
Reviews 17
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Last Active 12-30-21 6:41 pm
Joined 11-22-05

Review Comments 2,142

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  • JohnnyoftheWell Ahhhh that figures, yeah I can relate to that overblurbed brand of burnout v much! Hope you find a good strategy this time lol, and if you still have those 2020 blurbs sitting around, i for one would swoon for a ghost ;]
    December 21 10:18 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell hiya :O will you be giving this year's list another full voyage, or did weezer put you off forever last year?
    December 21 03:21 PM
  • parksungjoon i'm flattened
    February 14 07:02 PM
  • parksungjoon i like you. prob
    February 14 04:24 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Is live !
    June 13 07:12 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Aww thanks so much, really appreciate you saying that and so glad you've been enjoying those finds :] Guess that gives me another reason not to slow down... And that's awesome, I'll send you an invite when it's up!!
    June 10 10:54 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Tempted to make a pretty lowkey Sputnik j-music discord, you down?
    June 9 11:35 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Hey dude, saw you posted a list asking for Japanese recs but got no replies - you still looking for stuff?
    January 3 02:31 AM
  • treeqt. no problem mate. really wanted to get that one too ^_^
    April 24 04:07 PM
  • Rev I actually wanted to try and figure out how to include the vocaloid program into my album lol. That's really awesome though haha. Glad you had a great time
    October 7 10:23 PM
  • Bloodhail Watched it a while back. I really enjoyed that. ATM I'm watching Kimikiss Pure Rogue, and playing the visual novel Ever 17: Out of Infinity. This is what I've seen:
    April 13 06:37 AM
  • Bloodhail I hated the ending D:thanks for making my awesomeness official
    April 12 10:23 PM
  • Rev this is season is pretty s***. i'm liking Boku wa Tomodachi and P4. Penguindrum is alright. My favorite airing show right now is probably Idolmaster
    October 23 04:21 AM
  • Rev Thanks man. Glad you enjoy it. You watching anything from this fall season?
    October 22 05:39 PM
  • TheOrigamiKiller Eat my ass out :D
    August 27 08:23 AM
  • TheOrigamiKiller I'm gonna find those sons a' bitches and when I do, all Hell is gonna break loose. I can promise ya that, ya cross eyed bastard!
    August 26 11:31 PM
  • Rev yooooooooooooooooo dude
    August 26 04:31 AM
  • Rev i havent watched anything from the summer, although the penguin show is supposedly really good
    July 17 03:41 AM
  • Rev you mean in the fall? or the summer season? i haven't really looked into what's airing in the fall yet
    July 16 08:14 PM
  • Rev TWOGK is great. It's a bit samey, but still really enjoyable and fun. plus elsie is the most adorable character i've see in a long time
    July 4 11:37 PM
  • Rev I wouldn't say that there's too much fanservice, especially compared to a bunch of stuff this season. I'm also almost done with season 2 of The World Only God Knows, which I love
    July 4 08:32 PM
  • BodhisattvaWhoHears AIR IS my favorite!
    July 2 01:56 PM
  • Rev I enjoyed it. It wasn't amazing, and it could have used wayyy more AnaruxJintan, but it was satisfactory
    June 25 03:49 AM
  • Rev no, i've always loved Gospel, I just didn't have it rated
    June 5 06:58 AM
  • Rev nope, but i have heard it. you should watch Madoka Magica, the best mind****ing magical girl show ever
    June 3 06:56 PM
  • Rev High five! Me too
    June 3 06:05 PM
  • Rev ANARU ;________________________;
    June 3 04:19 PM
  • HongMeiling Hey, what's up?
    May 23 10:00 PM
  • Rev Naruko's my favorite. Probably because I like redheaded tsundere girls haha
    May 18 08:05 PM
  • Polymath They're making rebuild movies? SLICK. I went on youtube and found an explanation video for the ending and it makes so much more sense now, and I can appreciate NGE even more.
    May 17 08:08 AM
  • Rev Are you up to date on Ano Hana?
    May 17 05:47 AM
  • Rev Yeah. I'm really enjoying season 2 of Kami Nomi, Ano Hana, and Denpa Onna. Also I hear really good things about Deadman Wonderland and Stein's Gate
    May 16 09:02 PM
  • Polymath Yeh man that's what I was referring to. I felt sorta good but still depressed and shocked by the ending. Ah s***.
    May 16 06:30 AM
  • Polymath I just finished NGE...What. The. ****. Just happened.
    May 15 05:07 PM
  • Titan50 You are not wrong
    April 21 03:10 PM
  • Rev When does it come out internationally?
    April 4 03:52 AM
  • Rev I watched it without dubs or subs, but I could more or less figure out what was going on. Asuka shows up in the preview with an eyepatch lol. I have no idea where they're gonna go with the story since there's still 2 more movies and 3rd impact just happened
    April 4 03:17 AM
  • Rev When I downloaded my BR rips (being a pretty big Evafag back in the day I downloaded the camrips too) they didn't have subs, so by the time Asuka "died" I was pretty much like "**** this." The second half is ****in nuts though. I wanna see where they take it with Quickening
    April 4 01:36 AM
  • Rev It's a great scene, but I absolutely love Asuka, so it killed me inside
    April 4 12:37 AM
  • Rev I didn't like how they made Asuka test out the new Eva ;_______;
    April 2 06:18 PM
  • sXeMOSHCOREhXc lets make ab
    December 28 06:01 AM
  • maidenpmcc jamaican accent? i just write certain words a different way cos its shorter and faster. i can type normally if i want to like. how exactly is it jamaican anyway? im from northern ireland and i nhad no aware that the way i was typin was jamaican.
    December 14 05:35 PM
  • maidenpmcc thanks 4 the welcome 2 the site, im currently diggin opeth, dey r bloody awesome, ders no band quite like them. simply amazin, all der stuff. u a fan?
    December 7 08:40 PM

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