:42 PM
  • Frippertronics yes
    April 2 01:40 AM
  • Slex
    January 14 08:24 PM
  • Jots I'm sure 80 reviews later I'll be in a similar boat : [
    December 7 01:14 PM
  • Jots about sums it up
    December 7 01:02 PM
  • Jots the new one? if so what did u like
    December 6 11:52 PM
  • Jots new Stara Rzeka. you liked his last, iirc
    December 4 12:12 AM
  • Phlegm infinite sadness 5.0 xxxx
    April 20 11:22 AM
  • wtferrothorn Why do you hate "I Love You, Honeybear"? I thought it was really great, but you seem to be the only one that's not a fan.
    February 16 07:26 PM
  • Observer hey you make me write good
    February 15 06:35 PM
  • AmericanFlagAsh I like your reviews and their respective ratings. I feel like I should check out a lot of those albums.
    January 30 02:43 PM
  • Yotimi Hell yeah Siavash Amini
    January 23 04:37 AM
  • Jots pfft! nahhh
    November 26 12:58 AM
  • Jots v - scratch that last bit, looks like you're back in full swing. nvm
    November 26 12:54 AM
  • Jots haha. thanks man. been digging your writing style too tbh, even if you don't write as much
    November 25 11:23 PM
  • Jots a 1/5 for the new ariel pink, eh? what'd you hate about it? just curious
    November 25 11:17 PM
  • Slex have u done the lyrics for Throw Me in The River?
    November 7 03:52 AM
  • deathschool Review it, dude. It'll get it some attention. I started to and couldn't get anything down I liked.
    November 1 09:01 PM
  • deathschool Your Throw Me in the River rating has got me excited.
    October 24 05:49 AM
  • lauriej #hotcollab
    September 24 05:03 PM
  • lauriej your pie chart indicates that we have nothing in common. but we can still be internet friends
    September 24 03:55 PM
  • ExplosiveOranges But I love you, robin!
    September 22 12:53 AM
  • ExplosiveOranges Why do you have an approval rating even though you were staff?
    September 21 08:03 PM
  • SadAndHolyGlow I guess I kinda see it the same way. I wish there was at least some poetic flair to them. The music was all the same, too. I read in an interview that Latinen took inspiration from authors like John Steinbeck and the like for the lyrics on the album - I guess that shows. And yeah, I haven't decided if I will review it or not, but keep an eye out.
    August 23 07:16 PM
  • SadAndHolyGlow Hey there, robin. I was curious to hear your thoughts on the new Empire! Empire! record, seeing as we gave it the same ratings. I'm thinking of writing a review, because I have lots to say about my opinion on it. But I was curious what YOU thought.
    August 23 06:17 PM
  • YakNips bruh fuk the haters that Demonbrother album rules
    August 2 10:22 PM
  • demigod! thank you so much for bringing that dropdead split to my / sput's attention, you rock
    May 31 08:07 AM
  • MisterTornado are you writing anywhere else these days? seems like an interesting album to write about, it might just happen ~
    April 30 10:51 PM
  • MisterTornado you should review it ;)
    April 30 09:10 PM
  • MisterTornado thoughts on asiatisch?
    April 16 12:32 PM
  • klap do you not have a last fm?
    March 20 07:39 AM
  • klap thanks bebe. loving pearly gates still
    March 4 05:59 PM
  • luci are you sure you have the app installed? it's telling me to inv u
    February 22 10:14 PM
  • MisterTornado How about that C L E A N E R S tape...
    February 22 07:17 AM
  • Hyperion1001 thanks man, thats the kind of writing i really want to focus on as staff even though i like to take stylistic breaks sometimes. looking forward to working with you guys.
    February 11 05:36 PM
  • SgtPepper Yeah, man, I'm so glad I've grown to appreciate them because I've pretty much fallen in love with this band. Veckatimest is quickly becoming one of my all time favourites. thank you for bringing them to my attention. And thank you for your compliment as well, it means a lot coming from a great writer like yourself.
