Soundoffs 6 News Articles 2 Band Edits + Tags 2 Album Edits 1
Album Ratings 325 Objectivity 61%
Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am Joined 01-01-70
Review Comments 629
 | MO Cheers man, much appreciated
 | MO yea I kind of figured the same. But whatever, I'm just here to find good music
 | Foxhound same here. for the past 6 months i haven't posted that much. just finding music. and your favorite bands just reminded me to DL the Pax Cecilia. thanks
 | TRMshadow You're in for one heck of an album. Refused's The Shape of Punk to Come is one of the defining albums the genre and punk is an enormous genre. If it doesn't hit you on the first listen (which it should) give it 2 or 3 more listens.