
Reviews 3
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 29
Album Ratings 264
Objectivity 53%

Last Active 10-16-23 11:24 pm
Joined 11-29-22

Review Comments 232

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  • FowlKrietzsche Do you have any recs for good electronic music with guitar? I've struggled to find much I genuinely love
    May 7 01:21 AM
  • FowlKrietzsche uhm hi missed the second part of a comment you made on a list of mine: I prefer electronic music with real drums :)
    May 6 06:33 PM
  • bighubbabuddha Lil' Beethoven has no weaknesses, it is a really interesting listen, go for it. Need to check out more Sparks. hugs
    April 24 12:09 PM
  • myri14 My new EP, "Mascara", is out now on bandcamp!
    November 9 06:32 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Btw, are you on discord? There's a sput-adjacent electronic server (dance/chillout/ambient/whatever) that you'd be v welcome in if so - shoutbox me your handle and I'll get you an invite if you're down
    November 6 05:31 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Oh damn nice, was reading a piece about that earlier. As you can probs see from my page, I've been terrible at keeping up with new releases these past few weeks - will get on that though! Any other glitch/microhouse/techno from this year?
    November 4 01:35 AM
  • myri14 Here's my instrumental cover of "Torso Corso" by Lizzy Mercier Descloux:
    November 1 09:51 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Hi hi, so glad Pole of all things brought you back haha, awesome. Need to get onto Pole 3! Been off the glitch and dub techno for a few weeks now, but hmmmmm sput could use some more prose on both. Glad to see you've been writing again!
    September 16 12:19 PM
  • bighubbabuddha You have great music taste
    September 15 09:18 AM
  • Trifolium Yippeeeeeee I see you're a fellow Pole fan!! Through Johnny's shoutbox. Hi!
    September 14 07:13 AM
  • Ryus good user!!!!!!!
    September 13 12:18 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell good to know - will hop on it soon! in the meantime, the guy could seriously use some more reviews ;]
    March 18 04:16 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Last three songs in particular are delish, will throw it on again soon and check some more Jelinek that ain't Loop Finding Jazz
    March 16 08:31 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell wow 95% of my last message disappeared (but viva Pola I guess!!) - this Schaum alb is hitting
    March 16 07:05 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Pola
    March 10 08:16 PM

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