    January 18 01:52 AM
  • SgtPepper Hey, Robin. Just wanted to say I loved your Shields review. You're work is such fun to read, by the way as well as insightful. although I've known the band for some time, it wasn't until recently that I finally "saw the light". I've become obsessed with the band now and it was because of that review that I even discovered them. "Fine for Now", "Sleeping Ute", "Marla" and "Two Weeks" especially are beyond brilliant. Anyway, that's it. I'll see you around the site hopefully.
    January 16 11:48 PM
  • joshuatree Nice, followed. Also I didn't know you wrote for popmatters now, that's pretty sick
    August 5 07:13 PM
  • joshuatree Definitely. I'm not sure you could even say I'm "on" sputnik anymore tbh, I have a really bad twitter @wilso322 that I check every like ten minutes
    August 5 02:53 PM
  • Inveigh any idea where i can get a link for that new church of misery record?
    July 8 12:13 AM
  • kanecooper i feel so you right now
    May 15 09:48 PM
  • Irving "Objectivity 57%". Lawl.
    May 14 01:57 PM
  • klap there's that robin 4.5 i know and love
    May 12 01:19 AM
  • MisterTornado thanks, i'm glad you feel as strongly against boba as i
    May 9 04:17 AM
  • klap hey where'd all your ratings go
    April 20 04:36 AM
  • SadAndHolyGlow Sufjan, man. Sufjan.
    April 6 05:19 AM
  • PuddlesPuddles My most favorite musical mackerel. How is the course of life?
    April 2 05:04 PM
  • silentpotato indeed mon frere. i like your folk taste tho ;]
    March 24 10:49 PM
  • silentpotato haha word that happened... well i mean im sure weve spoken on multiple occasions considering uve been here even longer than me but i think our tastes keep us from crossing paths too regularly
    March 24 10:25 PM
  • silentpotato lol well i guess i retract that statement as i am officially speaking to you. nice blue hawaii review/rating btw
    March 24 10:07 PM
  • greg84 Thanks. Hah. I thought you guys get paid over there at popmatters. Anyway, the site looks really professional. They're in the habit of publishing plenty of year-end lists, which is a neat idea, especially for someone who wants to catch up with new stuff.
    March 12 10:27 AM
  • greg84 Hey. I've come across your reviews at Mad props. It's a really cool site. I especially like reading their movie write-ups.
    March 11 11:55 PM
  • TheNexus100 every album is amazing
    March 1 02:47 AM
  • Voivod Yeah you are probably right I guess, thanks a lot man, really appreciate it.
    February 24 10:45 AM
  • SgtPepper Thank you, Robin. Cheers.
    February 24 10:31 AM
  • Aids what is with every person who has ratings that I actually care about wiping theirs lately? bro, what do I 4.5?
    February 23 06:28 AM
  • robertsona not a promise or a threat or an ultimatum?
    February 23 12:38 AM
  • plane love you
    February 22 04:09 AM
  • barcafan21 your avatar wahhhhhhhhhhhh i love it so much
    February 18 04:49 AM
  • BigTuna tuna boss
    February 4 06:49 PM
  • Irving Therein lies the problem. I had forgotten. In the midst of my excitement. The album's not out yet. I don't think it has leaked either. And you can only hear three of the songs here Do you still heart me? =(
    January 12 03:22 AM
  • porch it's good! also, farewell :(
    January 8 12:40 PM
  • Ire staff keeps getting more poopy damn rip robin
    January 5 11:07 PM
  • RosaParks i was having a bad night. don't mind me
    January 1 09:52 PM
  • Observer I read popmatters sporadically and enjoy the variety of things they cover. I hope it goes well
    January 1 06:28 PM
  • Observer our graduating class didnt last long :(
    January 1 05:25 PM
  • Iluvatar i'm on a mission to never agree
    December 22 05:06 PM
  • Irving BAD ROBIN :3 But seriously album's pretty good. Not AOTY material, but definitely worth a gander :)
    December 18 11:15 PM
  • porch i haven't listened yet actually,gonna wait till i get a physical copy. been hearing positive things about it though
    December 15 10:46 PM
  • Spare
    December 9 08:12 PM
  • Spare dood have you listened to hop along
    December 6 03:45 PM
  • klap source tags and codes man
    October 23 06:35 PM
  • plane 8)
    September 4 04:41 AM
  • porch can't complain, had a good summer but looking forward to getting back to college now
    August 29 02:58 PM
  • porch yo what's good
    August 28 11:37 PM
  • Observer I don't know. I'm stuck
    August 23 03:19 PM
  • Deviant. Try Jon Hopkins - Opalescent, Desolate, The Invisible Insurrection, Lawrence - The Absence Of Blight, Zomby - Dedication (bit of an oddball, but by the end of the album you'll know why I chose it), Martin Schulte - Close You Eyes And Listen and BvDub - Tribes At The Temple Of Silence. Give those a try and see what you think
    August 15 01:24 AM
  • Electric City i submit that lovelock record which is the least abrasive thing ever and is a 4/5 and you should check it out
    July 27 01:11 AM
  • joshuatree yeah it's a good balance in a way. it feels like my life is a japandroids song, with all that implies, right now. honestly the only times i actively use this site is while really ****ing drunk after i get home from a party. but yeah that ghost mice record is amazing. it got me to dl all these punk-folk records, by ajj and defiance ohio, but the seer has dominated my listening the past few days, it's so good
    July 25 07:51 AM
  • DrPepperDrinker You should review Rest!
    July 24 08:30 PM
  • joshuatree hey man, not too much. basically working all the time and drinking all the time, not really having a whole lot of time to do much else. ready for college to start again. yourself? also i finally dl'd that ghost mice record, so good
    July 23 03:21 AM
  • AliW1993 Cheers Robin :)
    July 18 06:05 PM
  • Deviant. I always make a concession for Robin!
    July 18 12:56 AM
  • Xenophanes : D
    July 17 06:05 PM
  • Irving Thanks a huge huge bunch Robin - I'll try my damned hardest not to let any of you guys down =) Shouldn't be hard though, really - two 5.0 St. Vincent reviews for you, a shameless 3.5 write-up for the new Boys Like Girls album, plus a few gratuitous mentions of teenage sex for the Adam Downer in all of us and I should be home free.
    July 17 05:00 PM
    July 17 04:32 PM
  • Gyromania =]
    July 17 01:49 PM
  • silentpotato thanks dude! yeah, i take a picture, upload it onto my computer, plug in my pen tablet (google that if u dont know what it is, you'll see a picture and be like ah i see), then basically edit the photos on photoshop (colors, manipulation, removing/blending, taking animal skulls and pasting them on top of peoples faces etc) and then put them through a corel program i have where i literally draw and paint on the rest.
    July 6 06:44 AM
  • klap oh mah gawd i can't believe you remembered. i don't know what national british day is but....i'll be thinking of you
    July 5 06:43 PM
  • PuddlesPuddles Actually that's better than forcing, y'know? Let the songs... find youu
    July 5 05:27 PM
  • silentpotato haha yeah i definitely go for the eerie feel. glad you enjoy man thanks for takin a look. im starting a visual arts program on van island in september so hopefully ill have some even better stuff up in a while
    June 27 03:27 PM
  • silentpotato word dude, well you can see the full sized version of it along with some of my other stuff on here; i do it all on a computer using photos as a base
    June 27 02:43 PM
  • Observer robin how are you
    June 18 08:39 PM
  • AliW1993 I probably won't be doing a review, but I was pleasantly surprised, especially after LGETF. Maybe it was low expectations...
    June 17 04:48 PM
  • PuddlesPuddles That's what I look forward to with each of his albums, each a different medium channeled through.. Seriously one day soon sit down and listen to To Record Only Water for Ten Days. It's a beautifully lonely album. Really makes a home in your head.
    June 16 08:30 AM
  • PuddlesPuddles Chore - The Hitchhiker (early 00's alt rock) Seafood - This is Not An Exit (possibly a simpler Dismemberment Plan, a sound you will fancy) Illogic - Celestial Clockword (Hiphop)...
    June 14 07:08 AM
  • PuddlesPuddles Ohhh, the pressure. I'll be natural! So here are songs I obsess. Perchance you may not have heard them and this will spark interest into full albums: Chris Smither - Train Home (Folk) Benjy Ferree - Leaving Nest (Folk Rock) Deftones - Sex Tape (very beautiful) Liars - No. 1 Against the Rush (smooth) Treepeople - Something Vicious for Tomorrow/ Liquid Boy (grunge punk) John Frusciante - Wind Up Space. The Mercury Program - Tequesta (soothing post-rock)
    June 14 06:40 AM
  • greg84 Thanks a bunch man.
    June 13 09:50 PM
  • aok i think (hope?) you'd enjoy the Anais Mitchell track, 'coming down' , but i've been wrong about you before
    May 20 11:16 PM
  • AggravatedYeti haha. we shall see!
    May 13 12:30 AM
  • AggravatedYeti grouper, yes? beach house, no? Sometimes I get confused it seems.
    May 12 11:46 PM
  • PuddlesPuddles I like to think myself a classy user, until I start typing ;)
    May 1 05:53 PM
  • Spare wait there's a new ghost mouse record?
    April 17 10:50 PM
  • wabbit ya he's quickly becoming my favourite person in music. And his discography has this really cool arc in it which you almost never see.
    April 1 06:15 PM
  • wabbit check 'em out. It's like AJJ with better lyrics
    April 1 12:06 AM
  • AggravatedYeti would you punch someone if they said: "will sheff sucks?"
    March 30 04:40 PM
  • klap hahaha i figured it out. i think i'm offended but i'm not sure
    March 19 01:07 AM
  • klap testy this morning sir. what pre-black sheep boy okkervil river should i absolutely get
    March 4 06:33 PM
  • plane you're the one doing it wrong
    March 4 04:58 PM
  • klap got a copy boom
    March 1 10:18 PM
  • klap hey brit do you have a link to that cate le bon album
    February 26 12:30 AM
  • Timmons i really like the opening paragraph to your review of merriweather post pavillion :)
    February 1 10:00 PM
  • robertsona shut up you fatface i'm doing well you know just pushin on by listening to some bad music glad to see you like vashti bunyan and the avalanches
    January 18 12:08 AM
  • robertsona listen to Big Star you big idiot moron
    January 17 11:26 PM
  • kitsch hey man long time no chat. hows things?
    January 10 01:01 AM
  • AliW1993 I'm giving it a second spin and I'm enjoying it slightly more, but it's still not exactly great :(
    December 23 07:59 PM
  • AliW1993 Will you be reviewing Guided By Voices by any chance?
    December 23 07:22 PM
  • PuddlesPuddles Nvm, read your 2011 list and no doubt will be drowned with the albums I haven't heard from there, thank ye
    December 17 08:15 PM
  • PuddlesPuddles Tuna :'-) I haven't been able to trace new music in a couple of months now, what did I miss?
    December 15 07:21 PM
  • Josh-D how are you robin
    December 12 04:46 PM
  • Gyromania can't get enough of bee thousand lately =]
    December 3 05:56 AM
  • Enotron dig that you dig the world is a beautiful place!
    November 23 04:43 AM
  • klap hey new G-Side what's the verdict
    November 21 06:19 PM
  • klap song of the year or what
    November 9 06:54 PM
  • Deviant. Thanks baby
    October 29 02:37 AM
  • conradtao love you robin
    October 28 04:20 PM
  • robertsona a reminder for the below link
    September 24 03:04 AM
  • robertsona so completely essential/youll loveit/you dont even KNOW man
    September 10 09:13 PM
  • aok a dubstep remix of the bees? if zeds dead can do pyramid song you may be onto something
    September 6 12:39 AM
  • Satellite and i know the chemistry
    August 23 07:50 AM
  • DaveyBoy If u r a soccer nut. 369566-239495 -
    August 6 10:07 AM
  • wabbit Mr. Smith you should review that Tim New Viking album because it's really friggin' and the kids need to know.
    July 23 08:04 PM
  • Minus The Flair that entire scene where gus stays silent right up until he walks out the lab is one of the most badass/tense scenes ever.
    July 18 09:16 PM
  • Minus The Flair only just got back from work, watching now. so excited!
    July 18 08:23 PM
  • Minus The Flair i don't think i'll be able to see til tomorrow night either as it's the premiere tonight so probably won't be up til tomorrow and i'm working the day. i've just remembered the ending to season 3, now i really am distraught at having to wait. it's been too long since pinkman's pretty face has graced my screen.
    July 17 08:36 PM
  • Minus The Flair season 4. breaking bad. tonight. psyched.
    July 17 06:29 PM
  • AggravatedYeti oh no s***? I was unaware. thanks for making my day even better robin.
    July 6 05:12 PM
  • Baumer Glad to see another Beirut lover. The new album is incredible. You digging it?
    July 3 11:55 PM
  • Kiran love love love
    July 3 05:57 PM
  • Kiran sooooooooo excited
    July 1 04:31 PM
  • Kiran it leaked?!?!
    July 1 03:46 PM
  • Kiran i looooooooove beirut, they're all i've been listening to lately
    July 1 01:33 PM
  • Kiran you're digging beirut!
    July 1 01:09 PM
  • klap BAHAHA foiled again
    June 29 06:50 PM
  • Electric City lololololol
    June 18 04:29 AM
  • AggravatedYeti both really, it is funny but also purty good. blackalicious is a great find too. Blazing Arrow is such a wonderful record. You should check out De La Soul and A Tribe Called Quest eventually. If you like Backalicious you'd probably eat those up too.
    June 12 03:30 PM
  • AggravatedYeti remix tape, whatever, you get the idea. ITS GOOD.
    June 11 10:14 PM
  • AggravatedYeti that sufjan cover album is priceless.
    June 11 10:09 PM
  • Deviant. I'm still a little in shock that I can now associate Robin with electronic music
    June 11 11:19 AM
  • Electric City not yet, but over half the album is out in one way or another. you should definitely listen, probably to "L Y F" (with the video). There's a good chance they'll be huge.
    June 5 12:10 AM
  • joshuatree if you haven't heard the unicorns - who will cut our hair when we're gone? then you need to get on that, i'm like positive you'll love it
    June 4 02:48 PM
  • Observer I'm wrong, of course.
    May 22 11:22 AM
  • BluRain that rating saddens me greatly...
    May 21 07:44 PM
  • porch yeah i've been intending to give that okkervil river album a listen, only heard black sheep boy by them but i remember it being pretty cool. and i need some new stuff to listen to. congrats on finishing school, i've got exams coming up soon as well but trying not to think about them right now because ****
    May 15 08:50 PM
  • porch hey robin, pretty good, just chilling and visiting family this weekend. probably gonna spend a while setting up a new turntable i just got as well. how are you?
    May 15 01:29 PM
  • foreverendeared It came from my heart, that's where ? haha
    May 12 03:30 AM
  • foreverendeared you're the best :]
    May 10 09:48 AM
  • AggravatedYeti the only way to live.
    May 6 05:35 PM
  • Superbus really digging GBv's Bee a Thousand, what should i get next by them?
    May 6 02:47 AM
  • Deviant. Its not even "proper" dubstep so you're safe on that front
    April 23 12:31 AM
  • Deviant. Cheers Robin. You should check it out, and then we can be dubstep buddies and get messy together and all that
    April 23 12:24 AM
  • plane idk i am waiting
    April 22 04:29 PM
  • Aids yeah thanks, I had already downloaded Bee Thousand but I'll check out that other one for sure if I end up liking Bee Thousand
    April 19 06:35 PM
  • DaveyBoy Pie charts only take into account love. You know that. 3.5 and above I think.
    April 19 12:32 AM
  • Observer you have isolation drills at 3.5 :(
    April 19 12:28 AM
  • Observer cannnnnttttttttttttt Under the stars and isolation drills (GBV 4s)
    April 19 12:21 AM

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